5 research outputs found
Analysis of Corrosion Inhibitor Experiment Design from Tea Extract as Contextual Chemistry Learning
Experiments are an essential part of teaching chemistry in schools. Experiments in schools involving corrosion sub-materials currently only focus on determining the factors that affect corrosion. There has been no investigation into corrosion prevention using natural materials. The purpose of this research is to identify chemical competency standards in the corrosion sub-material and evaluate the potential of experimental designs for producing iron corrosion inhibitors from tea extract as an alternative experiment in schools. A qualitative description was used in the research, with data collected through literature studies, laboratory experiments, and interviews. According to the study's findings, there was a link between the experimental stages of making iron corrosion inhibitors from tea extract and the corrosion sub-learning material's outcomes. Tea extract corrosion inhibitor can inhibit the best corrosion rate of 4.10-5 g/cm2.day at 20% inhibitor concentration with 90% inhibition efficiency. Based on an analysis of the financial aspect, it was stated that the experimental design of iron corrosion inhibitors from tea extract required a relatively low cost. In contrast, from the human resource readiness aspect, it was stated that this experimental design could be used as an alternative to chemical experiments based contextually on the corrosion sub-material in schools
Adsorption of Lubricant Waste by Porous Materials: A Review
The rapid development of technology today cannot be separated from the role of various kinds of machines to produce or increase the use value of an item. The more the engine operates, the more lubricant is used. Lubricants are included in the category of B3 waste (Toxic Hazardous Materials) so that they have a negative impact on the environment. Nearly 50% of all mineral lubricants enter the environment and cause irreparable environmental damage due to direct contact with water and soil. One of the efforts that can be done to reduce the B3 content in used lubricants is adsorption using a porous adsorbent. This study aims to see the relationship between the physical and chemical properties of the adsorbent with the physical and chemical properties of the adsorbate. This research was conducted by studying the literature of scientific articles with related topics. The results showed that some contaminants such as organic compounds, inorganic species, soot, hydrocarbons, and ash can be adsorbed with various adsorbents, namely modified sawdust, bentonite, fly ash, activated carbon, activated alumina, and zeolite Y derived from kaolin
Pembelajaran kontekstual merupakan suatu konsep pembelajaran yang mengutamakan hubungan antara materi pembelajaran dengan kegunaannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Kendala dalam penerapan pembelajaran kontekstual yaitu kesulitan dalam menyajikan konsep pembelajaran yang melibatkan potensi sumber daya lokal. Salah satu sumber daya lokal yang memiliki banyak manfaat adalah daun jambu biji. Daun jambu biji dengan kandungan tanin berpotensi sebagai bahan dasar inhibitor korosi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis strandar kompetensi inti, kompetensi dasar, dan indikator pencapaian materi korosi, menganalisis hasil proses pembuatan ekstrak daun jambu biji sebagai inhibitor alami untuk pembelajaran kimia kontekstual, dan menganalisis potensi ekstrak daun jambu biji sebagai inhibitor alami korosi.
Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Analisis kompetensi inti, kompetensi dasar, dan indikator capaian kompetensi menggunakan metode studi literatur naskah kurikulum 2013 revisi 2018. Analisis proses pembuatan ekstrak daun jambu biji sebagai inhibitor korosi dilakukan dengan metode observasi dan eksperimen. Analisis potensi daun jambu biji sebagai inhibitor korosi dilakukan melalui wawancara, observasi, eksperimen, dan studi literatur yang meliputi aspek finansial, aspek pedagogik dan aspek sumber daya manusia.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa keterkaitan materi korosi dengan eksperimen meliputi identifikasi faktor yang dapat mengatasi korosi, penjelasan gagasan untuk mencegah korosi, perbandingan cepat lambatnya proses korosi, serta analisis laju korosi. Eksperimen dilakukan dengan modifikasi alat bahan serta cara kerja metode maserasi menggunakan pelarut etanol 70%. Pengujian laju korosi yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa semakin tinggi konsentrasi inhibitor maka semakin menurun nilai laju korosi yang didapatkan. Pada penelitian ini laju korosi yang paling tinggi terjadi pada plat besi dengan konsentrasi inhibitor 0% dengan nilai 0,00175 g/cm2.hari sedangkan laju korosi yang paling rendah terjadi pada plat besi dengan konsentrasi inhibitor 20% dengan nilai 0,00025 g/cm2.hari. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dapat disimpulkan bahwa inhibitor alami dari ekstrak daun jambu biji dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif praktikum sederhana pada pembelajaran di sekolah
Analisis Sikap Ilmiah Peserta Didik Melalui Pengalaman Kegiatan Praktikum Pembelajaran Kimia
This research aims to analyze and determine the profile of scientific attitudes of class XI students at SMA Negeri 1 Woja, West Nusa Tenggara based on chemistry practicum experience. This research is aquantitative descriptive research with the method used is the survey method. The research instrument used was a closed questionnaire, then analyzed quantitatively by calculating the percentage of the overall score or average value and categorized. The results of the research show that the scientific attitude in the aspect of curiosity got a score of 87.55% with very good criteria, honesty attitude got a score of 83% with good criteria, Objectify attitude got a score of 85.85% with very good criteria, perseverance got a score of 85.96% with very good criteria, conscientiousness got a score of 85.65% with very good criteria, Openness attitude got a score of 87.56% with very good criteria, Being critical thinking got a score of 84.44% with good criteria, responsibility got a score of 87.39% with very good criteria. So it can be concluded that students' scientific attitudes through chemistry practical experience have a score of 75.37% with good criteria.Kimia merupakan salah satu bidang studi sains yang sangat erat kaitannya dengan kegiatan eksperimen dan praktikum. Tentunya kegiatan praktikum sangat membutuhkan keterampilan dan sikap ilmiah. Aspek sikap ilmiah yang digunakan yaitu sikap ingin tahu, jujur, objektif, tekun, teliti, terbuka, kritis, dan tanggung jawab. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mengetahui profil sikap ilmiah dari peserta didik kelas XI di SMA Negeri 1 Woja, Nusa Tenggara Barat bedasarkan pengalaman praktikum kimia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan metode yang digunakan adalah metode survei. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan berupa angket tertutup, kemudian dianalisis secara kuantitatif dengan menghitung persentase skor keseluruhan atau nilai rata-rata dan dikategorikan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa sikap ilmiah pada aspek rasa ingi tahu mendapat nilai 87.55% dengan kriteria sangat baik, sikap jujur mendapat nilai 83% dengan kriteria baik, sikap objektif mendapat nilai 85.85% dengan kriteria sangat baik, tekun mendapat nilai 85.96% dengan kriteria sangat baik, teliti mendapat nilai 85.65% dengan kriteria sangat baik, sikap terbuka mendapat nilai 87.56% dengan kriteria sangat baik, berpikir kritis mendapat nilai 84.44% dengan kriteria baik, tanggung jawab mendapat nilai 87.39% dengan kriteria sangat baik. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa sikap ilmiah siswa melalui pengalaman praktikum kimia memiliki perolehan skor sebesar 75.37% dengan kriteria baik.
Senior High School Students’ Collaborative Skills through Acid-Base Chemistry Practicum Activities
This research aims to determine collaboration skills profile of class 11 students at one of the public high schools in Paciran Regency. The reason for conducting this research is collaboration skills are one of the 21st century skills that must be mastered by students. The research conducted was descriptive quantitative with a cross-sectional survey method. The population of this study was 100 students. The sampling technique used purposive sampling technique with consideration from chemistry teachers. Collaboration skills are measured using an observation sheet containing statements according to aspects of collaboration skills. Data analysis techniques using MS Excel. Â Collaboration skills aspect score data was analyzed quantitatively, then converted according to calculations into the very low, low, medium, good, and very good category. The student collaboration skills profile in this research includes 8 aspects are finding solutions, responsibility, mutual respect, interdependence, cooperation, communication, listening to other people\u27s ideas, and commitment. In this research, it was found that the best aspect of collaboration skills in the very good category was the aspect of positive interdependence at 84.30%, cooperation at 88.50% and communication at 91.00%. The research results show that the average percentage of collaboration skills for all aspects is 83.50% and is in the good category