16 research outputs found

    Kandungan Flavonoid dan Aktivitas Antioksidan Ekstrak Pleurotus ostreatus

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    Abstrak. Flavonoid merupakan senyawa fenolik yang banyak diisolasi dari tanaman karena manfaatnya sebagai antioksidan, anti mikroba, dan antikanker. Sebagai antioksidan, flavonoid dapat menangkap radikal bebas yang dapat merusak sel tubuh. Oleh karena itu, kandungan total flavonoid (TFC) dan aktivitas antioksidan (IC50) ekstrak jamur Pleurotus ostreatus penting untuk diteliti. Flavonoid diekstrak menggunakan metode Microwave-Assisted Extraction (MAE) dengan variasi waktu ekstraksi (2, 3, dan 4 menit) dan variasi rasio antara jamur dan pelarut (1:30, 1:35, dan 1:40). Kandungan flavonoid dianalisis dengan metode kolorimetri menggunakan alumunium klorida, sedangkan aktivitas antioksidan ditentukan dengan metode DPPH. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semakin lama waktu ekstraksi, semakin tinggi TFC dan aktivitas antioksidan. Kandungan flavonoid tertinggi diperoleh pada perlakuan waktu ekstraksi 4 menit dan rasio jamur:pelarut 1:30, yaitu sebesar 1,53 mg QE/ g dw dengan nilai IC50 sebesar 14,66 mg/ml. Flavonoid Content and Antioxidant Activity of Pleurotus ostreatus Extract Abstract. Flavonoids-phenolic substances- are isolated from plant due to their benefits as an antioxidant, an antimicrobial, and an anticancer. As an antioxidant, flavonoids can scavenge free radicals that damage body cells. In this study, the total flavonoid content (TFC) and its antioxidant activity (IC50) of Pleurotus ostreatus -an oyster mushroom- extract were investigated. The flavonoid was extracted by using Microwave-assisted Extraction (MAE) at different of extraction time (2, 3, and 4 minutes) and ratio of P.ostreatus and solvent (1:30, 1:35 and 1:40). The flavonoid contents were determined by alumunium chloride colorimetric method whereas the antioxidant activity was determined by DPPH method. The results revealed that the higher extraction time, the higher TFC and antioxidant activity, where the highest TFC was obtained at 4 minutes extraction with ratio of P.ostreatus and solvent of 1:30. The highest TFC of P.ostreatus extract was 1.53 mg QE/ g dw with antioxidant activity (IC50) of 14.66 mg/ml

    Pengaruh Penambahan Natrium Metabisulfit dan Suhu Pemasakan dengan Menggunakan Teknologi Vakum terhadap Kualitas Gula Merah Tebu

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    Brown sugar as sucrose is derived from evaporated sugar cane molasses. Evaporation is the foodstuffs’ process which is commonly used during the manufacture of sugar cane. This process evaporates the sugar cane molasses to produce concentrate. This research was aimed to assess the influence of sodium metabisulphite against physical and chemical properties of sugar cane using vacuum evaporator. In other hand, this reserach examined the influence of temperature on vacuum evaporator for chemical and physical properties of sugar cane. Sugar cooking was done at -700 mmHg below atmospheric pressure, with variations in heating temperature of 60, 70 and 80 C, and with the addition of sodium metabisulphite 0.1; 0.3 and 0.5 g/l sugar cane molasses. The larger addition of sodium metabisulphite in the processing of sugar cane, the higher ash content generated while the green and blue colors of red sugar cane were getting smaller. The higher cooking temperature, the lower the moisture content, ash content, color intensity of red, green and blue of sugar cane. The higher the cooking temperature, the higher the degree of hardness or texture, color preference level, the taste and texture of sugar cane. Based on statistical analysis, cooking temperature affects the moisture content, ash, and the reduction sugar of cane brown sugar. While the addition of sodium metabisulfite gives effects on ash, reduction sugar and the total dissoluble solids of sugar cane. Based on the parameters of chemical properties, physical, organoleptic tests and SNI requirements of sugar cane, the addition of sodium metabisulphite variation of 0.3 g/l and a heating temperature of 80o C in processing sugar cane into brown sugar have shown the most excellent quality. The value of each parameter based on the best treatments as follows: chemical and physical parameters with 8.97 % of water content, 8.29% of reduction sugar, 0.96 % of ash content, 0.50% of total dissoluble solid, 15.68 kg/cm2 of hardness value, while for organoleptic parameters for color 5.50, flavor 5.04 and texture 5.36.ABSTRAKGula merah sebagai sukrosa diperoleh dari nira tebu yang diuapkan. Penguapan merupakan proses pengolahan bahan pangan yang umumnya digunakan pada pembuatan gula merah tebu, dimana proses ini menguapkan sebagian besar nira untuk menghasilkan produk yang kental (konsentrat). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh penambahan natrium metabisulfit terhadap sifat fisik dan kimia gula merah tebu yang dihasilkan dari penggunaan vacuum evaporator, dan mengkaji pengaruh suhu pemasakan pada vacuum evaporator terhadap sifat fisik dan kimia gula merah tebu. Pemasakan gula dilakukan pada tekanan -700 mmHg di bawah tekanan atmosfir, dengan variasi suhu pemasakan 60, 70 dan 80o C dan dengan penambahan natrium metabisulfit 0,1; 0,3 dan 0,5 g/l nira. Semakin besar penambahan natrium metabisulfit dalam pengolahan gula merah tebu, semakin tinggi kadar abu yang dihasilkan sedangkan intensitas warna hijau dan biru gula merah tebu semakin kecil. Semakin tinggi suhu pemasakan, semakin rendah kadar air, kadar abu, intensitas warna hijau dan biru gula merah tebu. Semakin tinggi suhu pemasakan, semakin tinggi tingkat kekerasan atau tekstur, tingkat kesukaan warna, rasa dan tekstur gula merah tebu. Berdasarkan analisis statistik, perlakuan suhu pemasakan berpengaruh terhadap kadar air, kadar abu dan gula reduksi gula merah tebu. Sedangkan perlakuan penambahan natrium metabisulfit berpengaruh terhadap kadar abu, gula reduksi dan total padatan tak terlarut pada gula merah tebu. Berdasarkan parameter sifat kimia, fisik, uji organoleptik dan persyaratan SNI gula merah tebu, penambahan natrium metabisulfit 0,3 g/l dan suhu pemasakan 80o C dalam pengolahan nira tebu menjadi gula merah menunjukkan kualitas yang paling baik. Nilai masing-masing parameternya dari perlakuan terbaik sebagai berikut: parameter kimia dan fisik dengankadar air 8,97%, gula reduksi 7,96 %, kadar abu 2,65%, total padatan tak larut 0,60 %, nilai kekerasan 15,68 kg/cm2, parameter organoleptik denganwarna 5,50, rasa 5,04 dan tekstur 5,36


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    Bawang putih mengandung beberapa zat yang bermanfaat bagi kesehatan manusia, salah satunya yaitu senyawa fenol. Senyawa fenol pada bawang putih memiliki peranan penting sebagai zat antibakteri yang dapat diproses selanjutnya sebagai agen antibiofouling membran. Metode ekstraksi yang tepat seperti kombinasi Microwave-Assisted Extraction (MAE) dan maserasi digunakan untuk mendapatkan senyawa fenol pada bawang putih. Namun demikian variasi rasio bahan dan pelarut serta lama waktu ekstraksi yang sesuai perlu diperhatikan dengan menggunakan kombinasi metode tersebut. Oleh karena itu tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mendapatkan ekstrak fenol dari bawang putih dengan variasi perlakuan rasio bahan dan pelarut serta lama waktu ekstraksi. Hasil ekstrak fenol kemudian dianalisis menggunakan ANOVA dan uji lanjut BNT. Selain itu penelitian ini juga melakukan karakterisasi hasil ekstrak fenol dengan FTIR untuk mengetahui gugus fungsi yang ada pada ektrak secara kualitatif dan PSA melakukan pengujian ukuran ekstrak fenol bawang putih. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh, total fenol tertinggi sebesar 9,94±0,85 mg GAE/g berat kering dapat diperoleh dengan rasio pelarut 1:8 (b/v) dan waktu ekstraksi selama 2 menit. Berdasarkan analisis FTIR, ekstrak kering terdiri dari kelompok alkohol, sehingga dapat membuktikan secara kualitatif bahwa ekstrak tersebut memiliki senyawa fenol. Berdasarkan pengukuran dengan PSA, hasil ekstrak senyawa fenol bawang putih memiliki ukuran partikel sebesar 72,08±4,55 nm yang selanjutnya dapat digunakan sebagai agen pencegahan biofouling pada membran dengan tipe mixed matrix.Bawang putih mengandung beberapa zat yang bermanfaat bagi kesehatan manusia, salah satunya yaitu senyawa fenol. Senyawa fenol pada bawang putih memiliki peranan penting sebagai zat antibakteri yang dapat diproses selanjutnya sebagai agen antibiofouling membran. Metode ekstraksi yang tepat seperti kombinasi Microwave-Assisted Extraction (MAE) dan maserasi digunakan untuk mendapatkan senyawa fenol pada bawang putih. Namun demikian variasi rasio bahan dan pelarut serta lama waktu ekstraksi yang sesuai perlu diperhatikan dengan menggunakan kombinasi metode tersebut. Oleh karena itu tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mendapatkan ekstrak fenol dari bawang putih dengan variasi perlakuan rasio bahan dan pelarut serta lama waktu ekstraksi. Hasil ekstrak fenol kemudian dianalisis menggunakan ANOVA dan uji lanjut BNT. Selain itu penelitian ini juga melakukan karakterisasi hasil ekstrak fenol dengan FTIR untuk mengetahui gugus fungsi yang ada pada ektrak secara kualitatif dan PSA melakukan pengujian ukuran ekstrak fenol bawang putih. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh, total fenol tertinggi sebesar 9,94±0,85 mg GAE/g berat kering dapat diperoleh dengan rasio pelarut 1:8 (b/v) dan waktu ekstraksi selama 2 menit. Berdasarkan analisis FTIR, ekstrak kering terdiri dari kelompok alkohol, sehingga dapat membuktikan secara kualitatif bahwa ekstrak tersebut memiliki senyawa fenol. Berdasarkan pengukuran dengan PSA, hasil ekstrak senyawa fenol bawang putih memiliki ukuran partikel sebesar 72,08±4,55 nm yang selanjutnya dapat digunakan sebagai agen pencegahan biofouling pada membran dengan tipe mixed matrix

    Anti-biofoulan Alami Moringa oleifera Sebagai Bahan Pengisi Membran Mixed Matrix Selulosa Asetat untuk Klarifikasi Jus Buah

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    Teknologi membran banyak digunakan dalam pemisahan padatan terlarut dalam cairan, termasuk dalam pengolahan pangan misalnya klarifikasi jus buah. Namun salah satu faktor penghambat utama penggunaan membran adalah terjadinya fouling yang berpotensi menurunkan kualitas produk. Dalam proses klarifikasi jus buah, membran berpotensi mengalami fouling karena material biologis. Antibiofoulan alami seperti biji buah kelor Moringa oleifera berpotensi untuk digunakan sebagai agen pencegah biofouling pada proses membran karena mengandung fenol. Pada penelitian ini diketahui kandungan total fenol ekstrak bji kelor sebesar 123.61 mg/g ekstrak. Ekstrak ditambahkan sebagai bahan pengisi dengan konsentrasi yang berbeda pada larutan cetak membran selulosa asetat dengan pelarut dimetil formamida yang berfungsi sebagai matrix. Morfologi membran mixed matrix yang dihasilkan berupa pori-pori yang berbentuk jari dan masuk dalam kategori membran mikrofiltrasi. Kinerja membran diuji kekuatan mekaniknya, nilai fluks, dan sifat antibakteri menggunakan E-coli. Penambahan ekstrak biji kelor pada mampu memberikan dua keuntungan, yaitu menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri sebesar 39.7% dan menurunkan permeabilitas dari 1765.25 L/m2.jam.bar menjadi 1235.5231 L/m2.jam.bar yang berpotensi meningkatkan tingkat rejeksi membran mikrofiltrasi yang dihasilkan

    Ekstraksi Senyawa Fenolik Daun Kenikir (Cosmos caudatus) menggunakan Microwave Assisted Extraction (MAE)

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    Abstrak. Kenikir (Cosmos caudatus) adalah tanaman yang sering dimanfaatkan daunnya untuk bahan pangan maupun juga sebagai obat-obatan karena memiliki kandungan senyawa fenolik yang cukup tinggi. Ekstraksi senyawa fenol menggunakan metode konvensional masih memerlukan waktu yang cukup lama dan jumlah pelarut yang banyak. Sehingga perlu dicari alternatif metode ekstraksi yang memiliki waktu ekstraksi dan kebutuhan pelarut yang relatif rendah seperti menggunakan Microwave Assisted Extraction (MAE). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah melakukan ekstraksi senyawa fenolik dari daun kenikir dengan metode MAE terhadap total fenol dan aktivitas antioksidan. Penelitian ini menggunakan 2 faktor perlakuan yaitu rasio pelarut terhadap kenikir segar yaitu 1:4, 1:6, dan 1:8 (b/v) dan waktu ekstraksi 2, 3 dan 4 menit. Penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa nilai total fenol tertinggi (17,162 ± 0,11 mg GAE/g berat segar) diperoleh pada perlakuan rasio pelarut 1:8 (b/v), sedangkan aktivitas antioksidan tertinggi (4,203 ± 0,26 mg/ml) pada perlakuan rasio pelarut 1:4 (b/v). Waktu perlakuan 3 menit menunjukkan hasil yang optimal untuk nilai total fenol dan aktivitas antioksidan. Hasil tersebut juga menunjukkan nilai yang lebih baik jika dibandingkan dengan metode konvensional baik dengan maserasi biasa dan maserasi dengan waterbath. Extraction of Phenolic Compounds from Cosmos caudatus using Microwave Assisted Extraction (MAE) Abstract. Cosmos caudatus, a plant commonly used its leaves for food and also as a medicine since it contains high phenolic compounds. The extraction of phenolic compounds using conventional methods still require more extraction time and need much more of solvent. Therefore, it was necessary to find an alternative extraction method that has a rapid extraction time and a few solvent need such as using Microwave Assisted Extraction (MAE). The aim of this study is to extract of phenolic compounds from Cosmos caudatus with MAE method of total phenol and antioxidant activity. This study using 2 treatment factors, the sampel-solvent ratio of 1:4, 1:6, and 1:8 (w/v) and the extraction time of 2, 3 and 4 minutes. This study explained that the highest total phenolic compounds (17.162 ± 0.11 mg GAE/g fw) and antioxidant activity (4.203 ± 0.26 mg/ml) were obtained at 1:8 and 1:4 (w/v) of sampel-solvent ratio, respectively. The extraction time of 3 minutes was the optimal condition for total phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity. These results also showed the highest parameter value when compared with both conventional methods: maceration and maceration with waterbath.

    Extraction of bioactive compounds from cacao pod husks (CPH)

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    In Indonesia, approximately 505-kilo tonnes of fresh cacao pod husk (CPH) are discarded annually as a primary waste by-product during cacao production. Although they can be directly applied as fertiliser or animal feed, most of them are left on farms, causing environmental issues that could reduce cacao productivity. In the meantime, CPH contains bioactive compounds, including phenolics and anthocyanins, which have promising antioxidant activity. Therefore, recovering bioactive compounds from CPH by solvent extraction is a promising sustainable way to both avoid waste and valorise it as a new renewable resource. The aim of this research was to study how the processing parameters can maximise the extraction yields and consider process efficiency when designing a flowsheet of CPH valorisation. A systematic extraction research was studied to understand the influence of material pretreatment (drying and size reduction), solvent type, and different heating methods (conventional and microwave) on extraction yields. How other system variables (extraction time and temperature, solvent concentration and solvent-to-feed ratio) interact within conventional and microwave heating was also investigated to maximise yields. The work presented in this thesis can first demonstrate that CPH contained up to 107.3 mg GAE/g dw of phenolics including 0.37 mg Cy3GE/g dw of anthocyanin with good antioxidant activity (up to 4.6 mg TE/g dw or ~ 94% radical scavenging). Phenolic and anthocyanin compounds were concentrated in CPH epicarp layer, while antioxidant was found maximum in CPH endocarp layer. Solvent type and material pretreatment (size reduction and drying) were very influential in maximising the extraction yields. Size reduction enhanced the phenolic and anthocyanin yields significantly but had no significant effect on the antioxidant activity of extract. Phenolic compounds, including anthocyanins, were highly extracted in aqueous ethanol (50% iii (v/v) ethanol/water) due to their similar solubility based on Hansen Solubility Parameter (HSP) value. However, the highest antioxidant activity was found in the ethanolic extract (100% (v/v) ethanol) due to protic solvent effect. In terms of the heating method, microwave has been regarded as a promising extraction method due to its volumetric and selective heating, which allows for rapid heating and increased yield. A comparison of MAE and CSE at a similar heating rate (by neglecting microwave volumetric heating) demonstrated no differences in optimum extraction time, solvent concentration and solvent-to-feed (S/F) ratio for both methods but a difference in extraction yields. The best time to extract bioactive compounds was 5 min because a longer extraction time resulted in lower bioactive yields. In contrast, extraction temperature had varying effects: increasing temperature can increase the phenolic yields while decreasing anthocyanin and antioxidant yields. MAE at 60 °C had 5% higher phenolic yield than CSE, which was attributed to a selective heating effect. Meanwhile, extracting anthocyanin and antioxidant compounds was favoured at low temperature (50 °C) to prevent degradation despite no selective heating effect. Additionally, the CPH solid residue from the extraction process still has a potential to be valorised into other valuable products, such as bio-oil, non-condensed gases and activated carbon, due to its proximate and lignocellulosic contents. This study, therefore, can be used as input data in the preliminary engineering design of CPH valorisation flowsheet to select an efficient process and assess its viability. The usage of CPH as new resource material for the production of high-value products has the potential to increase its economic value while reducing waste

    Extraction of bioactive compounds from cacao pod husks (CPH)

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    In Indonesia, approximately 505-kilo tonnes of fresh cacao pod husk (CPH) are discarded annually as a primary waste by-product during cacao production. Although they can be directly applied as fertiliser or animal feed, most of them are left on farms, causing environmental issues that could reduce cacao productivity. In the meantime, CPH contains bioactive compounds, including phenolics and anthocyanins, which have promising antioxidant activity. Therefore, recovering bioactive compounds from CPH by solvent extraction is a promising sustainable way to both avoid waste and valorise it as a new renewable resource. The aim of this research was to study how the processing parameters can maximise the extraction yields and consider process efficiency when designing a flowsheet of CPH valorisation. A systematic extraction research was studied to understand the influence of material pretreatment (drying and size reduction), solvent type, and different heating methods (conventional and microwave) on extraction yields. How other system variables (extraction time and temperature, solvent concentration and solvent-to-feed ratio) interact within conventional and microwave heating was also investigated to maximise yields. The work presented in this thesis can first demonstrate that CPH contained up to 107.3 mg GAE/g dw of phenolics including 0.37 mg Cy3GE/g dw of anthocyanin with good antioxidant activity (up to 4.6 mg TE/g dw or ~ 94% radical scavenging). Phenolic and anthocyanin compounds were concentrated in CPH epicarp layer, while antioxidant was found maximum in CPH endocarp layer. Solvent type and material pretreatment (size reduction and drying) were very influential in maximising the extraction yields. Size reduction enhanced the phenolic and anthocyanin yields significantly but had no significant effect on the antioxidant activity of extract. Phenolic compounds, including anthocyanins, were highly extracted in aqueous ethanol (50% iii (v/v) ethanol/water) due to their similar solubility based on Hansen Solubility Parameter (HSP) value. However, the highest antioxidant activity was found in the ethanolic extract (100% (v/v) ethanol) due to protic solvent effect. In terms of the heating method, microwave has been regarded as a promising extraction method due to its volumetric and selective heating, which allows for rapid heating and increased yield. A comparison of MAE and CSE at a similar heating rate (by neglecting microwave volumetric heating) demonstrated no differences in optimum extraction time, solvent concentration and solvent-to-feed (S/F) ratio for both methods but a difference in extraction yields. The best time to extract bioactive compounds was 5 min because a longer extraction time resulted in lower bioactive yields. In contrast, extraction temperature had varying effects: increasing temperature can increase the phenolic yields while decreasing anthocyanin and antioxidant yields. MAE at 60 °C had 5% higher phenolic yield than CSE, which was attributed to a selective heating effect. Meanwhile, extracting anthocyanin and antioxidant compounds was favoured at low temperature (50 °C) to prevent degradation despite no selective heating effect. Additionally, the CPH solid residue from the extraction process still has a potential to be valorised into other valuable products, such as bio-oil, non-condensed gases and activated carbon, due to its proximate and lignocellulosic contents. This study, therefore, can be used as input data in the preliminary engineering design of CPH valorisation flowsheet to select an efficient process and assess its viability. The usage of CPH as new resource material for the production of high-value products has the potential to increase its economic value while reducing waste

    REMOVAL OF AuCl&#8324

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    Removal of AuCl&#832

    Studi Variasi Kuat Medan Listrik PEF dan Metode Pengeringan Bahan Terhadap Senyawa Antioksidan Ekstrak Daun Torbangun (Coleus amboinicus L.)

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    AbstractTorbangun leaf (Coleus amboinicus L.) is an Indonesian plant containing phenolic and flavonoid compounds that act as antioxidants. One method widely used to extract antioxidants from plants is maceration. However, maceration has disadvantages such as time- and solvent-consuming also gives a low yield. Therefore, to solve these disadvantages, the extraction of antioxidant compounds from torbangun leaves has been done using the maceration method with Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) as pretreatment. Before the extraction process, freshtorbangun leaves were dried by using two methods: oven and microwave. Next, torbangun dried-leaves were pretreated by using PEF at various electric field strengths (1.5; 2; 2.5; 3; and 3.5 kV/cm) for 20 seconds and followed by a four hours maceration process. Total phenolic content (TPC) and total flavonoid content (TFC) of extracts were then analyzed using Folin Ciocalteau and Calorimetric AlCl3 methods, respectively. While antioxidant activity (IC50) was determined using 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH). The results showed that the best result was obtained on microwave-dried material with PEF pretreatment at 2.5 kV/cm, yielding extract yield of 18.85% with TPC, TFC and IC50 were 60.16 mg GAE/g dw, 34.94 mg QE/g dw, and 0.98 mg/ml, respectively.AbstrakDaun torbangun (Coleus amboinicus L.) merupakan tanaman etnobotani Indonesia yang mengandung senyawa fenolik dan flavonoid yang dapat berperan sebagai antioksidan. Salah satu metode yang banyakdigunakan untuk mengekstraksi antioksidan dari tanaman adalah maserasi. Namun, maserasi mempunyai kelemahan yaitu lamanya waktu dan banyaknya pelarut yang digunakan untuk ekstraksi, serta rendahnyakandungan senyawa antioksidan yang terekstrak. Oleh karena itu, pada penelitian ini, proses ekstraksi antioksidan dari daun torbangun dilakukan dengan metode maserasi yang dimodifikasi dengan pretreatmentmenggunakan Pulse Electric Field (PEF) guna mempersingkat waktu ekstraksi, meminimalkan penggunaan pelarut dan meningkatkan kandungan senyawa antioksidan, khususnya senyawa fenolik. Sebelum dilakukan proses ekstraksi, daun torbangun dikeringkan dengan menggunakan dua metode, yaitu metode oven dan microwave. Selanjutnya, daun torbangun kering di-pretreatment dengan PEF pada berbagai variasi kuat medan listrik (1.5; 2; 2.5; 3; dan 3.5 kV/cm) selama 20 detik dan dilanjutkan dengan proses maserasi selama 4 jam.Larutan ekstrak yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis kandungan total fenolik (Total Phenolic Content, TPC) dan flavonoidnya (Total Flavonoid Content, TFC) serta aktivitas antioksidannya (IC50). Analisis TPC dan TFC masingmasing dilakukan dengan metode Folin Ciocalteu dan kalorimetri AlCl3, sedangkan pengujian IC50 dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode 1,1-difenil-2-pikrihidrazil (DPPH). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai tertinggi diperoleh pada daun torbangun yang dikeringkan dengan microwave (daya 450 watt selama 4 menit) dan di-pretreatment menggunakan PEF pada kuat medan listrik 2.5 kV/cm, menghasilkan rendemen ekstrak sebanyak 18.85% dengan TPC, TFC dan IC50 masing-masing sebesar 60.16 mg GAE/g dw, 34.94 mg QE/g dw, dan 0.98 mg/ml