13 research outputs found


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    Cancer and its treatment produce a myriad of burdensome side effects and may significantly impair quality of life. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of Home Based Exercise Training (HBET) to physical performance, fatigue and quality of life on breast cancer patient receiving chemotherapy. This study used quasy experimental with one group pre-post test design approach. Data were collected from breast cancer patient in Bedah I Rumkital Dr. Ramelan Surabaya. Patients were recruited by using consequtive sampling technique, consisted of 26 patients who met inclusion criterias. Patients who were assigned to HBET group performed 3 weeks of walking program. Test Timed Up and Go (TUG) was used to assess physical performance, while Brief Fatigue Inventory (BFI) was used to measure fatigue and The European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire-Core 30 (EORTC QLQ-C30) to assess quality of life. Paired t-test showed a significant result with p<0.0001 for physical performance, cancer related fatigue and quality of life. Breast cancer patients who received HBET saw improvements in physical performance and quality of life, also reduction in fatigue. The results showed that HBET is effective in promoting and maintaning both physical performance and quality of life, as well as reducing fatigue by increasing emotional and physical wellbeing on breast cancer patient receiving chemotherapy. Further research needs to consider homogenity of intensity of HBET and regimen of chemotherapy. Keywords: Home Based Exercise Training, breast cancer, physical performance, quality of life, fatigue, chemotherap


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    The government issued an online learning model policy as an effort to minimize the transmission of COVID-19 in children. However, the transmission of COVID-19 is still affecting children. To prevent the spread of the virus with the immune system through a balanced nutritional lifestyle. The purpose of this community service (PKM) is to provide education on a healthy diet for children in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic using comics and nutrition cards. Location of PKM activities at UPT SD Negeri 314 Gresik with due observance of strict health protocols. The PKM method uses a Community Based Research (CBR) approach through education and nutrition card games. Final evaluation of the PKM program by comparing the pre-test and post-test scores on knowledge about balanced nutrition. The results of PKM, there are 69 students (33 male students and 36 female students) where there is a difference in knowledge p = 0.000 (p &lt;0.05) before and after education. Empowerment of elementary school students through education about a healthy diet and balanced nutrition can be an effort to increase body resistance in the pandemic era

    The Correlation between Physical Activity and Primary Dysmenorrhea in Female Adolescents

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    Dysmenorrhea is one of the problems among female adolescents. The dysmenorrhea incident rate in East Java reached 64.25% consisting of 54.89% primary dysmenorrhea and 9.36% secondary dysmenorrhea. The aim of this study was to explain the correlation between physical activity as how it related to primary dysmenorrhea in female adolescents. This study used a cross-sectional research approach. The study was conducted in a Senior High School in Rengel, Tuban. This study used the purposive sampling technique. A total of 77 respondents (mean age 16.4 years), who winvolved in the study. The data collection used a Physical Activity Questionnaire for Adolescents (PAQ-A) to measure physical activity and the measurement within the pain scale questionnaire used the Numeric Rating Scale (NRS). The data was collected using the questionnaires and the results were analyzed using the Spearman rho test with a significance level α ≤ 0,05. The results of this study showed there to be a correlation between physical activity (p = 0.033) and dysmenorrhea in female adolescents. The present study therefore has indicated a correlation between physical activity and dysmenorrhea. Physical activity is beneficial in reducing primary dysmenorrhea. For future implementation, it is suggested to conduct an appropriate intervention such as physical activity and stress management in order to reduce emotional symptoms associated with primary dysmenorrhea. Keywords: physical activity, dysmenorrhea, female adolescent

    The Effects of Home-Based Exercise Training on Physical Performance, Fatigue and Quality of Life in Breast Cancer Patient Receiving Chemotherapy: A Pilot Study

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    This study was to assess the effects of Home-Based Exercise Training (HBET) on physical performance, fatigue and quality of life on breast cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. One group pre-and posttest design. The setting of this study was in a daycare unit of Dr. Ramelan Navy Hospital Surabaya, Indonesia. 26 women with early stage of breast cancer receiving chemotherapy participated in this study. Participants completed baseline measures and waited a week after chemotherapy for exercise. Patients who were assigned to the HBET group performed 3 weeks of walking program. Test Timed Up and Go (TUG) was used to asses physical performance, while Brief Fatigue Inventory (BFI) was used to measure fatigue and The European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire-Core 30 ( EORTC QLQ C-30) to assess the quality of life. The paired t-test showed a significant result p< 0.0001 for physical performance, fatigue and quality of life. Breast cancer patients who received HBET showed improvement in physical performance and quality of life and also reduction in fatigue. The result showed that HBET is effective in promoting and maintaining both physical performance amd quality of life, as well as reducing fatigue by increasing emotional and physical wellbeing on breast cancer patients receiving chemotherap

    The Lived Experience of Women with Breast Cancer

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    Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women. Women with breast cancer face many psychosocial and physical problems. In addition, such women have to deal with treatment problems, physical changes, feelings of loss and uncertainty, self-reconstruction, and changes in social interaction and support. This study aims to explore and identify their life experiences while undergoing chemotherapy. A phenomenological approach was used to explore the meaning of life with breast cancer for women undergoing chemotherapy at Surabaya,Indonesia. The patient's feelings and life experience with breast cancer were explored by using in-depth interviews with 30 women between 26 and 65 years. The results of this study reveal that the diagnosis of breast cancer produces various emotional responses. Participants explained their experience of living with breast cancer as losing something important, lack of self-confidence, living with fear, emotional dizziness and the need to be supported in the negative aspects of breast cancer and helping to explore new aspects of life as a positive aspect of this event. These findings have the potential to lessen health disparities in increasing utilisation of psychosocial treatments by Indonesian women with breast cancer

    Career Expectations, Difficulties And Choices In Nursing Students: A Cross- Sectional Study

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    This study aimed to explore and compare between career expectations and difficulties in deciding careers and career choices in nursing students. This study was a cross-sectional study in an university in Surabaya, Indonesia, conducted with 233 first and final year bachelor degree nursing students, using a range of instruments: Career Expectations Questionnaire, Career Decision Difficulties Questionnaire, and Questionnaire Survey on Career Choice. The data were then tested by t-test and Mann Whitney. The results showed no significant differences between first and final year students for career expectations, career decisions and career choices. Different aspects between first and final year students were in the aspects of organizational membership (p=.029) and there were differences in difficulties in deciding career, especially in aspects of lack of readiness (p=.031). The learning process and experience during the study period can be related to the impact of students' confidence in deciding their chosen careers. Support from academic staff and the environment such as parents, friends and nursing organizations are needed to shape positive aspects of the careers chosen by student

    Pengaruh Meditasi Benson Terhadap Tingkat Kecemasan Pada Remaja Putri Yang Mengalami Premenstrual Syndrome Di Smp Negeri 18 Surabaya

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    Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut: 1. Tingkat kecemasan sebagian besar remaja putri yang mengalami premenstrual syndrome di SMP Negeri 18 Surabaya sebelum dilakukan meditasi Benson adalah kecemasan ringan, namun terdapat kategori tingkat kecemasan sedang dan berat. 2. Sebagian besar remaja putri yang mengalami premenstrual syndrome di SMP Negeri 18 Surabaya setelah dilakukan meditasi Benson tidak mengalami kecemasan, meskipun masih ada yang mengalami kecemasan ringan dan sedang. 3. Meditasi Benson dapat menurunkan tingkat kecemasan pada remaja putri yang mengalami premenstrual syndrome di SMP Negeri 18 Surabaya

    Pengaruh Meditasi Benson Terhadap Tingkat Kecemasan Pada Remaja Putri Yang Mengalami Premenstrual Syndrome Di SMP Negeri 18 Surabaya

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    Female adolescence who suffered premenstrual syndrome usually feels anxiety. Benson meditation is one of metods that can be used to reduce anxiety. The purpose of this study was to analyze Benson meditation in reducing anxiety level of premenstrual syndrome This study used pra experimental pre post test design. The population was the female adolescence with anxiety during premenstrual syndrome at SMP Negeri 18 Surabaya. The sampling technique was purposive sampling. There were twenty female adolescence participated in this study. The independent variable was Benson meditation and the dependent variable was the anxiety level of premenstrual syndrome. Instrument used to measure anxiety was Taylor Anxiety Manifest Scale (TAMS). Data was analyzed by Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test with significance a < 0,05. The result showed that Benson meditation decreased anxiety level of premenstrual syndrome with significance level p=0,000. It can be concluded that Benson meditation can decrease anxiety of premenstrual syndrome. Benson meditation produced a positive coping of relaxation response. Based on the result of this study, further research on coping for female adolescence with premenstrual syndrome was needed


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    Kanker dan terapi yang didapatkan menyebabkan banyak efek samping yang berat dan secara signifikan dapat menurunkan kualitas hidup. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Home Based Exercise Training terhadap performa fisik, kelelahan dan kualitas hidup pasien kanker payudara yang mendapatkan kemoterapi. Penelitian ini menggunakan quasy experimental dengan pendekatan one group pre-post test design. Data dikumpulkan dari pasien kanker payudara yang mendapatkan kemoterapi di ruang Bedah I Rumkital Dr. Ramelan Surabaya. Pasien diambil menggunakan teknik consequtive sampling dan didapatkan 26 pasien yang sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi melakuan HBET selama 3 minggu. Tes Timed Up and Go (TUG) digunakan untuk mengukur performa fisik, kuesioner Brief Fatigue Inventory (BFI) untuk mengukur kelelahan dan The European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire-Core 30 (EORTC QLQ-C30) untuk mengukur kualitas hidup. Paired t-test digunakan untuk menganalisis pengaruh Home Based Exercise Training (HBET), didapatkan nilai p<0,0001 pada performa fisik, kelelahan dan kualitas hidup. Pasien kanker payudara yang melakukan HBET menunjukkan peningkatan performa fisik dan kualitas hidup juga penurunan kelelahan. HBET dengan berjalan kaki efektif dalam meningkatkan performa fisik dan kualitas hidup juga menurunkan kelelahan pasien kanker payudara selama mendapatkan kemoterapi. Penelitian selanjutnya perlu mempertimbangkan homogenitas jumlah latihan dan regimen kemoterapi yang digunakan

    Buerger exercise dan edukasi perawatan kaki pada penderita diabetes dan hipertensi dalam upaya menurunkan resiko gangguan vaskular

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    [Bahasa]:&nbsp;Hipertensi dan diabetes melitus (DM) yaitu penyakit kronis yang membutuhkan perawatan berkelanjutan sebagai upaya untuk mengendalikan tekanan darah dan kadar gula darah. Keduanya memiliki kerentanan mengalami gangguan vaskular sehingga aliran sirkulasi darah tidak lancar, rentan mengalami gangguan ekstremitas kaki yang bermanifestasi menjadi sumbatan pada pembuluh darah, ulkus bahkan amputasi. Situasi pandemi akibat COVID-19, mengharuskan penderita tetap berada dirumah saja terutama pada individu dengan komorbid seperti hipertensi dan DM yang beresiko lebih tinggi tertular Covid-19, jika tidak ada situasi darurat. Tujuan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) ini adalah untuk memberikan pendidikan dan pelatihan buerger exercise dan perawatan kaki dalam upaya menurunkan resiko gangguan vaskular penderita DM dan hipertensi. Lokasi Kegiatan PKM di Lembaga Kesejahteraan Sosial Hargo Dedali, Surabaya dengan memperhatikan protokol kesehatan yang keta dengan melibatkan 21 peserta dengan rerata usia 59 tahun, 6 peserta (28,6%) mengalami hipertensi, 7 peserta (33,3%) mengalami DM dan 8 orang (38,1%) mengalami keduanya. Metode yang digunakan dalam PKM ini adalah pendekatan&nbsp;Community Based Research (CBR). Evaluasi akhir program PKM dengan membandingkan nilai pre test dan post test terhadap pengetahuan dan kondisi vaskular kaki serta pemeriksaan Ankle Brachial Index&nbsp;(ABI). Hasil pengukuran terhadap tingkat pengetahuan p = 0,000 (p &lt; 0,05), kuesioner Vascular Quality of Life dengan p = 0,001 (p &lt; 0,05) dan ABI dengan p = 0,002 (p &lt; 0,05) sehingga terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna antara sebelum dan sesudah diberikan pendidikan dan pelatihan dalam hal peningkatan pengetahuan dan perbaikan fisik kondisi vaskular. Pemberdayaan penderita DM dan hipertensi melalui pendidikan dan praktik buerger exercise serta edukasi perawatan kaki dapat dijadikan upaya menurunkan resiko gangguan vaskular dan menguragi resiko komplikasi kaki. Kata Kunci: buerger exercise, perawatan kaki, diabetes, hipertensi [English]:&nbsp;Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus (DM) are chronic diseases that need continuous treatment to control blood pressure and blood sugar levels. The diseases are susceptible to vascular problems, so that blood circulation is not smooth and made prone to leg disorders that manifest as blockages in blood vessels, ulcers, and even amputations. Covid 19 pandemic requires people with the diseases stay at home if there is no emergency since they are at high risk of being infected. This community service (PKM) aims to provide education and training about Buerger exercises and foot care to reduce the risk of vascular disorders for people with DM and hypertension. The PKM, which took place at the Lembaga Kesejahteraan Sosial Hargo Dedali, Surabaya, with strict health protocols, included 21 participants (around 59 years old); 6 participants have hypertension, 7 participants have DM, and the remaining 8 participants have both diseases. It applied the Community Based Research (CBR) approach. The program's evaluation compared the scores of pre-test and post-test, which assess the participants’ knowledge and the examination of foot vascular condition. The results of evaluation are p = 0.000 (p &lt;0.05) on the knowledge level, p = 0.001 (p &lt;0.05) on the Vascular Quality of Life, and ABI with p = 0.002 (p &lt;0.05). The numbers show a significant difference between before and after the program on the level of knowledge and the physical recovery of the vascular. The empowerment of people with DM and hypertension through the education and practice of Buerger exercises and foot care can be used to reduce the risk of vascular disorders and foot complications. Keywords: buerger exercise, foot care, diabetes, hypertensio