132 research outputs found

    The Impact of IFAD’s Involvement as an Inter-Governmental Organisation in the Livelihood of Moroccan Family-Farms

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    Family farming exists overall and each has its own unicity in term of managing the farm operations, farm size, productivity, socio-economic conditions, local knowledge and geographical location besides the externalities such as depletion of resources exacerbated by the climate change. Hence, the following question drove the authors: “to what extent of involvement are intergovernmental organization concerned with farmers’ livelihood in Morocco?” Therefore, this research purpose outlines the role of family farming and their characteristics; challenges of farming livelihood and productivity in Morocco; and IFAD’s support for inclusive rural transformation. The authors hold view that family farming with higher on-farm innovative inputs of processing activities can expect increased yield. The findings revealed that IFAD’s global governance endowed by modern corporation, -corporate governance for instance, - enables participation of rural beneficiaries in their projects thus increases their self-management onto (environmental) natural resources and sustainability. Skills, training, innovation and technologies allow them to diversify and intensify their agricultural holdings hence access to new markets and cope with the ecological risks though there is limitation with the innovation and services extension


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    Abstract : The purpose of this experiment study to determine the effect modification hopscotch game against the speech of children in group B before and after treatment.The subjects were all students in Diponegoro Samberan kindergarten group B Kanor District of Bojonegoro, which has 16 children. Data collection methods used was participant observation and documentation to determine the child's speech. The data analysis technique used is the technique of statistical analysis using the Wilcoxon test marked level (wicoxon matched pairs test). Based on the results obtained from the data Tcount = 0 is smaller than Ttable with a significance level of 5% = 59 and the results of the decision that Ha is accepted as Tcount<Ttable (0 <59), so the conclusions this study shows that the hopscotch game modifications significantly affect the child's ability to speak in group B Samberan Diponegoro Kindergarten Kanor District of Bojonegoro. Keywords :Modification hopscotch game, Speech, GroupB Abstrak : Penelitian eksperimen ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh permainan engklek modifikasi terhadap kemampuan berbicara anak kelompok B sebelum dan setelah perlakuan.Subyek penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelompok B TK Diponegoro Samberan Kecamatan Kanor Kabupaten Bojonegoro yang berjumlah 16 anak. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi partisipan dan dokumentasi untuk mengetahui kemampuan berbicara anak. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis statistik menggunakan uji jenjang bertanda Wilcoxon (wicoxon match pairs test). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh data Thitung = 0 lebih kecil dari Ttabel dengan taraf signifikasi 5% = 59 dan hasil pengambilan keputusannya yaitu Ha diterima karena Thitung < Ttabel (0<59), sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa permainan engklek modofikasi berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap kemampuan berbicara anak kelompok B di TK Diponegoro Samberan Kecamatan Kanor Kabupaten Bojonegoro. Kata kunci : Permainan engklek modifikasi, Kemampuan berbicara, Kelompok

    Women on the Steering Wheel: Identifying the Potentials of Women in Improving the Protection of Indonesian Women Migrant Workers

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    This paper is based on a research that looked into the potentials of women as stakeholders in improving the protection of Indonesian women migrant workers abroad. It was designed based on the assumptions that an identification of the potentials of women at various levels and in various institutions may positively contribute to the efforts of finding solutions for the problems faced by women migrant workers and that rather than being seen merely as victims, women should be seen as actors who can actively participate in addressing the problems. This paper analyzes efforts made by a number of Indonesian women who are publicly recognized for their works in promoting the protection of Indonesian women migrant workers, both as state and non-state actors in the context of policy making. The focus is on how these women perceive the extend to which their efforts have been able to influence the policy making process. The discussion also includes how the women responded to the challenges and opportunities that they encounter as part of their learning process. The data for this paper was gathered through interviews with six prominent woman figures who are known for their work on the issue of women migrant workers. While confirming that as actors outside the government these women have made efforts to influence the policy making process, this paper showcases that the actual impact of their efforts is highly determined by the policy environment

    Improving Students' Speaking Achievement by Using Short Movie Media

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    This research concerns on improving students' achievement in speaking by using short movie media. The objective was to find out the improvement of students' achievement in speaking. This research was conducted by using action research method. The subject of the research was XI IPA-1 students of SMA Negeri 8 Medan. The numbers of students were sixteen students. They were taught speaking by using short movie media. The instruments used were diary notes, interview sheets, and observation sheets. In analyzing data, the mean of students' score for the first competency test was 42,5 for the second competency test was 61,25 and for the third competency test was 85 and the total percentage of improvement from the first competency test to the third competency test was 68,75%. The conclusion is that students' achievement in speaking can be improved by using short movie media. It is suggested that teachers should apply short movie media as one of media to improve students' speaking achievement

    Detection of Human Group a and C Rotaviruses in Pediatric Patients with Acute Gastroenteritis by Real TIME RT-PCR Assay: a Preliminary Study

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    Rotavirus causes 25–55% of all hospital admissions for diarrhea and approximately 611.000 deaths every year in developing countries. Clinically, it is not possible to recognize the diarrhea caused by rotavirus and other infections. To know a causative agent of rotavirus gastroenteritis, availability of an accurate diagnosis assay is necessary. Therefore, we developed real time RT-PCR assay (rRT-PCR) assay for confirmation of infections of Group A or C rotaviruses simultaneously. A total of 54 stool samples obtained from pediatric patients (< 5 years old) was used in this study. All samples were tested for Group A rotavirus by Serological rapid test. Result of serological rapid test was compared with rRT-PCR assay to obtain the test accuracies of both assays. Result of this study showed that rates of positive testing for Group A rotavirus by serological rapid test and the rRT-PCR assay were 22.22% and 18.50%, respectively. Forty-two serology-negative specimens for Group A rotavirus were also PCR negative (100% specificity). Two serology-positive specimens for Group A rotavirus was rRT-PCR negative (confirmed by electrophoresis gel); therefore, rRT-PCR assay represents the decrease of 3.70% in the number of specimens that are positive for Group A rotavirus. For Group C rotavirus, all tested samples were no rRT-PCR positive and the results need to be confirmed in the future

    Eliminating Violence against Women in Pacific through Multi-Track Diplomacy

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    Humanitarian issue that often raised as a problem for developing countries, is often likely linked to gender issue. Having labeled as a region with the highest violence data prevalence, Pacific Islands countries possess assorted factors that tolerates the practice of gender dominance and discrimination amongst their societies. Responding this phenomenon, the governments in Pacific Islands countries are oftentimes receiving assistance from other international relations actors, in which one of them is UN Women. With the support from Australian government, this UN body assist numerous institutions from various level in making the effort to eliminate violence against women as the most protrude form of gender based discrimination in Pacific. Involvement of other parties from diverse groups indicates the relations between actors of Multi-Track Diplomacy with the program initiated by UN Women. Using theory of Multi-Track Diplomacy and concept of Gender-Based Violence, this research identifies the participation and contribution made by a total of nine tracks in responding to violence against women issue in the Pacific. Such response itself is one of the world peace endeavors, which is also the ultimate purpose of Multi-Track Diplomacy. Result of this response shaped in their participation and contribution within variety of programs under Pacific Fund. Keywords: Pacific, gender equality, foreign aids, Multi-Track Diplomacy, peacemaking

    Menjadi Relevan: Peran Serta Perguruan Tinggi untuk Menyediakan Pembelajaran Kontekstual Bagi Pelajar

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    Education is viewed as being distant from the reality of students’ life. Through contextual learning, students suppose to understand social reality and to have skills also knowledge to prepare their lives after graduated. However, this contextual learning method is often not a priority for schools and teachers due to limitation in meeting curriculum standards as well as limited expertise of teachers to provide education that is in accordance with the lives and realities of their students. To fill the gap in the provision of contextual education, it is necessary to take an active role from various groups, such as universities through community service activities (pengabdian masyarakat) to complement primary and secondary schools teaching by introducing knowledge and skills connected to student’s experiences and social realities. Community service activities carried out by Department of International Relations and Informatics Engineering, Parahyangan Catholic University at Bani Yasin Sukabumi Islamic boarding school (pesantren) that aim to assist the pesantren with contextual knowledge and experience relevant to their students’ day to day environment. On the one hand, this activity provides students with local content such as agriculture for youth, migrant workers issues and process, basic literacy knowledge, and values ​​in the affective domain. Students can also connect their daily lives experiences with the introduced knowledge and skills in a pleasant atmosphere. This activity further encourages the importance of participation and collaboration for effective contextual learning process. On the other hand, this community service activity is constrained by the pandemic situation which hinders the process of reflection and optimization of students’ creativity to process the knowledge gained from this interaction into how they solve their daily life problems.Pendidikan saat ini dipandang berjarak dengan realita kehidupan. Melalui pendidikan, sejatinya pelajar dapat memahami dan memaknai realita sosial dan menjadi bekal bagi mereka dalam menjalani kehidupan yang lebih bermakna. Karena itu, bentuk pembelajaran yang dianggap sesuai adalah pembelajaran kontekstual. Namun, pembelajaran kontekstual sering tidak menjadi prioritas sekolah dan pendidik karena prioritas utama adalah memenuhi standar kurikulum dan terbatasnya keahlian pengajar dan pendidik untuk menyediakan pendidikan yang sesuai dengan kehidupan dan realita yang dihadapi pelajar.  Untuk melengkapi kekosongan penyediaan pendidikan kontekstual, diperlukan peran aktif berbagai kelompok, seperti universitas melalui kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat untuk membantu pihak sekolah dasar dan menengah untuk menyediakan pengetahuan dan keahlian yang terhubung dengan pengalaman pelajar dan realita sosial, atau relevan dengan lingkungan alamiah mereka. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan Jurusan Ilmu Hubungan Internasional dan Jurusan Teknik Informatika Unpar di pesantren Bani Yasin Sukabumi bertujuan untuk melengkapi pihak pesantren dengan pengetahuan dan pengalaman yang kontekstual. Di satu sisi, kegiatan ini memberikan pelajar muatan pendidikan lokal seperti pertanian, menjadi pekerja migran, literasi dasar, dan pengembangan nilai di ranah afektif. Pelajar dapat menghubungkan antara pengalaman dan kehidupan keseharian mereka dengan pengetahuan dan keahlian yang diberikan dalam suasana yang menyenangkan. Kegiatan ini juga mendorong pentingnya menekankan aspek partisipasi dan kerjasama universitas dengan pihak lain yang lebih berpengalaman dalam memberikan pengetahuan dan keahlian yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan pesantren, dalam hal ini yaitu pertanian. Di sisi lain, kegiatan abdimas ini terkendala situasi pandemi yang menghambat proses refleksi dan optimalisasi kreativitas pelajar untuk mengolah pengetahuan yang diperoleh dari interaksi ini ke dalam cara mereka menyelesaikan persoalan kehidupan
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