664 research outputs found

    Neisseria oralis sp. nov., isolated from healthy gingival plaque and clinical samples

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    A polyphasic analysis was undertaken of seven independent isolates of Gram-negative cocci collected from pathological clinical samples from New York, Louisiana, Florida and Illinois and healthy subgingival plaque from a patient in Virginia, USA. The 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity among these isolates was 99.7–100 %, and the closest species with a validly published name was Neisseria lactamica (96.9 % similarity to the type strain). DNA–DNA hybridization confirmed that these isolates are of the same species and are distinct from their nearest phylogenetic neighbour, N. lactamica. Phylogenetic analysis of 16S and 23S rRNA gene sequences indicated that the novel species belongs in the genus Neisseria. The predominant cellular fatty acids were C16 : 0, summed feature 3 (C16 : 1ω7c and/or iso-C15 : 0 2-OH) and C18 : 1ω7c. The cellular fatty acid profile, together with other phenotypic characters, further supports the inclusion of the novel species in the genus Neisseria. The name Neisseria oralis sp. nov. (type strain 6332T = DSM 25276T = LMG 26725T) is proposed

    Pleiotropic effects of HIF-1 blockade on tumor radiosensitivity

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    SummaryWe have previously shown that radiation increases HIF-1 activity in tumors, causing significant radioprotection of the tumor vasculature. The impact that HIF-1 activation has on overall tumor radiosensitivity, however, is unknown. We reveal here that HIF-1 plays an important role in determining tumor radioresponsiveness through regulating four distinct processes. By promoting ATP metabolism, proliferation, and p53 activation, HIF-1 has a radiosensitizing effect on tumors. Through stimulating endothelial cell survival, HIF-1 promotes tumor radioresistance. As a result, the net effect of HIF-1 blockade on tumor radioresponsiveness is highly dependent on treatment sequencing, with “radiation first” strategies being significantly more effective than the alternative. These data provide a strong rationale for pursuing sequence-specific combinations of HIF-1 blockade and conventional therapeutics

    Isolation of a Campylobacter lanienae-like Bacterium from Laboratory Chinchillas (Chinchilla laniger)

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    Routine necropsies of 27 asymptomatic juvenile chinchillas revealed a high prevalence of gastric ulcers with microscopic lymphoplasmacytic gastroenteritis and typhlocolitis. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis using Campylobacter genus-specific partial 16S rRNA primers revealed the presence of Campylobacter spp. DNA in the faeces of 12 of 27 animals (44.4%). Species-specific partial 16S rRNA PCR and sequencing confirmed that these animals were colonized with Campylobacter lanienae, a gram-negative, microaerophilic bacterium that was first identified on routine faecal screening of slaughterhouse employees and subsequently isolated from faeces of livestock. Campylobacter lanienae was isolated from the faeces of six PCR-positive animals and identified with species-specific PCR and full 16S rRNA sequencing. Phylogenetic analysis showed that these isolates clustered with C. lanienae strain NCTC 13004. PCR analysis of DNA extracted from gastrointestinal tissues revealed the presence of C. lanienae DNA in the caecum and colon of these chinchillas. Gastrointestinal lesions were scored and compared between C. lanienae-positive and C. lanienae-negative animals. There was no correlation between colonization status and lesion severity in the stomach, liver, duodenum, or colon. Possible routes of C. lanienae infection in chinchillas could include waterborne transmission and faecal–oral transmission from wild mice and rats or livestock. Based on these findings, the authors conclude that C. lanienae colonizes the lower bowel of chinchillas in the absence of clinical disease. This is the first report of C. lanienae in any rodent species. Campylobacter lanienae isolates from different mammalian species demonstrate heterogeneity by 16S rRNA sequence comparison. Analysis using rpoB suggests that isolates and clones currently identified as C. lanienae may represent multiple species or subspecies.Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service AwardNational Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant R01-OD011141)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant T32-OD007036)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant P30-ES02109

    Biomechanics of predator–prey arms race in lion, zebra, cheetah and impala

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    The fastest and most manoeuvrable terrestrial animals are found in savannah habitats, where predators chase and capture running prey. Hunt outcome and success rate are critical to survival, so both predator and prey should evolve to be faster and/or more manoeuvrable. Here we compare locomotor characteristics in two pursuit predator–prey pairs, lion–zebra and cheetah–impala, in their natural savannah habitat in Botswana. We show that although cheetahs and impalas were universally more athletic than lions and zebras in terms of speed, acceleration and turning, within each predator–prey pair, the predators had 20% higher muscle fibre power than prey, 37% greater acceleration and 72% greater deceleration capacity than their prey. We simulated hunt dynamics with these data and showed that hunts at lower speeds enable prey to use their maximum manoeuvring capacity and favour prey survival, and that the predator needs to be more athletic than its prey to sustain a viable success rate

    Priming of production in maize of volatile organic defence compounds by the natural plant activator cis- jasmone

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    cis-Jasmone (CJ) is a natural plant product that activates defence against herbivores in model and crop plants. In this study, we investigated whether CJ could prime defence in maize, Zea mays, against the leafhopper, Cicadulina storeyi, responsible for the transmission of maize streak virus (MSV). Priming occurs when a pre-treatment, in this case CJ, increases the potency and speed of a defence response upon subsequent attack on the plant. Here, we tested insect responses to plant volatile organic compounds (VOCs) using a Y-tube olfactometer bioassay. Our initial experiments showed that, in this system, there was no significant response of the herbivore to CJ itself and no difference in response to VOCs collected from unexposed plants compared to CJ exposed plants, both without insects. VOCs were then collected from C. storeyi-infested maize seedlings with and without CJ pre-treatment. The bioassay revealed a significant preference by this pest for VOCs from infested seedlings without the CJ pre-treatment. A timed series of VOC collections and bioassays showed that the effect was strongest in the first 22 h of insect infestation, i.e. before the insects had themselves induced a change in VOC emission. Chemical analysis showed that treatment of maize seedlings with CJ, followed by exposure to C. storeyi, led to a significant increase in emission of the defensive sesquiterpenes (E)-(1R,9S)-caryophyllene, (E)-α-bergamotene, (E)-β-farnesene and (E)-4,8-dimethyl-1,3,7-nonatriene, known to act as herbivore repellents. The chemical analysis explains the behavioural effects observed in the olfactometer, as the CJ treatment caused plants to emit a blend of VOCs comprising more of the repellent components in the first 22 h of insect infestation than control plants. The speed and potency of VOC emission was increased by the CJ pre-treatment. This is the first indication that CJ can prime plants for enhanced production of defensive VOCs antagonist towards herbivores

    Quiescience as a mechanism for cyclical hypoxia and acidosis

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    Tumour tissue characteristically experiences fluctuations in substrate supply. This unstable microenvironment drives constitutive metabolic changes within cellular populations and, ultimately, leads to a more aggressive phenotype. Previously, variations in substrate levels were assumed to occur through oscillations in the hæmodynamics of nearby and distant blood vessels. In this paper we examine an alternative hypothesis, that cycles of metabolite concentrations are also driven by cycles of cellular quiescence and proliferation. Using a mathematical modelling approach, we show that the interdependence between cell cycle and the microenvironment will induce typical cycles with the period of order hours in tumour acidity and oxygenation. As a corollary, this means that the standard assumption of metabolites entering diffusive equilibrium around the tumour is not valid; instead temporal dynamics must be considered

    Elevated CAIX Expression is Associated with an Increased Risk of Distant Failure in Early-Stage Cervical Cancer

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    Tumor hypoxia is associated with adverse outcome in many malignancies. The goal of this study was to determine if elevated expression of carbonic anhydrase IX (CAIX), a biomarker of hypoxia, predicts for recurrence in early-stage cervical cancer. The charts of all patients with early-stage cervical cancer, primarily FIGO IB, treated by radical hysterectomy at our institution from 1988–2001 were reviewed. Adequate pathologic specimens from patients who recurred or who had at least three years follow-up and remained disease-free were stained for CAIX. An immunohistochemical score (IHC) was generated from the extent/intensity of staining. Outcome, as measured by freedom from recurrence (FFR), distant metastases (FFDM) and local recurrence (FFLR), was analyzed as a function of age, IHC, lymph node status (LN) and histology. Forty-two relapsing patients and 76 non-relapsing patients were evaluated. In univariate analysis, +LN, though not IHC or histology, was a significant predictor of any recurrence. Both +LN and higher IHC were associated with decreased FFDM but not FFLR. Patients with both +LN and elevated IHC more frequently exhibited distant metastases as first site of failure (5-year FFDM 50%) than patients with only +LN, elevated IHC or neither feature (70, 85 and 95%, respectively, p = 0.0004). In multivariable analysis, only +LN was significantly associated with poorer FFDM (hazard ratio 4.6, p = 0.0015) though there was a strong trend with elevated CAIX expression (p = 0.069). Elevated CAIX expression is associated with more frequent distant metastases in early-stage cervical cancer, suggesting that patients with this characteristic may benefit from more aggressive treatment

    Neisseria oralis sp. nov., isolated from healthy gingival plaque and clinical samples

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    A polyphasic analysis was undertaken of seven independent isolates of Gram-negative cocci collected from pathological clinical samples from New York, Louisiana, Florida and Illinois and healthy subgingival plaque from a patient in Virginia, USA. The 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity among these isolates was 99.7–100 %, and the closest species with a validly published name was Neisseria lactamica (96.9 % similarity to the type strain). DNA–DNA hybridization confirmed that these isolates are of the same species and are distinct from their nearest phylogenetic neighbour, N. lactamica. Phylogenetic analysis of 16S and 23S rRNA gene sequences indicated that the novel species belongs in the genus Neisseria. The predominant cellular fatty acids were C16 : 0, summed feature 3 (C16 : 1ω7c and/or iso-C15 : 0 2-OH) and C18 : 1ω7c. The cellular fatty acid profile, together with other phenotypic characters, further supports the inclusion of the novel species in the genus Neisseria. The name Neisseria oralis sp. nov. (type strain 6332T = DSM 25276T = LMG 26725T) is proposed