14 research outputs found

    Dynamical tides in Jupiter and other rotationally flattened planets and stars with stable stratification

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    We develop a numerical method for directly computing the dissipative dynamical tidal response of rapidly rotating, oblate stars and gaseous planets with realistic internal structures. Applying these calculations to neutrally and stably stratified polytropes, we identify the most relevant resonances in models with rotation rates up to nearly the mass-shedding limit. We then compute the dynamical tidal response for Jupiter interior models including both stably stratified and convective regions. These calculations show that resonances involving mixed waves with both gravito-inertial and purely inertial character are capable of explaining a discrepancy between observations and hydrostatic calculations of Jupiter's response to tidal forcing by Io. This result contrasts with recent work that excluded Jupiter's rotational flattening, and opens the door to resonances involving a wider range of internal oscillation modes than previously considered.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS (comments welcome

    Dynamical tidal Love numbers of rapidly rotating planets and stars

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    Tidal interactions play an important role in many astrophysical systems, but uncertainties regarding the tides of rapidly rotating, centrifugally distorted stars and gaseous planets remain. We have developed a precise method for computing the dynamical, non-dissipative tidal response of rotating planets and stars, based on summation over contributions from normal modes driven by the tidal potential. We calculate the normal modes of isentropic polytropes rotating at up to ≃90%\simeq90\% of their critical breakup rotation rates, and tabulate fits to mode frequencies and tidal overlap coefficients that can be used to compute the frequency-dependent, non-dissipative tidal response (via potential Love numbers kℓmk_{\ell m}). Although fundamental modes (f-modes) possess dominant tidal overlap coefficients at (nearly) all rotation rates, we find that the strong coupling of retrograde inertial modes (i-modes) to tesseral (ℓ>∣m∣\ell>|m|) components of the tidal potential produces resonances that may be relevant to gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn. The coupling of f-modes in rapid rotators to multiple components of both the driving tidal potential and the induced gravitational field also affect the tesseral response, leading to significant deviations from treatments of rotation that neglect centrifugal distortion and high-order corrections. For very rapid rotation rates (≳70%\gtrsim 70\% of breakup), mixing between prograde f-modes and i-modes significantly enhances the sectoral (ℓ=∣m∣\ell=|m|) tidal overlap of the latter. The tidal response of very rapidly rotating, centrifugally distorted planets or stars can also be modified by resonant sectoral f-modes that are secularly unstable via the Chandrasekhar-Friedman-Schutz (CFS) mechanism.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in Ap

    Quasi-periodic oscillations, trapped inertial waves and strong toroidal magnetic fields in relativistic accretion discs

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    The excitation of trapped inertial waves (r-modes) by warps and eccentricities in the inner regions of a black hole accretion disc may explain the high-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations (HFQPOs) observed in the emission of Galactic X-ray binaries. However, it has been suggested that strong vertical magnetic fields push the oscillations' trapping region toward the innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO), where conditions could be unfavourable for their excitation. This paper explores the effects of large-scale magnetic fields that exhibit \textit{both} toroidal and vertical components, through local and global linear analyses. We find that a strong toroidal magnetic field can reduce the detrimental effects of a vertical field: in fact, the isolation of the trapping region from the ISCO may be restored by toroidal magnetic fields approaching thermal strengths. The toroidal field couples the r-modes to the disc's magneto-acoustic response and inflates the effective pressure within the oscillations. As a consequence, the restoring force associated with the vertical magnetic field's tension is reduced. Given the analytical and numerical evidence that accretion discs threaded by poloidal magnetic field lines develop a strong toroidal component, our result provides further evidence that the detrimental effects of magnetic fields on trapped inertial modes are not as great as previously thought.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, MNRAS accepte

    On the damping of tidally driven oscillations

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    Expansions in the oscillation modes of tidally perturbed bodies provide a useful framework for representing tidally induced flows. However, recent work has demonstrated that such expansions produce inaccurate predictions for secular orbital evolution when mode damping rates are computed independently. We explore the coupling of collectively driven modes by frictional and viscous dissipation, in tidally perturbed bodies that are both non-rotating and rigidly rotating. This exploration leads us to propose an alternative approach to treating the damping of tidally driven oscillations that accounts for dissipative mode coupling, but which does not require any information beyond the eigenfunctions and eigenfrequencies of adiabatic modes.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, revised after submission to MNRAS (comments welcome

    Saturn's Seismic Rotation Revisited

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    Normal mode seismology is a promising means of measuring rotation in gas giant interiors, and ring seismology presents a singular opportunity to do so at Saturn. We calculate Saturn's normal modes of oscillation and zonal gravity field, using nonperturbative methods for normal modes in the rigidly rotating approximation, and perturbative methods for the shifts that Saturn's deep winds induce in the mode frequencies and zonal gravity harmonics. The latter are calculated by solving the thermo-gravitational wind equation in an oblate geometry. Comparing many such models to gravity data and the frequencies of ring patterns excited by Saturn normal modes, we use statistical methods to estimate that Saturn's cloud-level winds extend inward along cylinders before decaying at a depth 0.125-0.138 times Saturn's equatorial radius, or 7,530-8,320 km, consistent with analyses of Cassini gravity and magnetic field data. The seismology is especially useful for pinning down Saturn's poorly constrained deep rotation period, which we estimate at 634.7 min (median) with a 5/95% quantile range 633.8-635.5 min. Outstanding residuals in mode frequencies at low angular degree suggest a more complicated deep interior than has been considered to date. Smaller but still significant residuals at high angular degree also show that our picture for the thermal, composition, and/or rotation profile in Saturn's envelope is not yet complete.Comment: Accepted to PS

    Tidal migration of exoplanets around M-dwarfs: frequency-dependent tidal dissipation

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    The orbital architectures of short-period exoplanet systems are shaped by tidal dissipation in their host stars. For low-mass M-dwarfs whose dynamical tidal response comprises a dense spectrum of inertial modes at low frequencies, resolving the frequency dependence of tidal dissipation is crucial to capturing the effect of tides on planetary orbits throughout the evolutionary stages of the host star. We use non-perturbative spectral methods to calculate the normal mode oscillations of a fully-convective M-dwarf modeled using realistic stellar profiles from MESA. We compute the dissipative tidal response composed of contributions from each mode as well as non-adiabatic coupling between the modes, which we find to be an essential component of the dissipative calculations. Using our results for dissipation, we then compute of the evolution of circular, coplanar planetary orbits under the influence of tides in the host star. We find that orbital migration driven by resonance locking affects the orbits of Earth-mass planets at orbital periods Porb≲1.5P_{\rm orb} \lesssim 1.5 day and of Jupiter-mass planets at Porb≲2.5P_{\rm orb} \lesssim 2.5 day. Due to resonantly-driven orbital decay and outward migration, we predict a dearth of small planets closer than Porb∼1P_{\rm orb} \sim 1 day and similarly sparse numbers of more massive planets out to Porb∼3P_{\rm orb} \sim 3 day.Comment: Accepted in Ap

    Quasi-periodic oscillations and the global modes of relativistic, MHD accretion discs

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    The high-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations (HFQPOs) that punctuate the light curves of X-ray binary systems present a window onto the intrinsic properties of stellar-mass black holes and hence a testbed for general relativity. One explanation for these features is that relativistic distortion of the accretion disc’s differential rotation creates a trapping region in which inertial waves (r-modes) might grow to observable amplitudes. Local analyses, however, predict that large-scale magnetic fields push this trapping region to the inner disc edge, where conditions may be unfavorable for r-mode growth. We revisit this problem from a pseudo-Newtonian but fully global perspective, deriving linearized equations describing a relativistic, magnetized accretion flow, and calculating normal modes with and without vertical density stratification. In an unstratified model, the choice of vertical wavenumber determines the extent to which vertical magnetic fields drive the r-modes toward the inner edge. In a global model fully incorporating density stratification, we confirm that this susceptibility to magnetic fields depends on disc thickness. Our calculations suggest that in thin discs, r-modes may remain independent of the inner disc edge for vertical magnetic fields with plasma betas as low as β ≈ 100 − 300. We posit that the appearance of r-modes in observations may be more determined by a competition between excitation and damping mechanisms near the ISCO than the modification of the trapping region by magnetic fields.J. Dewberry thanks the Cambridge International and Vassar College De Golier Trusts for funding this work

    HFQPOs and discoseismic mode excitation in eccentric, relativistic discs. II. Magnetohydrodynamic simulations.

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    Trapped inertial oscillations (r-modes) provide a promising explanation for high-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations (HFQPOs) observed in the emission from black hole X-ray binary systems. An eccentricity (or warp) can excite r-modes to large amplitudes, but concurrently the oscillations are likely damped by magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence driven by the magnetorotational instability (MRI). We force eccentricity in global, unstratified, zero-net flux MHD simulations of relativistic accretion discs, and find that a sufficiently strong disc distortion generates trapped inertial waves despite this damping. In our simulations, eccentricities above ~ 0.03 in the inner disc excite trapped waves. In addition to the competition between r-mode damping and driving, we observe that larger amplitude eccentric structures modify and in some cases suppress MRI turbulence. Given the variety of distortions (warps as well as eccentricities) capable of amplifying r-modes, the robustness of trapped inertial wave excitation in the face of MRI turbulence in our simulations provides support for a discoseismic explanation for HFQPOs

    Linear and nonlinear eccentric mode evolution in unstratified MHD discs

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    International audienceIn this paper we develop a framework for studying unstratified, magnetised eccentric discs and compute uniformly precessing eccentric modes in a cylindrical annulus which provide convenient initial conditions for numerical simulations. The presence of a magnetic field in an eccentric disc can be described by an effective gas with a modified equation of state. At magnetic field strengths relevant to the magneto-rotational instability the magnetic field has negligible influence on the evolution of the eccentric disc, however the eccentric disc can significantly enhance the magnetic field strength over that in the a circular disc. We verify the suitability of these eccentric disc solutions by carrying out 2D simulations in RAMSES. Our simulated modes (in 2D) follow a similar evolution to the purely hydrodynamical modes, matching theoretical expectations, provided they are adequately resolved. Such solutions will provide equilibrium states for studies of the eccentric magneto-rotational instability and magnetised parametric instability in unstratified discs and are useful for exploring the response of disc turbulence on top of a fluid flow varying on the orbital timescale

    Saturn's Seismic Rotation Revisited

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    Normal mode seismology is a promising means of measuring rotation in gas giant interiors, and ring seismology presents a singular opportunity to do so at Saturn. We calculate Saturn’s normal modes of oscillation and zonal gravity field, using nonperturbative methods for normal modes in the rigidly rotating approximation, and perturbative methods for the shifts that Saturn’s deep winds induce in the mode frequencies and zonal gravity harmonics. The latter are calculated by solving the thermogravitational wind equation in an oblate geometry. Comparing many such models to gravity data and the frequencies of ring patterns excited by Saturn’s normal modes, we use statistical methods to estimate that Saturn’s cloud-level winds extend inward along cylinders before decaying at a depth 0.125–0.138 times Saturn’s equatorial radius, or 7530–8320 km, consistent with analyses of Cassini’s gravity and magnetic field data. The seismology is especially useful for pinning down Saturn’s poorly constrained deep rotation period, which we estimate at 2 π /Ω _S = 634.7 minutes (median) with a 5/95% quantile range of 633.8–635.5 minutes. Outstanding residuals in mode frequencies at low angular degree suggest a more complicated deep interior than has been considered to date. Smaller but still significant residuals at high angular degrees also show that our picture for the thermal, composition, and/or rotation profile in Saturn’s envelope is not yet complete