3 research outputs found


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    In this work, starch-based bioplastics in advancing its properties were positively arranged with the addition of palm oil. Starch-based bioplastics were produced by dry blending method and compression technique with mixing starch and glycerol (3:1, w/w) then adding palm oil at various concentration (0%, 2.5%, 5% and 7.5% w/w). Morphology of bioplastics presented that palm oil wrapped bioplastics granules which influenced hydrophobicity properties of bioplastics compared by increasing contact angle of bioplastics from 45.950 (0% of palm oil) to 61.980 (5% of palm oil). This result indicated that the addition of palm oil could develop the properties of bioplastics to hold absorbing water molecules. Moreover, the melting point of bioplastics also affected shifting temperature from 1150 C to be 1000 C that could save the energy needed during heating process. FTIR analysis showed that C=O group at wavenumber 1747 cm-1 was dependable the interaction between starch-glycerol and palm oil. Furthermore, the addition of palm oil would accelerate the biodegradation process. Although the mechanical properties of bioplastics have not increased, the addition of palm oil on bioplastics fabrication is an alternative to improve the characteristic of bioplastics, especially physical, thermal, hydrophobicity and biodegradation properties

    Pembuatan Pupuk NPK Organik Dari Urin Kelinci, Guano Dan Abu Menggunakan Metode Granulasi Dengan Pengujian Terhadap Pertumbuhan Sawi (Brassica Rapa Var)

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui efisiensi waktu granulasi pupuk, kemudian mengetahui komposisi terbaik pembuatan pupuk berdasarkan analisa kandungan bahan dan juga berdasarkan hasil aplikasi pada tanaman sawi (Brassica Rapa Var). Prosedur penelitian dibagi menjadi dua tahap, tahap persiapan bahan dan tahap percobaan. Pertama tahap persiapan bahan baku. Limbah urin dan kotoran kelinci diperoleh dari peternakan kelinci di kabupaten Lamongan Jawa Timur. Guano diperoleh dari Gua Ngeroeng kabupaten Tuban Jawa Timur. Abu tanaman dari sisa pembakaran Industri Gula kabupaten Tulungagung. Melakukan pengujian pada tanaman sawi (Brassica Rapa Var) Selanjutnya bahan padat (guano dan abu) diayak dengan ukuran 60 mesh. Berikut adalah prosedur percobaan: melakukan pengayakan pada bahan baku padat (60 mesh). Menimbang bahan baku padat sesuai variabel yang ditentukan. Mencampur bahan baku padat sampai homogeny, Lalu memasukan ke dalam pan granulator secara periodik. Menspray urin kelinci sesuai variabel ke pan granulator secara periodik. Mengayak granular dengan ukuran 6-12 mesh. Terakhir menganalisa kandungan produk dengan parameter uji nitrogen, phospat, dan kalium. Waktu granulasi yang paling efisien adalah 10 menit Komposisi terbaik pembuatan pupuk NPK granular adalah 1:3 (guano:abu tanaman) , menghasilkan kandungan NPK total sebesar 9.03 % Komposisi pupuk terbaik berdasarkan peng ujian pada tanaman sawi adalah 1:1 (guano:abu tanaman), menghasilkan tinggi tanaman sawi sebesar 9.1 cm dalam periode waktu 42 hari. ==================================================================================================================The purpose of this study was to determine the efficiency of fertilizer granulation time, and then determine the best composition based on an analysis fertilizer ingredients and also based on the application of the mustard (Brassica Rapa Var). The procedures were divided into two phases, phase preparation materials and experimental stage. The first stage of the preparation of raw materials. Rabbit urine and fecal waste derived from rabbit farms in Lamongan district, East Java. Guano Cave Ngeroeng obtained from Tuban regency of East Java. Ash from combustion plants Sugar Industry Tulungagung. A test on mustard (Brassica Rapa Var) Further solid materials guano and ash sifted with a size of 60 mesh. Here is an experimental procedure: perform screening on a solid raw material (60 mesh). Considering the solid raw material according to the specified variable. Mixing the raw material of solid until homogeneous, then put into the pan granulator periodically. Menspray rabbit urine corresponding to variable pan granulator periodically. Granular sieve with a mesh size 6-12. Last analyzed the content of the product with test parameters nitrogen, phosphate, and potassium. Granulation time most efficiently is 10 minutes Composition best fertilizer NPK granular is 1: 3 (guano: ash plants), produce content of NPK total of 9:03% Composition best fertilizer based lawyer exam on mustard plants is 1: 1 (guano: ash plant ), high yield mustard plants, of 9.1 cm in a period of 42 days

    Fabrication And Characterization Of Starch Based Bioplastics With Palm Oil Addition

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    In this work, starch-based bioplastics in advancing its properties were positively arranged with the addition of palm oil. Starch-based bioplastics were produced by dry blending method and compression technique with mixing starch and glycerol (3:1, w/w) then adding palm oil at various concentration (0%, 2.5%, 5% and 7.5% w/w). Morphology of bioplastics presented that palm oil wrapped bioplastics granules which influenced hydrophobicity properties of bioplastics compared by increasing contact angle of bioplastics from 45.950 (0% of palm oil) to 61.980 (5% of palm oil). This result indicated that the addition of palm oil could develop the properties of bioplastics to hold absorbing water molecules. Moreover, the melting point of bioplastics also affected shifting temperature from 1150 C to be 1000 C that could save the energy needed during heating process. FTIR analysis showed that C=O group at wavenumber 1747 cm-1 was dependable the interaction between starch-glycerol and palm oil. Furthermore, the addition of palm oil would accelerate the biodegradation process. Although the mechanical properties of bioplastics have not increased, the addition of palm oil on bioplastics fabrication is an alternative to improve the characteristic of bioplastics, especially physical, thermal, hydrophobicity and biodegradation properties