108 research outputs found

    A new species of the genus Rhipidia Meigen, 1818 (Diptera: Limoniidae) from Tajikistan

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    A new species Rhipidia (Rhipidia) mesasiatica sp. n. (Diptera: Limoniidae) is described and illustrated based on male and female imagoes from Tajikistan, Badakhshan Mountainous Autonomous Region. This species belongs to the Rhipidia species-group with numerous small spots on the wings, but differs from them in the combination of some main diagnostic features: male antenna with seven bipectinate flagellomeres; thorac pleuron brown with one indistinct dark brown longitudinal stripe; wings with a relatively short vein Sc, vein Sc1 ending less one-third of Rs length; rostral prolongation of ventral gonostylus relatively long, with tuft of 4–5 long setae-like rostral spines nearer to ape

    Enhancement of emission currents in plasma electron sourcesbased on a low-pressure arc discharge

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    The paper reports on a theoretical and experimental study of the discharge plasma generation with an enhanced electron emission current in a plasma electron source based on a low-pressure arc discharge with a grid-stabilized plasma emission boundary. The source operates at a pressure in the working chamber of р = 0.02–0.05 Pa (Ar), accelerating voltage of up to Ua = 10 kV, and longitudinal magnetic field for electron beam transport of up to Bz = 0.1 T. The experiments show that in the mode of electron emission from the plasma, the voltage Ud between the cathode and grid electrode changes its sign. The numerical simulation demonstrates that the plasma potential and voltage Ud depend on the electric field penetrating from the acceleration gap into the discharge region through the grid meshes, and on the discharge current, gas pressure, geometric transparency of the grid, and gas kind. It is shown that the main mechanisms responsible for the increase in the discharge current and electron emission current from the plasma are associated with secondary ion-electron emission from the emission electrode and with positive feedback between the region of cathode plasma generation and the channel of electron beam transport

    Modernization of cathode assemblies of electron sources based on low pressure arc discharge

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    The paper presents modified cathode assemblies, including their main characteristics, for plasma electron sources based on a constricted low-pressure arc initiated by a discharge in crossed electric and magnetic fields. One of the modified cathode assemblies allows the electrode system of the auxiliary discharge to operate at a pressure of≈0.3 Pa, as against ≈ 10 Pa before the modification, provides a larger diameter constriction of the pulsed (up to [tau]=250 [mu]s) arc, and thus extends the range of operating currents for the plasma-cathode discharge system up to I[d]=300 A. The other modified assembly operates at widely varying discharge currents I[d]=5-100 A, provides lesser amounts of cathode microdroplets at the discharge electrodes, and allows the arc to operate at comparatively low voltages. The use of cathode assemblies adapted for specific discharge systems extends the capabilities of plasma- emitter electron sources as well as the range of their applications in scientific and technological fields

    «Восточное партнерство»: актуальное состояние и ближайшие перспективы

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    This article aims at analyzing the key results and future prospects of the Eastern Partnership program of the European Union. Usually the criticism toward this initiative is based on two arguments: allegedly, it was the assertiveness of the EU which contributed to the Ukrainian crisis and increased a conflict potential with Russia. Besides, in the end Brussels was not able to deliver more in terms of Ukrainian, Moldovan and Georgian integration into the EU and to counterbalance the Russian foreign policy in the region. The author argues that the Eastern Partnership, driven by the “constitutive power of outsiders”, was an adequate answer to the socio-political changes which have occurred in East European countries. It gave them an opportunity, based on the principle of “more for more”, to include themselves in internal EU regimes without formal accession. On the other hand, the Eastern Partnership is currently facing two main challenges: Russian reaction to EU association agreements with Eastern neighbors as well as disintegration and corruption of the elites. Despite some disappointment of the Euro-enthusiasts and the devastating economic crisis in the region, it is still preserving the pro-European orientation and working on the association agenda. But, in the context of substantial problems with corruption, Brussels has now to apply the policy of “sticks” in order to discipline (and not only support or encourage) the neighborhood countries

    Simulation Research of Business Processes with Queues Using GPSS Studio Modeling Environment

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    The purpose of research. The goal of this study is to analyze different domestic software packages intended for modeling of business processes involving queues and time parameters. The main analysis criteria are: the possibility of graphical development or conversion of the business process block diagram to the model; automatic generation of simulation model; quick and convenient construction of domain-specific application; the variety of result analysis tools. The relevance of the problems to choose the optimal modeling tool is determined by the need to use only domestic software for business process investigation in the military and some scientific organizations, and by the lack of information about existing software products. In this paper, the subject of study is the Russian simulation modeling environment GPSS Studio.Materials and methods. In this article, the analysis of the possibility of effective usage of GPSS Studio environment during business processes analysis and synthesis is performed. The study was performed on the available examples of different applications of this tool, and by the creation of the model analyzing business processes that are typical for any HR department.Results. Taking into account the performed analysis of functionality and practical applications of the GPSS Studio environment, the good prospects of its application for modeling of business processes involving queues and time parameters are shown. The further system improvements intended for effective business process modeling are proposed.Conclusion. As a result of the performed study, we can do the following conclusions and recommendations:– The GPSS Studio graphical editor can be successfully used for the graphical description of the business processes when it is required to analyze: queues, the load of resources, and the time characteristics of the processing,– The simulation model is automatically generated from the graphical description. The produced model can be finally debugged and verified with the GPSS Studio,– The standalone simulation application working in terms of the subject domain can be built from the simulation model using the simulation environment,– Using this application, it is possible to perform complex business process simulation modeling by means of varying system parameters and performing of singular experiments, a series of dedicated experiments, and optimizing experiments,– Since the GPSS Studio concepts include the possibility to create domain-specific libraries of standard blocks, it is possible to create a library of standard elements similar to IDEF, BPMN, DFD block charts to facilitate faster description and modeling of business processes. After the creation of such a library, there would be no need to manually write GPSS code, since the business process model could be built by a simple connection of standard blocks

    Optimal Fuzzy Aggregation of Secondary Attributes in Recognition Problems

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    A method of optimal fuzzy aggregation of secondary attributes in problems of recognizing a person from images is proposed. The primary attribute is a characteristic feature of an object, allowing to distinguish one object from another. The secondary attribute is a result of recognition algorithm, based on primary attributes. Fuzzy integrals of Sugeno and Choquet are used as aggregation operators of secondary attributes. Optimality of aggregation here stands for the selection of the best solution of recognition problem by means of fuzzy integrals. It also indicates conditions, when the use of Sugeno fuzzy integral as an aggregation operator is better than the use of Choquet fuzzy integral in recognition problems. The experiment results are presented

    The Properties of Intelligent Human-Machine Interface

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    Intelligent human-machine interfaces based on multimodal interaction are developed separately in different application areas. No unified opinion exists about the issue of what properties should these interfaces have to provide an intuitive and natural interaction. Having carried out an analytical survey of the papers that deal with intelligent interfaces a set of properties are presented, which are necessary for intelligent interface between an information system and a human: absolute response, justification, training, personification, adaptiveness, collectivity, security, hidden persistence, portability, filtering