55 research outputs found

    Antitumor and antimicrobial activities and inhibition of in-vitro lipid peroxidation by Dendrobium nobile

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    The aim of the study was to determine the antitumor and antimicrobial activities as well as the inhibition of in vitro lipid peroxidation evoked by Dendrobium nobile. Antimicrobial activity of different solventextracts of flowers and stem of D. nobile against Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, Proteus, Salmonella typhi and Staphylococcus aureus were analyzed separately. The swiss albino mice were induced withDalton’s Lymphoma Ascites (DLA) cell lines and the antitumor effect of D. nobile was studied by administering orally the aqueous extracts of the flowers of D. nobile. The antitumor activity was measured in DLA cell line induced mice. Inhibition of in vitro lipid peroxidation activity of the D. nobile in both liver homogenate and RBC ghosts was also carried out. The aqueous extracts of stem and flower of D. nobile showed better zone of bacterial inhibition than that of ethanol and chloroformextracts. The plant extracts treated DLA cell induced mice showed better tumor regression, and the flowers of the plant inhibited the in vitro lipid peroxidation, significantly. The present work indicatesthat the D. nobile flower extracts possessed antimicrobial and antitumor properties in addition to antiperoxidative activity

    Structural compromise of disallowed conformations in peptide and protein structures

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    Using a data set of 454 crystal structures of peptides and 80 crystal structures of non-homologous proteins solved at ultra high resolution of 1.2 Å or better we have analyzed the occurrence of disallowed Ramachandran (φ, ψ) angles. Out of 1492 and 13508 non-glycyl residues in peptides and proteins respectively 12 and 76 residues in the two datasets adopt clearly disallowed combinations of Ramachandran angles. These examples include a number of conformational points which are far away from any of the allowed regions in the Ramachandran map. According to the Ramachandran map a given (φ, ψ) combination is considered disallowed when two non-bonded atoms in a system of two-linked peptide units with ideal geometry are prohibitively proximal in space. However, analysis of the disallowed conformations in peptide and protein structures reveals that none of the observations of disallowed conformations in the crystal structures correspond to a short contact between non-bonded atoms. A further analysis of deviations of bond lengths and angles, from the ideal peptide geometry, at the residue positions of disallowed conformations in the crystal structures suggest that individual bond lengths and angles are all within acceptable limits. Thus, it appears that the rare tolerance of disallowed conformations is possible by gentle and acceptable deviations in a number of bond lengths and angles, from ideal geometry, over a series of bonds resulting in a net gross effect of acceptable non-bonded inter-atomic distances

    Structural compromise of disallowed conformations in Peptide and protein structures

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    Using a data set of 454 crystal structures of peptides and 80 crystal structures of non-homologous proteins solved at ultra high resolution of 1.2 \AA or better we have analyzed the occurrence of disallowed Ramachandran (\Phi, \Psi) angles. Out of 1492 and 13508 non-glycyl residues in peptides and proteins respectively 12 and 76 residues in the two datasets adopt clearly disallowed combinations of Ramachandran angles. These examples include a number of conformational points which are far away from any of the allowed regions in the Ramachandran map. According to the Ramachandran map a given (\Phi, \Psi) combination is considered disallowed when two non-bonded atoms in a system of two-linked peptide units with ideal geometry are prohibitively proximal in space. However, analysis of the disallowed conformations in peptide and protein structures reveals that none of the observations of disallowed conformations in the crystal structures correspond to a short contact between non-bonded atoms. A further analysis of deviations of bond lengths and angles, from the ideal peptide geometry, at the residue positions of disallowed conformations in the crystal structures suggest that individual bond lengths and angles are all within acceptable limits. Thus, it appears that the rare tolerance of disallowed conformations is possible by gentle and acceptable deviations in a number of bond lengths and angles, from ideal geometry, over a series of bonds resulting in a net gross effect of acceptable non-bonded inter-atomic distances

    Multi-perspective CuO@C nanocomposites : synthesis using drumstick peel as carbon source and its optimization using response surface methodology

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    Recent finding on the Moringa oleifera (M. oleifera) species evidenced the significant pharmacological activities which comply with the claims made in the folk medicine. However there is no conclusive pharmacognostic, nutritional value, phytochemical investigations on the dry peel of M. oleifera till date. The current work discuss on the nutritional value, minerals, vitamins content, amino acids, bioactive compounds and quantitative phytochemical analysis of M. oleiferadry vegetable peel. The result obtained from the above study confirms the presence of carbohydrates, protein, and fat as 7.15 ± 0.15 mg/100 g, 2.5 ± 0.85 mg/100 g and 0.2 ± 0.08 mg/100 g respectively. The dry peel powder of M. oleifera showed high content of potassium with 12.48 ± 0.85 and promising amount of vitamins, amino acids and bioactive compound composition. From the preliminary phytochemical analysis, it was found that the dry vegetable peel contains high content total glycosides, falvonoids and phenolic contents. The preparations of CuO@C nanocomposites were optimized using RSM (Response surface methodology). The synthesized CuO@C nanocomposites were analyzed using various characterization techniques and size and shape of CuO@C nanocomposites determined as 20 nm with cubic shape. The synthesized CuO@C nanocomposites are showed nontoxic on the human erythrocytes and act as a good antibacterial agent on gram negative bacterial strain

    Конструкція інтегрованої антени мм-хвиль і суб-6 ГГц для мобільних пристроїв 5G

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    У додатках 5G антенна система відіграє важливу роль для підтримки ефективності покриття сигналу під час передачі. Діапазони міліметрового діапазону і суб-6 ГГц інтегровані в нову антенну систему, яка пропонується для портативних пристроїв 5G. Запропонована конструкція з однією антеною, яка охоплює смугу частот 32,4 ГГц від 5,8 ГГц до 38,2 ГГц. Передбачувана структура антени була отримана шляхом введення Т-подібних прорізів у накладку разом із присутністю паразитних елементів з обох боків. Підкладка FR-4 антени розроблена з розмірами 30 x 28 x 1,6 мм2. Коефіцієнт підсилення змінюється від 5 до 32 дБі на робочій частоті. Паразитні компоненти розроблені та з’єднані з патчем для підтримки здатності патча випромінювати з кількома резонансами в широкому робочому діапазоні. Оптимальна антена включає шість резонансних частот 11 ГГц, 18,2 ГГц, 20,3 ГГц, 21,7 ГГц, 23,2 ГГц і 27 ГГц. Протягом усієї робочої частоти коефіцієнт стоячої хвилі напруги (КСХВ) становить менше 2, що означає добре узгодження імпедансу. Антена має ефективність щонайменше 65 %, що робить дає змогу використовувати її для пристроїв 5G. Нова геометрія антени з компактним розміром, широка робоча смуга з кількома ефективними резонансними частотами, високий коефіцієнт підсилення, хороша ефективність випромінювання, всенаправлена стабільна діаграма спрямованості є основними перевагами даної конструкції, що представлена в цій роботі.In 5G applications, the antenna system plays a vital role to maintain the efficiency of the signal coverage during transmission. The millimeter-wave (mm-wave) and sub-6 GHz bands are integrated into the new antenna system which is suggested for the 5G handheld devices. The suggested antenna is a single antenna system that covers a 32.4 GHz bandwidth from 5.8 GHz to 38.2 GHz. The intended antenna structure has been obtained by introducing T-Shaped slots in the patch along with presence of parasitic elements on either side. The antenna's FR-4 substrate is developed with dimensions of 30 x 28 x 1.6 mm2. The gain varies between 5 and 32 dBi across the operating frequency. The parasitic components are designed and connected with the patch to support the patch's ability to radiate with multiple resonances over a wide operating band. The optimal antenna includes six resonant frequencies 11 GHz, 18.2 GHz, 20.3 GHz, 21.7 GHz, 23.2 GHz, and 27 GHz. During the entire working frequency, the Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) is obtained below 2, which signifies well impedance matching. The antenna maintains an efficiency of at least 65 % throughout, making it a strong candidate for 5G devices. The novel antenna geometry with compact size, wide operating band with multiple fruitful resonant frequencies, high gain, good radiation efficiency, omnidirectional stable radiation patterns are the major findings reported in this article