15 research outputs found

    Le microbiote intestinal module la balance homéostasie / plaisir régulant la prise alimentaire chez le rat

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    National audienceIntroduction et but de l’étude : Les troubles du comportement alimentaire rĂ©sultent d’un dĂ©sĂ©quilibre entre rĂ©gulation homĂ©ostatique et plaisir contrĂŽlant la prise alimentaire. Chez le rongeur soumis brutalement Ă  un rĂ©gime hyper-lipidique (HF), une premiĂšre phase d’hyperphagie liĂ©e Ă  l’activation des noyaux de la rĂ©compense et du plaisir est observĂ©e pendant un jour et est suivie d’un remodelage hypothalamique sous-tendant un retour Ă  un ingĂ©rĂ© normal en 2 ou 3 jours. Notre objectif Ă©tait d’évaluer le rĂŽle du microbiote intestinal dans les adaptations du comportement alimentaire lors de cette exposition Ă  un rĂ©gime HF.MatĂ©riel et mĂ©thodes : Des rats Wistars conventionnels ont Ă©tĂ© soumis Ă  un rĂ©gime HF et euthanasiĂ©s aprĂšs 0, 2h, 1J, 2J ou 4J (n= 6 Ă  9) afin d’évaluer les changements au niveau du microbiote intestinal (16s) et de l’hypothalamus (mĂ©tabolomique) concomitants Ă  l’adaptation du comportement alimentaire. L’impact du microbiote sur le comportement alimentaire et l’adaptation hypothalamique ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©s avec des rats Fischer axĂ©niques (Ax, n=9) ou conventionnels (Cv, n=10) soumis Ă  un rĂ©gime HF ou contrĂŽle (C) pendant 2J.RĂ©sultats et Analyse statistique : Chez les rats Wistars, le passage au rĂ©gime HF a entrainĂ© une modification rapide du microbiote caecal : diminution de la richesse (Chao1) et de la diversitĂ© (Shannon) dĂšs 1J de rĂ©gime HF (P<0.0001), modification de la diversitĂ©-ÎČ (P<0.001, ACP sous contrainte de l’indice de Bray Curtis). Une forte baisse de l’abondance de Prevotellaceae et des genres Lactobacillus, Lachnospiraceae NK4A136, Anaerovax, Bacteroidales S24, Enterohabdus et une forte augmentation des genres Lactococcus, Desulfovibrio, Escherichia/Shigella et Alloprevotella Ă©taient observĂ©es dĂšs 1J. A l’inverse le microbiote ilĂ©al Ă©tait peu impactĂ© par le changement de rĂ©gime. Au niveau hypothalamique, une analyse mĂ©tabolomique a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© des modifications trĂšs rapides du systĂšme redox, du mĂ©tabolisme du tryptophane ainsi que des phĂ©nomĂšnes de remodelage membranaire. Les rats Ax soumis au rĂ©gime HF, ont prĂ©sentĂ© une augmentation moins importante de leur ingĂ©rĂ© Ă©nergĂ©tique Ă  1J et 2J que les rats Cv-HF (P<0.0001). Ceci Ă©tait dĂ» Ă  une absence totale d’augmentation de consommation diurne chez les rats Ax par rapport aux rats Cv dont la prise alimentaire augmente dĂšs la prĂ©sentation du rĂ©gime HF (P=0.035) et Ă  une plus faible consommation nocturne des rats Ax-HF par rapport aux rats Cv-HF (P=0.04 Ă  J1). Au niveau hypothalamique, le statut microbiologique impactait fortement l’expression des gĂšnes impliquĂ©s dans la plasticitĂ© cellulaire. De plus l’expression d’AgrP Ă©tait deux fois plus importante chez les rats Ax-C que chez les rats Cv-C et elle diminuait de 40% chez les rats Ax aprĂšs 2J de rĂ©gime HF. Cette diminution n’était pas observĂ©e chez les rats Cv-HF.Conclusion : L’écosystĂšme intestinal s’adapte trĂšs rapidement au changement d’aliment, en parallĂšle d’un profond remodelage hypothalamique. L’absence de microbiote modifie l’adaptation du comportement alimentaire au rĂ©gime HF, Ă  la fois dans la phase d’activation du systĂšme de la rĂ©compense et dans celle de remodelage du systĂšme orĂ©xigĂšne, suggĂ©rant un rĂŽle du microbiote et de l’axe intestin-cerveau dans ces phĂ©nomĂšnes

    Differential metal sensing and metal‐dependent degradation of the broad spectrum root metal transporter <scp>IRT1</scp>

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    SUMMARYIron is an essential micronutrient for plant growth and development. Under low iron conditions, Arabidopsis plants take up soil iron using the root iron transporter IRT1. In addition to iron, IRT1 also transports others divalent metals, including cadmium, which consequently accumulates into plant tissues and enters the food chain. IRT1 expression was shown to be regulated at the transcriptional and post‐translational levels by its essential metal substrates to maximize iron uptake while limiting the accumulation of zinc, manganese, or cobalt. Here, we characterized the regulation of IRT1 by cadmium. A short‐term exposure to cadmium decreased the cell surface levels of IRT1 through endocytosis and degradation, but with a lower efficiency than observed for other IRT1 metal substrates. We demonstrated that IRT1 endocytosis in response to cadmium is mediated through the direct binding of cadmium to histidine residues within the regulatory loop of IRT1. However, we revealed that the affinity of the metal sensing motif is much lower for cadmium compared to other metal substrates of IRT1. Finally, we proved that cadmium‐induced IRT1 degradation takes place through ubiquitin‐mediated endocytosis driven by the UBC35/36 E2 ubiquitin‐conjugating enzymes and the IDF1 E3 ubiquitin ligase. Altogether, this work sheds light on the mechanisms of cadmium‐mediated downregulation of IRT1 and provides an additional molecular basis for cadmium accumulation and toxicity in plants.</jats:p

    Characterization of a uranium-tolerant green microalga with high potential for the remediation of metal-polluted waters

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    Uranium (U) pollution of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems poses a significant threat to the environment and human health because this radionuclide is chemotoxic. Characterization of organisms that tolerate and accumulate U is critical to decipher the mechanisms evolved to cope with the radionuclide and to propose new effective strategies for bioremediation of U-contaminated environments. We isolated a unicellular green microalga that is much more tolerant to U than Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Chlorella vulgaris. The isolated microalga is able to accumulate U very rapidly and, then, progressively release it into the medium, behaving as an excluder to limit the toxic effects of U. The U-tolerant microalga is able to grow, maintain high photosynthesis and capture 25-55% of U from natural metal-contaminated waters from a reclaimed U mine. The isolated microalga is very promising for the remediation of polluted waters with valorization of algal biomass that accumulates neutral lipids

    Characterization of a uranium-tolerant green microalga with high potential for the remediation of metal-polluted waters

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    Uranium (U) pollution of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems poses a significant threat to the environment and human health because this radionuclide is chemotoxic. Characterization of organisms that tolerate and accumulate U is critical to decipher the mechanisms evolved to cope with the radionuclide and to propose new effective strategies for bioremediation of U-contaminated environments. We isolated a unicellular green microalga that is much more tolerant to U than Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Chlorella vulgaris. The isolated microalga is able to accumulate U very rapidly and, then, progressively release it into the medium, behaving as an excluder to limit the toxic effects of U. The U-tolerant microalga is able to grow, maintain high photosynthesis and capture 25-55% of U from natural metal-contaminated waters from a reclaimed U mine. The isolated microalga is very promising for the remediation of polluted waters with valorization of algal biomass that accumulates neutral lipids

    Uranium-tolerant soil bacteria protect Arabidopsis thaliana seedling growth in a uranium pollution context

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    We investigated the impact of uranium (U) on Arabidopsis thaliana seed germination and on the early stages of seedling development. Using an in vitro device, we demonstrated that uranyl ion had a very low impact on Arabidopsis seed germination but had a drastic effect on the development of Arabidopsis seedlings. We showed that the two soil bacterial strains Microbacterium sp. ViU2A and Stenotrophomonas bentonitica BII-R7, which are able to tolerate high concentrations of U, strongly reduced the toxic effects of the metal on the seedling development. This protective effect is specific to these soil bacteria, as E. coli was not able to protect seedlings. The analysis of the distribution of U between Arabidopsis seedlings and soil bacteria showed that the protective effect of the bacteria was due to their ability to sequester U either by biosorption at the level of the cell surface and/or by intracellular or extracellular biomineralization.This study reveals that these bacteria are very good candidates for use in phytoremediation strategies in the case of phytostabilisation of U-polluted soils. They would be also useful to limit the contamination of the food chain by U because they would limit the entry of this toxic element in crop plants

    Characterization of a uranium-tolerant green microalga of the genus Coelastrella with high potential for the remediation of metal-polluted waters

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    International audienceUranium (U) contamination of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems poses a significant threat to the environment and human health due to the chemotoxicity of this actinide. The characterization of organisms that tolerate and accumulate U is crucial to decipher the mechanisms evolved to cope with the radionuclide and to propose new effective strategies for the bioremediation of U-contaminated environments. Here, we isolated a unicellular green microalga of the genus Coelastrella from U-contaminated wastewater. We showed that Coelastrella sp. PCV is much more tolerant to U than Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Chlorella vulgaris. Coelastrella sp. PCV is able to accumulate U very rapidly and then gradually release it into the medium, behaving as an excluder to limit the toxic effects of U. The ability of Coelastrella sp. PCV to accumulate U is remarkably high, with up to 240 mg of tightly bound U per g of dry biomass. Coelastrella sp. PCV is able to grow and maintain high photosynthesis in natural metal-contaminated waters from a wetland near a reclaimed U mine. In a single one-week growth cycle, Coelastrella sp. PCV is able to capture 25-55% of the U from the contaminated waters and shows lipid droplet accumulation. Coelastrella sp. PCV is a very promising microalga for the remediation of polluted waters with valorization of algal biomass that accumulates lipids

    Lipo-protein emulsion structure in the diet affects protein digestion kinetics, intestinal mucosa parameters and microbiota composition

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    SCOPE: Food structure is a key factor controlling digestion and nutrient absorption. We tested the hypothesis that protein emulsion structure in the diet may affect digestive and absorptive processes. METHODS & RESULTS: Rats (n = 40) were fed for 3 weeks two diets chemically identical but based on lipid-protein liquid-fine (LFE) or gelled-coarse (GCE) emulsions that differ at the macro- and micro-structure levels. After an overnight fasting, they ingested a 15 N-labeled LFE or GCE test meal and were euthanized 0, 15min, 1h and 5h later. 15 N enrichment in intestinal contents and 15 N blood fate were measured. Gastric emptying, protein digestion kinetics, 15 N absorption and incorporation in blood protein and urea were faster with LFE than GCE. At 15min timepoint, LFE group showed higher increase in GIP portal levels than GCE. Three weeks of dietary adaptation led to higher expression of cationic amino acid-transporters in ileum of LFE compared to GCE. LFE diet raised cecal butyrate and isovalerate proportion relative to GCE, suggesting increased protein fermentation. LFE diet increased fecal Parabacteroides relative abundance but decreased Bifidobacterium, Sutterella, Parasutterella genera, and Clostridium cluster XIV abundance. CONCLUSION: Protein emulsion structure regulates digestion kinetics and gastrointestinal physiology, and could be targeted to improve food health value