38 research outputs found

    Modeling of gain and phase dynamics in quantum dot amplifiers

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    By means of an electron hole rate equation model we explain the phase dynamics of a quantum dot semiconductor optical amplifier and the appearance of different decay times observed in pump and probe experiments. The ultrafast hole relaxation leads to a first ultrafast recovery of the gain, followed by electron relaxation and, in the nanosecond timescale, radiative and non-radiative recombinations. The phase dynamics is slower and is affected by thermal redistribution of carriers within the dot. We explain the ultrafast response of quantum dot amplifiers as an effect of hole escape and recombination without the need to assume Auger processe

    Light dressed-excitons in an incoherent-electron sea: Evidence for Mollow-triplet and Autler-Townes doublet

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    We demonstrate that the interaction between excitons and a sea of incoherent electrons does not preclude excitons dressing by light. We investigate the role of exciton-electron scattering in the light dressing by measuring the dynamical absorption spectrum of a modulation-doped CdTe quantum well, which shows a clear evidence for significant electron scattering of the excitonic states. We show the occurrence of dressed and correlated excitons by detecting quantum coherent interferences through excitonic Autler-Townes doublet and ac Stark splitting, which evolves to Mollow triplet with gain. We also evidence the partial inhibition of the electron-exciton scattering by exciton-light coupling

    Selective photoexcitation of exciton-polariton vortices

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    We resonantly excite exciton-polariton states confined in cylindrical traps. Using a homodyne detection setup, we are able to image the phase and amplitude of the confined polariton states. We evidence the excitation of vortex states, carrying an integer angular orbital momentum m, analogous to the transverse TEM01* "donut" mode of cylindrically symmetric optical resonators. Tuning the excitation conditions allows us to select the charge of the vortex. In this way, the injection of singly charged (m = 1 & m = -1) and doubly charged (m = 2) polariton vortices is shown. This work demonstrates the potential of in-plane confinement coupled with selective excitation for the topological tailoring of polariton wavefunctions

    Stochastic resonance in collective exciton-polariton excitations inside a GaAs microcavity

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    We report the first observation of stochastic resonance in confined exciton-polaritons. We evidence this phenomena by tracking the polaritons behavior through two stochastic resonance quantifiers namely the spectral magnification factor and the signal-to-noise ratio. The evolution of the stochastic resonance in function of the modulation amplitude of the periodic excitation signal is studied. Our experimental observations are well reproduced by numerical simulations performed in the framework of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation under stochastic perturbation.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Phase-resolved imaging of confined exciton-polariton wave functions in elliptical traps

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    We study the wave functions of exciton polaritons trapped in the elliptical traps of a patterned microcavity. A homodyne detection setup with numerical off-axis filtering allows us to retrieve the amplitude and the phase of the wave functions. Doublet states are observed as the result of the ellipticity of the confinement potential and are successfully compared to even and odd solutions of Mathieu equations. We also show how superpositions of odd and even states can be used to produce "donut" and "eight-shape" states which can be interpreted as polariton vortices

    Dynamics of dark-soliton formation in a polariton quantum fluid

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    Polariton fluids have revealed huge potentialities in order to investigate the properties of bosonic fluids at the quantum scale. Among those properties, the opportunity to create dark as well as bright solitons has been demonstrated recently. In the present experiments, we image the formation dynamics of oblique dark solitons. They nucleate in the wake of an engineered attractive potential that perturbs the polariton quantum fluid. Thanks to time and phase measurements, we assess quantitatively the formation process. The formation velocity is observed to increase with increasing distance between the flow injection point and the obstacle which modulates the density distribution of the polariton fluid. We propose an explanation in terms of the increased resistance to the flow and of the conditions for the convective instability of dark solitons. By using an iterative solution of the generalized Gross-Pitaevskii equation, we are able to reproduce qualitatively our experimental results

    Electron localization by a donor in the vicinity of a basal stacking fault in GaN

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    We study the effects of the vicinity between a shallow donor nucleus and an I1-type basal stacking fault (BSF) in GaN. We propose a numerical calculation, in the “effective potential” formalism, of energies and envelope functions of electrons submitted to the conjunction of attractive potentials caused by the BSF and the donor. We show that the donor localizes the electron along the plane of the BSF, even when the donor lies as far as 10 nm from the BSF. Conversely, the presence of the BSF enhances the donor binding energy by up to a factor of 1.8, when the donor is placed exactly on the BSF. We briefly discuss the probability of occurrence of such a situation in, e.g., a-plane GaN, as well as its consequences on transport and optical properties of this material

    Exciton hopping probed by picosecond time-resolved cathodoluminescence

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    The exciton transport is studied in high quality ZnO microwires using time resolved cathodoluminescence. Owing to the available picosecond temporal and nanometer spatial resolution, a direct estimation of the exciton average speed has been measured. When raising the temperature, a strong decrease of the effective exciton mobility (hopping speed of donor-bound excitons) has been observed in the absence of any remarkable change in the effective lifetime of excitons. Additionally, the exciton hopping speed was observed to be independent of the strain gradient value, revealing the hopping nature of exciton movement. These experimental results are in good agreement with the behavior predicted for impurity-bound excitons in our previously published theoretical model based on Monte-Carlo simulations, suggesting the hopping process as the main transport mechanism of impurity-bound excitons at low temperatures

    Implementation of spatio-time-resolved cathodoluminescence spectroscopy for studying local carrier dynamics in a low dislocation density m-plane InGaN epilayer grown on a freestanding GaN substrate

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    Spatio-time-resolvedcathodoluminescence (STRCL) spectroscopy isimplemented to assess the local carrier dynamics in a 70 nm-thick, very low threading dislocation (TD) density, pseudomorphic m-plane In GaN epilayer grown on a freestanding GaN substrate by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy. Although TDs or stacking faults are absent, sub-micrometer-wide zonary patterns parallel to the c-axis and 2 um-long-axis figure-of-8 patterns parallel to the a-axis are clearly visualized in the monochromatic cathodoluminescence intensity images. Because the STRCL measurement reveals very little spatial variation of low-temperature radiative lifetime, the considerable peak energy variation is interpreted to originate from nonidentical In-incorporation efficiency for the growing surfaces exhibiting various miscut angles. The figure-of-8 patterns are ascribed to originate from the anisotropic,severe m-plane tilt mosaic along the a-axis of the GaNsubstrate,and the zonary patterns may originate from the m-plane tilt mosaic along the c-axi