11 research outputs found

    Sca-1+ Cells from Fetal Heart with High Aldehyde Dehydrogenase Activity Exhibit Enhanced Gene Expression for Self-Renewal, Proliferation, and Survival

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    Stem/progenitor cells from multiple tissues have been isolated based on enhanced activity of cytosolic aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) enzyme. ALDH activity has emerged as a reliable marker for stem/progenitor cells, such that ALDHbright/high cells from multiple tissues have been shown to possess enhanced stemness properties (self-renewal and multipotency). So far though, not much is known about ALDH activity in specific fetal organs. In this study, we sought to analyze the presence and activity of the ALDH enzyme in the stem cell antigen-1-positive (Sca-1+) cells of fetal human heart. Biochemical assays showed that a subpopulation of Sca-1+ cells (15%) possess significantly high ALDH1 activity. This subpopulation showed increased expression of self-renewal markers compared to the ALDHlow fraction. The ALDHhigh fraction also exhibited significant increase in proliferation and pro-survival gene expression. In addition, only the ALDHhigh and not the ALDHlow fraction could give rise to all the cell types of the original population, demonstrating multipotency. ALDHhigh cells showed increased resistance against aldehyde challenge compared to ALDHlow cells. These results indicate that ALDHhigh subpopulation of the cultured human fetal cells has enhanced self-renewal, multipotency, high proliferation, and survival, indicating that this might represent a primitive stem cell population within the fetal human heart

    Phenotypic and Functional Characterization of Human Mammary Stem/Progenitor Cells in Long Term Culture

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    Background: Cancer stem cells exhibit close resemblance to normal stem cells in phenotype as well as function. Hence, studying normal stem cell behavior is important in understanding cancer pathogenesis. It has recently been shown that human breast stem cells can be enriched in suspension cultures as mammospheres. However, little is known about the behavior of these cells in long-term cultures. Since extensive self-renewal potential is the hallmark of stem cells, we undertook a detailed phenotypic and functional characterization of human mammospheres over long-term passages. Methodology: Single cell suspensions derived from human breast `organoids' were seeded in ultra low attachment plates in serum free media. Resulting primary mammospheres after a week (termed T1 mammospheres) were subjected to passaging every 7th day leading to the generation of T2, T3, and T4 mammospheres. Principal Findings: We show that primary mammospheres contain a distinct side-population (SP) that displays a CD24(low)/CD44(low) phenotype, but fails to generate mammospheres. Instead, the mammosphere-initiating potential rests within the CD44(high)/CD24(low) cells, in keeping with the phenotype of breast cancer-initiating cells. In serial sphere formation assays we find that even though primary (T1) mammospheres show telomerase activity and fourth passage T4 spheres contain label-retaining cells, they fail to initiate new mammospheres beyond T5. With increasing passages, mammospheres showed an increase in smaller sized spheres, reduction in proliferation potential and sphere forming efficiency, and increased differentiation towards the myoepithelial lineage. Significantly, staining for senescence-associated beta-galactosidase activity revealed a dramatic increase in the number of senescent cells with passage, which might in part explain the inability to continuously generate mammospheres in culture. Conclusions: Thus, the self-renewal potential of human breast stem cells is exhausted within five in vitro passages of mammospheres, suggesting the need for further improvisation in culture conditions for their long-term maintenance

    Alarming Cargo: The Role of Exosomes in Trauma-Induced Inflammation

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    Severe polytraumatic injury initiates a robust immune response. Broad immune dysfunction in patients with such injuries has been well-documented; however, early biomarkers of immune dysfunction post-injury, which are critical for comprehensive intervention and can predict the clinical course of patients, have not been reported. Current circulating markers such as IL-6 and IL-10 are broad, non-specific, and lag behind the clinical course of patients. General blockade of the inflammatory response is detrimental to patients, as a certain degree of regulated inflammation is critical and necessary following trauma. Exosomes, small membrane-bound extracellular vesicles, found in a variety of biofluids, carry within them a complex functional cargo, comprised of coding and non-coding RNAs, proteins, and metabolites. Composition of circulating exosomal cargo is modulated by changes in the intra- and extracellular microenvironment, thereby serving as a homeostasis sensor. With its extensively documented involvement in immune regulation in multiple pathologies, study of exosomal cargo in polytrauma patients can provide critical insights on trauma-specific, temporal immune dysregulation, with tremendous potential to serve as unique biomarkers and therapeutic targets for timely and precise intervention

    Identification of a novel AMPK-PEA15 axis in the anoikis-resistant growth of mammary cells

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    Introduction: Matrix detachment triggers anoikis, a form of apoptosis, in most normal epithelial cells, while acquisition of anoikis resistance is a prime requisite for solid tumor growth. Of note, recent studies have revealed that a small population of normal human mammary epithelial cells (HMECs) survive in suspension and generate multicellular spheroids termed `mammospheres'. Therefore, understanding how normal HMECs overcome anoikis may provide insights into breast cancer initiation and progression. Methods: Primary breast tissue-derived normal HMECs were grown as adherent monolayers or mammospheres. The status of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and PEA15 signaling was investigated by immunoblotting. Pharmacological agents and an RNA interference (RNAi) approach were employed to gauge their roles in mammosphere formation. Immunoprecipitation and in vitro kinase assays were undertaken to evaluate interactions between AMPK and PEA15. In vitro sphere formation and tumor xenograft assays were performed to understand their roles in tumorigenicity. Results: In this study, we show that mammosphere formation by normal HMECs is accompanied with an increase in AMPK activity. Inhibition or knockdown of AMPK impaired mammosphere formation. Concomitant with AMPK activation, we detected increased Ser(116) phosphorylation of PEA15, which promotes its anti-apoptotic functions. Inhibition or knockdown of AMPK impaired PEA15 Ser(116) phosphorylation and increased apoptosis. Knockdown of PEA15, or overexpression of the nonphosphorylatable S116A mutant of PEA15, also abrogated mammosphere formation. We further demonstrate that AMPK directly interacts with and phosphorylates PEA15 at Ser(116) residue, thus identifying PEA15 as a novel AMPK substrate. Together, these data revealed that AMPK activation facilitates mammosphere formation by inhibition of apoptosis, at least in part, through Ser(116) phosphorylation of PEA15. Since anoikis resistance plays a critical role in solid tumor growth, we investigated the relevance of these findings in the context of breast cancer. Significantly, we show that the AMPK-PEA15 axis plays an important role in the anchorage-independent growth of breast cancer cells both in vitro and in vivo. Conclusions: Our study identifies a novel AMPK-PEA15 signaling axis in the anchorage-independent growth of both normal and cancerous mammary epithelial cells, suggesting that breast cancer cells may employ mechanisms of anoikis resistance already inherent within a subset of normal HMECs. Thus, targeting the AMPK-PEA15 axis might prevent breast cancer dissemination and metastasis

    Saracatinib is an efficacious clinical candidate for fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva

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    Currently, no effective therapies exist for fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP), a rare congenital syndrome in which heterotopic bone is formed in soft tissues owing to dysregulated activity of the bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) receptor kinase ALK2 (also known as ACVR1). From a screen of known biologically active compounds, we identified saracatinib as a potent ALK2 kinase inhibitor. In enzymatic and cell-based assays, saracatinib preferentially inhibited ALK2, compared with other receptors of the BMP/TGF-β signaling pathway, and induced dorsalization in zebrafish embryos consistent with BMP antagonism. We further tested the efficacy of saracatinib using an inducible ACVR1Q207D-transgenic mouse line, which provides a model of heterotopic ossification (HO), as well as an inducible ACVR1R206H-knockin mouse, which serves as a genetically and physiologically faithful FOP model. In both models, saracatinib was well tolerated and potently inhibited the development of HO, even when administered transiently following soft tissue injury. Together, these data suggest that saracatinib is an efficacious clinical candidate for repositioning in FOP treatment, offering an accelerated path to clinical proof-of-efficacy studies and potentially significant benefits to individuals with this devastating condition