64 research outputs found

    The Analysis of Underemployment in Indonesia: Determinants and its Implication

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    AbstractUnderemployment is workers who work less than normal working hours and would willing to accept another job. Using the 2011 National Socio-Economic Survey, this study examines, firstly, what factors in terms of demographic and economic factors that influence the underemployment in Indonesia. A multinomial logit model is employed to see the probability of being underemployed. Secondly, this study tries to examine the effect of the underemployed on the welfare of workers as measured by their poverty status. This study finds that underemployed is more likely to be categorized as poor households because of their lower utilization in the labour market

    Pendidikan dan Partisipasi Angkatan Kerja Wanita di Indonesia: Analisis terhadap Hipotesis Kurva-U

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat eksistensi hipotesis kurva-U dalam hubungan antara pendidikan dan partisipasi angkatan kerja wanita di Indonesia. Hipotesis-kurva-U menyebutkan bahwa partisipasi angkatan kerja wanita adalah tinggi pada wanita dengan pendidikan yang rendah, kemudian menurun pada wanita dengan pendidikan menengah, dan meningkat lagi pada wanita dengan tingkat pendidikan yang tinggi. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis regresi probit dengan data cross-section yang berasal dari Survei Angkatan Kerja Nasional (Sakernas) 2015. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan eksistensi hipotesis kurva-U di Indonesia, dengan tingkat partisipasi angkatan kerja wanita terendah terdapat pada wanita dengan tingkat pendidikan SMP (7 tahun lama sekolah)


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    This study examines the effects of changes in minimum wage on employment in the covered and uncovered sectors in Indonesia using an individual micro-level data set from1989 to 2003. Since the Indonesian Labor Force Survey data are not a panel, this study applies pooled cross-sectional time-series methodology to explore the impact of theminimum wage across individual workers. All of the equations are analyzed separately in urban and rural labor markets, as well as the male and female labor market. The results suggest that an increase in minimum wage is more likely to decrease the covered sector employment and to increase the uncovered sector employment. These results also indicate a displacement effect from the covered sector to the uncovered sector, as suggested by the two-sector model. In addition, this study found the displacement effect is stronger for women, indicating that female workers are the more likely to be hurt as the result of an increase in minimum wage. Compared to urban areas, the effects in rural areas are somewhat lower, indicating that minimum wage is less binding, given the dominance of thetraditional agriculture sector.Keywords: Minimum Wage, Employment, Covered Sector, Uncovered Secto

    The Effects of Socio-Economic Factors on Health of Elderly in East Java

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    The study examines the effect of the socio-economic factors on the health status of elderly in East Java using the Indonesian Socio-Economic Survey (SUSENAS) of 2016. The socio-economic factors consist of sex, education, working activity, relationship status with the head of household, living arrangement, economic status, and location of residence. This study uses the ordered probit analysis accommodating three ordered potential health status of elderly, including (1) elderly without health problems, (2) elderly with health problems but not severe, and (3) elderly with severe health problems. The result of the study suggests that the health of the elderly is influenced significantly by some socio-economic factors including education, working activity, relationship status with head of household, living arrangement, and economic factors.JEL Codes - J1

    Inter-region Economic Analysis to Improve Economic Development Maritime In North Maluku Province

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    The main purpose of this research to analysis sector and sub-sector development of chartered investment counsel maritime between regions which is bases sector in sub-province and opportunity of job activity at sub-sector fishery of sub-province in North Maluku with observation PDRB sub-province/town during five years (2009-2013). Then, analyses development policy strategy of chartered investment counsel maritime North Maluku. By using technique analyses LQ, multiplier effect, and AHP. The result of analysis shows sub-province Halmahera South and second archipelago Sula of the sub-province that there is sector and sub-sector bases which at most when in comparing to sector and sub-sector bases there is sub-province/town province North Maluku, multiplier effect opportunity of job activity at sub-sector fishery happened in the year 2010 that there is in sub-province/city West Halmahera, South-east Halmahera, East Halmahera North Halmahera, and city of Tidore archipelago’s. In the year of 2013, multiplier effect sub-sector fishery catches there is at sub-province West Halmahera, South Halmahera, and the city of Tidore archipelagoes. Development policy strategy of chartered investment counsel maritime human resource, public service, natural resources with fishery & oceanic requirement in making a preference for development of chartered investment counsel maritime of North Maluku.Keywords: Economic Between Regions, Pre-Eminent Sector, Development Economic  MaritimJEL Classification: O18, R1


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    The unemployment in Indonesia shows a relatively stable rate at the level of 5% -6%. However, when viewed in more detail, the unemployment in Indonesia is dominated by youth unemployment and also educated unemployment (with a minimum education of senior high school), with a rate ofover 20%. Using the data from the 2016 National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas), this study will look at the factors that affect a highly educated person to become unemployed in Indonesia (educated unemployment). Some of the aspects that are predicted to affect educated unemployment in Indonesia are from both labor demand and supply factors, such as labour absorption of industrial and service sectors, minimum wage rates and some individual characteristics such as age, marital status, and family economic background. Keywords: Unemployment, Labour Force Survey, Employmen

    Kebijakan Upah Minimum untuk Perekonomian yang Berkeadilan: Tinjauan UUD 1945

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    The aim of this research is to determine the progress of minimum wage policy inIndonesia, and their linkage to the 1945 Constitution article 27 act 2. The implemen-tation of minimum wage policy in accordance with that constitution, at least shouldbe a few things to do. This includes needs such as decent living as a component ofminimum wage determination. Furthermore, it needs to fill the necessity of transpar-ent effort and intense socialization of benefit provision in the minimum wage. Inaddition it must be clear about the protected status of workers in minimum wagepolicy. The last is the enforcement and strict penalties for companies that do not applythe appropriate minimum wage policy

    Analysis of Potential Labor and Capital on Capture Fisheries Production in Banyuwangi District (Study in Coastal Sub-District)

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    Banyuwangi District has a large potential for fisheries resources. In general, this study aims to identify and analysis the influence of labor and capital on capture fisheries production and to find out how much the contribution of the fisheries sector in the regional economy, base level, and economic typology of the fisheries sub-sector in Banyuwangi District. The results of this research show that the number of fishermen, the number of fleets and the number of catching tools has a significant positive effect on capture fisheries production. Furthermore, the fisheries sub-sector is the base sector of the leading category and contributes to the formation of GRDP by an average of 8.4% and places the fisheries sub-sector in the fourth rank as one of the contributing sectors. Keywords: capture fisheries production, fisherman, fleets, catching tools, share analysis, location quotient, klassen typology DOI: 10.7176/JESD/10-14-06 Publication date:July 31st 201

    Does Vocational Education Matter for the Labour Market? (A Case Study in Mining Sector in East Kalimantan – Indonesia)

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    This study investigates the impact of education on labour market in mining sector at East Kalimantan by using the National Labour Force Survey (Sakernas) in 2010. By using multinomial logit method with three dependent variables consisting of formal labours of mining sector, informal mining sector, and non mining, this study figures out that education has significant effect especially for labour absorption in formal-mining sector. For high school level, vocational education has positive and significant effect toward labour absorption in formal mining sector. On the other hand, for higher education level, education has negative effect toward labour absorption in formal mining sector. In addition, the impact of education toward labour absorption in informal mining sector is insignificant. Keywords: worker’s demography variable, economy (wage) variable, formal and informal mining sector, labour absorption, East Kalimantan


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    vii ABSTRAK Film animasi stop motion Kubo and The Two String, film animasi keluarga dari Laika Studio garapan sutradara Travis Knight. Film yang di adaptasi dari pengalaman pribadi salah seorang production designer yaitu Shannon Tindle. Sebuah cerita masa kecil dalam kehidupannya bersama kedua orang tuanya dalam memberi kasih sayang kepadanya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis tentang pemberian kasih sayang orang tua kepada tokoh Kubo. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode analisis semiotik menurut Roland Barthes. Penelitian ini akan menunjukkan makna denotasi, konotasi dan mitos dalam representasi kasih sayang orang tua pada tokoh Kubo, berasal dari potongan adegan dengan kriteria yang telah ditentukan, seperti dialog, ekspresi dan gerakan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa : 1) Orang tua harus memahami makna dalam mendidik anak, 2) hindari sikap over protective seperti memberikan perlindungan yang berlebih kepada anak, terlalu mengontrol anak dan mencegah anak untuk dapat mandiri, 3) memahami bahasa nonverbal anak. Orang tua sebagai pendidik utama harusnya dapat memberika