102 research outputs found


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    The detailed mechanism of high temperature chlorine corrosion, the dominant cause of corrosion in a municipal solid waste incinerator (MSI), has still to be clarified (Schroer, 2002). Upon its way through the boiler the raw gas is subject to various physical and chemical processes and interactions. Of these, sulphation of chlorides is supposed to have the major impact on chlorine corrosion (Neumann, 1997). The physical and chemical mechanisms of corrosion were investigated at a municipal solid waste incinerator. Both, the particulate and gas phase of the flue gas, were chemically and physically analyzed during their way through the boiler, at temperatures from close to 1000 °C down to 200 °C. The raw gas composition was analyzed during normal operation and soot blowing cleaning routine. Additionally, operating parameters of the plant were varied, and deposition processes were evaluated with the aim to find out primary measures to reduce corrosion rates. The particle mass concentration exhibits a bimodal size distribution with maxima at approximately 0.5 μm – growing by duration of travel – and 100 μm. First results show that sulphation of the particles can be observed upon travel through the boiler and on the fouling. Sulphur containing additives increased the sulphation of the particles during flight though not to completion

    Impact of anthropogenic disturbance on the chemistry of a small urban pond

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    Mirror Lake, one of the scenic locations on The Ohio State University\u27s campus, experiences an intense bioturbation event as part of an annual tradition revolving around the rivalry football game against the University of Michigan. This tradition involves thousands of students jumping into the lake over one night in the week leading up to the football game. Water samples were collected from several locations in the lake before, during, and after the Mirror Lake Jump to determine the impact of this event on lake water chemistry. There were significant and systematic increases in the concentrations of Na+, K+, Cl−, total nitrogen, ammonia, and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) associated with the jump, especially in the eastern side of the lake where most of the students entered. Over the 3-h period from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. on the eastern side of the lake, Na+, K+, and Cl− concentrations increased by about 2–4 ppm, 1.5–3 ppm, and 4–6 ppm, respectively. The total nitrogen concentration increased about five to six fold, from 450–500 ppb to 2300–2800 ppb over the height of the event on the eastern side of the lake. Similar increases were observed for DOC, increasing from 3.6 to 18 ppm. This DOC increase was coincident with a 5‰ shift in δ13C, from a mean of around −28‰ in the early hours of the evening to a maximum of −23‰, implying a large influx of isotopically heavy carbon into the lake. Ammonia concentrations varied substantially from year to year, but always showed a systematic increase in concentration during the event. Smaller changes in major ion and nutrient concentrations were observed in the middle and western side of the lake, where fewer students entered the lake. The changes in concentration and the timing and spatial distribution of these changes are primarily attributed to anthropogenic input from jumpers in the form of bodily fluids (e.g., evaporated sweat, sebum and urine). Over a single night, these anthropogenic event inputs represent roughly 10% of the annual nitrogen budget of the lake, emphasizing the direct impact humans can have on urban water bodies on short time scales

    Fermilab Main Injector Beam Position Monitor Upgrade

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    An upgrade of the Beam Position Monitor (BPM) signal processing and data acquisition system for the Fermilab Main Injector is described. The Main Injector is a fast cycling synchrotron that accelerates protons or antiprotons from 8 to 150 GeV. Each Main Injector cycle can have a totally different magnet ramp, RF frequency configuration, beam bunch structure, and injection/extraction pattern from the previous cycle. The new BPM system provides the capabilities and flexibility required by the dynamic and complex machine operations. The system offers measurement capability in the 2.5 MHz and 53 MHz channels to detect the range of bunch structures for protons and antiprotons in both wideband (turn-by-turn) and narrowband (closed-orbit) modes. The new BPM read-out system is based on the digital receiver concept and is highly configurable, allowing the signal processing of nearly all Main Injector beam conditions, including the detection of individual batches. An overview of the BPM system in the Main Injector operating environment, some technology details and first beam measurements are presented

    Photon detector system timing performance in the DUNE 35-ton prototype liquid argon time projection chamber

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    The 35-ton prototype for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment far detector was a single-phase liquid argon time projection chamber with an integrated photon detector system, all situated inside a membrane cryostat. The detector took cosmic-ray data for six weeks during the period of February 1, 2016 to March 12, 2016. The performance of the photon detection system was checked with these data. An installed photon detector was demonstrated to measure the arrival times of cosmic-ray muons with a resolution better than 32 ns, limited by the timing of the trigger system. A measurement of the timing resolution using closely-spaced calibration pulses yielded a resolution of 15 ns for pulses at a level of 6 photo-electrons. Scintillation light from cosmic-ray muons was observed to be attenuated with increasing distance with a characteristic length of 155 ± 28 cm

    Heterologous Protein Expression Is Enhanced by Harmonizing the Codon Usage Frequencies of the Target Gene with those of the Expression Host

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    Synonymous codon replacement can change protein structure and function, indicating that protein structure depends on DNA sequence. During heterologous protein expression, low expression or formation of insoluble aggregates may be attributable to differences in synonymous codon usage between expression and natural hosts. This discordance may be particularly important during translation of the domain boundaries (link/end segments) that separate elements of higher ordered structure. Within such regions, ribosomal progression slows as the ribosome encounters clusters of infrequently used codons that preferentially encode a subset of amino acids. To replicate the modulation of such localized translation rates during heterologous expression, we used known relationships between codon usage frequencies and secondary protein structure to develop an algorithm (“codon harmonization”) for identifying regions of slowly translated mRNA that are putatively associated with link/end segments. It then recommends synonymous replacement codons having usage frequencies in the heterologous expression host that are less than or equal to the usage frequencies of native codons in the native expression host. For protein regions other than these putative link/end segments, it recommends synonymous substitutions with codons having usage frequencies matched as nearly as possible to the native expression system. Previous application of this algorithm facilitated E. coli expression, manufacture and testing of two Plasmodium falciparum vaccine candidates. Here we describe the algorithm in detail and apply it to E. coli expression of three additional P. falciparum proteins. Expression of the “recoded” genes exceeded that of the native genes by 4- to 1,000-fold, representing levels suitable for vaccine manufacture. The proteins were soluble and reacted with a variety of functional conformation-specific mAbs suggesting that they were folded properly and had assumed native conformation. Codon harmonization may further provide a general strategy for improving the expression of soluble functional proteins during heterologous expression in hosts other than E. coli

    Genome-Scale Reconstruction of Escherichia coli's Transcriptional and Translational Machinery: A Knowledge Base, Its Mathematical Formulation, and Its Functional Characterization

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    Metabolic network reconstructions represent valuable scaffolds for ‘-omics’ data integration and are used to computationally interrogate network properties. However, they do not explicitly account for the synthesis of macromolecules (i.e., proteins and RNA). Here, we present the first genome-scale, fine-grained reconstruction of Escherichia coli's transcriptional and translational machinery, which produces 423 functional gene products in a sequence-specific manner and accounts for all necessary chemical transformations. Legacy data from over 500 publications and three databases were reviewed, and many pathways were considered, including stable RNA maturation and modification, protein complex formation, and iron–sulfur cluster biogenesis. This reconstruction represents the most comprehensive knowledge base for these important cellular functions in E. coli and is unique in its scope. Furthermore, it was converted into a mathematical model and used to: (1) quantitatively integrate gene expression data as reaction constraints and (2) compute functional network states, which were compared to reported experimental data. For example, the model predicted accurately the ribosome production, without any parameterization. Also, in silico rRNA operon deletion suggested that a high RNA polymerase density on the remaining rRNA operons is needed to reproduce the reported experimental ribosome numbers. Moreover, functional protein modules were determined, and many were found to contain gene products from multiple subsystems, highlighting the functional interaction of these proteins. This genome-scale reconstruction of E. coli's transcriptional and translational machinery presents a milestone in systems biology because it will enable quantitative integration of ‘-omics’ datasets and thus the study of the mechanistic principles underlying the genotype–phenotype relationship

    The N-Terminus of GalE Induces tmRNA Activity in Escherichia coli

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    BACKGROUND: The tmRNA quality control system recognizes stalled translation complexes and facilitates ribosome recycling in a process termed 'ribosome rescue'. During ribosome rescue, nascent chains are tagged with the tmRNA-encoded SsrA peptide, which targets tagged proteins for degradation. In Escherichia coli, tmRNA rescues ribosomes arrested on truncated messages, as well as ribosomes that are paused during elongation and termination. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here, we describe a new translational pausing determinant that leads to SsrA peptide tagging of the E. coli GalE protein (UDP-galactose 4-epimerase). GalE chains are tagged at more than 150 sites, primarily within distinct clusters throughout the C-terminal domain. These tagging sites do not correspond to rare codon clusters and synonymous recoding of the galE gene had little effect on tagging. Moreover, tagging was largely unaffected by perturbations that either stabilize or destabilize the galE transcript. Examination of GalE-thioredoxin (TrxA) fusion proteins showed that the GalE C-terminal domain is no longer tagged when fused to an N-terminal TrxA domain. Conversely, the N-terminus of GalE induced tagging within the fused C-terminal TrxA domain. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These findings suggest that translation of the GalE N-terminus induces subsequent tagging of the C-terminal domain. We propose that co-translational maturation of the GalE N-terminal domain influences ribosome pausing and subsequent tmRNA activity

    First measurement of muon-neutrino disappearance in NOvA

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    This paper reports the first measurement using the NOvA detectors of νμ disappearance in a νμ beam. The analysis uses a 14 kton-equivalent exposure of 2.74×1020 protons-on-target from the Fermilab NuMI beam. Assuming the normal neutrino mass hierarchy, we measure Δm232=(2.52+0.20−0.18)×10−3  eV2 and sin2θ23 in the range 0.38–0.65, both at the 68% confidence level, with two statistically degenerate best-fit points at sin2θ23=0.43 and 0.60. Results for the inverted mass hierarchy are also presented

    First measurement of electron neutrino appearance in NOvA

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    We report results from the first search for νμ→νe transitions by the NOvA experiment. In an exposure equivalent to 2.74×1020 protons on target in the upgraded NuMI beam at Fermilab, we observe 6 events in the Far Detector, compared to a background expectation of 0.99±0.11(syst) events based on the Near Detector measurement. A secondary analysis observes 11 events with a background of 1.07±0.14(syst). The 3.3σ excess of events observed in the primary analysis disfavors 0.1π<δCP<0.5π in the inverted mass hierarchy at the 90% C.L