149 research outputs found


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    Perkembangan teknologi yang pesat telah mempengaruhi semua aspek kehidupan, termasuk dunia usaha, termasuk usaha kecil dan menengah. Namun, tidak semua usaha kecil dan menengah mampu memaksimalkan penggunaan teknologi informasi. Untuk itu perlu dilihat bagaimana sebenarnya pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan dampaknya pada usaha kecil menengah di kota Padang. Objek penelitian yang dipilih dalam penelitian ini adalah para pengusaha kecil menengah di kota padang sesuai dengan domisili peneliti. Sampel sebanyak 30 orang diambil dengan menggunakan teknik convenience sampling dengan kriteria pengusaha kecil dan menengah yang bergerak di bidang perdagangan industri makanan seperti usaha rumah makan, usaha makanan ringan dan lain-lain. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diperoleh persamaan regresi sebagai berikut : Y = 15,851 + 0,437 X. Berdasarkan analisis pengaruh variabel penggunaan teknologi informasi terhadap kinerja usaha kecil dan menengah di Kota Padang. Karena analisis data dengan analisis linier sederhana diketahui nilai signifikansi 0,000 dan nilai signifikansinya lebih kecil dari alpha 0,05. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan teknologi informasi berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja usaha kecil dan menengah

    The Influence of Emotional Intelligence and Learning Discipline on IPS Economics Study High School Ekasakti Padang

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    This research is motivated by the problem of emotional intelligence and discipline of learning on learning outcomes of accounting SMA Ekasakti. The purpose of this study was to determine and describe the influence of emotional intelligence and discipline of learning on learning outcomes of accounting students of class XI Social SMAN Ekasakti Padang.  The hypothesis of this study is suspected that there is positive and significant correlation between emotional intelligence and discipline of learning on learning outcomes of accounting students of class XI Social SMA Ekasakti Padang. This research is a quantitative approach Correlational the entire population of students of class XI Social SMA Ekasakti Padang as many as 78 students. Sampling was done by way of random sampling technique in which the individual is drawn at random from the class XI IPS1, IPS2 to class XI XI IPS3. Samples were taken by 43 students by using Slovin formula. The independent variable in this paper is emotional intelligence (X1), the discipline of learning (X2) and the dependent variable is the student learning outcomes (Y). Data emotional intelligence and discipline of student learning gained from the questionnaire / questionnaire.             Analysis of the data used is a statistical data analysis techniques to find the influence of emotional intelligence and discipline of learning on learning outcomes and tested multiple regression analysis and coefficient of determination. From the results penalitian, multiple regression coefficients obtained for emotional intelligence variable Y = 88.580 + 0.051 + e shows the r-sig 0.000 alpha ≤ 0.05. and the regression coefficient for the variable Y = 87.580 learn discipline + 0.077 + e shows r-sig ≤ 0.001 alpha of 0.05. R Square of 0.704 or 70.40%. So it is concluded that in this penalitian a positive influence of emotional intelligence and discipline of learning on learning outcomes of accounting students of class XI Social SMAN Ekasakti. The results of this study are expected to be material information and the input of the academic community, especially the teachers as teachers, parents and the community in order to improve emotional intelligence and discipline of learning on the learner.   &nbsp

    In situ local shock speed and transit shock speed

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    In situ local shock speed and transit shock speed

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    Selected issues of anaerobic digestion based on the studies on hydrogen- and methane yielding bioreactors

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    Anaerobic digestion of organic matter results from the metabolic activity of many groups of microorganisms. Interactions between microorganisms during acidogenesis, acetogenesis and methanogenesis, source of inoculum, type of feedstock and operational conditions determine metabolic pathways in bioreactors and consequently the efficiency of fermentation processes. In innovative installations it is desirable to separate acidogenesis from acetogenesis and methanogenesis to favour respectively the production of biohydrogen or biomethane under controlled conditions

    A Fluidization Process for Making Sodium Sulphate From Sodium Chloride.

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    Searching for Metabolic Pathways of Anaerobic Digestion: A Useful List of the Key Enzymes

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    The general scheme of anaerobic digestion is well known. It is a complex process promoted by the interaction of many groups of microorganisms and has four major steps: hydrolysis, acidogenesis, acetogenesis, and methanogenesis. The aim of the study was to prepare a systematized list of the selected enzymes responsible for the key pathways of anaerobic digestion based on the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes database resource. The list contains (i) key groups of hydrolases involved in the process of degradation of organic matter; (ii) the enzymes catalyzing reactions leading to pyruvate formation; (iii) the enzymes of metabolic pathways of further pyruvate transformations; (iv) the enzymes of glycerol transformations; (v) the enzymes involved in transformation of gaseous or nongaseous products of acidic fermentations resulting from nonsyntrophic nutritional interactions between microbes; (vi) the enzymes of amino acid fermentations; (vii) the enzymes involved in acetogenesis; and (viii) the enzymes of the recognized pathways of methanogenesis. Searching for the presence and activity of the enzymes as well as linking structure and function of microbial communities allows to develop a fundamental understanding of the processes, leading to methane production. In this contribution, the present study is believed to be a piece to the enzymatic road map of anaerobic digestion research

    Anaerobic Digestion: I. A Common Process Ensuring Energy Flow and the Circulation of Matter in Ecosystems. II. A Tool for the Production of Gaseous Biofuels

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    Anaerobic digestion, a process that ultimately generates methane and carbon dioxide, is common in natural anoxic ecosystems where concentrations of electron acceptors such as nitrate, the oxidized forms of metals and sulphate are low. It also occurs in landfill sites and wastewater treatment plants. The general scheme of anaerobic digestion is well known and comprises four major steps: (i) hydrolysis of complex organic polymers to monomers; (ii) acidogenesis that results in the formation of hydrogen and carbon dioxide as well as non-gaseous fermentation products that are further oxidized to hydrogen, carbon dioxide and acetate in (iii) acetogenesis based on syntrophic metabolism and (iv) methanogenesis. Approaches to the analysis of methane-yielding microbial communities and data acquisition are described. There is currently great interest in the development of new technologies for the production of biogas (primarily methane) from anaerobic digestion as a source of renewable energy. This includes the modernization of landfill sites and wastewater treatment plants and the construction of biogas plants. Moreover, research effort is being devoted to the idea of separating hydrolysis and acidogenesis from acetogenesis and methanogenesis under controlled conditions to favour biohydrogen and biomethane production, respectively. These two stages occur under different conditions and are carried out in separate bioreactors

    Evaluation of the Escherichia coli HK82 and BS87 strains as tools for AlkB studies

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    Within a decade the family of AlkB dioxygenases has been extensively studied as a one-protein DNA/RNArepair system in Escherichia coli but also as a group of proteins of much wider functions in eukaryotes.Two strains, HK82 and BS87, are the most commonly used E. coli strains for the alkB gene mutations. Theaim of this study was to assess the usefulness of these alkB mutants in different aspects of research onAlkB dioxygenases that function not only in alkylated DNA repair but also in other metabolic processes incells. Using of HK82 and BS87 strains, we found the following differences among these alkB−derivatives:(i) HK82 has shown more than 10-fold higher MMS-induced mutagenesis in comparison to BS87; (ii)different specificity of Arg+revertants; (iii) increased induction of SOS and Ada responses in HK82; (iv)the genome of HK82, in comparison to AB1157 and BS87, contains additional mutations: nalA, sbcC, andnuoC. We hypothesize that in HK82 these mutations, together with the non-functional AlkB protein, mayresult in much higher contents of ssDNA, thus higher in comparison to BS87 MMS-induced mutagenesis.In the light of our findings, we strongly recommend using BS87 strain in AlkB research as HK82, bearingseveral additional mutations in its genome, is not an exact derivative of the AB1157 strain, and showsadditional features that may disturb proper interpretation of obtained results