106 research outputs found

    Self-regulated learning as self-regulation of learning strategies - A training experiment on leaming from texts

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    Insgesamt 69 BerufstĂ€tige nahmen an vier Tagen an einem aus vier Modulen bestehenden computer-basierten Training zum selbstregulierten Lernen aus Texten teil. Gegenstand der Trainingsmodule waren Lernstrategien zur ErfĂŒllung der vier Klauer\u27schen Lehrfunktionen Motivation, Information, Informationsverarbeitung sowie Steuerung und Kontrolle. Je nach Zugehörigkeit zur experimentell variierten Trainingsbedingung erhielten die Versuchspersonen bei jedem Modul (1) kein spezifisches Training, (2) nur ein Training der Lernstrategie oder (3) ein kombiniertes Training der Lernstrategie und darauf bezogener Selbstregulation. Zur Erfassung der anfĂ€nglichen Lesekompetenz bearbeiteten die Versuchspersonen vor Beginn des Trainings einen Lehrtext sowie einen zugehörigen lehrzielorientierten Test. Nach jedem Trainingsmodul bearbeiteten sie zur Anwendung der Trainingsinhalte ebenfalls einen Lehrtext, und es wurde ebenfalls anhand eines lehrzielorientierten Tests erhoben, wie viel Wissen sie aus der Bearbeitung des Textes gewonnen hatten. Die Teilnehmer des kombinierten Trainings schnitten im Vortest-Nachtest-Vergleich deutlich besser ab als die Teilnehmer des Lernstrategietrainings und als die Teilnehmer der Kontrollbedingung ohne Training. Die im Rahmen dieses Trainingsansatzes erzielten Ergebnisse entsprechen aktuellen Theorien des Trainings von Lernstrategien, die davon ausgehen, dass es sinnvoll ist, neben der Vermittlung von Wissen ĂŒber einzelne Lernstrategien auch den zielfĂŒhrenden Einsatz der jeweiligen Lernstrategie mit zu trainieren. (ZPID

    Der Einsatz von Lernstrategien in einer konkreten Lernsituation bei SchĂŒlern unterschiedlicher Jahrgangsstufen

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    Der Beitrag ist darauf ausgelegt, jeweils einen Ansatzpunkt zur Optimierung von Erziehungsanstrengungen zu benennen und die Wirksamkeit der vorgeschlagenen Maßnahmen empirisch zu belegen ... . Die Autoren untersuchen die Verwendung selbstregulatorischer Lernstrategien in unterschiedlichen Jahrgangsstufen. Dabei legen sie ihren Schwerpunkt zunĂ€chst auf die Analyse der VerĂ€nderung des Lernstrategieeinsatzes im Zeitverlauf und die Beziehungen zwischen Lernerfolg und Strategieeinsatz. (DIPF/Orig.

    Improving students’ science text comprehension through metacognitive self-regulation when applying learning strategies

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    In three experiments, students were trained to use strategies for learning from scientific texts: text highlighting (Experiment 1), knowledge mapping (Experiment 2), and visualizing (Experiment 3). Each experiment compared a control condition, cognitive strategy training, and a combined cognitive strategy plus metacognitive selfregulation training with a specific focus on the quality of cognitive strategy application. After the training, students applied the learning strategies as they studied scientific texts. Across experiments, the results indicated that the self-regulation component of the training helped the students to overcome the lack of efficacy of the cognitive strategy only training when it was not effective by itself: The highlightingonly group was outperformed by the control group (d = −1.25), but the combined highlighting-plus-self-regulation training reduced this negative effect (d = −0.21). The mapping-only group performed as well as the control group (d = −0.12), but the combined mapping-plus-self-regulation group outperformed the control group (d =  0.76). The visualizing-only group outperformed the control group (d = 0.72) as did the combined visualizing-plus-self-regulation group (d = 0.78). Results suggest that cognitive learning strategies differ in their potential to induce deep versus surface processing of text contents. In addition, the metacognitive self-regulation component of the training enhanced students’ performance when the cognitive strategy training was not effective by itself

    Science text comprehension: Drawing, main idea selection, and summarizing as learning strategies

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    The purpose of two experiments was to contrast instructions to generate drawings with two text-focused strategies—main idea selection (Exp. 1) and summarization (Exp. 2)— and to examine whether these strategies could help students learn from a chemistry science text. Both experiments followed a 2 × 2 design, with drawing strategy instructions (yes vs. no) and main idea/summarization strategy instructions (yes vs. no) as experimental factors. The main dependent variable was science text comprehension, measured by a multiple-select test and a transfer test. Participants were 90 (Exp. 1) and 71 (Exp. 2) students (grade 10). The results of both experiments showed positive eïŹ€ects of the drawing strategy instructions and negative eïŹ€ects of the text-focused strategy instructions without interactions. These results are consistent with the mental model approach to comprehension, showing advantages of drawing activity in fostering science text comprehension

    Learning with summaries: EïŹ€ects of representation mode and type of learning activity on comprehension and transfer

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    The purpose of the experiment was to examine whether students better understand a science text when they are asked to self-generate summaries or to study predeïŹned summaries. Furthermore, we tested the eïŹ€ects of verbal and pictorial summaries. The experiment followed a 2 × 2 design with representation mode (verbal vs. pictorial) and learning activity (self-generating vs. studying) as experimental factors. The main dependent variables were learning performance, measured by a comprehension and a transfer test, and strategy use, measured by self-report scales. Seventy-one students (Grade 10) participated in the study. The results showed that studying predeïŹned summaries in a pictorial representation mode facilitated deep understanding. Furthermore, mediation analysis showed that the eïŹ€ect of representational mode was mediated by students' spatial representations of learning content. The eïŹ€ect of spatial representations was in turn facilitated by mental imagery activities

    Effects of strategy instructions on learning from text and pictures

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    In two experiments, we compared effects of instructions that encourage learners to create referential connections between words and pictures with instructions that distract learners from creating referential connections. In Experiment 1, students read a scientific text under four conditions. In the text-picture condition, students read the illustrated text without strategy instructions. In the integration condition, students identified important concepts and wrote them right by the corresponding components of the pictures. In the separation condition students identified important concepts and wrote them beside the corresponding picture. A control group read the text without illustrations. Transfer and comprehension performance in the text-picture group was higher than in the text-only group. Furthermore, the text-picture and integration groups performed better than the separation group. In Experiment 2, the main results were replicated using a summary strategy instead of the important concepts strategy. Results indicate specific effects of strategy instructions on learning from text and pictures and are discussed in the context of multimedia learning theories

    Problemlösen als fĂ€cherĂŒbergreifende Kompetenz. Konzeption und erste Resultate aus einer Schulleistungsstudie

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    Neuere Schulleistungsstudien wie das OECD-Programm PISA zielen nicht nur auf curriculare Leistungsbereiche, sondern auch auf fĂ€cherĂŒbergreifende Kompetenzen, wie z.B. ProblemlösefĂ€higkeit. Das Konzept einer fĂ€cherĂŒbergreifenden Kompetenz fĂŒhrt zu grundsĂ€tzlichen theoretischen und methodischen Fragen: Auswahl und Operationalisierung von Kompetenzen in Schulstudien, Abgrenzung zu fachgebundenen Leistungen und kognitiven GrundfĂ€higkeiten sowie die Frage nach der Bedeutung des schulischen Kontextes fĂŒr die Kompetenzentwicklung. Empirisch werden diese Fragen im Rahmen einer Konstruktvalidierungsstudie mit mehreren schriftlichen und computergestĂŒtzten Verfahren behandelt. ErwartungsgemĂ€ĂŸ erwies sich Problemlösekompetenz als mehrdimensionales Konstrukt. Die schriftlich erfasste analytische ProblemlösefĂ€higkeit hing eng mit kognitiven GrundfĂ€higkeiten zusammen, wĂ€hrend computergestĂŒtzte Strategiemaße einen spezifischen Faktor zu bilden scheinen. (DIPF/Orig.)Recent studies on school achievement such as the OECD-program PISA do not aim at curricular fields of achievement alone, but also at transdisciplinary competences such as problem-solving. The concept of a transdisciplinary competence leads to basic theoretical and methodological questions: selection and operationalization of competences in school studies, delimitation from specific disciplinary achievements and basic cognitive competences as well as the question of the significance of the school context for the development of competences. These questions are dealt with empirically within the framework of a construct-validation study by employing several paper-and-pencil and computer-supported procedures. As was to be expected, the problem-solving competence proved to be a multidimensional construct. The analytic ability to solve problems, analyzed by means of a paper-and-pencil test, is closely connected with basic cognitive competences, while computer-supported strategy measures seem to constitute a specific factor. (DIPF/Orig.
