75 research outputs found

    Rolling-sliding laboratory tests of friction modifiers in dry and wet wheel-rail contacts

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    Friction management has been carried out extensively in the majority of railway networks in the last few years. A popular practice is the application of friction modifiers to increase the adhesion level in contaminated wheel-rail contacts. Two friction modifiers have particularly been used or tested on several railway networks as adhesion enhancers to facilitate the traction and braking operation under poor adhesion conditions. However, for assessment of the performance the railway operators and infrastructure managers mostly rely on practical observations that do not elucidate completely the effectiveness and side effects of these adhesion enhancers. In this paper, the constituents of the two friction modifiers are identified and the solid components are analyzed. A twin-disk roller rig has been used to study their performance in dry and wet contacts under closely controlled laboratory conditions. The adhesion characteristics of both friction modifiers are examined for different slip ratios. Furthermore, the wheel and rail disks are examined after a series of dry tests to analyze the mass loss, the surface damage, the change in surface hardness and roughness, and the subsurface deformation caused by the friction modifiers compared to dry clean contacts. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Um estudo da legislação e das métricas do setor elétrico brasileiro para fomentar a digitalização e a descentralização do mercado de energia

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    CIES2020 - XVII Congresso Ibérico e XIII Congresso Ibero-americano de Energia SolarRESUMO: A energia elétrica gerada de forma distribuída deve ser transacionada de forma segura e eficaz, o que pode ser obtido por meio da aplicação da tecnologia blockchain no setor elétrico. Objetiva-se com este artigo trabalhar com questões legais relacionadas ao setor de comercialização de energia elétrica indicando as necessidades de alterações na legislação e na regulamentação, a fim de possibilitar a aplicação da tecnologia blockchain. Assim como, objetiva-se propor métricas relacionadas à aplicação de blockchain no mercado de comercialização de energia elétrica brasileiro para promover a digitalização e o aprimoramento de seus processos. O estudo fundamenta-se e desenvolve-se por revisão documental do ambiente regulatório brasileiro; e por revisão documental e bibliográfica sobre o mercado de comercialização de energia elétrica. Os resultados são indicações de alterações na legislação e na regulamentação, e métricas de impactos para aplicação da tecnologia blockchain no mercado de comercialização de energia elétrica brasileiro.ABSTRACT: The electric energy generated in a distributed manner must be transacted safely and effectively. It can be obtained through the application of blockchain technology in the electric sector. The aim of this article is to work with legal issues related to the electric energy trading sector. It will be possible indicating the necessity for changes in legislation and regulation to enable the application of blockchain technology in this sector. As well, it aims to propose metrics related to the application of blockchain in the Brazilian electric energy trading market for the purpose of promote the digitization and improvement of its processes. This study is based and developed by documentary review of the Brazilian regulatory environment; and by documentary and bibliographic review about the electric energy commercialization market. The results are indications of changes in legislation and regulations, and metrics of impacts for the application of blockchain technology in the Brazilian electric energy commercialization market.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tau-Mediated Nuclear Depletion and Cytoplasmic Accumulation of SFPQ in Alzheimer's and Pick's Disease

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    Tau dysfunction characterizes neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease (AD) and frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD). Here, we performed an unbiased SAGE (serial analysis of gene expression) of differentially expressed mRNAs in the amygdala of transgenic pR5 mice that express human tau carrying the P301L mutation previously identified in familial cases of FTLD. SAGE identified 29 deregulated transcripts including Sfpq that encodes a nuclear factor implicated in the splicing and regulation of gene expression. To assess the relevance for human disease we analyzed brains from AD, Pick's disease (PiD, a form of FTLD), and control cases. Strikingly, in AD and PiD, both dementias with a tau pathology, affected brain areas showed a virtually complete nuclear depletion of SFPQ in both neurons and astrocytes, along with cytoplasmic accumulation. Accordingly, neurons harboring either AD tangles or Pick bodies were also depleted of SFPQ. Immunoblot analysis of human entorhinal cortex samples revealed reduced SFPQ levels with advanced Braak stages suggesting that the SFPQ pathology may progress together with the tau pathology in AD. To determine a causal role for tau, we stably expressed both wild-type and P301L human tau in human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells, an established cell culture model of tau pathology. The cells were differentiated by two independent methods, mitomycin C-mediated cell cycle arrest or neuronal differentiation with retinoic acid. Confocal microscopy revealed that SFPQ was confined to nuclei in non-transfected wild-type cells, whereas in wild-type and P301L tau over-expressing cells, irrespective of the differentiation method, it formed aggregates in the cytoplasm, suggesting that pathogenic tau drives SFPQ pathology in post-mitotic cells. Our findings add SFPQ to a growing list of transcription factors with an altered nucleo-cytoplasmic distribution under neurodegenerative conditions

    Wound-healing evaluation of ointment from Stryphnodendron adstringens (barbatimão) in rat skin

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    This study evaluated the cicatrizant effect of an ointment containing 1% of the ethyl-acetate fraction extracted from the stem bark of "barbatimão" (Stryphnodendron adstringens), in wounds made in the skin of rats, after 4, 7 and 10 days of treatment. Control wounds were treated with a base ointment without extract. The proliferation of keratinocytes in the area of reepithelialization was evaluated by counting the number of epithelial cells that were blocked in metaphase by vincristine sulfate. The length of the reepithelialized margin and the contraction of the wound were measured. Topical application of the "barbatimão" ointment stimulated proliferation of the keratinocytes, but had no effect on the length of the epithelium or on the contraction of the wounds.Neste estudo, avaliou-se a atividade cicatrizante de uma pomada contendo uma fração acetato de etila 1% obtida de cascas de "barbatimão" (Stryphnodendron adstringens) em feridas excisionais na pele de ratos após 4, 7 e 10 dias de tratamento. Feridas controle foram tratadas com pomada base, sem extrato. A proliferação dos queratinócitos na área reepitelizada foi avaliada através da contagem do número de queratinócitos bloqueados em metáfase, pelo sulfato de vincristina. O comprimento da margem reepitelizada e a contração das feridas foram mensurados. As feridas tratadas com barbatimão apresentaram um maior número de mitoses do que aquelas tratadas com a pomada base, em todos os tempos avaliados. A aplicação tópica da pomada de "barbatimão" estimulou a proliferação epitelial contudo não teve efeito sobre a migração dos queratinócitos ou sobre a contração das feridas
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