29 research outputs found


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    This research was conducte to find out the effect and optimal percentage of adding Zn and Cu proteinat supplement product of fermentation by Saccharomyces cerev s ae in the ration on internal quality of the broiler.The experiment use 125 broiler day ol chicken with a Completely Randomize Design.The ration treatments were R0 (control),R1 (99%R0 +1%supplement Zn and Cu proteinat),R2 (98%R0 +2%supplement Zn and Cu proteinat),R3 (97%R0 +3%supplement Zn and Cu proteinat)and R4 (96%R0 +4%supplement Zn and Cu proteinat)where each treatment was repeate five times and each replication consiste of five broiler chicks.Variable analysis were body cut weight,carcass percentage,liver relative weight,and the content of cholesterol broiler meat.Conclusion of the research showe that by using 3%of Zn and Cu proteinat supplement substrat in the ration gave the best internal quality of broiler,increase body cut weight,carcass percentage,otherwise liver relative weight and the content of cholesterol broiler meat were normal. Keywords :Zn and Cu prote nat supplement,rat ons ,bro ler nternal qual t

    Utilising Zn and Cu Product in the Corn Meal Substrate at Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Bioprocess and Its Implementation on Internal Quality of Broiler

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    This research was conducted to find out the effect and optimal percentage of adding Zn and Cuproteinat supplement product of fermentation by Saccharomyces cerevisiae in the ration on internalquality of the broiler. The experiment used 125 broiler day old chicken with a Completely RandomizedDesign. The ration treatments were R0 (control), R1 (99% R0 + 1% supplement Zn and Cu proteinat), R2(98% R0 + 2% supplement Zn and Cu proteinat), R3 (97% R0 + 3% supplement Zn and Cu proteinat) andR4 (96% R0 + 4% supplement Zn and Cu proteinat) where each treatment was repeated five times andeach replication consisted of five broiler chicks. Variable analysis were body cut weight, carcasspercentage, liver relative weight, and the content of cholesterol broiler meat. Conclusion of the researchshowed that by using 3% of Zn and Cu proteinat supplement substrat in the ration gave the best internalquality of broiler, increased body cut weight, carcass percentage, otherwise liver relative weight and thecontent of cholesterol broiler meat were normal


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    This research was conducted to find out the effect and optimal percentage of adding Zn and Cuproteinat supplement product of fermentation by Saccharomyces cerevisiae in the ration on internalquality of the broiler. The experiment used 125 broiler day old chicken with a Completely RandomizedDesign. The ration treatments were R0 (control), R1 (99% R0 + 1% supplement Zn and Cu proteinat), R2(98% R0 + 2% supplement Zn and Cu proteinat), R3 (97% R0 + 3% supplement Zn and Cu proteinat) andR4 (96% R0 + 4% supplement Zn and Cu proteinat) where each treatment was repeated five times andeach replication consisted of five broiler chicks. Variable analysis were body cut weight, carcasspercentage, liver relative weight, and the content of cholesterol broiler meat. Conclusion of the researchshowed that by using 3% of Zn and Cu proteinat supplement substrat in the ration gave the best internalquality of broiler, increased body cut weight, carcass percentage, otherwise liver relative weight and thecontent of cholesterol broiler meat were normal

    Pengaruh Dana Pihak Ketiga, Return On Aset dan Non-Performing Financing terhadap Financing To Deposit Ratio

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    This study aims to determine the influence of Third Party Funds (DPK), Return On Asset (ROA) and Non Performing Financing (NPF) on the decrease in Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR) at PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia. In this study, the data used in the form of secondary data in the form of Annual Financial Report of PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia for the period 2013-2020 published by Bank Muamalat Indonesia. Technical analysis used is multiple regression using SPSS software. The results obtained from this study indicate that simultaneously Third Party Funds (DPK), Return On Assets (ROA and Non Performing Financing (NPF) have a significant effect on the Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR) at PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia. (DPK) and Return On Assets (ROA) have a significant effect on the Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR) at PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia, while Non Performing Financing (NPF) has no significant effect on the Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR) at PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia. This performance appraisal is expected to be used as a proposal for banks to maintain the composition of the level of liquidity that must be maintained. This performance assessment is expected to be used as a proposal for banks to maintain the composition of liquidity levels that must be maintained

    Minat Publik terhadap Investasi P2P Lending Fintech Syariah di Alami Sharia: Produk, Akad, Imbal Hasil, Tingkat Keberhasilan Bayar

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    This research aims to determine the level of public interest on P2P lending investment through sharia fintech. The independent variables used are product, agreement, yield, and levels of return success which will be analyzed for their effect on the dependent variable, namely public interest on Islamic  P2P lending investment. This research used a path analysis method. The data used in this research are primary data obtained directly through the results of questionnaires distributed to respondents followers of the official ALAMI Sharia Instagram social media account. The results showed that the Product variable has a direct and significant effect on the Interest in Investing in Sharia P2P Lending. Sharia Agreement variable has a direct but insignificant effect on the Interest in Investing in Sharia P2P Lending. Percentage of Yield variable has a direct but insignificant effect on the Interest in Investing in Sharia P2P Lending. Levels of Return Success variable has a direct and significant effect on the Interest in Investing in Sharia P2P Lending

    Eco-rumah ibadah 6 (enam) agama untuk pengendalian perubahan iklim : panduan umum

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    panduan rinci mengenai fungsi rumah ibadah yang bukan semata memfasilitasi umat untuk beribadah tapi juga sebagai sarana kontemplatif pegangan moral terkait masalah lingkungan hidup. Bibliografi : halaman 127Jakartaxx, 135 halaman : ilustrasi : 20,5c