114 research outputs found

    Damped Lyα systems as probes of chemical evolution over cosmological timescales

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    We review the current state of knowledge of damped Lyα systems (DLAs) selected in absorption on quasar sightlines. These objects are extremely useful to study the interstellar medium of high-redshift galaxies and the nucleosynthesis in the early Universe. The characteristics of this galaxy population has been investigated for years and slowly we are getting information on their puzzling nature. Imaging at z <1 shows that DLAs are associated with a mixing bag of galaxies with no especially large contribution from dwarf galaxies. Evidence for a mild evolution of the cosmic mean metallicity with time is observed. The star formation histories of these high-redshift galaxies begin to be accessible and indicate that DLAs tend to be young, gas-dominated galaxies with low star formation rates per unit area. Finally, indirect estimation of the DLA stellar masses from the mass-metallicity relations observed for emission-selected star-forming galaxies at z = 2−3 points to intermediate-mass galaxies with M* < 109

    A Homogeneous Sample of Sub-DLAs IV: Global Metallicity Evolution

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    An accurate method to measure the abundance of high-redshift galaxies consists in the observation of absorbers along the line of sight toward a background quasar. Here, we present abundance measurements of 13 z>3 sub-Damped Lyman-alpha Systems (quasar absorbers with HI column density 19 < log N(HI) < 20.3 cm^-2) based on the high resolution observations with VLT UVES spectrograph. These observations more than double the metallicity information for sub-DLAs previously available at z>3. This new data, combined with other sub-DLA measurements from the literature, confirm the stronger metallicity redshift evolution than for the classical Damped Lyman-alpha absorbers. Besides, these observations are used to compute for the first time the fraction of gas ionised from photo-ionisation modelling in a sample of sub-DLAs. Based on these results, we calculate that sub-DLAs contribute no more than 6% of the expected amount of metals at z~2.5. We therefore conclude that even if sub-DLAs are found to be more metal-rich than classical DLAs, they are insufficient to close the so-called ``missing metals problem''.Comment: 30 figures, 24 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    On the Incidence of C IV Absorbers Along the Sightlines to Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    We report on the statistics of strong (W_r > 0.15 A) C IV absorbers at z=1.5-3.5 toward high-redshift gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). In contrast with a recent survey for strong Mg II absorption systems at z < 2, we find that the number of C IV absorbers per unit redshift dN/dz does not show a significant deviation from previous surveys using quasi-stellar objects (QSOs) as background sources. We find that the number density of C IV toward GRBs is dN/dz(z~1.5)= 2.2 +2.8/-1.4, dN/dz(z~2.5)= 2.3 +1.8/-1.1 and dN/dz(z~3.5)= 1.1 +2.6/-0.9. These numbers are consistent with previous C IV surveys using QSO spectra. Binning the entire dataset, we set a 95% c.l. upper limit to the excess of C IV absorbers along GRB sightlines at twice the incidence observed along QSO sightlines. Furthermore, the distribution of equivalent widths of the GRB and QSO samples are consistent with being drawn from the same parent population. Although the results for Mg II and C IV absorbers along GRB sightlines appear to contradict one another, we note that the surveys are nearly disjoint: the C IV survey corresponds to higher redshift and more highly ionized gas than the Mg II survey. Nevertheless, analysis on larger statistical samples may constrain properties of the galaxies hosting these metals (e.g. mass, dust content) and/or the coherence-length of the gas giving rise to the metal-line absorption.Comment: Accepted version (for publication in ApJ), results unchanged, 18 pages, 3 tables, 5 figure

    The kinematic signature of damped Lyman alpha systems: using the D-index to screen for high column density H i absorbers

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    Using a sample of 21 damped Lyman alpha systems (DLAs) and 35 sub-DLAs, we evaluate the D-index from high-resolution spectra of the Mg iiλ 2796 profile. This sample represents an increase in the sub-DLA statistics by a factor of 4 over the original D-index sample. We investigate various techniques to define the velocity spread (Δv) of the Mg ii line to determine an optimal D-index for the identification of DLAs. The success rate of DLA identification is 50-55 per cent, depending on the velocity limits used, improving by a few per cent when the column density of Fe ii is included in the D-index calculation. We recommend the set of parameters that are judged to be most robust, have a combination of high DLA identification rate (57 per cent) and low DLA miss rate (6 per cent) and most cleanly separate the DLAs and sub-DLAs (Kolmogorov-Smirnov probability 0.5 per cent). These statistics demonstrate that the D-index is the most efficient technique for selecting low-redshift DLA candidates: 65 per cent more efficient than selecting DLAs based on the equivalent widths of Mg ii and Fe ii alone. We also investigate the effect of resolution on determining the N(H i) of sub-DLAs. We convolve echelle spectra of sub-DLA Lyα profiles with Gaussians typical of the spectral resolution of instruments on the Hubble Space Telescope and compare the best-fitting N(H i) values at both the resolutions. We find that the fitted H i column density is systematically overestimated by ∌0.1 dex in the moderate-resolution spectra compared to the best fits to the original echelle spectra. This offset is due to blending of nearby Lyα clouds that are included in the damping wing fit at low resolutio

    Probing the Interstellar Medium and Stellar Environments of Long-Duration GRBs

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    We review the properties of the gas surrounding high-redshift gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) assessed through the analysis of damped Lyman-alpha systems (DLAs) identified in their afterglow spectra. These GRB-DLAs are characterized by large H I column densities with a median of N(H I) = 1021.7 cm−2, no molecular gas signatures, metallicities ranging from 1/100 to nearly solar with a median exceeding 1/10 solar, and no anomalous abundance patterns. The detection of the atomic Mg lines and the time-variability of the fine-structure lines demonstrates that the majority of the neutral gas along the GRB sightlines is located between 50 pc and a few kpc from the GRB. This implies that this gas is presumably associated with the ambient interstellar medium of the host galaxy and that the derived properties from low-ionization lines do not directly constrain the local environment of the GRB progenitor. The highly ionized gas, traced by N V lines, which could result from a pre-existing H II region produced by the GRB progenitor and neighboring OB stars, appears on the other hand to be very local to the GRB at about 10 pc, yielding a snapshot of the medium's physical conditions at this radiu

    Reconciling the Metallicity Distributions of Gamma-ray Burst, Damped Lyman-alpha, and Lyman-break Galaxies at z=3

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    We test the hypothesis that the host galaxies of long-duration gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) as well as quasar-selected damped Lyman-alpha (DLA) systems are drawn from the population of UV-selected star-forming, high-z galaxies (generally referred to as Lyman-break galaxies). Specifically, we compare the metallicity distributions of the GRB and DLA populations to simple models where these galaxies are drawn randomly from the distribution of star-forming galaxies according to their star-formation rate and HI cross-section respectively. We find that it is possible to match both observational distributions assuming very simple and constrained relations between luminosity, metallicity and HI sizes. The simple model can be tested by observing the luminosity distribution of GRB host galaxies and by measuring the luminosity and impact parameters of DLA selected galaxies as a function of metallicity. Our results support the expectation that GRB and DLA samples, in contrast to magnitude limited surveys, provide an almost complete census of z=3 star-forming galaxies that are not heavily dust-obscured.Comment: 31 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap
