169 research outputs found

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    « Je ne vois de vous que ce que j’ai sous les yeux »

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    Ce texte présente un fragment clinique qui illustre un travail de passage permettant la fabrication d’une substance psychique utilisable pour l’analyse. Se situant dans une zone intermédiaire entre la mise en acte corporelle, la construction d’images et la représentation de mots, l’auteure tente de rendre compte d’un effet du symptôme d’une patiente sur ses propres constructions psychiques dans le cours de son travail avec celle-ci. L’auteure rend compte d’un travail d’élaboration qui vise à utiliser ses propres points d’ancrage dans la parole afin de limiter un effet d’attraction hors du champ de la représentation de mots auquel thérapeute et patiente se situent à l’approche d’un noyau traumatique.This paper presents a clinical fragment illustrating the transition towards the creation of psychic material suitable for analysis. Within an intermediary zone between corporal acting, image construction and word representation, the author attempts to report the effects of a patient’s symptoms on her own psychic creations as the analytic work unfolds, the latter aiming to anchor the elaborative process in the use of words in order to ward off opposing tendencies taking both analyst and patient away from representation as they approach a traumatic nucleus

    Le thérapeute, malade de son amour du métier

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    L’auteur témoigne du travail de dégagement psychique d’un traumatisme lié à sa pratique de la psychothérapie psychanalytique. À partir d’événements liés au contexte de cette pratique, l’auteur illustre l’effort de décontamination auquel le thérapeute peut être confronté en tentant de composer avec différentes influences éprouvées comme externes à lui. Le cumul d’événements ayant cours dans la pratique, combiné à l’infiltration de la culture ambiante dans l’espace analytique sont d’abord mis à l’avant-plan pour situer la mise à l’épreuve qu’éprouve le thérapeute. Ce dernier est présenté dans la position de la personne traumatisée, cherchant à retrouver sa capacité à surplomber une scène, afin de remettre en mouvement la force vive de son investissement du métier et de rendre plus conciliable son désir d’analyse avec la réalité de la pratique


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    The current study examined the group dynamic variables of athlete leadership, cohesion, and trust utilizing a social network approach. The participants consisted of an elite team of 22 female hockey players (Mage = 24.64, SD = 2.32). After completing an emotional competence self-reported questionnaire (Short Profile of Emotional Competence; Mikolajczak, Brasseur, & Fantini-Hauwel, 2014), the players were asked to rate each other on six dimensions of transformational leadership behaviors (appropriate role model, fostering acceptance of group goals, high performance expectations, individual consideration, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation), two dimensions of cohesion (social and task), and on four dimensions of trust (benevolence, competence, integrity, justice). The networks were analyzed for their density, centralization, and an autocorrelation was conducted between the networks and the attribute of Emotional Competence. In terms of the network density, the results were consistent, with the highest density being the network for trust (i.e., justice), and the lowest density being the network for athlete leadership (i.e., appropriate role model). Moreover, the centralization of the network presented consistent spread in the players’ effectiveness to display the behaviors. The least centralized network was trust (i.e., integrity), while the most centralized were the networks of trust (i.e., justice) and athlete leadership (i.e., inspirational motivation). Finally, for the autocorrelation between Emotional Competence (intrapersonal and interpersonal dimensions) and the different networks, the Moran’s I index was significant although the results were negligible both positively and negatively. Overall, the presence of homophily was detected for 13 out of the 24 autocorrelations performed

    The mediation of autocratic regimes: how local officials shaped authoritarian systems in Rwanda and Sudan

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    Local state officials impact authoritarian systems through the mediation they perform. Desrosiers and Mahé argue that these local functionaries fulfill a number of mediating functions, including translating and representing authoritarian systems at the local level. By enacting these two roles, however, local officials do not straightforwardly reproduce the system. Instead, their interpretations and choices fundamentally influence the imprint authoritarianism has on society, from how the regime is experienced at the local level to its groundings and resilience. They demonstrate this argument by looking at pre-genocide Rwanda and Sudan under President Omar al-Bashir

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    Extraversion et affiliation aux pairs antisociaux durant l'adolescence et persistance du comportement antisocial à l'âge adulte : un test de deux séquences développementales

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

    Sleeping Toward Behavioral Regulation: Relations Between Sleep and Externalizing Symptoms in Toddlers and Preschoolers

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the concurrent and longitudinal relations between sleep and externalizing symptoms among young children. Method: Sixty-four families (mostly Caucasian; 36 boys) were met twice, when children were 2 (T1) and 4 years of age (T2). At T1, children wore an actigraph monitor for a 72-hour period, and both mothers and fathers completed the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). At T2, both parents as well as the daycare educator filled the CBCL. Results: At T1, longer sleep duration and higher sleep efficiency was associated with fewer externalizing symptoms as assessed by mothers. Results also indicated that higher sleep efficiency at T1 was related to fewer parent-reported externalizing symptoms at T2 (while controlling for prior externalizing symptoms). Relations between sleep efficiency at T1 and externalizing symptoms as assessed by mothers at T1 and by fathers at T2 were moderated by child sex, such that links were significant among boys only. Results pertaining to educators’ reports were inconclusive. Conclusions: The current study highlights the importance of rapidly treating sleep difficulties, which are associated with persistent behavioral maladjustment, perhaps especially for boys
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