74 research outputs found

    The new IMGC-02 transportable absolute gravimeter: measurement apparatus and applications in geophysics and volcanology

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    The research carried out at the Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (formerly Istituto di Metrologia «G. Colonnetti») aiming to develop a transportable ballistic absolute gravimeter ended with a new version of the instrument, called the IMGC-02. It uses laser interferometry to measure the symmetrical free rising and falling motion of a test mass in the gravity field. Providing the same accuracy achieved with previous versions, the instrumental improvements mainly concern size, weight, data processing algorithms and operational simplicity. An uncertainty of 9 μGal (1 μGal=1×10–8 m·s−2) can be achieved within a single observation session, lasting about 12 h, while the time series of several observation sessions show a reproducibility of 4 μGal. At this level, gravity measurements provide useful information in Geophysics and Volcanology. A wide set of dynamic phenomena, i.e. seismicity and volcanic activity, can produce temporal gravity changes, often quite small, with an amplitude ranging from a few to hundreds of microgals. Therefore the IMGC absolute gravimeter has been employed since 1986 in surveying the Italian active volcanoes. A brief history of the gravimeter and the description of the new apparatus, together with the main results of ongoing applications in Geophysics and Volcanology are presented

    The new IMGC-02 transportable absolute gravimeter: measurement apparatus and applications in geophysics and volcanology

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    The research carried out at the Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (formerly Istituto di Metrologia «G. Colonnetti») aiming to develop a transportable ballistic absolute gravimeter ended with a new version of the instrument, called the IMGC-02. It uses laser interferometry to measure the symmetrical free rising and falling motion of a test mass in the gravity field. Providing the same accuracy achieved with previous versions, the instrumental improvements mainly concern size, weight, data processing algorithms and operational simplicity. An uncertainty of 9 μGal (1 μGal=1×10–8 m·s−2) can be achieved within a single observation session, lasting about 12 h, while the time series of several observation sessions show a reproducibility of 4 μGal. At this level, gravity measurements provide useful information in Geophysics and Volcanology. A wide set of dynamic phenomena, i.e. seismicity and volcanic activity, can produce temporal gravity changes, often quite small, with an amplitude ranging from a few to hundreds of microgals. Therefore the IMGC absolute gravimeter has been employed since 1986 in surveying the Italian active volcanoes. A brief history of the gravimeter and the description of the new apparatus, together with the main results of ongoing applications in Geophysics and Volcanology are presented


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    Abstract. Increasing interest in earth architecture has led to the development of new international norms regarding these structures. Although Italy has no specific legislation for this building type, both national laws for the safeguard of rural architecture and regional norms regarding the conservation of historical centers have considerably slowed down the pace of their destruction. This is particularly true for Sardinia, which maintains a conspicuous heritage of “raw earth” architecture, mostly in the old town centers of the Campidano plain and in its adjacent valley. Due to the current legislation on energy efficiency in buildings, it has become essential – particularly for the Sardinian region – to define guidelines for the improvement of energy efficiency for this existing building heritage and identify the best parameters for their energetic classification. Currently, these constructions are heavily penalized by the gap that persists between the requirements of current energy balance evaluations, calculated upon heating and domestic hot water energy demands, and the actual year-round energy performance, which also includes the summer season. Moreover, this building type has a low lifecycle environmental impact, but this aspect is not properly “rewarded” by Italian regulations. The study proposed herein firstly took into account the simulation of the thermal transient characteristics of the adobe wall (brick made of clay, earth and straw, forged with wooden molds and sun dried). Analytical calculations were performed using a transient model, assuming sinusoidal behavior of all the parameters acting on the system. The results showed a high thermal inertia of the material and a good ability in dampening the external thermal wave. Next, we conducted an internal and external environmental monitoring of an existing earthen residential building in Sardinia (“Casa Mancosu”, Serramanna, VS), which provided the experimental data for the evaluation of the whole building thermo-physical behavior. The measurements were taken during the 2010 summer season; the dwelling was not cooled by an air conditioning system. Thermal comfort analyses based on these experimental data indicate that the roof is the “weak” component, creating local discomfort due to radiant asymmetry. The described methodology is expected to be applicable also to the many buildings of this geographical area similar to the examined one

    L'accelerazione di gravitĂ  in Metrologia, Geofisica e Geodesia: utilizzo e riferibilitĂ  della misura

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    L’informazione che può essere derivata dalla conoscenza dell’accelerazione dovuta al campo gravitazionale terrestre (convenzionalmente indicata con il simbolo g) è di fondamentale importanza in Metrologia ed in alcuni settori della Geofisica e della Geodesia. L’accelerazione di gravità è spesso considerata una costante fisica. In realtà essa è una quantità geofisica che varia rispetto alla posizione sulla Terra ed al tempo nello stesso luogo. Gli strumenti utilizzati nella sua determinazione sono i gravimetri assoluti e relativi. I primi forniscono una stima assoluta riferendosi ai campioni di lunghezza e di tempo. I secondi misurano una variazione riferendosi ad una differenza nota del campo gravitazionale. In Metrologia il valore assoluto dell’accelerazione di gravità è tradizionalmente utilizzato nella realizzazione dell’unità di forza e di quelle unità SI da essa derivate (coppia, durezza e pressione). Recentemente la stima di g ha anche assunto un ruolo importante nella determinazione delle costanti fondamentali, come la costante di Planck, su cui si basa una possibile ridefinizione del kilogrammo. In Geofisica e Geodesia la conoscenza del campo gravitazionale fornisce informa-zioni sulla distribuzione delle masse e sulla densità della crosta terrestre. La misura delle variazioni temporali di g è correlata a fenomeni geodinamici. Questi possono essere lenti e di piccola entità oppure veloci ed intensi secondo la dinamicità del sito di misura. Il monitoraggio del campo gravitazionale si basa su misure relative rispetto a stazioni di riferimento assolute, poste in una zona stabile in prossimità dell’area dinamica di interesse. La stabilità delle stazioni di riferimento è verificata ripetendo periodicamente la misura assoluta di g. Dal 2005 è operativo il nuovo gravimetro assoluto trasportabile IMGC-02, sviluppato nei laboratori dell’Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica INRiM. L’IMGC-02 adotta il metodo balistico, riconosciuto come metodo primario per la misura dell’accelerazione di gravità. Il principio utilizzato è quello del moto simmetrico, in cui un grave è lanciato verso l’alto in una camera a vuoto acquisendone la traiettoria spazio-temporale con metodi ottico-interferometrici. Si utilizza uno schema derivato dall’interferometro Michelson sostituendo i tradizionali specchi con retro-riflettori a spigolo di cubo. Uno dei due retro-riflettori è reso solidale alla massa pseudo-inerziale di un sismometro mentre l’altro è direttamente soggetto al moto di caduta libera. L’accelerazione di gravità è ricavata minimizzando gli scarti tra le coordinate spazio-temporali del grave registrate durante l’esperimento ed un’equazione di modello del moto

    Absolute Measurements of the Free-Fall acceleration g at the INRIM Force Laboratory

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    The work hereafter described was carried out on during the period April-May, 2006 by the Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRIM) of Turin (Italy). The experimental results of absolute measurements of the free-fall acceleration carried out at the INRIM Force Laboratory are reported. Gravity measurements were performed with the new transportable absolute gravimeter IMGC-02

    Absolute measurements of the free fall acceleration g in Pantelleria (Italy)

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    The work hereafter described was carried out on June 23-36, 2007 by the Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRIM) for the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) - Centro Nazionale Terremoti and Osservatorio Vesuviano. The experimental results of absolute measurements of the free-fall acceleration g carried out in Pantelleria are reported. Gravity measurements were performed with the new transportable absolute gravimeter IMGC-02
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