300 research outputs found

    Cross-platform comparison and visualisation of gene expression data using co-inertia analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Rapid development of DNA microarray technology has resulted in different laboratories adopting numerous different protocols and technological platforms, which has severely impacted on the comparability of array data. Current cross-platform comparison of microarray gene expression data are usually based on cross-referencing the annotation of each gene transcript represented on the arrays, extracting a list of genes common to all arrays and comparing expression data of this gene subset. Unfortunately, filtering of genes to a subset represented across all arrays often excludes many thousands of genes, because different subsets of genes from the genome are represented on different arrays. We wish to describe the application of a powerful yet simple method for cross-platform comparison of gene expression data. Co-inertia analysis (CIA) is a multivariate method that identifies trends or co-relationships in multiple datasets which contain the same samples. CIA simultaneously finds ordinations (dimension reduction diagrams) from the datasets that are most similar. It does this by finding successive axes from the two datasets with maximum covariance. CIA can be applied to datasets where the number of variables (genes) far exceeds the number of samples (arrays) such is the case with microarray analyses. RESULTS: We illustrate the power of CIA for cross-platform analysis of gene expression data by using it to identify the main common relationships in expression profiles on a panel of 60 tumour cell lines from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) which have been subjected to microarray studies using both Affymetrix and spotted cDNA array technology. The co-ordinates of the CIA projections of the cell lines from each dataset are graphed in a bi-plot and are connected by a line, the length of which indicates the divergence between the two datasets. Thus, CIA provides graphical representation of consensus and divergence between the gene expression profiles from different microarray platforms. Secondly, the genes that define the main trends in the analysis can be easily identified. CONCLUSIONS: CIA is a robust, efficient approach to coupling of gene expression datasets. CIA provides simple graphical representations of the results making it a particularly attractive method for the identification of relationships between large datasets

    R-Coffee: a method for multiple alignment of non-coding RNA

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    R-Coffee is a multiple RNA alignment package, derived from T-Coffee, designed to align RNA sequences while exploiting secondary structure information. R-Coffee uses an alignment-scoring scheme that incorporates secondary structure information within the alignment. It works particularly well as an alignment improver and can be combined with any existing sequence alignment method. In this work, we used R-Coffee to compute multiple sequence alignments combining the pairwise output of sequence aligners and structural aligners. We show that R-Coffee can improve the accuracy of all the sequence aligners. We also show that the consistency-based component of T-Coffee can improve the accuracy of several structural aligners. R-Coffee was tested on 388 BRAliBase reference datasets and on 11 longer Cmfinder datasets. Altogether our results suggest that the best protocol for aligning short sequences (less than 200 nt) is the combination of R-Coffee with the RNA pairwise structural aligner Consan. We also show that the simultaneous combination of the four best sequence alignment programs with R-Coffee produces alignments almost as accurate as those obtained with R-Coffee/Consan. Finally, we show that R-Coffee can also be used to align longer datasets beyond the usual scope of structural aligners. R-Coffee is freely available for download, along with documentation, from the T-Coffee web site (www.tcoffee.org)

    Ensemble approach combining multiple methods improves human transcription start site prediction

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    Dineen DG, Schroeder M, Higgins DG, Cunningham P. Ensemble approach combining multiple methods improves human transcription start site prediction. BMC Genomics. 2010;11(1): 677.Background: The computational prediction of transcription start sites is an important unsolved problem. Some recent progress has been made, but many promoters, particularly those not associated with CpG islands, are still difficult to locate using current methods. These methods use different features and training sets, along with a variety of machine learning techniques and result in different prediction sets. Results: We demonstrate the heterogeneity of current prediction sets, and take advantage of this heterogeneity to construct a two-level classifier ('Profisi Ensemble') using predictions from 7 programs, along with 2 other data sources. Support vector machines using 'full' and 'reduced' data sets are combined in an either/or approach. We achieve a 14% increase in performance over the current state-of-the-art, as benchmarked by a third-party tool. Conclusions: Supervised learning methods are a useful way to combine predictions from diverse sources

    M-Coffee: combining multiple sequence alignment methods with T-Coffee

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    We introduce M-Coffee, a meta-method for assembling multiple sequence alignments (MSA) by combining the output of several individual methods into one single MSA. M-Coffee is an extension of T-Coffee and uses consistency to estimate a consensus alignment. We show that the procedure is robust to variations in the choice of constituent methods and reasonably tolerant to duplicate MSAs. We also show that performances can be improved by carefully selecting the constituent methods. M-Coffee outperforms all the individual methods on three major reference datasets: HOMSTRAD, Prefab and Balibase. We also show that on a case-by-case basis, M-Coffee is twice as likely to deliver the best alignment than any individual method. Given a collection of pre-computed MSAs, M-Coffee has similar CPU requirements to the original T-Coffee. M-Coffee is a freeware open-source package available from

    R-Coffee: a web server for accurately aligning noncoding RNA sequences

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    The R-Coffee web server produces highly accurate multiple alignments of noncoding RNA (ncRNA) sequences, taking into account predicted secondary structures. R-Coffee uses a novel algorithm recently incorporated in the T-Coffee package. R-Coffee works along the same lines as T-Coffee: it uses pairwise or multiple sequence alignment (MSA) methods to compute a primary library of input alignments. The program then computes an MSA highly consistent with both the alignments contained in the library and the secondary structures associated with the sequences. The secondary structures are predicted using RNAplfold. The server provides two modes. The slow/accurate mode is restricted to small datasets (less than 5 sequences less than 150 nucleotides) and combines R-Coffee with Consan, a very accurate pairwise RNA alignment method. For larger datasets a fast method can be used (RM-Coffee mode), that uses R-Coffee to combine the output of the three packages which combines the outputs from programs found to perform best on RNA (MUSCLE, MAFFT and ProbConsRNA). Our BRAliBase benchmarks indicate that the R-Coffee/Consan combination is one of the best ncRNA alignment methods for short sequences, while the RM-Coffee gives comparable results on longer sequences. The R-Coffee web server is available at http://www.tcoffee.or

    Sequence embedding for fast construction of guide trees for multiple sequence alignment

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The most widely used multiple sequence alignment methods require sequences to be clustered as an initial step. Most sequence clustering methods require a full distance matrix to be computed between all pairs of sequences. This requires memory and time proportional to <it>N</it><sup>2 </sup>for <it>N </it>sequences. When <it>N </it>grows larger than 10,000 or so, this becomes increasingly prohibitive and can form a significant barrier to carrying out very large multiple alignments.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this paper, we have tested variations on a class of embedding methods that have been designed for clustering large numbers of complex objects where the individual distance calculations are expensive. These methods involve embedding the sequences in a space where the similarities within a set of sequences can be closely approximated without having to compute all pair-wise distances.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We show how this approach greatly reduces computation time and memory requirements for clustering large numbers of sequences and demonstrate the quality of the clusterings by benchmarking them as guide trees for multiple alignment. Source code is available for download from <url>http://www.clustal.org/mbed.tgz</url>.</p

    Integrating multiple genome annotation databases improves the interpretation of microarray gene expression data

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The Affymetrix GeneChip is a widely used gene expression profiling platform. Since the chips were originally designed, the genome databases and gene definitions have been considerably updated. Thus, more accurate interpretation of microarray data requires parallel updating of the specificity of GeneChip probes. We propose a new probe remapping protocol, using the zebrafish GeneChips as an example, by removing nonspecific probes, and grouping the probes into transcript level probe sets using an integrated zebrafish genome annotation. This genome annotation is based on combining transcript information from multiple databases. This new remapping protocol, especially the new genome annotation, is shown here to be an important factor in improving the interpretation of gene expression microarray data.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Transcript data from the RefSeq, GenBank and Ensembl databases were downloaded from the UCSC genome browser, and integrated to generate a combined zebrafish genome annotation. Affymetrix probes were filtered and remapped according to the new annotation. The influence of transcript collection and gene definition methods was tested using two microarray data sets. Compared to remapping using a single database, this new remapping protocol results in up to 20% more probes being retained in the remapping, leading to approximately 1,000 more genes being detected. The differentially expressed gene lists are consequently increased by up to 30%. We are also able to detect up to three times more alternative splicing events. A small number of the bioinformatics predictions were confirmed using real-time PCR validation.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>By combining gene definitions from multiple databases, it is possible to greatly increase the numbers of genes and splice variants that can be detected in microarray gene expression experiments.</p

    Structural and functional properties of genes involved in human cancer

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    BACKGROUND: One of the main goals of cancer genetics is to identify the causative elements at the molecular level leading to cancer. RESULTS: We have conducted an analysis of a set of genes known to be involved in cancer in order to unveil their unique features that can assist towards the identification of new candidate cancer genes. CONCLUSION: We have detected key patterns in this group of genes in terms of the molecular function or the biological process in which they are involved as well as sequence properties. Based on these features we have developed an accurate Bayesian classification model with which human genes have been scored for their likelihood of involvement in cancer