11 research outputs found

    Perceived emotional intelligence and bullying in adolescents.

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    El conocimiento de las personas sobre sus estados de ánimo y emociones así como la conciencia sobre la propia competencia emocional ha sido relacionado con diversos aspectos del ajuste psicológico tales como la adaptación a situaciones estresantes, la satisfacción vital y la menor sintomatología depresiva. Por otra parte, la participación en situaciones de bullying, pone de manifiesto un inadecuado ajuste en tanto en cuanto la persona participa, voluntaria o involuntariamente, en una situación inmoral e injusta. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar si existen variaciones en Inteligencia Emocional Percibida (IEP), en estudiantes de Secundaria, en función del rol desempeñado en situaciones de bullying: agresor, víctima, bully-victim o no implicado. La muestra estuvo formada por 4145 adolescentes españoles (47.2% chicas) pertenecientes a Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (12 a 16 años). Los instrumentos de evaluación fueron cuestionarios de autoinforme. Específicamente para valorar bullying se utilizó el “Cuestionario sobre Convivencia, Conflictos y Violencia Escolar (Secundaria)” (Ortega, Del Rey y Mora-Merchán, 2008) y para valorar IEP se utilizó la versión en español del Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS-24, Fernández-Berrocal, Extremera y Ramos, 2004). Los resultados ponen de manifiesto que víctimas y bully-victim muestran, en general, niveles significativamente más bajos de claridad emocional que los no implicados y agresores. Además, los alumnos no implicados en bullying manifiestan mejores niveles de reparación emocional que los implicados. En cuanto a la atención emocional aparecen importantes diferencias de género: entre chicos no hay diferencias significativas en función de los roles mientras que entre chicas las agresoras obtienen puntuaciones más elevadas que las no implicadas.People’s knowledge of their moods and emotions and their awareness of their emotional abilities have been related to various aspects of psychological adjustment: coping with stress, life satisfaction, fewer depressive symptoms. In addition, being involved in bullying shows an inadequate adjustment, given that the person takes part, voluntarily or not, in an immoral and unjust situation. The aim of this study was to analyze whether there are differences in Perceived Emotional Intelligence (PEI) in Secondary school pupils according to the role taken in bullying situations: aggressor, victim, bully-victim or not involved. The sample consisted of 4145 Spanish adolescents (47.2% females) from Compulsory Secondary Education (aged 12-16). Assessment was carried out through self-report questionnaires. The “Cuestionario sobre Convivencia, Conflictos y Violencia Escolar (Secundaria)” (Ortega, del Rey, & Mora-Merchán, 2008) was used to examine bullying and the Spanish version of The Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS-24; Fernández-Berrocal, Extremera, & Ramos, 2004) was used to assess Perceived Emotional Intelligence.Victims and bully-victim showed lower levels of clarity than those not involved and aggressors. In addition, not involved adolescents exhibit higher levels of repair than those involved in different roles. In relation to attention there are important gender differences. There are no differences according to roles in boys. On the other hand, aggressor girls show higher level of attention than those not involve

    Perceived emotional intelligence in adolescents involved in cyber bullying

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    El acoso escolar a través de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, cyberbullying, se está incrementando progresivamente. Este tipo de acoso muestra características específicas, como la ausencia de contacto cara a cara, cuyas implicaciones aún no son bien conocidas. En este contexto el conocimiento y manejo de las emociones podría ser especialmente relevante y complejo dado que los implicados únicamente reciben información emocional “indirecta”.El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar si existen variaciones en Inteligencia Emocional Percibida (IEP), en adolescentes, en función del rol desempeñado en cyberbullying: agresor, víctima, bully/victim o no implicado.La muestra estuvo formada por 4145 adolescentes españoles (47.2% chicas) pertenecientes a Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (12 a 16 años).La valoración fue desarrollada a través de cuestionarios de autoinforme. En concreto, se utilizó el “Cuestionario sobre Convivencia, Conflictos y Violencia Escolar (Secundaria)” (Ortega, Del Rey y Mora-Merchán, 2008) para valorar cyberbullying y la versión en español del Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS-24, Fernández-Berrocal, Extremera y Ramos, 2004) para valorar IEP. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto importantes diferencias en IEP entre alumnos no implicados y víctimas de cyberbullying mostrando las víctimas puntuaciones significativamente más elevadas en atención e inferiores en reparación. Por tanto, los datos parecen indicar que las víctimas de cyberbullying muestran un patrón de IEP menos adaptativo que aquellas personas no implicadas en este tipo de situaciones.Bullying that employs the internet and communication technologies, known as cyberbullying, is becoming more widespread. This kind of harassment has specific characteristics, such as no face-to-face contact, the consequences of which have not yet been established. In this context knowledge and management of emotions could be specially relevant and complex given that the pupils involved only receive indirect emotional information.The main objective of this study was to analyze whether there are differences in Perceived Emotional Intelligence (PEI), in adolescents, according to the role taken in cyberbullying: aggressor, victim, bully/victim or not involved. The sample consisted of 4,145 Spanish adolescents (47.2% females) from Compulsory Secondary Education (aged 12-16). Assessment was carried out through self-report questionnaires. The “Cuestionario sobre Convivencia, Conflictos y Violencia Escolar (Secundaria)”, (Ortega, Del Rey, & Mora-Merchán, 2008) was used to assess cyberbullying and the Spanish version of The Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS-24, Fernández-Berrocal, Extremera, & Ramos, 2004) was used to examine PEI. The results show important differences in PEI between not involved and victims of cyberbullying. The victims exhibit higher levels of attention and lower levels of repair. There-fore, the data suggests that victims of cyberbullying have a less adaptive PEI pattern than those not involved in this type of situation

    Emotionally intelligent teachers

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    In this article, we describe the importance of complementing teachers’ training with the learning and development of social and emotional aspects. It is in this way that Emotional Intelligence (EI) –understood as a complement of the cognitive development of teachers and students– is to play a role in the educational context. We review Mayer & Salovey’s ability model (1997), some of the programmes of socio-emotional improvement that are also designed for teachers and several activities for the development of teachers’ EI. In addition, we examine the implications for teachers derived from the development of their EI to enhance their capacity to appropriately perceive, understand and manage one’s own emotions and those of others

    Docentes emocionalmente inteligentes

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    En este artículo describimos la importancia de completar la formación del profesorado con el aprendizaje y desarrollo de aspectos sociales y emocionales. Así, la inteligencia emocional (IE), entendida como complemento del desarrollo cognitivo de profesorado y alumnado, entra en el contexto educativo. Revisamos el modelo de habilidad de Mayer & Salovey (1997), algunos de los programas de mejora socio¿ emocional diseñados para el profesorado, y algunas actividades para el desarrollo de la IE en el docente. Además, repasamos las implicaciones que tiene el desarrollo de su IE o capacidad para percibir, comprender y manejar adecuadamente las emociones propias y las ajenas

    Emotional perception as a stable predictor of psychosocial adjustment in adolescence

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    Resumen: Las emociones son una fuente muy valiosa de información para nuestra adap¬tación y bienestar. Dentro de nuestras habilidades para procesar la información emocional, la literatura científica ha mostrado cómo la percepción emocional es fundamental para comenzar dicho proceso con éxito. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los estudios realizados en este ámbito han utilizado muestras adultas o clínicas. En este trabajo investigamos, mediante un estudio longitudinal prospectivo, la influencia de la percepción emocional sobre el ajuste psicosocial de una muestra de estudiantes de secundaria. Los resultados muestran que la habilidad para per¬cibir emociones es un predictor estable de un menor desajuste clínico y emocional y de un mayor ajuste personal. Además, estos resultados se mantienen incluso tras controlar los niveles previos de ajuste. Igualmente, encontramos importantes diferencias de sexo y edad en la relación entre percepción emocional y el ajuste psicosocial. Se discute acerca de las posibles implicaciones educativas de los resul¬tados y de futuras líneas de trabajo en el campo de la percepción emocional y la inteligencia emocional.Abstract: Emotions are a very valuable source of information for our adjustment and well-being. Within our skills to process the emotional information, emotional perception is fundamental to begin such process successfully. Nevertheless, the majority of the studies conducted in this area have used adult or clinical samples. In this work we investigated through a prospective one-year longitudinal study the relation between emotional perception and psycho-social adjustment in a secondary student sample. The results showed emotional perception as a stable predictor of higher personal adjustment and lower emotional imbalance and clinical maladjustment. The emotional perception ability also appeared as a significant predictor of dependent variables, even when the variable criterion at time 1 was controlled. Significant variation was found depending on sex and age. Possible educational implications and future lines of research on emotional perception and emotional intelligence are discussed

    Revista electrónica interuniversitaria de formación del profesorado

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    Monográfico con el título: Alta habilidad. Superdotación y talento. Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónDescribe la importancia de completar la formación del profesorado con el aprendizaje y desarrollo de aspectos sociales y emocionales. Así, la inteligencia emocional (IE), entendida como complemento del desarrollo cognitivo de profesorado y alumnado, entra en el contexto educativo. Revisa el modelo de habilidad de Mayer & Salovey (1997), algunos de los programas de mejora socio-emocional diseñados para el profesorado, y algunas actividades para el desarrollo de la IE en el docente. Además, se repasan las implicaciones que tiene el desarrollo de su IE o capacidad para percibir, comprender y manejar adecuadamente las emociones propias y las ajenas.AragónES

    The Learning to Be Project: An Intervention for Spanish Students in Primary Education

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    Despite the emphasis placed by most curricula in the development of social and emotional competencies in education, there seems to be a general lack of knowledge of methods that integrate strategies for assessing these competencies into existing educational practices. Previous research has shown that the development of social and emotional competencies in children has multiple benefits, as they seem to contribute to better physical and mental health, an increase in academic motivation, and the well-being and healthy social progress of children. This study aims at assessing the possible changes in children’s self-esteem, socio-emotional competencies, and school-related variables after participating in the Learning to Be project (L2B) project. Methods: This quasi-experimental study included an intervention group (L2B) and a control group. The participants were 221 students in primary education (55.2% girls) between the ages of eight and 11 (M = 9.31; SD = 0.89). The L2B intervention program took place over a period of 5 months. The assessment was carried out twice, before and after the intervention through three main evaluation instruments: the Rosenberg’s Self-Esteem questionnaire, the Socio-Emotional competence questionnaire (SEQ), and self-report scales for measuring school difficulties, school engagement, opinions about school, and school absence. Ten schools from different Spanish provinces participated. Results: The results indicate that those participants in the experimental group show higher self-esteem, better responsible decisions, and higher self-awareness than those in the control group. There were no other statistical differences between groups. Conclusions: The results of this work suggest that the implementation of the L2B program did not improve social and emotional competencies in primary school students. Further research related to how include formative assessment in SEL programs is needed

    Neuropsychological Stimulation Program for Children from Low Socioeconomic Backgrounds: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background: Guatemala remains one of the poorest countries in Central America and suffers from high rates of social inequality and violence. In addition to the negative impact that two years without attending school has had on Guatemalan children due to the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, this unfavourable socioeconomic context poses a risk to children’s emotional and cognitive development. This work presents a protocol for implementing a cognitive and emotional stimulation program aimed at increasing the academic performance of these children and consequently improving their quality of life. Methods: The protocol proposes the implementation of a randomized controlled trial to assess the efficacy of a 24-session-long stimulation program. It targets the cognitive functions of attention, language, executive functions, and social cognition, using the digital neurorehabilitation platform NeuronUP. The participants (n = 480) will be randomly assigned to an Experimental or Control group. Pre- and post-intervention assessments will be carried out, together with a follow-up in the next academic year, in which both groups will change roles. Results will be compared for the first and second years, looking for differences in academic and cognitive performance between groups. Discussion: Mid- and long-term outcomes are still unknown, but effective interventions based on this protocol are expected to facilitate the following benefits for participants: (1) improved cognitive and emotional development; (2) improved academic performance; (3) improved well-being. We expect to create a validated neuropsychological stimulation program that could be applied in similar socioeconomically disadvantaged contexts around the world to help these children improve their life chances.Agency for International Cooperation and Development (AACID, in Spanish) from the Junta de Andalucía Government, Spain, under the project “Mejora del rendimiento académico y la calidad de vida de menores vulnerables de Guatemala: programa integral de estimulación cognitiva y emocional, desarrollo de huertos escolares y fortalecimiento de la docencia a distancia ante el reto del COVID-19” [Improvement of the academic performance and quality of life in vulnerable minors from Guatemala: Integral cognitive and emotional stimulation program, development of school orchards, and strengthening of distance teaching amidst the challenge of COVID-19], grant number 0C138/2020Grant from FEDER Junta de Andalucía-Consejería de Transformación Económica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades/Project E-SEJ-754-UGR2

    Psychotherapeutic Interventions to Improve Psychological Adjustment in Type 1 Diabetes: A Systematic Review

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    Background: International clinical practice guidelines highlight the importance of improving the psychological and mental health care of patients with Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). Psychological interventions can promote adherence to the demands of diabetes self-care, promoting high quality of life and wellbeing. Methods: A systematic review was carried out to determine whether psychological treatments with a specific focus on emotional management have an impact on glycemic control and variables related to psychological adjustment. Comprehensive literature searches of PubMed Medline, Psycinfo, Cochrane Database, Web of Science, and Open Grey Repository databases were conducted, from inception to November 2019 and were last updated in December 2020. Finally, eight articles met inclusion criteria. Results: Results showed that the management of emotions was effective in improving the psychological adjustment of patients with T1DM when carried out by psychologists. However, the evidence regarding the improvement of glycemic control was not entirely clear. When comparing adolescent and adult populations, findings yielded slightly better results in adolescents. Conclusions: More rigorous studies are needed to establish what emotional interventions might increase glycemic control in this population

    Neuropsychological Stimulation Program for Children from Low Socioeconomic Backgrounds: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background: Guatemala remains one of the poorest countries in Central America and suffers from high rates of social inequality and violence. In addition to the negative impact that two years without attending school has had on Guatemalan children due to the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, this unfavourable socioeconomic context poses a risk to children’s emotional and cognitive development. This work presents a protocol for implementing a cognitive and emotional stimulation program aimed at increasing the academic performance of these children and consequently improving their quality of life. Methods: The protocol proposes the implementation of a randomized controlled trial to assess the efficacy of a 24-session-long stimulation program. It targets the cognitive functions of attention, language, executive functions, and social cognition, using the digital neurorehabilitation platform NeuronUP. The participants (n = 480) will be randomly assigned to an Experimental or Control group. Pre- and post-intervention assessments will be carried out, together with a follow-up in the next academic year, in which both groups will change roles. Results will be compared for the first and second years, looking for differences in academic and cognitive performance between groups. Discussion: Mid- and long-term outcomes are still unknown, but effective interventions based on this protocol are expected to facilitate the following benefits for participants: (1) improved cognitive and emotional development; (2) improved academic performance; (3) improved well-being. We expect to create a validated neuropsychological stimulation program that could be applied in similar socioeconomically disadvantaged contexts around the world to help these children improve their life chances