21 research outputs found

    Cosmic-ray neutron probes on the high plains of Nebraska: applications to large scale agriculture

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    Cosmic-rays have some surprising applications in precision agriculture. The cosmic-ray neutron probe (CRNP), when implemented as a roving instrument, can be used to create spatial maps of soil moisture, and from these maps soil hydraulic properties can be inferred. In this work, we combine data from a mobile CRNP with laboratory samples to make spatial predictions of soil hydraulic properties for select field sites around the state of Nebraska. These maps, which focus on wilting point and field capacity, can, in turn, be used to determine the optimal timing and application rates for irrigation farmers, many of whom have the capability to finely tune the spatial distribution of water applied on a field, but currently lack the requisite data to support such management practices. We find that 4 CRNP soil moisture maps are adequate to describe the dominant underlying spatial structure of the field (\u3e75% of variability) using Empirical Orthogonal Functions. The CRNP soil moisture maps combined with an elevation layer provided strong statistical predictors of laboratory measured soil hydraulic properties. The economic viability of the method depends on numerous local cost factors but rising demand for water resources may dictate the need for innovative approaches such as this one to reduce future water use

    Elevation dependence of cosmogenic 36Cl production in Hawaiian lava flows

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    Abstract We measured an elevation profile of cosmogenic 36 Cl in two well-preserved lava flows on Mauna Kea, Hawaii (19.8°N, 155.5°W ) in order to directly constrain the elevation dependence of cosmogenic nuclide production rates. The flows are verticallyextensive hawaiites erupted at 40.1 ± 0.6 and 62.2 ± 1.0 ka from point-vents on the upper flanks of Mauna Kea. The average paleo cutoff rigidity (a measure of geomagnetic shielding of cosmic rays) for these flows is 11 GV and their paleo-elevation range is 2100-3700 m. Production of 36 Cl is dominated by neutron reactions, with the high-energy 39 K(n,x) and 40 Ca(n,x) mechanisms accounting for nearly half of the 36 Cl production and the low-energy reaction 35 Cl(n,γ) responsible for the remaining half. Production by negative muons is small at the elevations of our samples, accounting for less than 2% of the total production in the lowest elevation samples. The elevation dependence of 36 Cl production measured in these lava flows is described by an effective attenuation length of 138 ± 5 g cm − 2 . This result is close to the value of 140 g cm − 2 determined from neutron monitor surveys of high-energy nucleon fluxes, but significantly below the value of 149 g cm − 2 determined from measurements of low-energy neutrons. The predicted atmospheric attenuation length for these lava flows, incorporating both high-and low-energy mechanisms, is 144 g cm − 2 . The good agreement between the 36 Cl elevation profile and cosmic-ray surveys validates the use of neutron flux measurements to scale 36 Cl production rates when production by muons is negligible

    Using Cosmic-Ray Neutron Probes to Monitor Landscape Scale Soil Water Content in Mixed Land Use Agricultural Systems

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    With an ever-increasing demand for natural resources and the societal need to understand and predict natural disasters, soil water content (SWC) observations remain a critical variable to monitor in order to optimally allocate resources, establish early warning systems, and improve weather forecasts.However, routine agricultural production practices of soil cultivation, planting, and harvest make the operation andmaintenance of direct contact point sensors for long-termmonitoring challenging. In this work, we explore the use of the newly established Cosmic-Ray Neutron Probe (CRNP) and method to monitor landscape average SWC in a mixed agricultural land use systemin northeastAustria.Thecalibrated CRNP landscape SWC values compare well against an independent in situ SWC probe network (MAE = 0.0286m3/m3) given the challenge of continuous in situ monitoring from probes across a heterogeneous agricultural landscape. The ability of the CRNP to provide real-time and accurate landscape SWC measurements makes it an ideal method for establishing long-term monitoring sites in agricultural ecosystems to aid in agricultural water and nutrient management decisions at the small tract of land scale as well as aiding in management decisions at larger scales

    Radius of influence for a cosmic-ray soil moisture probe : theory and Monte Carlo simulations.

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    The lateral footprint of a cosmic-ray soil moisture probe was determined using diffusion theory and neutron transport simulations. The footprint is radial and can be described by a single parameter, an e-folding length that is closely related to the slowing down length in air. In our work the slowing down length is defined as the crow-flight distance traveled by a neutron from nuclear emission as a fast neutron to detection at a lower energy threshold defined by the detector. Here the footprint is defined as the area encompassed by two e-fold distances, i.e. the area from which 86% of the recorded neutrons originate. The slowing down length is approximately 150 m at sea level for neutrons detected over a wide range of energies - from 10{sup 0} to 10{sup 5} eV. Both theory and simulations indicate that the slowing down length is inversely proportional to air density and linearly proportional to the height of the sensor above the ground for heights up to 100 m. Simulations suggest that the radius of influence for neutrons >1 eV is only slightly influenced by soil moisture content, and depends weakly on the energy sensitivity of the neutron detector. Good agreement between the theoretical slowing down length in air and the simulated slowing down length near the air/ground interface support the conclusion that the footprint is determined mainly by the neutron scattering properties of air

    Cosmic-ray neutron probes on the high plains of Nebraska: applications to large scale agriculture

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    Cosmic-rays have some surprising applications in precision agriculture. The cosmic-ray neutron probe (CRNP), when implemented as a roving instrument, can be used to create spatial maps of soil moisture, and from these maps soil hydraulic properties can be inferred. In this work, we combine data from a mobile CRNP with laboratory samples to make spatial predictions of soil hydraulic properties for select field sites around the state of Nebraska. These maps, which focus on wilting point and field capacity, can, in turn, be used to determine the optimal timing and application rates for irrigation farmers, many of whom have the capability to finely tune the spatial distribution of water applied on a field, but currently lack the requisite data to support such management practices. We find that 4 CRNP soil moisture maps are adequate to describe the dominant underlying spatial structure of the field (\u3e75% of variability) using Empirical Orthogonal Functions. The CRNP soil moisture maps combined with an elevation layer provided strong statistical predictors of laboratory measured soil hydraulic properties. The economic viability of the method depends on numerous local cost factors but rising demand for water resources may dictate the need for innovative approaches such as this one to reduce future water use

    Continuous and autonomous snow water equivalent measurements by a cosmic ray sensor on an alpine glacier

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    Snow water equivalent (SWE) measurements of seasonal snowpack are crucial in many research fields. Yet accurate measurements at a high temporal resolution are difficult to obtain in high mountain regions. With a cosmic ray sensor (CRS), SWE can be inferred from neutron counts. We present the analyses of temporally continuous SWE measurements by a CRS on an alpine glacier in Switzerland (Glacier de la Plaine Morte) over two winter seasons (2016/17 and 2017/18), which differed markedly in the amount and timing of snow accumulation. By combining SWE with snow depth measurements, we calculate the daily mean density of the snowpack. Compared to manual field observations from snow pits, the autonomous measurements overestimate SWE by +2 % ± 13 %. Snow depth and the bulk snow density deviate from the manual measurements by ±6 % and ±9 %, respectively. The CRS measured with high reliability over two winter seasons and is thus considered a promising method to observe SWE at remote alpine sites. We use the daily observations to classify winter season days into those dominated by accumulation (solid precipitation, snow drift), ablation (snow drift, snowmelt) or snow densification. For each of these process-dominated days the prevailing meteorological conditions are distinct. The continuous SWE measurements were also used to define a scaling factor for precipitation amounts from nearby meteorological stations. With this analysis, we show that a best-possible constant scaling factor results in cumulative precipitation amounts that differ by a mean absolute error of less than 80 mm w.e. from snow accumulation at this site