431 research outputs found

    Nuclear and chloroplast microsatellite diversity in Phaseolus vulgaris L. from Sardinia (Italy).

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    Studies of the level and the structure of the genetic diversity of local varieties of Phaseolus vulgaris are of fundamental importance, both for the management of genetic resources and to improve our understanding of the pathways of dissemination and the evolution of this species in Europe. We have here characterized 73 local bean populations from Sardinia (Italy) using seed traits and molecular markers (phaseolins, nuSSRs and cpSSRs). American landraces and commercial varieties were also included for comparison. We see that: (a) the Sardinian material is distinct from the commercial varieties considered; (b) the variation in the seed traits is high and it mostly occurs among populations (95%); (c) compared to the American sample and the commercial varieties, the Sardinian collection has a low level of diversity; (d) the majority ([95%) of the Sardinian individuals belong to the Andean gene pool; (e) the Sardinian material shows a strong genetic structure, both for cpSSRs and nuSSRs; (f) the nuSSRs and cpSSRs concur in differentiating between gene pools, but a lack of congruence between nuclear and chloroplast has been observed within gene pools; and (g) there are three putative hybrids between the Andean and Mesoamerican gene pools. Despite the relatively low level of diversity, which is probably due to a strong founder effect, the Sardinian landraces are worth being conserved and studied further because of their distinctiveness and because hybridization within and between the gene pools could generate variation that will be useful for breeding

    Las murallas como paradigma urbano. Investigación y diacronía en "Corduba" (ss. II-VII d.C.)

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    The growing number of studies about late Roman defenses in Hispania has not involved a better understanding of the walls in the Roman province of Baetica. Consequently, the aim of this paper is to fill this gap at least partially through the analysis of the documentation found in some urban centres, with particular attention to Cordoba, the city where our archaeological research is being carried out day‐to‐day. In this paper, we will study not only those transformations identified in the wall perimeter of Corduba between the 2th and 7th centuries AD., but also their framing within the frame of Baetica and Hispania. Besides, we have also taken into account the inherited challenges of the wall‐circuits, which are especially complex in the historic cities.El creciente número de estudios sobre las defensas hispanorromanas durante la Antigüedad Tardía no ha repercutido en un mejor conocimiento de las murallas en Baetica. En consecuencia con ello, intentamos con este trabajo llenar parcialmente dicho vacío mediante el análisis de la documentación procedente de varios núcleos urbanos, con especial atención al exemplum cordubense, ciudad en la que desarrollamos nuestra labor de investigación arqueológica. Revisaremos aquí las remodelaciones documentadas en Corduba entre los siglosII y VII d.C., contextualizándolas en el marco de la Bética y de Hispania, sin perder de vista por otra parte la problemática patrimonial de este tipo de restos, especialmente compleja en las ciudades históricas, como elemento de denuncia y llamada de atención al respecto

    Saliva, a bodily fluid with recognized and potential diagnostic applications

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    Human whole saliva is a bodily fluid that can be obtained easily by noninvasive techniques. Specimens can be collected by the patient also at home in order to monitor health status and variations of several analytes of clinical interest. The contributions to whole saliva include secretions from salivary glands and, among others, from the gingival crevicular fluid that derives from the epithelial mucosa. Therefore, saliva is currently a relevant diagnostic fluid for many substances, including steroids, nonpeptide hormones, therapeutic drugs, and drugs of abuse. This review at first briefly describes the different contributions to whole saliva. A section illustrates the procedures for the collection, handling, and storage of salivary specimens. Another section describes the present use of whole saliva for diagnostic purposes and its specific utilization for the diagnosis of several local and systemic diseases. The final sections illustrate the future opportunities offered by various not conventional techniques with a focus on the most recent –omic investigations. It describes the various issues that have to be taken into account to avoid false positives and negatives, such as the strength of the experimental plan, the adequacy of the number of samples under study, and the proper choice of controls

    QTL Mapping of Stem Rust Resistance in Populations of Durum Wheat

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    Stem rinfectionust, caused by the fungus Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici (Pgt), is one of the most devastating fungal diseases of durum and common wheat worldwide. The identification of sources of resistance and the validation of QTLs identified through genome-wide association studies is of paramount importance for reducing the losses caused by this disease to wheat grain yield and quality. Four segregating populations whose parents showed contrasting reactions to some Pgt races were assessed in the present study, and 14 QTLs were identified on chromosomes 3A, 4A, 6A, and 6B, with some regions in common between different segregating populations. Several QTLs were mapped to chromosomal regions coincident with previously mapped stem rust resistance loci; however, their reaction to different Pgt races suggest that novel genes or alleles could be present on chromosomes 3A and 6B. Putative candidate genes with a disease-related functional annotation have been identified in the QTL regions based on information available from the reference genome of durum cv. 'Svevo'

    Searching for a Longevity Food, We Bump into Hericium erinaceus Primordium Rich in Ergothioneine: The “Longevity Vitamin” Improves Locomotor Performances during Aging

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    Phenotypic frailty is characterized by a progressive decline in physical functioning. During ageing, morphological and functional alterations involve the brain, and chief theories involve ox-idative stress, free radical accumulation, and reduced antioxidant defenses as the most implicated mechanisms. From boosting the immune system to fighting senescence, medicinal mushrooms have been found to have a number of health and longevity benefits. Among them, Hericium erinaceus (He) has been demonstrated to display a variety of physiological effects, including anti-aging properties. Thus, He represents an attractive natural source for developing novel medicines and functional foods, based on the identification of its active ingredients and metabolites. Particularly, H. erinaceus primordium (He2) extract contains a high amount of Ergothioneine (ERGO), the longevity vitamin. Herein, we revealed the preventive effect of ERGO-rich He2 extract in a preclinical model, focusing on locomotor decline during ageing monitored through spontaneous behavioral test. This effect was accompanied by a significant decrease in some oxidative stress markers (NOS2, COX2) paralleled by an increase in P53, showed in cerebellar cortex cells and fibres by immunohistochemistry. In summary, we demonstrated the neuro-protective and preventive effects of He2 extract during aging, probably due to its peculiarly high ERGO content

    Laparoscopic peritoneal lavage: A definitive treatment for diverticular peritonitis or a "bridge" to elective laparoscopic sigmoidectomy?

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    To this day, the treatment of generalized peritonitis secondary to diverticular perforation is still controversial. Recently, in patients with acute sigmoid diverticulitis, laparoscopic lavage and drainage has gained a wide interest as an alternative to resection. Based on this backdrop, we decided to perform a systematic review of the literature to evaluate the safety, feasibility, and efficacy of peritoneal lavage in perforated diverticular disease. A bibliographic search was performed in PubMed for case series and comparative studies published between January 1992 and February 2014 describing laparoscopic peritoneal lavage in patients with perforated diverticulitis. A total of 19 articles consisting of 10 cohort studies, 8 case series, and 1 controlled clinical trial met the inclusion criteria and were reviewed. In total these studies analyzed data from 871 patients. The mean follow-up time ranged from 1.5 to 96 months when reported. In 11 studies, the success rate of laparoscopic peritoneal lavage, defined as patients alive without surgical treatment for a recurrent episode of diverticulitis, was 24.3%. In patients with Hinchey stage III diverticulitis, the incidence of laparotomy conversion was 1%, whereas in patients with stage IV it was 45%. The 30-day postoperative mortality rate was 2.9%. The 30-day postoperative reintervention rate was 4.9%, whereas 2% of patients required a percutaneous drainage. Readmission rate after the first hospitalization for recurrent diverticulitis was 6%. Most patients who were readmitted (69%) required redo surgery. A 2-stage laparoscopic intervention was performed in 18.3% of patients. Laparoscopic peritoneal lavage should be considered an effective and safe option for the treatment of patients with sigmoid diverticulitis with Hinchey stage III peritonitis; it can also be consider as a “bridge” surgical step combined with a delayed and elective laparoscopic sigmoidectomy in order to avoid a Hartmann procedure. This minimally invasive staged approach should be considered for patients without systemic toxicity and in centers experienced in minimally invasive surgery techniques. Further evidence is needed, and the ongoing RCTs will better define the role of the laparoscopic peritoneal lavage/drainage in the treatment of patients with complicated diverticulitis

    Exploring CT Texture Parameters as Predictive and Response Imaging Biomarkers of Survival in Patients With Metastatic Melanoma Treated With PD-1 Inhibitor Nivolumab: A Pilot Study Using a Delta-Radiomics Approach

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    In the era of artificial intelligence and precision medicine, the use of quantitative imaging methodological approaches could improve the cancer patient’s therapeutic approaches. Specifically, our pilot study aims to explore whether CT texture features on both baseline and first post-treatment contrast-enhanced CT may act as a predictor of overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS) in metastatic melanoma (MM) patients treated with the PD-1 inhibitor Nivolumab. Ninety-four lesions from 32 patients treated with Nivolumab were analyzed. Manual segmentation was performed using a free-hand polygon approach by drawing a region of interest (ROI) around each target lesion (up to five lesions were selected per patient according to RECIST 1.1). Filtration-histogram-based texture analysis was employed using a commercially available research software called TexRAD (Feedback Medical Ltd, London, UK; https://fbkmed.com/texrad-landing-2/) Percentage changes in texture features were calculated to perform delta-radiomics analysis. Texture feature kurtosis at fine and medium filter scale predicted OS and PFS. A higher kurtosis is correlated with good prognosis; kurtosis values greater than 1.11 for SSF = 2 and 1.20 for SSF = 3 were indicators of higher OS (fine texture: 192 HR = 0.56, 95% CI = 0.32–0.96, p = 0.03; medium texture: HR = 0.54, 95% CI = 0.29–0.99, p = 0.04) and PFS (fine texture: HR = 0.53, 95% CI = 0.29–0.95, p = 0.03; medium texture: HR = 0.49, 209 95% CI = 0.25–0.96, p = 0.03). In delta-radiomics analysis, the entropy percentage variation correlated with OS and PFS. Increasing entropy indicates a worse outcome. An entropy variation greater than 5% was an indicator of bad prognosis. CT delta-texture analysis quantified as entropy predicted OS and PFS. Baseline CT texture quantified as kurtosis also predicted survival baseline. Further studies with larger cohorts are mandatory to confirm these promising exploratory results