367 research outputs found

    Statistics of reduced words in locally free and braid groups: Abstract studies and application to ballistic growth model

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    We study numerically and analytically the average length of reduced (primitive) words in so-called locally free and braid groups. We consider the situations when the letters in the initial words are drawn either without or with correlations. In the latter case we show that the average length of the reduced word can be increased or lowered depending on the type of correlation. The ideas developed are used for analytical computation of the average number of peaks of the surface appearing in some specific ballistic growth modelComment: 29 pages, LaTeX, 7 separated Postscript figures (available on request), submitted to J. Phys. (A): Math. Ge

    Brownian Motion in wedges, last passage time and the second arc-sine law

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    We consider a planar Brownian motion starting from OO at time t=0t=0 and stopped at t=1t=1 and a set F={OIi;i=1,2,...,n}F= \{OI_i ; i=1,2,..., n\} of nn semi-infinite straight lines emanating from OO. Denoting by gg the last time when FF is reached by the Brownian motion, we compute the probability law of gg. In particular, we show that, for a symmetric FF and even nn values, this law can be expressed as a sum of arcsin\arcsin or (arcsin)2(\arcsin)^2 functions. The original result of Levy is recovered as the special case n=2n=2. A relation with the problem of reaction-diffusion of a set of three particles in one dimension is discussed

    Rainfall estimation in the Sahel : the EPSAT-NIGER experiment

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    Le projet EPSAT-Niger (Estimation des Précipitations par Satellite-expérience Niger) est une expérience destinée à améliorer notre connaissance des systèmes précipitants de l'Afrique soudano-sahélienne, et à mettre au point des algorithmes opérationnels d'estimation des pluies sur cette région. Elle s'appuie sur l'utilisation conjointe d'un réseau de pluviographes (93 postes sur 16.000 km2) et d'un radar météorologique bande C. Sa durée prévue est de trois ans (1990-1992). La géométrie du réseau, une grille régulière dont la maille mesure 12.5 km de côté, dotée d'une cible où la distance entre postes descend à 1 km, a permis de mener à bien des études préliminaires sur la répartition des pluies à différentes échelles de temps et d'espace. Le gradient pluviométrique Sud-Nord des moyennes interannuelles est fortement altéré quand on travaille sur une saison particulière. La variabilité locale des cumuls saisonniers peut être extrêmement importante. Des écarts de 60 % sur moins de 10 km ont été enregistrés. L'exploitation conjointe des données sol et radar conduit à mettre en évidence certaines particularités des lignes de grains et s'avère prometteuse pour mettre au point une vérité sol adaptée à la validation des données satellitaires. (Résumé d'auteur

    Random Operator Approach for Word Enumeration in Braid Groups

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    We investigate analytically the problem of enumeration of nonequivalent primitive words in the braid group B_n for n >> 1 by analysing the random word statistics and the target space on the basis of the locally free group approximation. We develop a "symbolic dynamics" method for exact word enumeration in locally free groups and bring arguments in support of the conjecture that the number of very long primitive words in the braid group is not sensitive to the precise local commutation relations. We consider the connection of these problems with the conventional random operator theory, localization phenomena and statistics of systems with quenched disorder. Also we discuss the relation of the particular problems of random operator theory to the theory of modular functionsComment: 36 pages, LaTeX, 4 separated Postscript figures, submitted to Nucl. Phys. B [PM

    Exit and Occupation times for Brownian Motion on Graphs with General Drift and Diffusion Constant

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    We consider a particle diffusing along the links of a general graph possessing some absorbing vertices. The particle, with a spatially-dependent diffusion constant D(x) is subjected to a drift U(x) that is defined in every point of each link. We establish the boundary conditions to be used at the vertices and we derive general expressions for the average time spent on a part of the graph before absorption and, also, for the Laplace transform of the joint law of the occupation times. Exit times distributions and splitting probabilities are also studied and several examples are discussed.Comment: Accepted for publication in J. Phys.

    Finite pseudo orbit expansions for spectral quantities of quantum graphs

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    We investigate spectral quantities of quantum graphs by expanding them as sums over pseudo orbits, sets of periodic orbits. Only a finite collection of pseudo orbits which are irreducible and where the total number of bonds is less than or equal to the number of bonds of the graph appear, analogous to a cut off at half the Heisenberg time. The calculation simplifies previous approaches to pseudo orbit expansions on graphs. We formulate coefficients of the characteristic polynomial and derive a secular equation in terms of the irreducible pseudo orbits. From the secular equation, whose roots provide the graph spectrum, the zeta function is derived using the argument principle. The spectral zeta function enables quantities, such as the spectral determinant and vacuum energy, to be obtained directly as finite expansions over the set of short irreducible pseudo orbits.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures, typos corrected, references added, vacuum energy calculation expande

    Heated nuclear matter, condensation phenomena and the hadronic equation of state

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    The thermodynamic properties of heated nuclear matter are explored using an exactly solvable canonical ensemble model. This model reduces to the results of an ideal Fermi gas at low temperatures. At higher temperatures, the fragmentation of the nuclear matter into clusters of nucleons leads to features that resemble a Bose gas. Some parallels of this model with the phenomena of Bose condensation and with percolation phenomena are discussed. A simple expression for the hadronic equation of state is obtained from the model.Comment: 12 pages, revtex, 1 ps file appended (figure 1

    Functionals of the Brownian motion, localization and metric graphs

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    We review several results related to the problem of a quantum particle in a random environment. In an introductory part, we recall how several functionals of the Brownian motion arise in the study of electronic transport in weakly disordered metals (weak localization). Two aspects of the physics of the one-dimensional strong localization are reviewed : some properties of the scattering by a random potential (time delay distribution) and a study of the spectrum of a random potential on a bounded domain (the extreme value statistics of the eigenvalues). Then we mention several results concerning the diffusion on graphs, and more generally the spectral properties of the Schr\"odinger operator on graphs. The interest of spectral determinants as generating functions characterizing the diffusion on graphs is illustrated. Finally, we consider a two-dimensional model of a charged particle coupled to the random magnetic field due to magnetic vortices. We recall the connection between spectral properties of this model and winding functionals of the planar Brownian motion.Comment: Review article. 50 pages, 21 eps figures. Version 2: section 5.5 and conclusion added. Several references adde