27 research outputs found

    L’IdĂ©e latine du FĂ©librige et la Renaissance romanche 1874-1914

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    À partir de 1874, la RLaR publia rĂ©guliĂšrement des textes littĂ©raires romanches, souvent accompagnĂ©s d’études sur cette langue romane minoritaire parlĂ©e dans les Alpes suisses. Dans cette pĂ©riode de renaissance littĂ©raire et linguistique de la langue d’oc le mouvement de la Renaissance romanche suivit l’exemple des FĂ©libres. C’est bien dans l’esprit de l’IdĂ©e latine que les FĂ©libres et les reprĂ©sentants de la Renaissance romanche ont entretenu des rapports mutuels. Les rapports avec l’Engadine commencent par la publication de « Un Recueil de poĂ©sies rumonches » de Roque-Ferrier, publiĂ© dans la RLaR en 1874, atteignent leur sommet en 1882 avec la participation de l’écrivain romanche Gian Fadri Caderas aux Jeux Floraux de Forcalquier mais perdent d’intensitĂ© aprĂšs le dĂ©cĂšs de celui-ci. Les rapports entre la Provence et la Surselva sont instaurĂ©s par Caspar Decurtins et FrĂ©dĂ©ric Mistral. Ils battent leur plein grĂące Ă  la publication de plusieurs articles sur les deux langues et de nombreuses traductions du romanche vers l’occitan et vice-versa par Flurin Camathias et Jules Ronjat. Ainsi les questions rĂ©gionales prirent une dimension internationale.From 1874 onwards, the RLaR regularly published Romansh literary texts, often accompanied by studies on this minority Romansh language spoken in the Swiss Alps. In this period of literary and linguistic revival of Occitan language, the Romansh Renaissance movement followed the example of the FĂ©libres. It was in the spirit of Latin Idea that the FĂ©libres and the representatives of the Romansh Renaissance maintained a mutual relationship. Relations with Engadine began in 1874 with Roque-Ferrier’s “Un Recueil de poĂ©sies rumonches”, published in the RLaR, then reached a peak in 1882 with the participation of the Romansh writer Gian Fadri Caderas in the Jeux Floraux de Forcalquier, and eventually declined after his death. A relationship between Provence and Surselva was established by Caspar Decurtins and FrĂ©dĂ©ric Mistral, which was in full swing thanks to the publication of several articles on the two languages and several translations from Romansh into Occitan and vice versa by Flurin Camathias and Jules Ronjat. In this way, regional questions took on an international dimension

    Severe isoniazid related sideroblastic anemia

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    Isoniazid induced sideroblastic anemia is a rare event. We report case of a 45 year old Caucasian women with development of severe anaemia 4 month after introduction of Isoniazid as part of Tuberculosis treatment. While haemoglobin fell to 47 g/L and erythrocyte count to 1.5 G/L, reticulocytes were very low (reticulocyte production index of 0.48), but bone marrow aspirate showed an accelerated erythropoiesis with ringsideroblasts. Anaemia rapidly resolved after cessation of Isoniazid. We postulate an Isoniazid induced inhibition of the ÎŽ-Amino-levulinat-synthase resulting in marked depletion of heam synthesis

    EG-Recht: wie suchen?, wo finden?

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    L’IdĂ©e latine du FĂ©librige et la Renaissance romanche 1874-1914

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    From 1874 onwards, the RLaR regularly published Romansh literary texts, often accompanied by studies on this minority Romansh language spoken in the Swiss Alps. In this period of literary and linguistic revival of Occitan language, the Romansh Renaissance movement followed the example of the FĂ©libres. It was in the spirit of Latin Idea that the FĂ©libres and the representatives of the Romansh Renaissance maintained a mutual relationship. Relations with Engadine began in 1874 with Roque-Ferrier’s “Un Recueil de poĂ©sies rumonches”, published in the RLaR, then reached a peak in 1882 with the participation of the Romansh writer Gian Fadri Caderas in the Jeux Floraux de Forcalquier, and eventually declined after his death. A relationship between Provence and Surselva was established by Caspar Decurtins and FrĂ©dĂ©ric Mistral, which was in full swing thanks to the publication of several articles on the two languages and several translations from Romansh into Occitan and vice versa by Flurin Camathias and Jules Ronjat. In this way, regional questions took on an international dimension

    Har skilsmÀssor negativa konsekvenser för lönen? : En kvantitativ analys pÄ den svenska arbetsmarknaden av skilda och de som skaffat en ny partner

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    Denna studie syftar till att undersöka om det förekommer inkomstskillnader i det svenska samhÀllet mellan skilda och de som skaffat en ny partner, utifrÄn hypotesen att skilda har en sÀmre löneutveckling Àn de som skaffar en ny partner efter skilsmÀssa. För att fÄ en uppfattning om hur situationen ser ut i det svenska samhÀllet idag anvÀnds data frÄn 2010. Studiens teoretiska utgÄngspunkt Àr hÀmtad ifrÄn Gary Beckers teori om specialisering och humankapital som innebÀr att individer i en parrelation specialiserar sig pÄ betalt eller obetalt arbete för att maximera nyttan inom familjen. Denna specialisering leder till att parterna i olika utstrÀckning investerar i sitt humankapital pÄ arbetsmarknaden, vilket fÄr vidare konsekvenser i form av olika inkomstutveckling. Tidigare forskning frÄn olika vÀsterlÀndska lÀnder visar att gifta och sammanboende generellt har en högre lön Àn skilda, och att kvinnor ofta drabbas hÄrdare ekonomiskt Àn mÀn vid en skilsmÀssa. Detta Àr sÀrskilt framtrÀdande i de fall dÄ paret har gemensamma barn. De individer som skaffar en ny partner efter skilsmÀssa kan undgÄ att drabbas av lika svÄra ekonomiska konsekvenser, och denna effekt verkar större Àn att istÀllet öka sin arbetstid för att komma upp i lön. Datamaterialet Àr hÀmtat frÄn LevnadsnivÄundersökningen 2010 och har analyserats genom multipla linjÀra regressioner samt logistiska regressioner. Det huvudsakliga resultatet motsÀger till viss del tidigare forskning dÄ det visar att skilda Àr den gruppen som har den högsta timlönen. Gifta tjÀnar ungefÀr lika mycket oavsett om de Àr i sin första relation eller har ett tidigare sammanboende bakom sig. Detta resultat kan bero pÄ att skilda i Sverige har mer tid att investera i sitt humankapital pÄ arbetsmarknaden, vilket leder till att de blir skickligare inom sitt yrke och dÀrmed fÄr en högre timlön. Det kan ocksÄ bero pÄ att effekten av att en gÄng ha specialiserat sig kvarstÄr, Àven om individen skiljer sig

    Nanoduct(R) sweat testing for rapid diagnosis in newborns, infants and children with cystic fibrosis

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    Determination of chloride concentration in sweat is the current diagnostic gold standard for Cystic Fibrosis (CF). Nanoduct(R) is a new analyzing system measuring conductivity which requires only 3 microliters of sweat and gives results within 30 minutes. The aim of the study was to evaluate the applicability of this system in a clinical setting of three children's hospitals and borderline results were compared with sweat chloride concentration. Over 3 years, 1,041 subjects were tested and in 946 diagnostic results were obtained. In 95 children, Nanoduct(R) failed (9.1% failure rate), mainly due to failures in preterm babies and newborns. Assuming 59 mmol/L as an upper limit of normal conductivity, all our 46 CF patients were correctly diagnosed (sensitivity 100%, 95% CI: 93.1-100; negative predicted value 100% (95% CI: 99.6-100) and only 39 non CF's were false positive (39/900, 4.3%; specificity 95.7%, 95%CI: 94.2-96.9, positive predicted value 54.1% with a 95%CI: 43.4-65.0). Increasing the diagnostic limit to 80 mmol/L, the rate fell to 0.3% (3/900). CF patients had a median conductivity of 115 mmol/L; the non-CF a median of 37 mmol/L. In conclusion, the Nanoduct(R) test is a reliable diagnostic tool for CF diagnosis: It has a failure rate comparable to other sweat tests and can be used as a simple bedside test for fast and reliable exclusion, diagnosis or suspicion of CF. In cases with borderline conductivity (60-80 mmol/L) other additional methods (determination of chloride and genotyping) are indicated