123 research outputs found

    Production of nitrogen oxide derivatives under the influence of NO-synthase inhibitors and natural compounds in mice with transplanted tumors

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    Aim: The aim of the present study was to investigate the dynamics of nitric oxide derivative (NOD) formation in mice with transplanted tumors and to analize whether synthetic NO-synthase inhibitors, NO-donors and natural compounds could modulate NOD synthesis. Materials and Methods: In the study F1(C57BlxCBA), CBA/Lac, BDF and Balb/c mice were used. Endogenous NOD synthesis in mice with transplanted Ehrlich carcinoma (EC) and Lewis lung carcinoma (LLC) was estimated by measuring urine nitrates (NA) and nitrites (NI) excretion and their concentration in tumor tissue determined by cadmium-reduction method. Results: It is shown that EC development is accompanied by increased endogenous NOD formation whereas LLC growth — by its decrease. Total NOD excretion with urine in EC-bearing mice during tumor development was in the range of 1.1x10–7-7.0x10–6 mol/kg body weight that was 1.7–6.8 times higher than that in LLC-bearing mice. Treatment of EC-bearing animals with Nώ-nitro-L-arginine and aminoguanidine resulted in decreased NOD formation causing moderate tumor growth retardation. Effect of treatment with nitroprusside was shown to be dependent on the rout of its administration and dosage. Treatment of EC-bearing mice with picnogenol, tannic acid, spirulina and paprika enriched with selenium resulted in tumor growth inhibition at the early stage of EC growth accompanied by stimulation of endogenous NOD formation. Conclusion: Regulation of endogenous NOD formation towards normal physiological levels or hyperproduction of these compounds may result in tumor growth suppression

    Colonial Encroachment Of Englishmen And Features Of Development Of South African Tribes

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    The specific of development of South African society was in a great deal predefined by the level of socially-historical development of the South African region to colonial encroachment, and by the features of the transformations introduced southward the African continent by the English colonialists. The colonial past of South Africa continues to be saved in memory and psychology of new generations of native population. And for the best comprehension of socio-political difficulties into that the people of this region run on the modern stage of their development, it is necessary from positions of retrospective analysis to study the process of colonization and influence of methods of her realization on a political, socio-economic and cultural situation in South Africa

    Determination of Humic Acid Content in Sapropel

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    The agricultural industry, in particular crop farming, is in need of using biological plant and soil protection products, as well as mineral fertilizers. A number of problems associated with soil contamination with substances of chemical nature that are part of mineral fertilizers can be solved through the use of biofertilizers based on humic acids (HA). HA can also be used as plant growth stimulants, restorers of disturbed soils and sorbents of toxic pollutants. One of the promising sources for obtaining HA is sapropel obtained during the reclamation of reservoirs. The study was conducted in order to determine the concentration of humic acids in sapropel harvested in the water bodies of the Republic of Mari El (RME) and to identify the method that assumes the best yield of HA. The object of the study were sapropel samples of various water bodies of the RME. Humic acids were isolated by two methods: the method of alkaline extraction and the method of aqueous extraction. According to the results of the study, significant differences in humic acid concentrations in sapropel samples were noted. It was found that sapropel of the Lake Vodoozerskoye deposit is characterized by the highest content of humic acids. It was also determined that the sapropel of this deposit is the leader in the amount of HA, regardless of the extraction method

    Characteristic length for pinning force density in Nb3SnNb{_3}Sn

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    The pinning force density Fp(Jc,B)=Jc×BF{_p}(J{_c},B)=J{_c} \times B (where JcJ_c is the critical current density, BB is applied magnetic field) is one of main quantities which characterizes the resilience of a superconductor to carry dissipative-free transport current in applied magnetic field. Kramer (1973 J. Appl. Phys. 44 1360) and Dew-Hughes (1974 Phil. Mag. 30 293) proposed a widely used scaling law for the pinning force density amplitude: Fp(B)=Fp,max((p+q)(p+q)/(ppqq))(B/Bc2)p(1B/Bc2)qF{_p}(B)=F{_{p,max}}((p+q){^{(p+q)}}/({p^p}{q^q}))(B/B_{c2}){^p}(1-B/B{_{c2}})^q, where Fp,maxF{_{p,max}}, Bc2B{_{c2}}, pp, and qq are free-fitting parameters. Since late 1970-s till now, several research groups reported experimental data for the dependence of Fp,maxF_{p,max} on the average grain size, dd, in Nb3SnNb{_3}Sn-based conductors. Godeke (2006 Supercond. Sci. Techn. 19 R68) proposed that the dependence obeys the law Fp,max(d)=A×log(1/d)+B|F{_{p,max}}(d)|=A \times log(1/d)+B . However, this scaling law has several problems, for instance, the logarithm is taken from a non-dimensionless variable, and Fp,max(d)<0|F{_{p,max}}(d)|< 0 for large grain sizes and Fp,max(d)|F{_{p,max}}(d)|\rightarrow \infty for d0d \rightarrow 0. Here we reanalysed full inventory of publicly available Fp,max(d)|F{_{p,max}}(d)| data for Nb3SnNb{_3}Sn conductors and found that the dependence can be described by Fp,max(d)=Fp,max(0)exp(d/δ)F_{p,max}(d)= F_{p,max}(0)exp(-d/{\delta}) law, where the characteristic length, δ{\delta}, is varying within a remarkably narrow range, i.e. δ=(175±13)nm{\delta}=(175 \pm 13) nm, for samples fabricated by different technologies. The interpretation of the result is based on an idea that the in-field supercurrent is flowing within a thin surface layer (the thickness of δ{\delta}) near the grain boundary surfaces. Alternative interpretation is that δ{\delta} represents characteristic length for the exponentially decay flux pinning potential from dominant defects in Nb3SnNb{_3}Sn superconductors, which are grain boundaries.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figure

    Microstructural Features in Multicore Cu–Nb Composites

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    none5siThe study is devoted to heavily drawn multicore Cu–18Nb composites of cylindrical and rectangular shapes. The composites were fabricated by the melt-and-deform method, namely, 600 in situ rods of Cu–18%Nb alloy were assembled in a copper shell and cold-drawn to a diameter of 15.4 mm (e = 10.2) and then rolled into a rectangular shape the size of 3 × 5.8 mm (e = 12.5). The specimens were analyzed from the viewpoints of their microstructure, microhardness, and thermal stability. The methods of SEM, TEM, X-ray analysis, and microhardness measurements were applied. It is demonstrated that, at higher strain, the fiber texture ⟨110⟩Nb∥ ⟨111⟩Cu∥ DD (drawing direction), characteristic of this material, becomes sharper. The distortions of niobium lattice can be observed, namely, the {110} Nb interplanar distance is broadened in longitudinal direction of specimens and compacted in transverse sections. The copper matrix lattice is distorted as well, though its distortions are much less pronounced due to its recrystallization. Evolution of microstructure under annealing consists mainly in the coagulation of ribbon-like Nb filaments and in the vanishing of lattice distortions. The structural changes in Nb filaments start at 300–400 °C, then develop actively at 600 °C and cause considerable decrease of strength at 700–800 °C.openElena N. Popova, Irina L. Deryagina,Evgeniya G. Valova-Zaharevskaya, Ruello Maria Letizia, Vladimir V. PopovElena N., Popova; Irina L., Deryagina; Evgeniya G., Valova-Zaharevskaya; Ruello, Maria Letizia; Vladimir V., Popo

    Модулирование образования активных форм азота ингредиентами растительных продуктов при ингибировании канцерогенеза

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    The review analyzes literature data and the results of our own research on the role of reactive nitrogen species (NO, NO2, N2O3) in the initiation and progression of tumors. The possibility of modulating the activity of inducible NO synthase by the biologically active components of plant products and their effect on carcinogenesis is analyzed. Possible mechanisms of the ambiguous action of NO and its metabolic products in the mechanisms of carcinogenesis are discussed. The generalization and analysis of these data allowed us to formulate some principles for the use of substances that modulate the activity of inducible NO synthase and affect the formation of NO and its metabolic products in inhibiting carcinogenesis.В обзоре анализируются данные литературы и результаты собственных исследований о роли активных форм азота (NO, NO2, N2O3) в инициации и прогрессии опухолей. Анализируется возможность модуляции активности индуцибельной NO-синтазы биологически активными компонентами растительных продуктов и их влияние на канцерогенез. Обсуждаются возможные механизмы неоднозначного действия NO и продуктов его метаболизма в канцерогенезе. Обобщение и анализ этих данных позволили сформулировать некоторые принципы применения веществ, модулирующих активность индуцибельной NO-синтазы и влияющих на образование NO и продуктов его метаболизма при ингибировании канцерогенеза


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    В данной статье рассматривается усовершенствование метрологического обеспечение цеха тепловой автоматики и измерений северодвинской ТЭЦ-1 ПАО ТГК-2. Приведены задачи метрологического обеспечения. Приведены предлагаемые изменения.This article discusses the improvement of metrological support for the thermal automation and measurement shop of the Severodvinsk CHPP-1 of PJSC TGC-2. The tasks of metrological support are given. Suggested changes are provided


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    Целью работы было установление взаимосвязи между доминирующим полушарием головного мозга и протеканием перцептивных процессов личности курсантов вуза Министерства внутренних дел России. Изучение проблемы взаимосвязи особенностей протекания перцептивных процессов человека и мозговой латерализации функций дополняет сведения о профессиональной пригодности и надежности сотрудников силовых структур в рамках индивидуально-типологического подхода. Проведено экспериментально-психологическое исследование определения моторных и сенсорных асимметрий в системе измерений «рука-нога-ухо-глаз» (Е.Д. Хомская), выявлен ведущий аудиальный канал восприятия у испытуемых с левополушарным доминированием и кинестетический – у испытуемых с правополушарным доминированием. Особенности функционирования системы «ФМПА-восприятие» в группах с различным типом полушарного доминирования рекомендуется учитывать как в учебной и служебной деятельности курсантов, так и на этапе проведения профессионального отбора.The goals of the work was to determine linkage between the dominant hemisphere of the brain and the occurrence of perceptual processes of the personality of students of the University of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia. Researching of relationship between characteristics of the nature of perceptual processes and lateralization of brain functions supplements the information about professional suitability and reliability of employees of enforcement structure within the individually-typological approach. The experimental psychological research of determination of motor and sensory asymmetries in the measurement system "hand-foot-ear-eye" (was performed by Homskay E.D.), the leading channel of the auditory perception for the people with the left-hemispheric dominance, and kinesthetic channel for the people with right-hemispheric dominance were revealed. Features of functioning of system "FMPA-perception" in groups with different type of hemispheric dominance is recommended to consider in academic and professional activities of the cadets, and at the stage of professional selection


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    Cardiointervalography is an important method of analyzing the regulation of heart rate variability, which allows evaluating the balance of the entire spectrum of humoral-metabolic and vegetative effects, both in condition of physiological rest and in various functional tests. It is noted that in hypertensive patients, in most cases, there is a chronic predominance of ergotrophic metabolic reactions that reflect the system tension in the regulatory mechanisms. The aim of our study was to conduct a comparative analysis of the features of the mechanisms of heart rate regulation in adolescents with confirmed essential hypertension and their healthy age mates. Material and methods. The study involved 50 adolescents (12–16 years of age) – 26 boys and 24 girls with labile essential hypertension (EHT) and stage 1 HT on the background of the standard medical correction of blood pressure (enalapril 0,58 mg/kg per day). Each participant of the study and control group underwent recording of at least 512 cardio cycles in the state of physiological rest in a sitting position, as well as registration of blood pressure. Results and discussion. We have found that for adolescents with EHT a significantly lower (by 15 %) average duration of the heart cycle is typical in combination with a decrease in the variation range, which indicates some rigidity of the heart rate regulatory mechanisms. The relative decrease in the proportion of high-frequency spectrum components in comparison with the low-frequency and very low-frequency ranges in adolescents with hypertension also indicated a tendency to predominance of sympathicotonic effects with the predominant involvement of the structures of the diencephalic region and the brain stem. At the same time blood pressure inversely correlated with the index of the variation range of cardiointervals, reflecting the lower adaptive potential of the heart rate regulation mechanisms. Conclusion. We have found regular changes in the regulation of heart rate in adolescents with hypertension, that can be taken as markers of its progressive development and used by clinicians to develop more personalized approaches to medication treatment