90 research outputs found

    Weak and Strong Reinforcement Number For a Graph

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    Introducing the weak reinforcement number which is the minimum number of added edges to reduce the weak dominating number, and giving some boundary of this new parameter and trees

    A case report of twin reversed arterial perfusion sequence with expectant management

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    Acardiac twin or TRAP (twin reversed arterial perfusion) sequence is a rare complication of monochorionic pregnancies. In these cases, the heart is either absent or non-functional. It’s controversial whether conservative management or therapeutic treatment is better in TRAP-sequence. In this case, we present a 19-years old, primigravida diagnosed with spontaneous monochorionic monoamniotic twin pregnancy at 7th week of gestation. One of the fetuses had a crown-rump length of 8 mm and fetal heart rate 122/minute while the other one had a crown-rump of 7 mm with no detected fetal heartbeat. At the 11th week of gestation, the acardiac twin continued growing despite the absence of the fetal heart beat and fetal extremities. The cranium could not be evaluated clearly. The diagnosis of TRAP sequence was confirmed by the reversed direction of flow observed in the umbilical artery. Since the patient and her husband did not want any intervention, no interventional diagnostic and treatment modalities were applied. Preterm labor started at the 32th week. Because the presentations were transverse and breech, pump and acardiac fetus, respectively, a cesarean delivery was performed. A healthy female baby, weighing 1650 gr with APGAR scores of 9-10, first and fifth minutes, respectively, was delivered along with the acardiac fetus which was 1550 gram in weight, fetal heart beat negative, with upper and lower extremity deformities. The uniqueness of the present case is that there was no significant difference in the weight of both twins. The acardiac twin was as large as the pump twin. Except for twenty days hospitalization because of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome, which was a consequence of preterm labor, there were no problems with the pump twin even though managed conservatively. In monochorionic twin pregnancies, when one of the twins is found to be fetal heartbeat negative and it continues to grow with concomitant structural abnormalities, the TRAP sequence should come to mind. If the acardiac fetus is small and the pump fetus has no complications, the conservative approach can be considered. Our goal should be to deliver the pump twin with minimal complications. To achieve this, follow-ups and treatment should be individualized for each patient, the pump fetus should be monitored closely

    Targeting SARS-CoV-2 infection through CAR-T-like bispecific T cell engagers incorporating ACE2.

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    OBJECTIVES: Despite advances in antibody treatments and vaccines, COVID-19 caused by SARS-CoV-2 infection remains a major health problem resulting in excessive morbidity and mortality and the emergence of new variants has reduced the effectiveness of current vaccines. METHODS: Here, as a proof-of-concept, we engineered primary CD8 T cells to express SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein-specific CARs, using the extracellular region of ACE2 and demonstrated their highly specific and potent cytotoxicity towards Spike-expressing target cells. To improve on this concept as a potential therapeutic, we developed a bispecific T cell engager combining ACE2 with an anti-CD3 scFv (ACE2-Bite) to target infected cells and the virus. RESULTS: As in CAR-T cell approach, ACE2-Bite endowed cytotoxic cells to selectively kill Spike-expressing targets. Furthermore, ACE2-Bite neutralized the pseudoviruses of SARS-CoV, SARS-CoV-2 wild-type, and variants including Delta and Omicron, as a decoy protein. Remarkably, ACE2-Bite molecule showed a higher binding and neutralization affinity to Delta and Omicron variants compared to SARS-CoV-2 wild-type Spike proteins. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, these results suggest the potential of this approach as a variant-proof, therapeutic strategy for future SARS-CoV-2 variants, employing both humoral and cellular arms of the adaptive immune response

    Fiberle güçlendirilmiş kompozit köprü (vaka raporu)

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    Since glass fiber reinforced composite (FRC) fixed partial dentures have aesthetic and economic superiorities, are easy to repair and require no preparation on sound teeth, they present an alternative treatment and advantage choice both for patient and the clinician. Today FGK restorations are becoming more popular with developing of the mechanical and esthetics characteristic since its introduction. FGK prosthesis can be fabricated either by a dental technician in the dental laboratuary or by a dentist in chairside. FGK restorations contain a fiber reinforced composite substructure and a special composite material covering it. When compared with metal substructures, their advantages are translucency, good adhesion, easy repair capability and non-corrosiveness. This case report describes treatment of a patient with unaesthetic appearance because of the maxillary missing left lateral and cross occlusion the maxillary left canin teeth using fiber reinforced composite resin-fixed partial denture. This treatment choice eliminated the longtime orthodontic treatment and preparation on sound teeth. ÖZET Günümüzde fiberle güçlendirilmiş kompozit (FGK) sabit parsiyel protezler estetik ve ekonomik olmaları, kolay tamir edilebilmeleri ve destek dişlerde fazla preperasyon gerektirmemeleri sayesinde hem hasta hem de hekim açısından alternatif ve avantajlı bir tedavi seçeneği sunmaktadır. FGK’ler geliştirilen mekanik ve estetik özellikleri ile daha popüler bir hale gelmiş ve FGK sistemlerin restoratif diş hekimliğinde kullanımları ilk üretildikleri günden bugüne artmıştır. FGK sabit parsiyel protezler, diş teknisyeni tarafından laboratuarda veya diş hekimi tarafından hasta başında hazırlanabilmektedirler. FGK sabit parsiyel protezler, fiberle güçlendirilmiş bir kompozit altyapıyı ve onu kaplayan özel kompozit materyalini içerirler. Metal alaşımlarla kıyaslandıklarında translüsent olmaları, iyi bağlanabilme özelliklerinin olması ve tamir edilebilmelerinin kolay olması yanında koroziv olmamaları gibi dişer avantajları da bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, maksillar sol lateral diş eksikliği ve maksillar sol kanin dişin ters kapanışta olan bir hastadaki estetik bozukluğun, uzun ortodontik tedavi yada implant cerrahisine gerek kalmaksızın az bir preperasyonla FGK köprü ile tedavisi anlatılmaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler; Fiberle güçlendirilmiş kompozit köprüler, adeziv köprüler

    Ureteric Duplication is not a Contraindication for Robot-Assisted Laparoscopic Radical Cystoprostatectomy and Intracorporeal Studer Pouch Formation

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    The authors found that duplicated ureters was not a contraindication to robot-assisted laparoscopic radical cystoprostatectomy in this case

    Effects of different glass fibers on the transverse strength and elastic modulus of repairing acrylic resin

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the transverse strength and the elastic modulus of a heat-polymerized denture base resin repaired by adding various glass fibers into  an autopolymerizing acrylic resin. Background: The key problems frequently encountered in dentures are fractures. A durable repairing system for a denture base fracture is desired to avoid recurrent fracturing. Materials and Methods: Fifty rectangular (65 mm × 10 mm × 2.5 mm) heat polymerized resin specimens were prepared which were divided in to five groups, with each including ten specimens. For the repairing procedure, samples with the autopolymerizing resin reinforced with stick, woven and chopped glass fibers were prepared. In addition, control samples with the autopolymerizing resin alone (in the absence of the glass fibres) were also obtained. Three-point bending tests were performed on all specimens. Results: The mean transverse strength for the control samples was 78.93 MPa. The specimens repaired with stick fiber reinforced resin exhibited the highest mean transverse strength of 83.16 MPa. The mean elastic modulus of the control specimens was 2121.86 MPa. The mean elastic modulus of the stick group was 7420 MPa. The elastic modulus values of the stick fiber reinforced specimens were significantly higher than the other groups (p<0.05). Conclusions: Amongst all samples, the transverse strength and elastic modulus of the stick fiber reinforced samples was found to be the highest

    A Note on Projective Klingenberg Planes over Rings of Plural Numbers

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    This paper deals with a certain class of projective Klingenberg planes over the local ring F[eta]/lteta^{m}gt with F an arbitrary field, known as the plural algebra of order m. In particular addition and multiplication of points on a line is defined geometrically and interpreted algebraically, by using the coordinate ring

    Total and partial ear epithesis : two case reports with review of literature.

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    Auricular defects may be congenitally or occur secondary to trauma or surgical removal of a neoplasm. Treatment options for the reconstruction of the ear may include either plastic surgery or provision of an auricular prosthesis.The requirements of prosthesis are esthetics, retention and stability, alignment and positioning, biocompatibility, and longevity. In the present study we present  2 patients (a partial and a total auricular defects) were rehabilitated with epistheses that were constructed on endosteal titanium implants of the ITI system with magnetive anchors in mastoid process. The success of both 2 epithesis compared in terms of function, aesthetics and psychological activity

    Marmara Seawater Desalination by Membrane Distillation: Direct Consumption Assessment of Produced Drinking Water

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    Drinking water was produced from Marmara seawater by membrane distillation (MD). The best operating conditions were determined by batch experiments as: 0.45 μm PTFE, 30°C distillate temperature and temperature difference, and 270–360 L/h cross‐flow rates in feed‐distillate. Seawater desalination was carried out with 99.93% solute rejection and 17.2 L/m2h permeate flux in 66% concentration ratio by lab‐scale pilot system. Since the desalinated water contained no organic carbon, turbidity, and nitrate, it seemed to be very suitable for immediate service with quality of 7.3 pH, clear, odor‐free, 76.0 µS/cm, 47.1 mg TDS/L, <0.001 color, and 0.01 mg boron/L. The product water lacked of vital cations, especially Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+ that are essentials for promoting osmotic balanced body liquid and healthy development. A holistic management approach towards satisfying specific water quality requirements in direct service of MD effluents to human consumption was proposed that jointly included in injecting into urban potable water, adding appropriate chemicals into the effluent, and mixing effluents with raw or concentrated seawater (1:250/1:1000 for Marmara seawater) or brackish natural waters under hygienic precautions

    Prostatic Cyst Causing Severe Infravesical Obstruction in a Young Patient

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