9 research outputs found


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    Every year we lose many young road users in road traffic accidents. Based on traffic accident data issued by the Indonesian National Police in 2017, the number of casualties was highest in the age group 15-19, with 3,496 minor injuries, 400 seriously injured and 535 deaths. This condition is very alarming considering that student as the nation's next generation lose their future due to the accidents. This figure does not include other traffic violations, not having a driver license, not wearing a helmet, driving opposite the direction, those given ticket and verbal reprimand. To reduce traffic accident for young road user, road safety campaigns were organized in many schools in Jakarta. This activity aims to socialize the road safety program to increase road safety awareness among young road users/students including the dissemination of Law No. 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation. Another purpose of this program is to accompany school administrators to set up a School Safe Zone (ZoSS), a location on particular roads in the school environment that are time-based speed zone to set the speed of the vehicle. The purpose of this paper is to promote the road safety campaigns strategies by considering various campaign tools

    Analysis of Accident-Prone Areas on The Kalimalang Canal Inspection Road, East Jakarta

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    The number of traffic accidents that increase every year can be caused by factors such as drivers, vehicles, roads and the environment. In Indonesia, traffic accidents are one of the problems in the transportation sector. Prevention taken so far to anticipate accidents is only based on data on the quantity of accidents that have occurred. Whereas the factors or events that can cause accidents are the biggest contributor to accidents. For example, driving a vehicle in an orderly manner, driving at a speed above the average determined traffic regulation and non-standard road conditions. This research was conducted to identify accident-prone locations in an area by identifying and analyzing each segment based on point coordinates in the accident data and applying it to the AEK method. The research location is on the Kalimalang Canal Inspection road, East Jakarta which is divided into 5 segments. And these segments start from the border of Bekasi with East Jakarta to Cawang East Jakarta. The results show that the research location has the potential as an accident-prone area where the location is in segment 5 and on these roads after surveying it is found that there are several points. which do not have road markings, minimal road signs, several damaged road points, and incomplete street lighting. Which can result in traffic accident

    Pedestrian Facility Analysis For Utilization and Comfort

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    As the population continues to grow, it results in a lot of human mobility. However, the high mobility is not matched by transportation facilities and infrastructure services, especially the sidewalks. One of the areas with existing sidewalk problems is Bekasi Highway KM. 18. The problems that occur are that the sidewalks are used as a place to sell street vendors, are used as illegal parking lots and the unavailability of guide tiles for persons with disabilities. The methodology of this research is carried out by conducting geometric surveys, measuring the volume and travel time of pedestrians to determine service levels and distribute questionnaires to 63 respondents to pedestrians in finding the level of performance and the importance of sidewalk facilities. The processing of this data uses Microsoft Excel and the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) using the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) method. The results of the analysis carried out by geometric surveys show that the sidewalks have not met the minimum standards according to regulations. From the measurement results of the volume and travel time of pedestrians, the service level is obtained with category B, as well as the results of the questionnaire related to the level of performance and the importance of sidewalk facilities, namely quadrant I there is Circulation, Climate, Shape, Safety, Cleanliness, Beauty, in quadrant II there is Circulation, Noise, Smells, Cleanliness and in quadrant III there is Circulation, Noise, and Cleanliness


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    A roundabout is an intersection equipped with circular lanes and has a design specification and is equipped with traffic equipment. The various patterns of movement will intersect each other, causing conflict points at an intersection. This study aims to determine the performance of the Sentul circuit roundabout and the Sentul alternatif road segment. Traffic data was collected for 3 days using the 1997 MKJI method, then made a traffic simulation using the PTV Vissim.The results of the study showed that the highest traffic volume was on Tuesday, November 23, at: the 9725 pcu/hour roundabout and the alternatif sentul total 2 directions 7865 pcu/hour. Sentul circuit roundabout using MKJI 1997 obtained DS values for each link: weaving area 1 (0.81), weaving area 2 (0.81), weaving area 3 (0.86), weaving area 4 (0.77) and alternatif sentul roads: roundabout direction (0.41) , the direction of Bogor (0.45). PTV Vissim the level of service for the sentul circuit roundabout and the alternative sentul: Sentul circuit roundabout: weaving area 1 (e), weaving area 2 (d), weaving area 3 (c), weaving area 4 (f). section alternative sentul: roundabout direction (b) and Bogor direction (b). alternative solution for scenario 1 by restricting heavy vehicles (HV) during rush hour is obtained DS: link 1 (0.69), link 2 (0.64), link 3 (0.72), link 4 (0.62)

    Performance analysis of road section and unsignalized intersections on Jalan Cileungsi Setu and Jalan Raya Narogong

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    The unsignalized intersection which is located in Cileungsi District, precisely on Jalan Cileungsi Setu and Jalan Raya Narogong, is a commercial area with dense economic activity and densely populated settlements. As a result of the dense activity, congestion occurs due to the large number of vehicles passing the road, especially during peak hours, namely the morning and evening. Seeing this problem, an analysis is needed that aims to determine the volume, performance of roads, and unmarked intersections as measured by capacity, degree of saturation, and level of service. In analyzing this study using the Indonesian Road Capacity Manual (MKJI) 1997 method which will determine the performance of roads and intersections without signs. The data needed in this research are primary data in the form of geometric road data, traffic volume, vehicle speed data, and side friction. As well as secondary data in the form of location maps, land use, and population data. From the results of data analysis and processing, the busiest traffic flow at the intersection occurred on Sunday, November 15, 2020 at 17.30 - 18.30 WIB, the saturation degree value was 1.17 with LOS F. By doing an alternative solution, the saturation degree value was 0.68 and LOS B with placing signs are prohibited from stopping around intersections, and prohibiting the flow of traffic turning right either from the main road D to the Minor C road or from the Minor C road to the main road B. On Jalan Raya Narogong, the degree of saturation is 0.74 LOS C service, this shows that the road sections do not exceed the figure required by MKJI 1997, namely ≤ 0.75

    Development of interactive e-module based on video and augmented reality for earthquake technology course

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    The application of augmented reality and video in instructional media is highly suitable for courses in the field of civil engineering, one of which is the Earthquake Technology course. This research employs the Research and Development (R&D) method using the ADDIE model in developing the e-module. The result of this research is a dedicated e-module specifically designed for the Earthquake Technology course. The e-module has been assessed by media experts, subject matter experts, and students as part of the evaluation process. The average scores from the two media experts are 93.33 and 91.33 for graphic feasibility, and 96.67 and 93.33 for language feasibility. As for the two subject matter experts, the average scores for content feasibility are 87.06 and 87.06, for presentation feasibility are 87.50 and 90.00, and for contextual feasibility are 90.00 and 90.00. Meanwhile, the average score from the students during the limited classroom trial is 89.06. The results of this research indicate that the development of the Earthquake Technology e-module using the ADDIE method has resulted in an e-module of "very good" category in terms of media and "good" category in terms of content. The assessment results from students also indicate that the Earthquake Technology e-module falls into the "good" category. So, it can be concluded that the Earthquake Technology e-module based on video and augmented reality can be totally applied in the learning process of Earthquake Technology course at The Civil Engineering Education Program, Universitas Negeri Semarang

    Analysis of Sidewalk or Pedestrian Path Satisfaction

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    Increased mobility in  DKI Jakarta area has resulted in the government having to make improvements to facilities or infrastructure especially in the transportation sector, but in the effort to increase this, the government is still siding with motorized vehicles compared to pedestrians..This study aims to determine the level of satisfaction and performance of pedestrian paths on pedestrian paths at Jalan Casablanca, South Jakarta, Kota Kasablanka Mall Area. This research method is carried out by direct survey to the research location in order to obtain pedestrian data such as the number of pedestrians, pedestrian speed, etc. Then also by distributing questionnaires to 100 respondents. The population taken in this study are people (sidewalk users) who pass or travel on foot along Jalan Casablanca, Jakarta Selata, Kota Kasablanka Mall Area. Data processing in this study used Microsoft Excel and SPSS version 24 and the methods used are Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) and Level Of Service. The results of data analysis using Importance Performance Analysis methode, it was found that the level of interest and satisfaction of pedestrians in Quadrant I which is given priority is the availability of facilities for the disabled and the elderly, order on pedestrian paths (street vendors, illegal parking, etc.), smooth travel, ease of walking. on the sidewalk, availability of trash cans. In Quadrant II what must be maintained are having lighting, paving conditions (not cracked / perforated, not slippery, etc.), sidewalk cleanliness, having traffic signs, having a barrier between the sidewalk and the road, adequate drainage channels, availability of stops / shelters, availability JPO (Pedestrian Bridge). In Quadrant III, the low priority is the availability of public telephones, availability of seats, neatness and regularity of the sidewalks. And in Quadrant IV, which is categorized as excessive, there is a sidewalk width of at least 3 meters, sidewalk slope (easily accessible), availability of shade trees, and accessibility between modes of public transportation. The results of the analysis of the road level with the LOS method get the LOS A category for the pedestrian space level. Then for the average pedestrian speed get the LOS B level on Monday and LOS C on Friday and Saturday. Then for the flow level get the LOS A category. And finally for the ratio assessment level get LOS A

    Passenger Satisfaction Analysis on Bekasi Station Service Performance

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    Bekasi Station (BKS) is a large class C train station located on Jl. H. Juanda, Bekasi City at an altitude of +19 meters, including in Operation Area I Jakarta. This station serves thousands of commuter passengers to Jakarta and surrounding areas by KRL Commuter Line and there is a KRL depot to the west of the station. Bekasi Station is quite crowded. Therefore, it is very important to know how the current condition of Bekasi Station and the level of satisfaction of train service users to the performance of Bekasi Station services. This study uses Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) method and field survey method to conduct direct observations at the station to evaluate the condition of Bekasi Station which will be compared with Regulation of the Minister of Transportation No. PM 48 of 2015 concerning Minimum Service Standards for Transportation of People By Train at Stations. As well as the Regulation of the Minister of Transportation No. 29 of 2011 concerning the technical requirements of railway station building. Then to know about the performance of the service and the satisfaction of the passengers, it is necessary to spread the questionnaire. The results of the evaluation showed that the needs of the building area of basic activities and the width of the platform still meet the standards of the existing rules in the Regulation of the Minister of Transportation No. 29 of 2011. The average level of passenger satisfaction to the service and facilities of Bekasi Station is satisfied with the average performance level of the station which is good with an average score of 4.04 and an average - the average level of station performance is good with an average score of 4.05 from the highest score of 5

    Analysis of Customer Satisfaction on Service Quality of KRL Bogor-Jakarta

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    Bogor is an area that has the potential for economic growth and development, services and transportation. Bogor is a buffer area for the city of Jakarta, this has an impact on the growing need for transportation service providers to be used as a means of mobilization. Train is one type of mass transportation that is efficient and effective. The advantages of rail transportation are large capacity, relatively low cost, and fast time. The method used is to use a questionnaire that is distributed to passengers of the electric railroad transportation of the Bogor-Jakarta route. The data obtained were then processed using Ms. Excel and SPSS software for statistical testing. The results of the study show that the service quality attributes that are considered the most important by consumers of the Bogor-Jakarta KRL transportation are information, insurance, affordable ticket prices, and cleanliness of toilets at stations. The results of IPA are attributes that are considered important but their low performance is the accuracy of travel schedules, information, assistance in using tickets, speed and accuracy of responding to consumer problems, safety and comfort, insurance, toilet cleanliness. Meanwhile, the attributes that are declared important and good performance are the availability of information related to KRL schedules, friendliness and courtesy of officers, honesty and patience of officers, and ticket prices. The CSI result is known to be 71,241%, which means that consumers are "satisfied" with the Bogor - Jakarta KRL transportation service. The results of the Chi Square KRL Bogor-Jakarta test are gender, age, occupation, income, destination education, transportation to the station, frequency and days of use