370 research outputs found

    Meeting report: a hard look at the state of enamel research.

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    The Encouraging Novel Amelogenesis Models and Ex vivo cell Lines (ENAMEL) Development workshop was held on 23 June 2017 at the Bethesda headquarters of the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR). Discussion topics included model organisms, stem cells/cell lines, and tissues/3D cell culture/organoids. Scientists from a number of disciplines, representing institutions from across the United States, gathered to discuss advances in our understanding of enamel, as well as future directions for the field

    F-18-FDG-Uptake in Mediastinal Lymph Nodes in Suspected Prosthetic Valve Endocarditis:Predictor or Confounder?

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    Introduction: Prosthetic valve endocarditis (PVE) is a serious disease affecting ~0.4% of prosthetic valve recipients per year. 18F-FDG-PET/CT has high sensitivity and specificity for PVE and is included as major criterion for the diagnosis in recent guidelines of the European Society of Cardiology. We addressed the question whether increased FDG-uptake in mediastinal lymph nodes could help to support the visual diagnostic assessment of PVE.Methods: In this sub-analysis of a previously published retrospective multicentre study, 160 unique patients were identified who underwent 18F-FDG-PET/CT for evaluation of suspected PVE. 18F-FDG-PET/CT was performed in adherence to the European Association of Nuclear Medicine guidelines of 2015 and scans were assessed for signs of mediastinal lymph node activity by 2 experienced nuclear medicine physicians who were blinded to clinical context. Clinical diagnosis of PVE had been established based on surgical findings or multidisciplinary consensus after a 1-year follow-up in 80 of 160 patients (50%).Results: In total, 52 patients showed increased mediastinal lymph node activity. Mediastinal lymph node activity on 18F-FDG-PET/CT did not increase diagnostic accuracy when added to the visual analysis of scans for signs of PVE: X2: 0.118, p = 0.731). After excluding patients with known confounders for 18F-FDG-PET/CT, namely use of Bioglue® during prosthetic valve implantation and C-reactive protein levels below 40 mg/L, mediastinal lymph node activity was still not of additional diagnostic value compared to visual analysis alone (X2:0.129, p = 0.723).Discussion: Assessment of mediastinal lymph node activity did not improve 18F-FDG-PET/CT diagnostic accuracy for suspected PVE compared to visual assessment of the valve alone, as it seems to be a rather a specific finding, that might be caused by sternal wound or mediastinal infections or even by subclinical respiratory infections. Future studies might elucidate whether increased FDG active lymph nodes indicate a high-risk patient group and whether more detailed assessment of mediastinal lymph nodes could improve their additional diagnostic benefit

    Когнітивні структури репрезентації хрематонімійних знань

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    В запропонованій статті розглядаються основні структури репрезентації хрематонімів в ментальному лексиконі індивіда. Питання побудови моделей та схем організації ментального лексикону привертає велику увагу лінгвістів сьогодні.В предложенной статье рассматриваются основные структуры репрезентации хрематонимов в ментальном лексиконе индивида. Вопрос построения моделей и схем организации ментального лексикона привлекает огромное внимание лингвистов.The article deals with the main representation structures of chrematonyms in the mental lexicon of an individual. The task of model construction and scheme organization of mental lexicon attracts much attention of linguists today

    Specific Interaction of Glyceraldehyde 3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase with the 5′-Nontranslated RNA of Hepatitis A Virus

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    Initiation of translation of hepatitis A virus (HAV) RNA occurs by internal entry and is likely to involve the interaction of trans-acting cellular protein factors with cis-acting structural elements of an internal ribosomal entry segment (IRES) within the 5'-nontranslated RNA. To characterize interactions between African green monkey kidney (BS-C-1) cell proteins and the predicted stem-loop IIIa (nucleotides 155-235) located at the 5' border of the HAV IRES, we utilized an electrophoresis mobility shift assay (EMSA) to identify a 39-kDa RNA-binding protein (p39). Amino-terminal amino acid sequencing of highly purified p39 revealed absolute identity with human glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH). The identity of p39 as simian GAPDH was further confirmed by antigenic and biochemical similarities between p39 and human GAPDH. Analysis of the RNA binding properties of simian GAPDH revealed that this cellular protein interacts with two additional sites in the HAV 5'-nontranslated RNA, one located between nucleotides 1-148 and the other between nucleotides 597-746. Competitive EMSAs also demonstrated that GAPDH and human polypyrimidine tract-binding protein, a putative picornavirus translation initiation factor, compete with each other for binding to stem-loop IIIa, suggesting that the relative cytoplasmic abundance of GAPDH and polypyrimidine tract-binding protein in individual cell-types may be an important determinant of viral translation activity. Human GAPDH was found to destabilize the folded structure of the stem-loop IIIa RNA based upon observed decreases in the circular dichroism spectra of this RNA following binding of the protein. This RNA helix-destabilizing activity of GAPDH could directly influence IRES-dependent translation and/or replication of picornavirus RNA

    Lessons learnt from scoring adjuvant colon cancer trials and meta-analyses using the ESMO-Magnitude of Clinical Benefit Scale V.1.1

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    Click here to listen to the Podcast BACKGROUND: Form 1 of the European Society for Medical Oncology-Magnitude of Clinical Benefit Scale (ESMO-MCBS) serves to grade therapies with curative intent. Hitherto only few trials with curative intent have been field tested using form 1. We aimed to evaluate the applicability of the scale and to assess the reasonableness of the generated scores in early colon cancer, in order to identify shortcomings that may be rectified in future amendments. METHODS: Adjuvant studies were identified in PubMed, Food and Drug Administration and European Medicines Agency registration sites, as well as ESMO and National Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines. Studies meeting inclusion criteria were graded using form 1 of the ESMO-MCBS V.1.1 and field tested by ESMO Colorectal Cancer Faculty. Shortcomings of the scale were identified and evaluated. RESULTS: Eighteen of 57 trials and 7 out of 14 meta-analyses identified met criteria for ESMO-MCBS V.1.1 grading. In stage III colon cancer, randomised clinical trials and meta-analyses of modulated 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) based chemotherapy versus surgery scored ESMO-MCBS grade A and randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and meta-analyses comprising oxaliplatin added to this 5-FU backbone showed a more modest additional overall survival benefit (grade A and B). For stage II colon cancer, the findings are less consistent. The fluoropyrimidine trials in stage II were graded 'no evaluable benefit' but the most recent meta-analysis demonstrated a 5.4% survival advantage after 8 years follow-up (grade A). RCTs and a meta-analysis adding oxaliplatin demonstrated no added benefit. Exploratory toxicity evaluation and annotation was problematic given inconsistent toxicity reporting and limited results of late toxicity. Field testers (n=37) reviewed the scores, 25 confirmed their reasonableness, 12 found them mostly reasonable. Moreover, they identified the inability of crediting improved convenience in non-inferiority trials as a shortcoming. CONCLUSION: Form 1 of the ESMO-MCBS V.1.1 provided very reasonable grading for adjuvant colon cancer studies

    eTOX ALLIES:an automated pipeLine for linear interaction energy-based simulations

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    Abstract Background Computational methods to predict binding affinities of small ligands toward relevant biological (off-)targets are helpful in prioritizing the screening and synthesis of new drug candidates, thereby speeding up the drug discovery process. However, use of ligand-based approaches can lead to erroneous predictions when structural and dynamic features of the target substantially affect ligand binding. Free energy methods for affinity computation can include steric and electrostatic protein–ligand interactions, solvent effects, and thermal fluctuations, but often they are computationally demanding and require a high level of supervision. As a result their application is typically limited to the screening of small sets of compounds by experts in molecular modeling. Results We have developed eTOX ALLIES, an open source framework that allows the automated prediction of ligand-binding free energies requiring the ligand structure as only input. eTOX ALLIES is based on the linear interaction energy approach, an efficient end-point free energy method derived from Free Energy Perturbation theory. Upon submission of a ligand or dataset of compounds, the tool performs the multiple steps required for binding free-energy prediction (docking, ligand topology creation, molecular dynamics simulations, data analysis), making use of external open source software where necessary. Moreover, functionalities are also available to enable and assist the creation and calibration of new models. In addition, a web graphical user interface has been developed to allow use of free-energy based models to users that are not an expert in molecular modeling. Conclusions Because of the user-friendliness, efficiency and free-software licensing, eTOX ALLIES represents a novel extension of the toolbox for computational chemists, pharmaceutical scientists and toxicologists, who are interested in fast affinity predictions of small molecules toward biological (off-)targets for which protein flexibility, solvent and binding site interactions directly affect the strength of ligand-protein binding

    Systemic sclerosis without antinuclear antibodies or Raynaud's phenomenon: a multicentre study in the prospective EULAR Scleroderma Trials and Research (EUSTAR) database

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    Objective. To assess patients with SSc who present without circulating ANAs or RP. Methods. Five thousand three hundred and ninety patients who fulfilled the ACR criteria for SSc and were enrolled in the EULAR Scleroderma Trials and Research (EUSTAR) database were screened for the absence of both RP and circulating ANA. To differentiate SSc from its mimics, additional information was gathered using a standardized questionnaire. Results. Five thousand three hundred and seventy-eight (99.8%) of the 5390 SSc patients in the EUSTAR database had either detectable ANA or a history of RP. Twelve (0.2%) patients lacked both circulating ANA and RP. Details of the medical history could be obtained for seven patients. Three cases were compatible with ANA-negative and RP-negative SSc and were not typical of any known SSc mimic. Four patients had a malignancy: two had breast cancer, one had multiple myeloma with possible scleromyxoedema and one had bladder carcinoma. There was no temporal relationship between the onset of skin fibrosis and that of the tumour. Although no patient with confirmed nephrogenic systemic fibrosis was identified among the cases of ANA-negative and RP-negative SSc, the presentation of one patient could be compatible with that of nephrogenic systemic fibrosis other than for the absence of chronic kidney disease or of known prior gadolinium exposure. Conclusion. We have identified a very small subgroup of SSc patients who lack both circulating ANA and RP, none of whom fulfils the diagnostic criteria for any known SSc mimic. Prospective studies are needed to elucidate the clinical presentation, evolution and outcome of such patient

    First-Line everolimus and cisplatin in patients with advanced extrapulmonary neuroendocrine carcinoma:a nationwide phase 2 single-arm clinical trial

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    BACKGROUND: Extrapulmonary neuroendocrine carcinoma (EP-NEC) are an aggressive subgroup of neuroendocrine neoplasms (NEN). Advanced EP-NEC is generally treated with platinum-based cytotoxic regimens, but progressive disease occurs rapidly, resulting in a poor prognosis. Genetic alterations in the mammalian target for rapamycin (mTOR) pathway have been identified in NEN, providing a rationale for treatment with the mTOR-inhibitor everolimus. METHODS: A prospective phase 2 single-arm study included patients with advanced EP-NEC from three Dutch NEN expertise centres between March 2016 and January 2020. Treatment consisted of cisplatin 75 mg/m(2) every 3 weeks in combination with daily everolimus 7.5 mg for a maximum of six cycles, followed by maintenance everolimus until disease progression. Primary endpoint was disease control rate (DCR), defined as the sum of overall response rate (ORR) plus the rate of stable disease according to RECIST 1.1, assessed at 9-week intervals. Toxicity was evaluated according to CTCAE version 5.0. RESULTS: Thirty-nine patients, with a median age of 64 years (range: 28–74), of whom 20 (51%) were male, were enrolled. DCR was 82.1% (95% confidence interval (CI): 66.4–92.4), with an ORR of 58.9% (CI: 42.1–74.4). Median duration of response was 6.4 (CI: 5.8–7.0) months and median progression-free survival was 6.0 (CI: 4.3–7.8) months. Three patients (8%) had durable responses lasting  > 12 months. Median overall survival was 8.7 (CI: 7.8–9.6) months. Most common grade 3/4 toxicities were haematological (36%) and renal (21%). CONCLUSION: Everolimus in combination with cisplatin is an effective first-line treatment option for advanced EP-NEC, especially in highly selected patients. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Clinicaltrials.gov, NCT02695459, https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02695459