150 research outputs found

    “From Small Town in Big Person”: Development Management of Human Capital in Small Municipalities of Sverdlovsk Region

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    Тhe report examines the issue of qualified specialist’s migration from small cities to large ones. There is a policy of barriers established to reduce these demographic processes at the level of public administration. The author concludes that they should be encouraged, which can lead to two-way migration of the population and replacement of residents by the return route: from a large city to a small oneВ докладе рассматривается вопрос миграции квалифицированных специалистов из малых городов в большие. На уровне государственного управления проводится политика барьеров, устанавливаемых для сокращения данных демографических процессов. Автор же делает вывод о том, что их нужно поощрять, что в результате может привести к двусторонней миграции населения и замещению жителей обратным маршрутом: из большого города в малы

    Evolution of forest pedogenesis in the south of the forest-steppe of the Central Russian Upland in the Late Holocene

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    The Late Holocene stage of forest pedogenesis has been studied on the interfluves along river valleys in the forest-steppe zone of the Central Russian Upland. The development of gray forest soils from the former chernozems as a result of the Late Holocene advance of forest vegetation over steppes is discusse

    Natural Forest Colonisation and Soil Formation on Ash Dump in Southern Taiga

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    Ash dumps occupy significant areas around the world and make a negative influence on the environment. This effect is decreased by their natural colonisation determined by the bioclimatic conditions of the area. The purpose of the current study was to identify the structure of the forest communities and the initial stages of soil formation on the ash dump in southern taiga. This study was carried out on three sites in the forest phytocoenosis formed in the process of revegetation of the Verkhniy Tagil Power Station ash dump over 50 years, as well as on two background forest sites in the Middle Urals. Complex geobotanical and soil studies were carried out. The results of the study show that forest phytocoenoses with a predominance of hardwood species (Betula pendula Roth and Populus tremula L.) and a small admixture of coniferous species can form on the non-recultivated ash dump within 50 years in a boreal zone. In total, the studied mixed forest phytocoenoses are similar in composition to zonal secondary forests, but differ by having lower height and diameter of the stand, as well as herb–shrub layer coverage. Their species density and floristic richness are also lesser. The study proved that the process of soil formation is also proceeding according to the zonal type in the ash substrate under forest communities. The results of the study can be applied to justifying the forecasts of ecosystem restoration on the technogenic substrate, as well as for the species selecting for their recultivation in the studied area and similar to it. © 2020 by the Committee on Forestry Sciences and Wood Technology of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Forest Research Institute in S´kocin Stary

    The impact of micronutrients on athletes’ vision: a retrospective analysis of revalent articles

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    The eyes, like other human organs, are deficient in nutrients during over-training, which can affect visual acuity and, accordingly, the quality of training.This article defines the importance of the organ of vision for sports results. It also provides an overview of the latest scientific research on the impact of biologically significant micronutrients on the functions of the visual analyzer with examples of products that help improve visual functions

    Assessment of the Macro-and Microelement Composition of Fly Ash from 50-Year-Old Ash Dumps in the Middle Urals (Russia)

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    The paper considers the macro-and micro-element composition of two ash dumps in the Middle Urals, where meadow and forest communities have been spontaneously forming for 50 years, as well as the effect of the plants on the changing composition of the ash. Higher contents of Cu, Co, Sn, Ga, and Yb were found in the deep ash layers of both dumps, while in the upper 20-cm layer, the trace element composition depended on the influence of different plant communities. Higher contents of Sr, Cr, Ni, Sn, and Co were revealed under meadows, and Ba, Zr, and La were found under the forest. The levels of element accumulation in the aboveground and underground parts of dominant plants were revealed. Increased content of Be, Ce, Ga, La, Sc, Y, and Yb was detected in areas where meadow plants were dominant and Zn and Ba in forest areas. The toxic elements Cd and Pb were highly accumulated in both communities, whereas Co was found only in meadows. The studied materials can serve as a base to assess the feasibility of processing and/or utilizing fly ash from ash dumps in the Middle Urals and similar ash dumps in other regions situated in the southern taiga. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Funding: This work was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation [project number 121031700309-1 in ISSA SB RAS and project number FEUZ-2021-0014 in URFU]

    The impact of visual functions on athletes’ results and methods of their improvements

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    Regardless of the sport, maintaining and improvement of visual functions in athletes act an important role in achieving personal records.In this article, the interrelationships between sports results and the state of visual functions were determined, as well as devices and methods were analyzed, thanks to which it is possible to improve functions of the visual analyzer


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    The article describes the function of soil fertility humus performs; the function is important for ecosystems, biosphere and anthroposphere as well. Humus content of soil is revealed in different ways when experiencing anthropogenic influence in the areas differed in climate characteristics. The paper reveals necessity in appropriate estimation of relation between humus content of soil and environmental conditions. The possibility to forecast humus substances reaction by means of taking into consideration the effect goal and changing conditions of the system operation results in urgency of environmental conditions for the features of humus content of soil. The paper investigates the soils of different altitudinal belts moistened in arid, humid and balanced ways. The authors characterize humus content of soil in Altai Mountains which is very complicated area for agriculture. They study the fundamental climate characteristics of the territory; reveal the results of relation between humus soil content and climate characteristics; represent the regression models of Сгк: Сфк relation and moistening; and reveal regression equation on the basis of altitude. The regression models effectively describe the data which is proved by statistic criteria and diagrams. The regression equations can be applied when estimating environmental conditions of relation between humic components and in order to estimate them in natural environment influenced by natural and anthropogenic factors.Гумус выполняет одну из главнейших функций, которая важна для экосистем и биосферы, а также антропосферы в целом – функцию плодородия почв. При антропогенном воздействии на территориях с  разными климатическими параметрами гумус почв ведёт себя по-разному. Рассматривается проблема необходимости адекватной оценки зависимости состояния гумуса почв от экологических условий. Актуальность вопроса экологической обусловленности признаков состава и свойств гумуса почв вытекает из возможности прогнозировать поведение системы гумусовых веществ, зная направленность воздействия и изменения условий функционирования этой системы. Исследуются почвы разных высотных поясов в условиях аридного, гумидного и сбалансированного увлажнения. Дана краткая характеристика гумусного состояния современных почв Горного Алтая  – сложной в  сельскохозяйственном отношении территории. Изучены основные климатические показатели этой территории. Представлены результаты зависимости состава гумуса исследуемых почв от климатических параметров, выявлены модели регрессии между отношением Сгк :Сфк и увлажнением, а также получены аналогичные уравнения регрессии с учётом вы- соты местности над уровнем моря. Предложенные регрессионные модели адекватно описывают данные, о чём свидетельствуют статистические критерии и  графические отчёты. Уравнения регрессии могут использоваться при оценке экологической обусловленности соотношения компонентов гумуса и для оценки их поведения в процессе изменения природной среды под влиянием как естественных, так и антропогенных причин

    New way of laparoscopic intracorporeal term-terminal invagination ileotransverse anastomosis

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    Background. Laparoscopic surgery becomes a standard treatment for many surgical diseases. Defects of a stapler laparoscopic mechanical suture during the formation of an anastomosis after hemicolectomy are detected in 18% of observed cases.Objective. Development, substantiate reproducibility and safety of a manual intracorporeal term-terminal invagination ileotransverse anastomosis method after performing the right laparoscopic hemicolectomy.Material and Methods. Authors presented a description of the technique and their own experience of performing laparoscopic hemicolectomy on the right with the formation of a manual original anastomosis in 10 patients with pathology of the right half of the colon. Eight patients (80.0%) had a malignant tumor of the right half of the colon, 1 patient (10.0%) showed multiple polyps of the cecum and the ascending part of the colon, 1 patient (10.0%) developed a cystic-solid submucosa tumor of the ileocecal angle. One patient had metastatic lung disease at the time of establishing diagnosis. The postoperative follow-up period was 7–18 months.Results. There were no conversions to open surgery. All operations (n = 10) were ended completely laparoscopically – right hemicolectomy with standard D2 lymph node dissection. In one patient, we revealed intraoperatively the spread of the tumor to the gallbladder, which required additional cholecystectomy. The duration of the operation was 122.5 ± 10.7 min.; median blood loss was 107 ± 5.2 ml. At the time of follow-up all patients are alive.Conclusion. The technique is universal in the surgical treatment of patients with various pathologies of the right half of the colon

    Electrodeposition and characterisation of CdS thin films using thiourea precursor for application in solar cells

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    CdS thin films have been successfully electrodeposited on glass/FTO substrates using acidic and aqueous solution of CdCl2.xH2O and thiourea (SC(NH2)2). The electrodeposition of CdS thin films were carried out potentiostatically using a 2-electrode system. The prepared films were characterised using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopy, Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Atomic force microscopy (AFM), Photoelectrochemical (PEC) cell measurements, Electrical resistivity measurements and UV-Vis spectrophotometry to study their structural, compositional, morphological, electrical and optical properties, respectively. The structural studies show that the as-deposited and annealed CdS layers are polycrystalline with hexagonal crystal structure and preferentially oriented along (200) planes. The optical studies indicate that the ED-CdS layers have direct bandgaps in the range (2.53-2.58) eV for the as-deposited and (2.42-2.48) eV after annealing at 400oC for 20 minutes in air. The morphological studies show the good coverage of the FTO surface by the CdS grains. The average grain sizes for the as-deposited and annealed layers were in the range (60-225) nm. These grains or clusters are made out of smaller nano crystallites with the sizes in the range ~(11-33) nm. The electrical resistivity shows reduction as thickness increases. The resistivity values for the as-deposited and annealed layers were in the range (0.82-4.92)×105 Ωcm. The optimum growth voltage for the CdS thin films was found to be at the cathodic potential of 797 mV with respect to the graphite anode. No visible precipitations of elemental S or CdS particles were observed in the deposition electrolyte showing a stable bath using thiourea during the growth


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    In comparison to the traditional use of glass substrates, the thin films onto metal substrates offer improved device cooling, economical large-scale roll-to-roll processing, and applicability in lightweight, as well as flexible products. However, unlike glass, metal foils tend to exhibit rough surfaces. This article studies the substrate-type (Mo/glass and Мо-foil) effect on the topographic characteristics of the Cu2ZnSnSe4 films by atomic force microscopy (AFM). Cu2ZnSnSe4 thin films were prepared by the electrodeposition of stack copper/tin/copper/zinc (Cu/Sn/Cu/Zn) precursors, followed by selenization. AFM wasused to study the topographic characteristics of thin films, including grain size, surface roughness, and maximum height of the profile. It is shown that the films obtained on Mo/glass and Mo-foil substrates have similar roughness and in the both cases the grain structure is formed. The Cu2ZnSnSe4 thin films show relatively high surface roughness and maximum roughness profile height compared to Cu-Zn-Sn precursors. The increase in the surface roughness of the films was caused by the growth of grains during annealing and selenization processes.Методом атомно-силовой микроскопии исследовано влияние типа подложки на структуру и шероховатость поверхности пленок Cu2ZnSnSe4, полученных методом селенизации металлических прекурсоров Cu-Zn-Sn на подложках из стекла с подслоем молибдена и молибденовой фольги (Мо/стекло, Мо-фольга). Обнаружено, что пленки Cu2ZnSnSe4 на подложках Мо/стекло и Мо-фольга имеют близкие значения шероховатости и зернистую структуру. Пленки Cu2ZnSnSe4 имеют более высокие значения шероховатости и максимальной высоты неровности профиля, чем металлические прекурсоры Cu-Zn-Sn. Увеличение шероховатости при формировании пленок Cu2ZnSnSe4 из прекурсоров происходит за счет роста зерен в процессе отжига и селенизации