14 research outputs found

    Concurrent Plasmodium vivax Malaria and Dengue

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    Guiding Clinical Care through Evidence‐Free Zones

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    Immunotherapies for Staphylococcus aureus

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    Mycotic Infections Acquired outside Areas of Known Endemicity, United States

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    In the United States, endemic mycoses—blastomycosis, coccidioidomycosis, and histoplasmosis—pose considerable clinical and public health challenges. Although the causative fungi typically exist within broadly defined geographic areas or ecologic niches, some evidence suggests that cases have occurred in humans and animals not exposed to these areas. We describe cases acquired outside regions of traditionally defined endemicity. These patients often have severe disease, but diagnosis may be delayed because of a low index of suspicion for mycotic disease, and many more cases probably go entirely undetected. Increased awareness of these diseases, with a specific focus on their potential occurrence in unusual areas, is needed. Continued interdisciplinary efforts to reevaluate and better describe areas of true endemicity are warranted, along with a more nuanced view of the notion of endemicity. The term “nonendemic” should be used with care; mycoses in such regions might more accurately be considered “not known to be endemic.

    Building antimicrobial stewardship through massive open online courses : A pilot study in Macedonia

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    Background: The global struggle against antibiotic resistance requires antimicrobial stewardship (AMS). Massive open online courses (MOOCs) offer health professionals unprecedented access to high-quality instructional material on AMS; the question is how apprehensible it is to non-native English speakers. Furthermore, to better understand how education interventions promote change towards rational antibiotic prescribing, leading institutions call for studies integrating behavioural science. Research from lower- A nd middle-income countries is particularly needed. Objectives: To measure the knowledge improvement from an AMS MOOC, the influence of language, course satisfaction and subsequent effect on intention to change antibiotic prescribing behaviour. Methods: Fifty-five physicians from Macedonia completed the MOOC. Pre- A nd post-course knowledge test scores were compared using a one-sample t-test. The effect of a language barrier was assessed using self-reported English level. Scores were compared with participants' intention to change behaviour in clinical practice. Results: Scores significantly improved from 77.8% to 82.2%. Participants with a higher English level improved most, while the low-level group showed no significant improvement. Physicians reported a high or very high intention to change behaviour. This was independent of knowledge improvements. Conclusions: First, lower self-reported English proficiency hindered knowledge acquisition from a MOOC platform. AMS programmes should commit to bridge this barrier so as to enable a global spread of education in AMS. Second, factors underlying the physicians' intentions to engage in AMS appear to be more complex than simple knowledge improvements. This suggests that less time-consuming interventions could be as effective

    Informing Building Strategies to Reduce Infectious Aerosol Transmission Risk by Integrating DNA Aerosol Tracers with Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment

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    Using aerosol-based tracers to estimate risk of infectious aerosol transmission aids in the design of buildings with adequate protection against aerosol transmissible pathogens, such as SARS-CoV-2 and influenza. We propose a method for scaling a SARS-CoV-2 bulk aerosol quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) model for impulse emissions, coughing or sneezing, with aerosolized synthetic DNA tracer concentration measurements. With point-of-emission ratios describing relationships between tracer and respiratory aerosol emission characteristics (i.e., volume and RNA or DNA concentrations) and accounting for aerosolized pathogen loss of infectivity over time, we scale the inhaled pathogen dose and risk of infection with time-integrated tracer concentrations measured with a filter sampler. This tracer-scaled QMRA model is evaluated through scenario testing, comparing the impact of ventilation, occupancy, masking, and layering interventions on infection risk. We apply the tracer-scaled QMRA model to measurement data from an ambulatory care room to estimate the risk reduction resulting from HEPA air cleaner operation. Using DNA tracer measurements to scale a bulk aerosol QMRA model is a relatively simple method of estimating risk in buildings and can be applied to understand the impact of risk mitigation efforts