16 research outputs found

    Supplementary Material S1 from Synergistic impacts of habitat loss and fragmentation on model ecosystems

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    Habitat loss and fragmentation are major threats to biodiversity, yet separating their effects is challenging. We use a multi-trophic, trait-based and spatially explicit general ecosystem model to examine the independent and synergistic effects of these processes on ecosystem structure. We manipulated habitat by removing plant biomass in varying spatial extents, intensities and configurations. We found that emergent synergistic interactions of loss and fragmentation are major determinants of ecosystem response, including population declines and trophic pyramid shifts. Furthermore, trait-mediated interactions, such as a disproportionate sensitivity of large-sized organisms to fragmentation, produce significant effects in shaping responses. We also show that top-down regulation mitigates effects of land use on plant biomass loss, suggesting that models lacking these interactions—including most carbon stock models—may not adequately capture land-use change impacts. Our results have important implications for understanding ecosystem responses to environmental change, and assessing the impacts of habitat fragmentation

    Study 4 - Global predictions

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    Outputs from the Madingley model for Study 4 of Table 3 of the manuscript. This study is comprised of one simulation over a global model grid at 2 degree by 2 degree resolution and extending from 65 degrees north to 65 degrees south, and from 180 degrees west to 180 degrees east. Outputs files are described in more detail in 'ReadMe.txt' and model setup files are described in 'ReadMe-ModelSetup.txt'

    Study 2 - Individual and community predictions

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    Data outputs generated by the Madingley General Ecosystem Model for single simulations in the four focal grid cells listed in Table 4 of the manuscript. These outputs were used to generate Figures 3 and 4 of the manuscript. A comprehensive description of the outputs is given in the ReadMe-Study1.txt file. Refer to ReadMe-ModelSetup.txt for a description of the model setup files

    Study 3 - community predictions at observation locations

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    Outputs from the Madingley model for Study 3 listed in Table 3 of the manuscript. The data file is comprised of an ensemble of 10 simulations for each of the 13 focal grid cells listed in Table S3. Model outputs files are described in detail in 'ReadMe-Study3.txt', whilst model setup files are detailed in the 'ReadMe-ModelSetup.txt'

    Study 1 - numerical analyses

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    This zip file contains a set of data files This study is comprised of an ensemble of 10 simulations for each of the 4 focal grid cells listed in Table 4 of the manuscript. The outputs were used to generate Figure 2 of the manuscript. Refer to the ReadMe-Study1.txt for a detailed description of output files and ReadMe-ModelSetup.txt file for a more detailed description of the model setup files

    Emergent global-level ecosystem properties.

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    <p>Properties emergent from the model after a 100-y global (65°N to 65°S) simulation using a grid-cell resolution of two degrees. (A) The spatial distribution of annual mean heterotroph biomass density; breaks in the colour scheme were based on quantiles in the data. (B, C) Latitudinal gradients in biomass density; solid lines represent means for each trophic level, and shading represents the range of values across all longitudes in each latitude band.</p