743 research outputs found

    Far beyond declarative and non-declarative memories

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    International audienceAccording to general learning theory two major forms of learning can be observed across species. These universal forms of learning are classical and operant conditioning (Tarpy, 1997). Although both forms of conditioning can occur in the absence of awareness of the contingencies between CS (conditioned stimulus) and UCS (unconditioned stimulus) (or action – consequence contingencies) (Huston and Oitzl, 1989; Clark and Squire, 1998), close temporal proximity between a CS and a UCS is required to form an association. In other words, long-term association between a CS and a UCS (or an operant and its consequence) requires two distinct events to occur simultaneously or with little delay (in the range of ms) between them

    Dynamic fibrils in H-alpha and C IV

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    Aim: To study the interaction of the solar chromosphere with the transition region, in particular active-region jets in the transition region and their relation to chromospheric fibrils. Methods: We carefully align image sequences taken simultaneously in C IV with the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer and in H-alpha with the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope. We examine the temporal evolution of "dynamic fibrils", i.e., individual short-lived active-region chromospheric jet-like features in H-alpha. Results: All dynamic fibrils appear as absorption features in H-alpha that progress from the blue to the red wing through the line, and often show recurrent behavior. Some of them, but not all, appear also as bright features in C IV which develop at or just beyond the apex of the H-alpha darkening. They tend to best resemble the H-alpha fibril at +700 mA half a minute earlier. Conclusions: Dynamic chromospheric fibrils observed in H-alpha regularly correspond to transition-region jets observed in the ultraviolet. This correspondence suggests that some plasma associated with dynamic fibrils is heated to transition-region temperatures.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    The Relationship of Coronal Mass Ejections to Streamers

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    We have examined images from the Large Angle Spectroscopic Coronagraph (LASCO) to study the relationship of Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) to coronal streamers. We wish to test the suggestion (Low 1996) that CMEs arise from flux ropes embedded in a streamer erupting, thus disrupting the streamer. The data span a period of two years near sunspot minimum through a period of increased activity as sunspot numbers increased. We have used LASCO data from the C2 coronagraph which records Thomson scattered white light from coronal electrons at heights between 1.5 and 6R_sun. Maps of the coronal streamers have been constructed from LASCO C2 observations at a height of 2.5R_sun at the east and west limbs. We have superposed the corresponding positions of CMEs observed with the C2 coronagraph onto the synoptic maps. We identified the different kinds of signatures CMEs leave on the streamer structure at this height (2.5R_sun). We find four types of CMEs with respect to their effect on streamers: 1. CMEs that disrupt the streamer 2. CMEs that have no effect on the streamer, even though they are related to it. 3. CMEs that create streamer-like structures 4. CMEs that are latitudinally displaced from the streamer. This is the most extensive observational study of the relation between CMEs and streamers to date. Previous studies using SMM data have made the general statement that CMEs are mostly associated with streamers, and that they frequently disrupt it. However, we find that approximately 35% of the observed CMEs bear no relation to the pre-existing streamer, while 46% have no effect on the observed streamer, even though they appear to be related to it. Our conclusions thus differ considerably from those of previous studies.Comment: Accepted, Journal of Geophysical Research. 8 figs, better versions at http://www.science.gmu.edu/~prasads/streamer.htm

    Research on Cognitive Domain in Geoscience Learning: Quantitative Reasoning, Problem Solving, and Use of Models

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    Models (from simple mental models to complex computational models) are used by geoscientists to conceptualize and better understand the Earth system and to make predictions. Earth processes affect the human condition and result in hazards and complex issues that require both expert and citizenry decision-making about mitigation and adaptation. In addition, a wide range of Earth materials (e.g., mineral, rock, water) are valued resources that need sustainable management. All of these challenges require recognition of the problem (problem-finding), and the development and application of problem-solving skills. In addition, Earth system understanding and problem-solving benefit strongly from quantitative reasoning. Quantitative reasoning, problem-solving, and use of models present many daunting challenges to both students and instructors. All are valued by the professional geoscience community and by employers, and all would benefit from more education research. In this chapter, grand challenges and recommended strategies for each of these areas are identified and described

    Fe VII lines in the spectrum of RR Telescopii

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    Thirteen transitions within the ground 3d^2 configuration of Fe VII are identified in ultraviolet and optical spectra of the symbiotic star RR Telescopii obtained with the STIS instrument of the Hubble Space Telescope. The line fluxes are compared with theoretical data computed with the recent atomic data of K.A. Berrington et al., and high resolution optical spectra from VLT/UVES are used to identify blends. Seven branching ratios are measured, with three in good agreement with theory and one affected by blending. The lambda5277/lambda4943 branching ratio is discrepant by > 3 sigma, indicating errors in the atomic data for the lambda5277 line. A least-squares minimization scheme is used to simultaneously derive the temperature, T, and density, N_e, of the RR Tel nebula, and the interstellar extinction, E(B-V), towards RR Tel from the complete set of emission lines. The derived values are: log T/K = 4.50 +/- 0.23, log N_e/cm^-3=7.25 +/- 0.05, and E(B-V)<0.27. The extinction is not well-constrained by the Fe VII lines, but is consistent with the more accurate value E(B-V)=0.109^{+0.052}_{-0.059} derived here from the Ne V lambda2974/lambda1574 ratio in the STIS spectrum. Large differences between the K.A. Berrington et al. electron excitation data and the earlier F.P. Keenan & P.H. Norrington data-set are demonstrated, and the latter is shown to give worse agreement with observations.Comment: To be published in Astronomy & Astrophysics; 7 pages, 4 figure

    Health Infomatics Using Multy-Keyword Rank Search Over Cloud

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    This projects targets on the productivity of the cloud computing technology in health care industry. Health care sector is one of the largest sectors in the world. Health care industry depends mainly on Information Technology to provide best service and accuracy of information to their patients. System deals with the cloud technology to create network between patients, doctors and health care institution by providing applications services and also by keeping the data in the cloud. System define and solve the challenging problem of privacy preserving multi-keyword search over encrypted cloud data by providing searching through index. Through analysis investigating privacy and efficiency guarantee of proposed schemes is given, and experiments on the real world’s data set further show proposed schemes indeed introduce low overhead on computation and communication. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15011

    Survey on Facilitating Retrieved Documents using Annotation

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    Abstract Internet Provide to User to accessing huge amount of Information. This Information is in usually Formatted, Which Make difficult to extract Relevant Information from number of resources The Web has become the preferred medium for many database applications, These applications store information in huge databases that user&apos;s access, query, and update through the Web. Database-driven Web sites have their own interfaces and access forms for creating HTML pages on the fly. We present an automatic annotation approach that first aligns the data units on a result page into different groups such that the data in the same group have the same semantic. Then, for each group we annotate it from different aspects and aggregate the different annotations to predict a final annotation label for it. An annotation wrapper for the search site is automatically constructed and can be used to annotate new result pages from the same web database. Keywords: Data alignment, Data Annotation, Wrapper generation and Search result records. I-Introduction Free text queries over a relational table. When people input a search query in shopping website, food websites, search engines about product search instead of the contextual pages they look for answer to the particular type of product they have in their mind, and according to them the query best describes the problem for retrieving the product they are looking for.So,these product searches are evolving from textual information retrieval systems to highly sophisticated answering ecosystems utilizing information from multiple structured data sources. Structured data is usually abstracted as relational tables or XML _les, and readily available in publicly accessible data repositories after search. Extracting information from web and annotating search results for further processing has been around for some years. This is because there is an important utility in the real world when search results are annotated. Many existing systems that came into existence have manual system for annotating search results. Human users are involved for marking the annotations. Their problem is that they are not scalable and thus can&apos;t be used in real world applications. Spatial locality and presentation styles are used in for annotations However; the process of annotations in this approach is dependent on domains. Ontologism was used in where labeling documents was done based on certain heuristics. Many prior works focused on constructions of wrappers. However, those wrappers could only extract data but not annotations. Many other researches came into existence that focused on automatic allocation of labels to search result. Proposed an approach for automatic annotations of search results. First of all their approach considers various kinds of relationships in the data units and handles them. However, the existing works considers only some types as explored. used the features together besides ontology order to align data. Clustering based scripting algorithm is also used to achieve this. Both approaches make use of HTML tags for processing and handle all kinds of relationships. However, their approach is different for annotating search results. An annotation wrapper was constructed that can describe rules for assigning labels to search results. II.Literature survey In recent years, web information extraction and annotation is an active research area. The literature proposed in[2] structural analysis is used observations that depends on html items. Specially presentation style and spatial locality .In spatial locality uses semantic labels for nodes of tree of html pages . Remove the ambiguity of same concepts for identification use bipartite graph technique. first generate se
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