87 research outputs found

    « Ce sont des histoires qui racontent le monde, d’une manière que les “récits de voyage” contemporains ne veulent surtout pas raconter »

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    Olivier Favier est historien de formation, traducteur-interprète de l’italien et reporter indépendant. Il couvre depuis plusieurs années de nombreuses problématiques liées à l’arrivée et la présence des migrants en France. Son ouvrage Chroniques d’exil et d’hospitalité. Vies de migrants d’ici et d’ailleurs (Le Passager clandestin, 2016) reprend et actualise des articles, publiés sur le blog de l’auteur dormirajamais.org et dans le média indépendant Bastamag. Cet ouvrage hybride dresse sans mi..

    La bande dessinée, alliée pédagogique de la transmission de l’histoire de l’immigration

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    La bande dessinée a désormais franchi les portes des salles de classe. Mais, considérée comme une paralittérature, elle a longtemps suscité méfiance, voire mépris, dans les milieux éducatifs. Quelle place pour la bande dessinée à l’école ? De nombreux détracteurs de la BD ont souvent dénoncé l’indigence du texte et le risque d’appauvrissement du langage pour les élèves, la fascination exercée par l’image seule, le contenu centré sur l’émotion voire la violence, l’inintelligibilité de la nar..

    Exemple d'un projet de coopération franco-algérienne.

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    Unraveling the New England orocline, east Gondwana accretionary margin

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    The New England orocline lies within the Eastern Australian segment of the Terra Australis accretionary orogen and developed during the late Paleozoic to early Mesozoic Gondwanide Orogeny (310–230 Ma) that extended along the Pacific margin of the Gondwana supercontinent. The orocline deformed a pre-Permian arc assemblage consisting of a western magmatic arc, an adjoining forearc basin and an eastern subduction complex. The orocline is doubly vergent with the southern and northern segments displaying counter-clockwise and clockwise rotation, respectively, and this has led to contrasting models of formation. We resolve these conflicting models with one that involves buckling of the arc system about a vertical axis during progressive northward translation of the southern segment of the arc system against the northern segment, which is pinned relative to cratonic Gondwana. Paleomagnetic data are consistent with this model and show that an alternative model involving southward motion of the northern segment relative to the southern segment and cratonic Gondwana is not permissible. The timing of the final stage of orocline formation (~270–265 Ma) overlaps with a majorgap in magmatic activity along this segment of the Gondwana margin, suggesting that northward motion and orocline formation were driven by a change from orthogonal to oblique convergence and coupling between the Gondwana and Pacific plates

    The Importance of Stopping Environmental Dumping in Ghana: The Case of Inefficient New and Used Cooling Appliances With Obsolete Refrigerants

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    Environmentally harmful product dumping ( environmental dumping ) of new and used low-efficiency cooling appliances with obsolete ozone-depleting and greenhouse gas refrigerants in African countries impoverishes communities, hinders economic development, threatens ecological systems, and harms public health. The use of low-efficiency cooling appliances increases energy demand, leading to higher power plant emissions and limiting affordable energy access in African countries. These low-efficiency appliances and products contain ozone-depleting refrigerants with high global-warming potential (GWP) or ozone-safe refrigerants with high GWP. Environmental dumping of these appliances and products makes it more difficult for countries to meet their international climate obligations and for the world to meet the Paris Agreement\u27s climate change mitigation targets. Ghana faces high levels of environmental dumping, despite a national ban on importing used cooling appliances and established efficiency standards for new air conditioners and refrigerators. Through the Energy Commission\u27s Office of Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, & Climate Change (REEECC), the government of Ghana is partnering with the Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development (IGSD) to stop environmental dumping. This article provides a list of interventions that can be implemented by Ghana, by governments in countries that export to Ghana, and by industry and other stakeholders. Notably, these actions focus on the shared responsibility of exporting countries and manufacturers by calling on exporting countries to update and enhance enforcement of their laws, and on global manufacturers to stop exporting inefficient products with obsolete refrigerants to Ghana and other African countries

    Venous system mapping of the digits and the hand : an anatomical study and potential surgical applications

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    Background: Venous anatomy of the digits and the hand is poorly reported in the literature compared to arterial anatomy. While knowledge of the venous anatomy is crucial to ensure safe skin incisions, skin flap design, or blood return restoration for digital replantations, data in anatomical and clinical textbooks are rather limited. The purpose of this anatomical study was to describe the venous anatomy of the digits and the hand. Method: Our series reports descriptive results from 10 non-embalmed hand dissections from 5 different corpses. Hands were previously co-injected by arteries followed by veins with a different colored latex before being dissected under optical magnification (x4). Each anatomical specimen was photographed before being analyzed. Results: Each injection revealed both arterial and venous vascular systems. Latex injections were a useful technique to show the dorsal, volar superficial, and deep venous system. There was a constant and reliable topographic vascular anatomy of the superficial venous system of the digits and hand. However, we could not observe a high density of dorsal superficial venous valves as previously reported. Conclusion: The knowledge of the arrangement of the venous system of the digits and the hand should help the surgeon when performing surgical procedures in the hand. The surgeon should take into consideration this venous anatomy when performing skin incisions, skin flaps, or replantation procedures which would preserve the normal venous physiology as much as possible
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