157 research outputs found

    Un ordonnancement dynamique de tâches stochastiques sur un seul processeur

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    We show that a particular dynamic priority given to jobs in a multitasks operating system of computers is a deteriorating jobs or a delaying jobs scheduling. Under some assumptions we also show that it is an index rule. To do this, we present the tool of bandit processes to solve stochastic scheduling problems on a single machine

    Hepatocellular carcinoma in Hepatitis C genotype 4 after viral clearance and in absence of cirrhosis: two case reports

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    Genotype 4 Hepatitis C virus represents approximately 20% of global Hepatitis C virus infection and is the source of a considerable burden to health-care providers across the globe. Many studies reported that interferon reduces the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with chronic hepatitis C

    Cartonnage to Plaster: Mummy Masks of the Ptolemaic and Early Roman Periods from Tuna el-Gebel

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    This paper deals with the fragments of four cartonnage and plaster masks excavated in 2018 during the excavations of the University of Minia at Tuna el-Gebel. Starting with a summary of the state of knowledge on pre-Roman tombs at Tuna el-Gebel, these objects are described both iconographically and stylistically and a chronological classification is attempted. Furthermore, the currently very limited state of research on Ptolemaic mummy masks as a whole is (re)assessed, critically exploring the possibilities and limitations of a discussion of production technique, function and dating. The paper concludes that three of the mummy masks (I–II and IV) find their closest parallels in the neighbouring necropolis of Antinooupolis, while one piece (III) corresponds most closely to masks from Thebes. All the masks probably belonged to local persons of high status, but were not intended to represent the deceased before a living audience. Their main function was rather to assist the deceased in his/her transformation into a divine being. Based on current knowledge, a relative chronological sequence can be suggested, from the cartonnage masks I–III from the early to middle Ptolemaic period to plaster mask IV from the late Ptolemaic to early Imperial period

    Shrinkage of natural plaster materials for straw bale buildings affected by reinforcement fibers and drying

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    This study was carried out to determine the shrinkage percentage of natural plaster materials consisted of soil, sand and different fibers.  Straw was used as a reinforcement fiber for plaster and three types of fibers.  The plaster materials were put under drying temperatures of 30℃, 50℃ and 70℃.  The results revealed that the highest shrinkage was for plaster reinforced by wood shavings fibers, while the lowest shrinkage was for plaster reinforced by barley straw fibers for treatments A, B and C.  Also, the plaster without reinforcement fibers had a lot of cracks and problems that destroyed plaster.  The reinforcement fiber had a greater effect on the drying shrinkage than sand.  The study indicates that drying the plaster at 30℃ with a lot of straw can decrease the shrinkage and cracks.Keywords: shrinkage percentage, drying temperature, earth plaster, sand, straw, straw bale buildings Citation: Ashour, T., and A. Derbala.  Shrinkage of natural plaster materials for straw bale buildings affected by reinforcement fibers and drying.  Agric Eng Int: CIGR Journal, 2010, 12(1): 55-62

    A Survey of Sentiment Analysis and Sarcasm Detection: Challenges, Techniques, and Trends

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    In recent years, more people have been using the internet and social media to express their opinions on various subjects, such as institutions, services, or specific ideas. This increase highlights the importance of developing automated tools for accurate sentiment analysis. Moreover, addressing sarcasm in text is crucial, as it can significantly impact the efficacy of sentiment analysis models. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the conducted research on sentiment analysis and sarcasm detection, focusing on the time from 2018 to 2023. It explores the challenges faced and the methods used to address them. It conducts a comparison of these methods. It also aims to identify emerging trends that will likely influence the future of sentiment analysis and sarcasm detection, ensuring their continued effectiveness. This paper enhances the existing knowledge by offering a comprehensive analysis of 40 research works, evaluating performance, addressing multilingual challenges, and highlighting future trends in sarcasm detection and sentiment analysis. It is a valuable resource for researchers and experts interested in the field, facilitating further advancements in sentiment analysis techniques and applications. It categorizes sentiment analysis methods into ML, lexical, and hybrid approaches, highlighting deep learning, especially Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), for effective textual classification with labeled or unlabeled data


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    The main objective of this study was to study some environmental factors affecting broiler housing in winter season. The results showed that, temperature fluctuations between house ceiling and floor ranged between 0.4 to 5.93 ºC during the first two days of age. The average house temperature reduced gradually from 29.7 to 21.3 ºC. The indoor relative humidity ranged between 43.6 to 74.3 %. Specific heating power, specific fuel consumption and heating energy requirements ranged between 3850.2 W/ºC , 0.34 kg /h. ºC and 308.9 kJ/h. kg at the first week of age to 6213.4 W/ºC , 0.36 kg /h. ºC and 19.3 kJ/h. kg at the end of the life respectivel

    Performance of supplementary irrigation systems for corn silage in the sub-humid areas

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    In the humid and sub-humid areas, agricultural production is largely rain fed and this needs to be urgently supplemented by irrigation practice if the country is to meet its food demand.  A two years study was carried out at the experimental site of the Institute of Agricultural Technology and Biosystems Engineering, Johan Heinrich von Thünen Institute (vTI), Braunschweig, Germany to compare performance of maize crop for silage production using three different irrigation systems; rain fed, drip and rain-gun sprinkler.  Growth parameters such as plant height, stem diameter were measured.  The total yields of silage were obtained for all treatments at the harvesting.  The experimental results reveal that total yields obtained from different treatments were 25.76, 24.23 and 9.30 Mg ha-1 in drip, rain-gun and rain fed irrigated maize, respectively.  The results also showed that the water use efficiency reached 11.01 kg m-3 for drip irrigation in while it was  8.84 kg m-3 for rain-gun system.   Keywords: Silage, performance, drip, rain-gun, rain-fed irrigation, water use efficienc

    Tumor Content Is Not Linked To Pembrolizumab Response In Rare Tumors

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    صورة شخصية لأمير بطلمي من كوم اللولي [Ar] صورة شخصية من المرمر لصبي صغير غير منشورة، عُثر عليها بحفائر البعثة المصرية بمنطقة كوم اللولي الأثرية بتونا الجبل، الرأس بالحجم الصغير ويوجد بها تدمير بالجزء الايمن للوجه، ويُعتقد أنها تخص أحد الأمراء في نهاية العصر البطلمي خلال القرن الأول ق.م، نظرا لأسلوب تصفيف الشعر والعصابة المربوطة أعلى الجبهة والاجزاء المتبقية من ملامح الوجه. ويحاول الباحثان تحديد الفترة الزمنية التي تنتمي إليها هذه الصورة الشخصية، وأيضا محاولة تحديد هوية صاحبها بناءً على مقارنة الملامح الشخصية والخصائص الفنية مع الأمثلة المشابهة له. [En] The current paper proposes hypotheses the dating and identity of an unpublished alabaster portrait found in Kom el-Louli. Based on similar fragments, comparisons with the portraits of Ptolemy V and Caesareion are established. Although it impossible to make definite conclusions given the poor state of preservation of the fragment, it seems safe to assume that it was used in the private chapel, where it was found, to honor a royal prince of the Ptolemaic family

    Early outcomes of transection of secondary chordae with downsized ring annuloplasty in low recurrence risk severe ischemic mitral regurgitation

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    Background: Relying solely on restrictive annuloplasty for the repair of ischemic mitral regurgitation is associated with an unacceptable rate of recurrence. Transection of secondary chordae as an adjunctive procedure has been proposed to improve results.Patient and methods: This is a prospective observational study including 20 patients who underwent mitral repair using downsized annuloplasty ring and transection of the secondary chordae, at the time of CABG at the Cardiothoracic Surgery Department of Cairo University Hospitals through the period between March 2016 and October 2018. The primary outcome being examined was the recurrence of significant mitral regurgitation at 6 months postoperatively. Secondary outcomes included coaptation length and ejection fraction.Results: The mean age was 57.5 ± 6.9 years. The mean ejection fraction was 45.1 ± 11%. There was one early mortality (5%). At 6 months postoperatively, there was no incidence of recurrence of significant mitral regurgitation. Coaptation length was quite satisfactory (7.2 ± 0.67 mm).Conclusion: Transection of secondary chordae is a safe and simple option. It may be beneficial when performed in combination with downsized ring annuloplasty in patients with low-risk ischemic mitral regurgitation