36 research outputs found

    Correlates to psychological distress in frail older community-dwellers undergoing lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Ajuts: Research project partially supported by Subvencions de L'institut de Cultura de Barcelona per a Projectes de Recerca i Innovació del Pla Barcelona Ciència 2019 (ID 19S01576-006).This study identifies correlates of the lockdown's psychological distress in frail older community-dwellers (Catalonia, Spain). Participants from a community frailty intervention program, with a comprehensive geriatric assessment within the 12-months pre-lockdown and COVID-19 free during the first pandemic wave (March-May 2020), underwent a phone assessment past the lockdown to assess COVID-19-related emotional distress (DME) as well as other sociodemograhic, clinical and psychosocial factors. Of the 94 frail older adults (age = 82,34 ± 6,12 years; 68,1% women; 38,3% living alone), 84,9% were at risk of experiencing moderate-to-high psychological distress, according to the backward stepwise logistic regression model obtained (χ2 = 47,007, p < 0,001, Nagelkerke R 2 = 0,528), based on the following factors: absence of depressive symptoms before lockdown (OR = 0,12, p = 0,014, 95%CI[0,023-0,647]), not carrying out leisure activities during lockdown (OR = 0,257, p = 0,023, 95%CI[0,079-0,832]) and currently experiencing high malaise due to COVID-19 situation (OR = 1,504, p < 0,001, 95%CI[1,241-1,822]). These findings suggest that it is necessary to favour a prior overall health status and to empower frail older community-dwellers in the use of a broad repertoire of coping strategies in the face of adversity to foster mental health and keep at bay the potential emotional impact of the situation generated by the COVID pandemic


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    ショクジ セッシュ キジュン 2010ネンバン ニ ヨル カンリ エイヨウシ ヨウセイ カテイ ノ ジョシ ガクセイ ノ エイヨウ シンタイ カツドウ ヒョウカ

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    The purpose of this study was to assess the nutritional status of women university students in the third-grade of a registered dietitian training course, based on the Dietary Reference Intakes for Japanese(2010). We initially selected 46 students, and obtained valid responses from 41 students(89.1%). We performed body measurements, blood tests, a dietary weighing method for 3 days, and the measurement of physical activity by the accelerometer. In regard to the physique and blood test of the subjects, 24.4% were underweight, 4.9% were obese and 20.0% were anemic. The dietary weighing method showed that the rate of women who took vitamin C below the estimated average requirement was 90.0%, that of folic acid, iron and calcium were 41.0%, 83.0%, and 68.0% respectively. While the rate of salt intake greater than the dietary goal (7.5g/day)was 36.5%, the rate of fat energy ratio greater than the dietary goal(30%)was 31.7%. The average number of steps per day was 8,907 ± 2,293. These results showed that there was an overall insufficient intake of total energy, vitamins, and minerals, indicating that further nutritional management for the women students is required

    Kitchen Life, 2012

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    Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This is a qualitative data collection. This study was designed to investigate, document, analyse and interpret domestic kitchen practices to generate insights about ‘what goes on and why’ in UK kitchens, to inform the Food Standards Agency’s (FSA) thinking about how to reduce the burden of foodborne disease. A key focus of earlier FSA research has been on reported behaviours – the Kitchen Life study took a different approach, to examine what people do, what they say about what they do and the role of the kitchen itself and its assorted things, technologies and resources (chopping boards, microwaves and cupboards, for example). A qualitative and ethnographic approach was taken to investigate domestic kitchen practices in 20 UK households. The practices of those aged 60+ years and pregnant women were of particular interest to the FSA as these groups are vulnerable to foodborne illness; these household-types were therefore included in the study. Whilst the study used several qualitative methods to collect data, including video-observation and photo-elicitation, only anonymised transcripts from audio-recorded informal interviews are being deposited in the archive, due to issues of anonymity with the visual data.<br