2,794 research outputs found

    Enhanced aging properties of HKUST-1 in hydrophobic mixed-matrix membranes for ammonia adsorption.

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    Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) in their free powder form have exhibited superior capacities for many gases when compared to other materials, due to their tailorable functionality and high surface areas. Specifically, the MOF HKUST-1 binds small Lewis bases, such as ammonia, with its coordinatively unsaturated copper sites. We describe here the use of HKUST-1 in mixed-matrix membranes (MMMs) prepared from polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) for the removal of ammonia gas. These MMMs exhibit ammonia capacities similar to their hypothetical capacities based on the weight percent of HKUST-1 in each MMM. HKUST-1 in its powder form is unstable toward humid conditions; however, upon exposure to humid environments for prolonged periods of time, the HKUST-1 MMMs exhibit outstanding structural stability, and maintain their ammonia capacity. Overall, this study has achieved all of the critical and combined elements for real-world applications of MOFs: high MOF loadings, fully accessible MOF surfaces, enhanced MOF stabilization, recyclability, mechanical stability, and processability. This study is a critical step in advancing MOFs to a stable, usable, and enabling technology

    Late gestation modulation of fetal glucocorticoid effects requires the receptor for leukemia inhibitory factor: an observational study

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    BACKGROUND: Ablation of the low-affinity receptor subunit for leukemia inhibitory factor (LIFR) causes multi-systemic defects in the late gestation fetus. Because corticosterone is known to have a broad range of effects and LIF function has been associated with the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis, this study was designed to determine the role for LIFR in the fetus when exposed to the elevated maternal glucocorticoid levels of late gestation. Uncovering a requirement for LIFR in appropriate glucocorticoid response will further understanding of control of glucocorticoid function. METHODS: Maternal adrenalectomy or RU486 administration were used to determine the impact of the maternal glucocorticoid surge on fetal development in the absence of LIFR. The mice were analyzed by a variety of histological techniques including immunolabeling and staining techniques (hematoxylin and eosin, Alizarin red S and alcian blue). Plasma corticosterone was assayed using radioimmunoassay. RESULTS: Maternal adrenalectomy does not improve the prognosis for LIFR null pups and exacerbates the effects of LIFR loss. RU486 noticeably improves many of the tissues affected by LIFR loss: bone density, skeletal muscle integrity and glial cell formation. LIFR null pups exposed during late gestation to RU486 in utero survive natural delivery, unlike LIFR null pups from untreated litters. But RU486 treated LIFR null pups succumb within the first day after birth, presumably due to neural deficit resulting in an inability to suckle. CONCLUSION: LIFR plays an integral role in modulating the fetal response to elevated maternal glucocorticoids during late gestation. This role is likely to be mediated through the glucocorticoid receptor and has implications for adult homeostasis as a direct tie between immune, neural and hormone function

    Hubungan antara Beban Kerja Mental dengan Stres Kerja Dosen di suatu Fakultas

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    Universities are the main pillar in the education system that is as a supporter of qualified human resources (HR). Therefore, lecturers are important components that determine whether a higher education is developed in academics or not. The number of demands and responsibilities that the lecturers should take, plus the environmental conditions and other triggering factors if the lecturers cannot adapt themselves then this will give pressure to the lecturers which will cause stress. The purpose of this research is to know the existence of the relation between mental workload and work stress of lecturers at Faculty, X University. This research used Cross Sectional design. The population is the lecturers in Faculty X, X University in Semarang. The sample taking was done by total sampling technique, the sample in the research was 50 respondents. The independent variable is mental workload and the dependent variable is work stress. Data were collected by using a General Health Questationary (GHQ) -12 questionnaire to measure the work stress, while to measure the mental workload, it used questionnaires referring to NASA-TLX. The data obtained were analyzed by using Product Moment Pearson statistic test with the significance level of p = 0,05. The results showed that there is a relation between workload and work stress (ρ value: 0.25). The researcher suggested the Faculty to do mapping for lecturers' workload in order to make it more structured

    Kajian Pola Arus Akibat Perencanaan Reklamasi Pantai Di Perairan Makassar

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    Makassar merupakan salah satu wilayah perairan yang sangat banyak digunakan untuk berbagai aktivitas masyarakat. Bertambah banyaknya aktivitas masyarakat di wilayah perairan Makassar membuat pemerintah merencanakan pembangunan berjangka dengan memanfaatkan potensi laut melalui reklamasi pantai yang bertujuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan akan lahan yang semakin terbatas. Dalam rencana reklamasi tersebut membutuhkan pemahaman kondisi perairan dimana diketahui bahwa adanya reklamasi pantai akan menimbulkan Perubahan ekosistem seperti gangguan lingkungan, erosi dan sedimentasi pantai serta Perubahan pola arus. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah mengkaji pola arus akibat perencanaan reklamasi pantai di Perairan Makassar. Penelitian dilakukan dengan observasi lapangan selama 3 hari pada tanggal 19 - 22 April 2012 di Perairan Makassar, dengan titik lokasi 5,60430 Lintang Selatan dan 119,437190 Bujur Timur yaitu ± 4,67 Km dari pantai. Metode yang digunakan untuk analisis hasil penelitian adalah metode kuantitatif dengan bantuan software SMS (Surface Water Modelling System) yang menghasilkan peta pola arus. Berdasarkan hasil output baik dari data lapangan maupun hasil output model, diketahui bahwa arus di perairan Makassar ini merupakan arus pasut, hal ini dapat dibuktikan oleh karena besar kecepatan rata-rata arus pasut lebih besar dari pada kecepatan arus non pasut. Kecepatan arus berkisar antara 0,22 cm/det sampai 46,25 cm/det dengan kecepatan rata– rata 8,64 cm/det. Dengan arus tertinggi yaitu sebesar 46,25 cm/det dengan arah pergerakan 79,70 dan kecepatan arus terendah yaitu 0,22 cm/det dengan arah pergerakan 26,60

    Analisis Sistem Pencahayaan di Ruang Sipil/sarana dengan Sni Nomor 03-6575-2001 Tentang Perancangan Sistem Pencahayaan Buatan PT X Gresik

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    Intensityilluminationforoffice activityless than according to SNI 03-6575-2001 number 350 lux.Indoor lighting, especially in the workplace that does not meet certain requirements can worsen vision.Less of lighting will cause eyestrain which will then be lowered productivity.This study aimed to analyze the implementation of artificial lighting system and analyzes the factors that influence the artificial lighting system based SNI 03-6575-2001 numbers in the civil / PT X Gresik means.This research is a descriptive qualitative in-depth interviews.The subjects of this research were two people as the main informants and 2 as an informant triangulation.Supporting data used to use observation guidelines in the form.The results showed key informants in plan of lighting system using SNI energy conservation but based SNI 03-6575-2001 numbers do not meet the 66.7% standard rate.Factors that led to the implementation of less than standard lighting systems is the influence of power requirements, light requirements, armature or house lights are used, reflectance, average lighting level, color rendering, the window is not in accordance with the standard rate.Never been given training in planning lighting systems by PT X Gresik and evaluation and monitoring conducted K3, and Sipil, Enjinering.PT X need to provide training planning a lighting system to the main informant to improve the ability of planning a lighting system and making employment contracts K3 involvement in the planning, implementation, evaluation and monitoring

    Analisis Risiko Implementasi Digital Gold Pada Transaksi Emas Retail

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    Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi PT XYZ Tbk., perusahaan pertambangan yang juga memasarkan produk logam mulia seperti emas dan perak. Metode penelitian kuantitatif digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data dan mengukur risiko dengan rumus R = P × D. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa risiko meliputi kesalahan input data oleh konsumen, kesalahan input oleh Customer Service, dan risiko hilangnya barang saat pengiriman oleh pihak ketiga. Perusahaan berkomitmen untuk mendigitalisasi proses penjualan emas dengan implementasi "Digital Gold," namun mereka juga harus memitigasi risiko yang mungkin muncul seiring dengan digitalisasi, terutama terkait dengan keamanan data dan layanan online. Penelitian ini memberikan wawasan berharga dalam mengelola risiko transaksi online dalam bisnis penjualan emas retail dan menyoroti pentingnya keamanan data dalam lingkungan bisnis yang semakin digital

    Kajian Refraksi-Difraksi Dan Transformasi Penjalaran Gelombang Laut Di Perairan Pantai Tapak Paderi Kota Bengkulu

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    Pantai Tapak Paderi Kota Bengkulu merupakan pantai yang telah beralih fungsi dari kawasan pelabuhan menjadi kawasan pantai wisata akibat kurangnya informasi terkait penjalaran gelombang laut di perairannya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan informasi transformasi penjalaran gelombang terkait refraksi dan difraksi gelombang di perairan Tapak Paderi Kota Bengkulu berdasarkan jalur pengamatan. Proses pengolahan data terdiri dari konversi gelombang per musim dari data angin 10 tahun dan proses model simulasi penjalaran gelombang menggunakan BOUSS2D dari program Surface Water Modeling System 11. Hasil pengukuran lapangan selama tiga hari di perairan Tapak Paderi menghasilkan tinggi signifikan 1,6 m dan periode signifikan 7,75 s. Hasil konversi angin menggunakan metode SMB mengasilkan resume data gelombang per musim selama sepuluh tahun. Gelombang signifikan tertinggi di perairan Tapak Paderi terjadi pada musim Timur dan peralihan II, masing-masing memiliki tinggi signifikan 2,23 m dan 2,0 m dengan periode signifikan 7,12 s dan 7,0. Gelombang di perairan Tapak Paderi memiliki dua arah datang dominan, yakni gelombang datang dari kelompok fetch barat laut dan kelompok fetch selatan. Hasil analisis simulasi model berdasarkan jalur pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa gelombang mengalami refraksi di jalur pengamatan 1, mengalami difraksi setelah adanya Gosong Patasembilan di jalur pengamatan 2, mengalami difraksi setelah adanya anak Gosong Patasembilan dan konvergensi gelombang pada Tanjung Pantai Tapak Paderi di jalur pengamatan 3, mengalami konvergensi pada daerah tanjung dan divergensi pada daerah teluk di jalur pengamatan 4. Sedangkan untuk tinggi gelombang terendah sebesar 0,29 m terjadi pada musim peralihan II pada titik pengamatan di belakang ujung bangunan pantai Tapak Paderi