84 research outputs found

    Use of indocyanine green near-infrared lymphography to detect sentinel lymph nodes in a dog with a malignant insulinoma: a case report

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    Malignant insulinoma is the most common type of neuroendocrine tumor found in the pancreas of dogs. Canine insulinoma displays malignant behavior with a high rate of metastasis. The most common sites of metastases are the draining lymph nodes, which are also the primary location sites for the recurrence of functional disease. However, identifying metastatic nodes can often be complicated, as the pancreas is drained by numerous lymphatic centers, and clinical enlargement or structural changes may not always be present in metastatic nodes. Additionally, unaltered nodes are frequently small (a few millimeters) and can be hard to distinguish from the surrounding tissues. Therefore, lymphadenectomy is generally recommended for affected dogs. Unlike in human medicine, there are currently no established strategies for lymph node resection in dogs with malignant insulinoma. This report presents a technique for identifying and removing sentinel nodes using indocyanine green and near-infrared lymphography (NIRFL) during surgery. A total of six sentinel nodes were detected and resected with this method. This technique could provide a more structured approach for lymph node resection in affected dogs and potentially in humans in the future. However, its therapeutic benefits must be evaluated in a larger cohort of cases

    Use of indocyanine green near-infrared lymphography to detect sentinel lymph nodes in a dog with a malignant insulinoma: a case report

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    Malignant insulinoma is the most common type of neuroendocrine tumor found in the pancreas of dogs. Canine insulinoma displays malignant behavior with a high rate of metastasis. The most common sites of metastases are the draining lymph nodes, which are also the primary location sites for the recurrence of functional disease. However, identifying metastatic nodes can often be complicated, as the pancreas is drained by numerous lymphatic centers, and clinical enlargement or structural changes may not always be present in metastatic nodes. Additionally, unaltered nodes are frequently small (a few millimeters) and can be hard to distinguish from the surrounding tissues. Therefore, lymphadenectomy is generally recommended for affected dogs. Unlike in human medicine, there are currently no established strategies for lymph node resection in dogs with malignant insulinoma. This report presents a technique for identifying and removing sentinel nodes using indocyanine green and near-infrared lymphography (NIRFL) during surgery. A total of six sentinel nodes were detected and resected with this method. This technique could provide a more structured approach for lymph node resection in affected dogs and potentially in humans in the future. However, its therapeutic benefits must be evaluated in a larger cohort of cases

    Effects of prednisolone on 1,2-O-dilauryl-rac-glycero glutaricacid-(60-methylresorufin) ester-lipase activity and pancreaticlipase immunoreactivity in healthy cats

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    Background: Corticosteroids are among the most commonly used drugs in cats andare increasingly discussed as a treatment for feline pancreatitis. However, its effectson serum lipase in healthy cats remain unknown. Objectives: To evaluate the effects of prednisolone on serum lipase activity and pan-creatic lipase immunoreactivity (PLI) in cats. Animals: Seven clinically healthy colony cats, aged 4 to 7 years, with unremarkableCBC/biochemistry panel were studied.Methods:Prospective study: Prednisolone (1.1-1.5 mg/kg, median 1.28 mg/kg PO)was given daily for 7 consecutive days. Lipase activity (LIPC Roche; RI, 8-26 U/L) andPLI (Spec fPL; RI, 0-3.5μg/L) were determined at day 1 before first treatment and atdays 2, 3, 8, 10, and 14. Cats were examined daily. An a priori power analysis indi-cated that 6 cats were needed to find a biological relevant effect at 1-β=0.8. Statis-tical analyses comprised the Friedman test, random intercept regression, andrepeated-measures linear regression. Results: Median (range) day 1 lipase activities and PLI were 22 U/L (14-52 U/L) and3.2μg/L (2.3-15.7μg/L). One cat with abnormally high lipase activity (52 U/L) andPLI (15.7μg/L) at day 1 continued having elevated lipase activities and PLI through-out the study. Lipase activities and PLI concentrations did not differ significantlyamong time points regardless of whether the cat with elevated values was includedor not. All cats remained healthy throughout the study. Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Administration of prednisolone in anti-inflammatory doses does not significantly increase serum lipase activity and PLI concentration

    Comparison between high-field 3 Tesla MRI and computed tomography with and without arthrography for visualization of canine carpal ligaments: a cadaveric study

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    OBJECTIVE:To compare the quality of visualization of canine carpal ligaments by using computed tomography (CT), MRI, CT arthrography (CTA), and magnetic resonance arthrography (MRA). STUDY DESIGN: Prospective descriptive study. STUDY POPULATION: Cadavers from dogs weighing more than 20 kg. METHODS: A 16-slice CT scanner and a 3 Tesla MRI were used for the investigation. A dilute contrast medium was injected into the middle carpal and radiocarpal joints under fluoroscopic control, and CTA and MRA images were acquired. To evaluate the difference between imaging modalities, 3 observers graded carpal ligaments of clinical interest using a scale from 0 to 4 for their quality of visualization. Data were analyzed by using a random-effect ordinal logistic regression with Bonferroni adjustment. The interobserver agreement was calculated by using the weighted Cohen's κ. RESULTS: Normal carpal joints (n = 9) were investigated. Magnetic resonance arthrography improved visualization of the majority of carpal ligaments compared with MRI (P < .05) and offered the best visualization overall. Magnetic resonance imaging and MRA offered better visualization compared with both CT and CTA (P < .05). There was no difference between CT and CTA. Interobserver agreement was discrete (0.2 < κ ≤ 0.4) for all observers. CONCLUSION: Arthrography improved the capabilities of MRI but not of CT for visualization of the canine carpal ligaments. Magnetic resonance arthrography was particularly useful for evaluation of the stabilizers of the antebrachiocarpal joint. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: 3 Tesla MRA and MRI allow excellent visualization of the ligamentous morphology and may be helpful in the diagnostic process of carpal sprains in dogs

    Presence of Probst Bundles Indicate White Matter Remodeling in a Dog With Corpus Callosum Hypoplasia and Dysplasia

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    Corpus callosum abnormalities (CCA) rarely occur in dogs and are related to hypo/adypsic hypernatremia and seizures. Hypoplasia and dysplasia of the corpus callosum (CC) with concomitant lobar holoprosencephaly is the most common variant. It is currently uncertain using conventional MRI if canine CCA reflects the failure of commissural fibers to develop or the failure of the commissural fibers to cross hemispheres. Diffusion tensor imaging was performed in a 4-year-old Staffordshire mix breed dog with CCA and an age-matched healthy Beagle. In comparison to the control dog, CC tractography of the affected dog depicted only axonal tracts corresponding to the temporal CC fibers. The cingulum bundles appeared supernumerary with unorganized architecture, extending into the ipsilateral cerebral cortex, and therefore strongly suggested homology to Probst bundles reported in humans with CCA. The presence of Probst bundles in canine CCA could represent compensatory neuroplasticity-mediated networking and may contribute the fair prognosis reported in affected dogs

    Long-term palliation of right-sided congestive heart failure after stenting a recurrent cor triatriatum dexter in a 10½-year-old pug

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    A 10½-year-old, male neutered, pug presented with increasing ascites over two months. Echocardiography revealed cor triatriatum dexter with no concurrent cardiovascular anomalies, subsequently confirmed by computed tomography angiography. Balloon dilation of the perforated intra-atrial membrane under fluoroscopic guidance resulted in the transient resolution of all clinical abnormalities, but six months later stenosis and ascites recurred. After repeated balloon dilation, a stent was placed across the membrane. The dog remains asymptomatic fourteen months after the second procedure. One noteworthy feature of this case is the onset of congestive heart failure due to a congenital defect only at more than 10 years of age

    Resting state networks of the canine brain under sevoflurane anaesthesia

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    Resting-state functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (rs-fMRI) has become an established technique in humans and reliably determines several resting state networks (RSNs) simultaneously. Limited data exist about RSN in dogs. The aim of this study was to investigate the RSNs in 10 healthy beagle dogs using a 3 tesla MRI scanner and subsequently perform group-level independent component analysis (ICA) to identify functionally connected brain networks. Rs-fMRI sequences were performed under steady state sevoflurane inhalation anaesthesia. Anaesthetic depth was titrated to the minimum level needed for immobilisation and mechanical ventilation of the patient. This required a sevoflurane MAC between 0.8 to 1.2. Group-level ICA dimensionality of 20 components revealed distributed sensory, motor and higher-order networks in the dogs’ brain. We identified in total 7 RSNs (default mode, primary and higher order visual, auditory, two putative motor-somatosensory and one putative somatosensory), which are common to other mammals including humans. Identified RSN are remarkably similar to those identified in awake dogs. This study proves the feasibility of rs-fMRI in anesthetized dogs and describes several RSNs, which may set the basis for investigating pathophysiological characteristics of various canine brain diseases

    Mycobacterium microti: not just a coincidental pathogen for cats

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    Public interest in animal tuberculosis is mainly focused on prevention and eradication of bovine tuberculosis in cattle and wildlife. In cattle, immunodiagnostic tests such as the tuberculin skin test or the interferon gamma (IFN-γ) assay have been established and are commercially available. Feline tuberculosis is rather unknown, and the available diagnostic tools are limited. However, infections with Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex members need to be considered an aetiological differential diagnosis in cats with granulomatous lymphadenopathy or skin nodules and, due to the zoonotic potential, a time-efficient and accurate diagnostic approach is required. The present study describes 11 independent cases of Mycobacterium microti infection in domestic cats in Switzerland. For three cases, clinical presentation, diagnostic imaging, bacteriological results, immunodiagnostic testing, and pathological features are reported. An adapted feline IFN-γ release assay was successfully applied in two cases and appears to be a promising tool for the ante mortem diagnosis of tuberculosis in cats. Direct contact with M. microti reservoir hosts was suspected to be the origin of infection in all three cases. However, there was no evidence of M. microti infection in 346 trapped wild mice from a presumptive endemic region. Therefore, the source and modalities of infection in cats in Switzerland remain to be further elucidated

    Massives inoperables hepatozelluläres Karzinom bei einem Hund behandelt mittels intensitätsmodulierter Strahlentherapie

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    This case report describes a 12-year-old female spayed mixed-breed dog referred for treatment of a large, inoperable hepatocellular carcinoma. A computed tomography (CT) scan confirmed the previous ultrasonographic and laparoscopic findings of a large, lobulated, poorly defined mass on the left and central aspect of the liver. Multiple biopsies confirmed the diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma. Due to the large extent of the tumor, the vascular association to the Vena cava caudalis and the associated high risk of intraoperative bleeding, a resection of the mass was refrained from and a radiotherapeutic treatment was chosen. The dog underwent radiation therapy (RT) with a 6MV linear accelerator with 5×6 Gy, total dose 30 Gy. In the follow up examinations three months and one year after therapy, the dog presented in normal condition and had normal Alanine-amino-transferase (ALT) and alkaline phosphatase (AP). The tumor size measured in the CT-examinations decreased by 61% and 90%, respectively. Two years after radiation therapy the dog has a normal general condition and liver enzymes are within the normal limits

    Integrin α3β1–dependent β-catenin phosphorylation links epithelial Smad signaling to cell contacts

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    Injury-initiated epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) depends on contextual signals from the extracellular matrix, suggesting a role for integrin signaling. Primary epithelial cells deficient in their prominent laminin receptor, α3β1, were found to have a markedly blunted EMT response to TGF-β1. A mechanism for this defect was explored in α3-null cells reconstituted with wild-type (wt) α3 or point mutants unable to engage laminin 5 (G163A) or epithelial cadherin (E-cadherin; H245A). After TGF-β1 stimulation, wt epithelial cells but not cells expressing the H245A mutant internalize complexes of E-cadherin and TGF-β1 receptors, generate phospho-Smad2 (p-Smad2)–pY654–β-catenin complexes, and up-regulate mesenchymal target genes. Although Smad2 phosphorylation is normal, p-Smad2–pY654–β-catenin complexes do not form in the absence of α3 or when α3β1 is mainly engaged on laminin 5 or E-cadherin in adherens junctions, leading to attenuated EMT. These findings demonstrate that α3β1 coordinates cross talk between β-catenin and Smad signaling pathways as a function of extracellular contact cues and thereby regulates responses to TGF-β1 activation
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