5,194 research outputs found

    Canada Goose Harvest and Hunter Activity in the Southern Illinois Quota Zone during the 1978 Season

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    Division of Wildlife Resources Migratory Bird Section, Periodic Report No. 26Report issued on: May 9, 197

    Restoring Functional Status: A Long-Term Case Report of Severe Lung and Ventilatory Muscle Pump Dysfunction Involving Recurrent Bacterial Pneumonias

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    Background and Purpose: Prolonged mechanical ventilation contributes to immobility and deconditioning making efforts to safely discontinue ventilator support desirable. This case report documents how implementing physical therapy treatment interventions, based on the Guide to Physical Therapist Practice, can help to restore a person’s functional status even after multiple years of mechanical ventilation dependency. Case Description: A patient (female; aged 63 years) with severe restrictive and obstructive ventilatory impairment has survived 34 recurrent pneumonias involving 6 bacterial pathogens while being mechanically ventilated at home. A 3-year study was approved and informed consent obtained for a home exercise program of resistive extremity and inspiratory muscle training along with exercise reconditioning. Tolerable distances walked, maximal inspiratory and expiratory pressures, hours spent on versus off mechanical ventilation, activities performed within and around her home, and community excursions taken were charted. Outcomes: Daily time tolerated off the ventilator improved from less than one to 12 hours, distance walked in 6 minutes increased 33%, and maximal inspiratory and expiratory pressures improved 62% and 9.6% respectively. These improvements made out-of-home social excursions possible. Discussion and Conclusions: This patient’s functional status improved following multiple physical therapy interventions dictated by the evaluation of initial physical therapy examination findings according to the Guide to Physical Therapist Practice. Long term mechanical ventilator dependency in the home environment did not exclude this patient from achieving clinically significant gains in functional status even when having severe restrictive and obstructive ventilator impairment

    Limiting sediment deposition on roadways: topographic controls on vulnerable roads and cost analysis of planting grass buffer strips

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    International audienceEffective erosion control requires both a sound understanding of the physical context and sufficient motivation on the part of farmers to act, and in Europe this almost inevitably depends on financial subsidies. In south-west France, intense spring and summer storms lead to large scale sediment deposition on roadways, and cleanup costs are a major concern for local authorities. Current erosion control subsidy rates are not sufficient to encourage farmers to limit erosion and reduce cleanup costs. The objective of this study was to define the topographic characteristics which control sediment deposition on roadways in order to compare the cost of planting grass strips along these roads to current cleanup costs. Topographic conditions were characterised by midslope inclination (with a range of from 6 to 8%) and distance of this slope to the road (range of 50–200 m), and these were defined by a combination of field visits, air photos, and GIS techniques. The effect of grass buffer strips on sediment deposition was estimated using the revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE). The financial benefits of planting grass strips were based on the estimated efficiency of the buffer strips and the length of roads affected according to the topographic conditions. More than 70% of roads requiring regular cleanup occur within 200 m of a midlsope inclination of 6%. Errors in predicting sediment deposition sites according to topography occur mainly when small scale changes in topography are beneath the resolution of the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) or when sediment deposition occurs due to the intersection of talwegs with roads. Modelling the effects of grass strips on soil erosion rates suggests that buffer strips of 12 or 24 m wide reduce sediments leaving the field by 32 and 54%, respectively. Planting grass buffer strips along predicted problem road sections can reduce cleanup costs associated with sediment deposition. Savings in the first year of planting are in the order of about 2% of current estimated cleanup costs (100,000 ) for 12 m wide strips, and this amount increases to almost 35% in subsequent years for 24 m strips. Savings in cleanup costs can be used to increase erosion control subsidies, thereby ensuring a higher level of farmer participation. In addition to reducing sediment deposition on roadways, the grass buffer strips serve as demonstration plots for the farming community. The strategy does not directly eliminate soil degradation upslope, but it is a first step towards better erosion control

    How Should America's Anti-Terrorism Budget Be Allocated? Findings from a National Survey of Attitudes of U.S. Residents about Terrorism

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    U.S. residents are very concerned about future terrorist attacks and they are willing to commit substantial sums to prevent further terrorist acts. Protecting against another 9/11 style incident is important, but U.S. residents are more concerned about protecting the food supply system and preventing release of chemical or biological agents in public areas. On average respondents would allocate 13.3 percent more to protect the food supply chain and 12.0 percent more to protect against release of a toxic chemical or biological agent than they would to protect against another terrorist attack using hijacked aircraft. Approximately 5billioniscurrentlyspenttoprotectcivilaviation.The2006budgetprovided5 billion is currently spent to protect civil aviation. The 2006 budget provided 8.6 billion of fiscal authority for programs protecting against all types of catastrophic terrorist incidents, including protection against radiological or nuclear incidents, as well as protecting the food supply and preventing chemical or biological attacks. No one would argue that decisions on the size and internal allocation of the nation's homeland security budget should be made on the basis of a public opinion survey, but this survey indicates that Americans would likely support additional spending to defend the food system and protect against release of a chemical or biological agent.Political Economy,

    The Tangled Web: Studying Online Fake News

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    Fake news has become a ubiquitous and extremely worrying phenomenon, capturing the attention of academics, governments, businesses, media, and the general public. Despite this notoriety, many questions remain to be answered about the generation, diffusion, consumption, and impacts of fake news that are spread through social media and online communities. A nascent body of IS research is emerging that addresses some of these questions. In this panel, we aim to motivate further IS research and produce an agenda by highlighting some of the important issues that need to be discussed with regard to fake news. We examine how IS scholarship can address these issues by drawing on its existing body of knowledge as well as considering less-studied but potentially fruitful areas of research

    An Electronic Daily Diary Study of Anal Intercourse in Drug-Using Women

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    Women (N = 138) with histories of illicit drug use were recruited into an electronic diary study that used Android smartphones for data collection. The diary was to be completed each day for 12 weeks using an "app" created in HTML5 and accessed over the Internet via smartphone. Data collection included information on sexual behaviors with up to 10 partners per day and contextual factors surrounding sexual behavior such as drug use before/after, type of sexual behavior (oral, vaginal, anal), and other activities such as using condoms for vaginal and anal intercourse and use of sexual lubricants. The sample was predominantly African American (58 %); 20 % Latina, 20 % White and 2 % reported as Other. Most women reported either less than a high school education (33 %) or having a high school diploma (33 %). The mean age was 39 years (SD = 11.78). Anal intercourse occurred on days when women also reported using illicit drugs, specifically methamphetamine and cocaine. Anal intercourse was not an isolated sexual activity, but took place on days when vaginal intercourse and giving and receiving oral sex also occurred along with illicit drug use. Anal intercourse also occurred on days when women reported they wanted sex. HIV prevention interventions must address the risks of anal intercourse for women, taking into account concurrent drug use and sexual pleasure that may reduce individual harm-reduction behaviors
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