979 research outputs found

    Tennessee Bibliography: 2014

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    2014 Tennessee Bibliography: compilation of books about Tennessee Available in two parts from Tennessee Libraries journal: 2014 Tennessee Bibliography: A through M 2014 Tennessee Bibliography: N through

    A Survey of non-white social service personnel in the State of Oregon

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    The National Association of Social Workers and the Council on Social Work Education are concerned with the eradication of racism within the social work profession and the nation at large. Graduate schools throughout the country are presently attempting to come to grips with this elusive and pervasive problem. The School of Social Work at Portland State University is among these schools. In early 1972, the Portland State University School of Social Work formalized and adopted a specific policy regarding recruitment, education, and issues concerning non-white students and communities. In doing so, this school became the first School of Social Work in the Northwest, perhaps in the nation, to have a specific, examinable policy covering its position of graduate education for non-whites. However, the genesis of this policy had extended back to 1971 when the need for a specific, consistent policy regarding non-whites and the School was being realized. It was during the subsequent task of developing this policy that the necessity for research in this area was keenly felt. The School of Social Work draws the majority of its students from the State of Oregon, specifically from the metropolitan area in and around Portland. The majority of its graduates choose to remain in Oregon to work. However, it was learned that little or no systematic information was available concerning the needs and programs of the practice community for non-white social service personnel. Since the School is committed both to education and to the service of the community, it became obvious that descriptive and concrete data were necessary. This research practicum is an attempt to examine this heretofore unexplored area in the State of Oregon

    Sulfolobus Mutants, Generated via PCR Products, Which Lack Putative Enzymes of UV Photoproduct Repair

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    In order to determine the biological relevance of two S. acidocaldarius proteins to the repair of UV photoproducts, the corresponding genes (Saci_1227 and Saci_1096) were disrupted, and the phenotypes of the resulting mutants were examined by various genetic assays. The disruption used integration by homologous recombination of a functional but heterologous pyrE gene, promoted by short sequences attached to both ends via PCR. The phenotypic analyses of the disruptants confirmed that ORF Saci_1227 encodes a DNA photolyase which functions in vivo, but they could not implicate ORF Saci_1096 in repair of UV- or other externally induced DNA damage despite its similarity to genes encoding UV damage endonucleases. The success of the gene-disruption strategy, which used 5′ extensions of PCR primers to target cassette integration, suggests potential advantages for routine construction of Sulfolobus strains

    Estrategias multioperantes en la participación activa de los estudiantes de 2°A de educación primaria de la I.E. N° 7100 República Democrática Alemana, 2022

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    Determina la influencia de las estrategias multioperantes en la participación activa de los estudiantes de 2°A de educación primaria de la I.E. N°7100 República Democrática Alemana, 2022. La investigación es de tipo aplicada, nivel explicativo y de diseño experimental. La muestra es de un total de 25 estudiantes del 2 grado de primaria, el cual se estableció a través del muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia, dado que la presente investigación es de subdiseño preexperimental. El instrumento empleado fue una ficha de observación, este permitió recopilar a detalle las manifestaciones de participación activa en cada una de sus dimensiones: Involucramiento, Compromiso social participativo, Expresión de opiniones, Participación en equipos de trabajo, Realización de tareas y Participación en actividades de la escuela. Los resultados muestran que existe una influencia significativa de las estrategias multioperantes en la participación activa de los estudiantes, puesto que se evidenció una diferencia considerable entre los resultados del pretest y postest, teniendo estos como promedio, respectivamente, 10,0 y 14,3. Ante ello, se concluye que la aplicación de las estrategias multioperantes en el ámbito académico influye de manera positiva en la participación activa de los estudiantes ante los diversos problemas que ocurren en su contexto educativo

    Editorial Board Diversity at the Basket of Eight Journals: A Report to the College of Senior Scholars

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    At the 2019 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), the College of Senior Scholars appointed a committee to investigate diversity in the editorial boards of their Basket of Eight journals. Editorial board diversity signals that a journal welcomes and includes all authors. The committee compared the gender, regional and ethnic diversity of the editorial boards to that of AIS members in the Academic membership category. This comparison showed that the editorial boards overall had fewer female members, more members from Region 1, and fewer from Region 3 than one would reasonably expect. Furthermore, several ethnicities appeared on the boards in smaller or larger numbers than one would expect, in comparison to their proportions among AIS Academic members. The individual journals also differed a great deal among themselves with respect to these diversity criteria. Regrettably, every journal fell below what one would reasonably expect with respect to either gender, regional, or ethnic diversity. Based on these findings, we make recommendations for the College of Senior Scholars, editors in chief of the Basket of Eight journals, the AIS Council, and individuals who lead other organizations of IS scholars

    Premenarchal Girls' Genital Examination Experiences

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    Purpose To explore girls' experiences having an external genital examination during early adolescence. Methods Ten premenarchal girls were interviewed about their experiences receiving an external genital examination as part of a larger longitudinal study. Qualitative methods were used for analysis, looking for concepts based on themes and shared beliefs among the girls to create a model of the genital examination experience. Results Most participants could not remember ever having a genital examination before enrollment in the larger study. The examination was best characterized as “weird,” and many aspects of the examination were novel. Overall, genital examinations were not experienced negatively because of moderating factors like having support from mothers during the examination and having examiner preferences toward gender and personal characteristics. With repeated study examinations in the larger study and for those participants who reported their provider performed genital examinations, the examination was viewed as a skill for growing up or routine. Conclusions External genital examinations, although a new experience for many girls, can be experienced positively. Providers should address concerns about this important recommended examination and acknowledge that examiner attributes, mothers, and experience of having examinations all influence how genital examinations are experienced

    The Ursinus Weekly, February 26, 1962

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    Jean Dillin wins Weekly contest • Sororities welcome 14 new members; 43 men accept frat bids this afternoon • Beardwood chemistry club hears Dr. Levie Van Dam • Two Ursinus women offer Summer teaching position on Indian reservations • Colors presented to new UC women • Patti Whittick elected May queen; JoAnn Lewis unopposed May manager • Philadelphia rabbi participates in religious emphasis week • Charities chosen for Campus Chest • Wire manufacturer appears for ACES • Student teachers hear C-T principal • Clinic Day unqualified success • Editorial: Dual roles • Lycoming College to hold music fete • Ursinus in the past • Pearson, Williams named WSGA, WAA representatives • Cabinet of Y receives two day study choices • Veterinarian work topic for pre-med. society guest • Cooler breezes consort in Austria and Germany • Leber-South leads dorm cage league • Maids swim, dive for two victories • MASCAC wrestling tickets on sale • Grapplers pound PMC, 32-0; Dean, Powers still unbeaten • Hoopsters winless in week\u27s action; Delaware, Drexel drub Grizzlies • Women split two tilts; West Chester cagers win • Track team runs early indoor meets • Collegeville tops Phoenix YMCA basketball league • Collegeville Girl Scouts hear Mrs. Ned Seelye • 17 Collegeville firemen at Phila. fire school • Charles H. Noss, Ursinus Director, dies suddenlyhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1312/thumbnail.jp

    Probing the Surface of Nanodiamonds at Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource and San Jose State University

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    The nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond is a promising tool in oncology, electric field sensing, and quantum cryptography. High-pressure high-temperature (HPHT) nanodiamonds (NDs) are prime contenders for these fields because they host nitrogen-vacancy centers (NVCs) which are applicable towards cancer detection and electric and magnetic field sensing. However, to apply HPHT NDs to these fields, the surface must first be functionalized—a difficult process because of the inert nature of the surface. The project at hand focuses on surface modification of HPHT NDs with amines to allow for further bioconjugation of small molecules and plasmonic shells. This is done via liquid-phase chemistry and high-temperature gas-phase chemistry. To characterize the surface of aminated NDs, samples are probed using synchrotron radiation at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL) alongside the transmission edge spectroscopy (TES) detector. Aminated NDs were characterized using X-ray photoelectric spectroscopy (XPS) and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) at SSRL. X-ray spectra are suggestive of multiple nitrogen moieties on the surface of the aminated NDs. With verification of a homogeneously amine-terminated surface, the NDs are prepared for further functionalization which can be targeted to enhance the properties of the NVC charge states for applications in enhanced electric field and voltage sensing

    Post-Reperfusion Myocardial Infarction Long-Term Survival Improvement Using Adenosine Regulation With Acadesine

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    ObjectivesThe purpose of this study was to assess the safety and efficacy of the adenosine regulating agent (ARA) acadesine for reducing long-term mortality among patients with post-reperfusion myocardial infarction (MI).BackgroundNo prospectively applied therapy exists that improves long-term survival after MI associated with coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery—a robust model of ischemia/reperfusion injury. Pretreatment with the purine nucleoside autocoid adenosine mitigates the extent of post-ischemic reperfusion injury in animal models. Therefore, we questioned whether use of the ARA acadesine—by increasing interstitial adenosine concentrations in ischemic tissue—would improve long-term survival after post-reperfusion MI.MethodsAt 54 institutions, 2,698 patients undergoing CABG surgery were randomized to receive placebo (n = 1,346) or acadesine (n = 1,352) by intravenous infusion (0.1 mg/kg/min; 7 h) and in cardioplegia solution (placebo or acadesine; 5 μg/ml). Myocardial infarction was prospectively defined as: 1) new Q-wave and MB isoform of creatine kinase (CK-MB) elevation (daily electrocardiography; 16 serial CK-MB measurements); or 2) autopsy evidence. Vital status was assessed over 2 years, and outcomes were adjudicated centrally.ResultsPerioperative MI occurred in 100 patients (3.7%), conferring a 4.2-fold increase in 2-year mortality (p < 0.001) compared with those not suffering MI. Acadesine treatment, however, reduced that mortality by 4.3-fold, from 27.8% (15 of 54; placebo) to 6.5% (3 of 46; acadesine) (p = 0.006), with the principal benefit occurring over the first 30 days after MI. The acadesine benefit was similar among diverse subsets, and multivariable analysis confirmed these findings.ConclusionsAcadesine is the first therapy proven to be effective for reducing the severity of acute post-reperfusion MI, substantially reducing the risk of dying over the 2 years after infarction