431 research outputs found


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    International audiencePour comprendre la relation entre l'anthroponymie et cette mobilitĂ© sociale et religieuse spĂ©cifique qu'est la conversion dans un contexte d'intolĂ©rance, cet article se propose de ne pas sĂ©parer l'Ă©tude du systĂšme de nomination des convertis dans la Couronne d'Aragon de celui des juifs pour ne pas surĂ©valuer la rupture et la nomination baptismale, les changements de noms et le jeu des alias Ă©tant assez courants Ă  la fin du Moyen Âge. Les noms ne s'emploient pas selon les hasards de l'existence mais en forme dĂ©veloppĂ©e ou selon ses versions tronquĂ©es selon les nĂ©cessitĂ©s de l'appellation qui imposent l'emploi de formes brĂšves. La conversion introduit dans le stock onomastique les noms de parrains, personnages qui sont souvent dĂ©jĂ  membres du rĂ©seau relationnel proche des convertis, sans modifier d'abord profondĂ©ment le systĂšme anthroponymique. Les choix anthroponymiques manifestent la convergence culturelle des communautĂ©s tout autant que le passage de la frontiĂšre religieuse : le passage au christianisme allait dans le mĂȘme sens anthroponymique que la nomination des juifs en mode latin, malgrĂ© la permanence jusqu'au XVe siĂšcle de noms personnels hĂ©braĂŻques bibliques Ă  cĂŽtĂ© du stock vernaculaire. Le nom permet de se dĂ©marquer dans la ressemblance et l'homonymie est intĂ©gratrice. ; la continuitĂ© l'emporte sur la rupture. Peu Ă  peu la nomination ancienne se dĂ©tachait, mais l'identitĂ© du converti Ă©tait gĂ©nĂ©ralement bien connue Ă  travers sa fama, dans une sociĂ©tĂ© oĂč l'anonymat Ă©tait suspect. L'anthroponymie des juifs et des conversos est un systĂšme flexible Ă  l'expression subtile, apte Ă  dĂ©signer les mutations biographiques tout en signifiant l'unitĂ© d'un destin et en crĂ©ant un jeu fluctuant Ă  travers diverses versions de nomination. La fluiditĂ© nominale devient suspecte au XVIE siĂšcle, lorsque des conversos riches de leur nom possĂšdent dĂ©sormais des identitĂ©s brisĂ©es dont ils doivent effacer la macule

    How Green Public Procurement Contributes to Sustainable Development in China: Evidence from the IISD Green Public Procurement Model

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    The People's Republic of China spent more than CNY 1.6 trillion (USD 252 billion) on procurement in 2013, accounting for 11.7 per cent of all national spending (Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of China, 2014). In light of these numbers, the potential environmental, social and economic multipliers of greening government purchases become evident. The benefits of a comprehensive and efficient green public procurement (GPP) policy are not limited to the green products and services the public sector buys, but will have a ripple effect that encourages green consumption nationwide. The significant purchasing power of the government will provide the much-needed incentives in order for businesses to invest and innovate in green products and services to meet the government's guaranteed long-term and high-volume demand. Additionally, GPP is in line with China's national plans to pioneer "eco-civilisation" and with the upcoming 13th Five-Year Plan (FYP), which underlines the importance of GPP.This paper is the second and final component of IISD's contribution to greening public procurement in China. Our discussion paper Green Public Procurement in China: Quantifying the Benefits, published in April 2015, analyzed China's GPP landscape, taking a closer look at current practices, actors at different levels of government and the underlying legal framework. In addition, the paper introduced the IISD GPP Model, discussing its potential for quantifying and communicating the benefits of GPP, while providing a high-level overview of the modelling approach used and of the scope of the model envisioned. Building on the results of the IISD GPP Model, consultations with stakeholders and an extensive literature review, this paper provides targeted recommendations addressing the development areas identified to improve GPP in China. The recommendations follow a multiphase approach offering more immediate solutions as well as more ambitious, larger-scale overhauls of the GPP framework for the long term. The results of the IISD GPP Model will be shared for the first time as part of this paper, making the case for green procurement through analyzing five product categories: air conditioners, lighting, cars, paper and cement. These categories were selected because they represent significant financial flows in procurement, have notable environmental impacts and domestic production, and have sufficient data available to facilitate their analysis. A detailed overview of the key elements of the modelling approach will be provided, in addition to an explanation of the model setup and the range of externalities monetised for each product category. Finally, we will look at how to use the model at the different levels of government as well as how its scope can be extended and customised in order to leverage its potential under a wider range of circumstances and areas of procurement

    Universitas et natio. La fides des juifs dans les villes ibĂ©riques Ă  la fin du Moyen Âge

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    Si les travaux antĂ©rieurs ont Ă©tabli qu’une nation juive n’était pas explicitement considĂ©rĂ©e, l’observation des hommes d’affaires dĂ©montre que les juifs ne sont pas une natio Ă©trangĂšre, tout en prĂ©sentant des caractĂšres comparables aux Italiens des « nations marchandes ». Le jeu entre les stratĂ©gies marchandes et les reprĂ©sentations de l’usure dĂ©terminent les caractĂšres Ă©conomiques de l’appartenance nationale, dĂ©terminant des mĂ©canismes Ă  la fois intĂ©grateurs et porteurs en germe d’exclusion, selon une Ă©volution non linĂ©aire et dialectique. Cette nation Ă  l’ancienne sans natio, paradoxale mais dĂ©clinĂ©e au prĂ©sent, se retrouve dans l’espace textuel de la nova d’Esther ou du rĂ©cit de voyage, plus ressentie que territoriale, politique ou juridique et certainement pas univoque.While previous works have established that the Jewish nation was not explicitly considered as such, examining the case of businessmen can reveal that the Jews were not a foreign natio and demonstrated a character comparable to that of the Italians of the “merchant nations”. Interaction between business strategies and representations of usury determined the economic characteristics of national affiliation, thus determining mechanisms that could at the same time favor integration or lead to exclusion, following a non-linear, dialectic evolution. This old-fashioned nation without a natio, paradoxical but declined in the present, can be found in the textual space of the nova of Esther or of the travel narrative, was more affective than territorial, political or juridical, and was certainly not unequivocal

    Universitas et natio. La fides des juifs dans les villes ibĂ©riques Ă  la fin du Moyen Âge

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    Si les travaux antĂ©rieurs ont Ă©tabli qu’une nation juive n’était pas explicitement considĂ©rĂ©e, l’observation des hommes d’affaires dĂ©montre que les juifs ne sont pas une natio Ă©trangĂšre, tout en prĂ©sentant des caractĂšres comparables aux Italiens des « nations marchandes ». Le jeu entre les stratĂ©gies marchandes et les reprĂ©sentations de l’usure dĂ©terminent les caractĂšres Ă©conomiques de l’appartenance nationale, dĂ©terminant des mĂ©canismes Ă  la fois intĂ©grateurs et porteurs en germe d’exclusion, selon une Ă©volution non linĂ©aire et dialectique. Cette nation Ă  l’ancienne sans natio, paradoxale mais dĂ©clinĂ©e au prĂ©sent, se retrouve dans l’espace textuel de la nova d’Esther ou du rĂ©cit de voyage, plus ressentie que territoriale, politique ou juridique et certainement pas univoque.While previous works have established that the Jewish nation was not explicitly considered as such, examining the case of businessmen can reveal that the Jews were not a foreign natio and demonstrated a character comparable to that of the Italians of the “merchant nations”. Interaction between business strategies and representations of usury determined the economic characteristics of national affiliation, thus determining mechanisms that could at the same time favor integration or lead to exclusion, following a non-linear, dialectic evolution. This old-fashioned nation without a natio, paradoxical but declined in the present, can be found in the textual space of the nova of Esther or of the travel narrative, was more affective than territorial, political or juridical, and was certainly not unequivocal

    Les juifs courtiers parmi les chrĂ©tiens : l’échange sans la religion ?

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    In the Crown of Aragon, where usury was permitted through regulation, especially in Catalonia and Mallorca, brokers were not all Jews who were usually seen as being the specialists in monetary transactions. Jews were certainly over-represented in trade but it is also now known that they could hold a wide variety of jobs. There are in fact few traders or lenders among the Jewish community from the 14th century, such roles tending instead to belong to members of urban and intellectual elites. This paper compares two social networks: that of Pons de Gualba, bishop of Barcelona, and that of Bartomeu de Mans, magistrate/provost of Vilafranca del PĂ©nedes, who had links with Berenger de Finestres, a money-changer of Barcelona. The networks of these two eminent men were interlinked, in the sense that the roles played by Jews and Christians in the trading process were neither strictly segregated nor exactly the same, the precise distribution of these roles depending on the subtlest of nuances in terms of how the members of the two religions related to each other. The trade associations of Jews and Christians were different, as were the insults used to deprecate rivals. It is thus not that trade took no account of religion but rather that religious difference could be used as a means to colour the expression of the normal love-hate relationships between men who were involved in the business of trade.  Dans les pays de la Couronne d’Aragon oĂč l’usure est rĂ©glementĂ©e, donc autorisĂ©e, spĂ©cialement en Catalogne et Ă  Majorque, les courtiers ne sont pas nĂ©cessairement ou seulement des juifs apprĂ©ciĂ©s pour leurs qualitĂ©s de « passeurs ». Nous savions dĂ©jĂ  que les juifs, certes surreprĂ©sentĂ©s dans le commerce, exercent des activitĂ©s trĂšs variĂ©es, Ă  l’instar des chrĂ©tiens et que l’entreprise et le crĂ©dit restent au XIVe siĂšcle l’apanage d’un groupe de plus en plus rĂ©duit, membre des Ă©lites urbaines et intellectuelles. Deux rĂ©seaux d’affaires sont comparĂ©s : celui de Pons de Gualba, qui fut Ă©vĂȘque de Barcelone, et celui de Bartomeu de Mans, viguier Ă  Vilafranca del PĂ©nedes, associĂ© Ă  Berenger de Finestres, changeur barcelonais. MalgrĂ© l’imbrication des rĂ©seaux dominĂ©s par d’éminents personnages et malgrĂ© la proximitĂ© des entrepreneurs juifs et chrĂ©tiens et l’exercice de rĂŽles comparables par les membres de religions diffĂ©rentes, la position des uns et des autres dans un rĂ©seau prĂ©cis introduit des nuances subtiles, l’emploi des juifs et des chrĂ©tiens n’y est pas interchangeable alors qu’il l’est dans la sociĂ©tĂ©, les structures d’association choisies diffĂšrent, de mĂȘme que les moyens employĂ©s pour attaquer et insulter un concurrent. Nous n’observons pas l’échange sans la religion mais un jeu de positions qui utilise la diffĂ©rence religieuse pour exprimer trĂšs normalement le bon amour ou la haine que se portent les hommes d’affaires

    Les juifs courtiers parmi les chrĂ©tiens : l’échange sans la religion ?

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    In the Crown of Aragon, where usury was permitted through regulation, especially in Catalonia and Mallorca, brokers were not all Jews who were usually seen as being the specialists in monetary transactions. Jews were certainly over-represented in trade but it is also now known that they could hold a wide variety of jobs. There are in fact few traders or lenders among the Jewish community from the 14th century, such roles tending instead to belong to members of urban and intellectual elites. This paper compares two social networks: that of Pons de Gualba, bishop of Barcelona, and that of Bartomeu de Mans, magistrate/provost of Vilafranca del PĂ©nedes, who had links with Berenger de Finestres, a money-changer of Barcelona. The networks of these two eminent men were interlinked, in the sense that the roles played by Jews and Christians in the trading process were neither strictly segregated nor exactly the same, the precise distribution of these roles depending on the subtlest of nuances in terms of how the members of the two religions related to each other. The trade associations of Jews and Christians were different, as were the insults used to deprecate rivals. It is thus not that trade took no account of religion but rather that religious difference could be used as a means to colour the expression of the normal love-hate relationships between men who were involved in the business of trade.  Dans les pays de la Couronne d’Aragon oĂč l’usure est rĂ©glementĂ©e, donc autorisĂ©e, spĂ©cialement en Catalogne et Ă  Majorque, les courtiers ne sont pas nĂ©cessairement ou seulement des juifs apprĂ©ciĂ©s pour leurs qualitĂ©s de « passeurs ». Nous savions dĂ©jĂ  que les juifs, certes surreprĂ©sentĂ©s dans le commerce, exercent des activitĂ©s trĂšs variĂ©es, Ă  l’instar des chrĂ©tiens et que l’entreprise et le crĂ©dit restent au XIVe siĂšcle l’apanage d’un groupe de plus en plus rĂ©duit, membre des Ă©lites urbaines et intellectuelles. Deux rĂ©seaux d’affaires sont comparĂ©s : celui de Pons de Gualba, qui fut Ă©vĂȘque de Barcelone, et celui de Bartomeu de Mans, viguier Ă  Vilafranca del PĂ©nedes, associĂ© Ă  Berenger de Finestres, changeur barcelonais. MalgrĂ© l’imbrication des rĂ©seaux dominĂ©s par d’éminents personnages et malgrĂ© la proximitĂ© des entrepreneurs juifs et chrĂ©tiens et l’exercice de rĂŽles comparables par les membres de religions diffĂ©rentes, la position des uns et des autres dans un rĂ©seau prĂ©cis introduit des nuances subtiles, l’emploi des juifs et des chrĂ©tiens n’y est pas interchangeable alors qu’il l’est dans la sociĂ©tĂ©, les structures d’association choisies diffĂšrent, de mĂȘme que les moyens employĂ©s pour attaquer et insulter un concurrent. Nous n’observons pas l’échange sans la religion mais un jeu de positions qui utilise la diffĂ©rence religieuse pour exprimer trĂšs normalement le bon amour ou la haine que se portent les hommes d’affaires

    Zero-Emission Vehicles Sonification Strategy Based on Shepard-Risset Glissando

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    International audienceIn this paper we present a sonification strategy developed for electric vehicles aiming to synthetize a new engine sound to enhance the driver's dynamic perception of his vehicle. We chose to mimic the internal combustion engine (ICE) noise by informing the driver through pitch variations. However, ICE noise pitch variations are correlated to the engine's rotations per minute (RPM) and its dynamics is covered within a limited vehicle speed range. In order to inform the driver with a significant pitch variation throughout the full vehicle speed range, we based our sonification strategy on the Shepard-Risset glissando. These illusory infinite ascending/descending sounds enable to represent accelerations with significant pitch variations for an unlimited range of speeds. In a way, we stay within the metaphor of ICE noise with unheard gearshifts. We tested this sonification strategy in a perceptual test in a driving simulator and showed that the mapping of this acoustical feedback affects the drivers' perception of vehicle dynamics

    How does interior car noise alter driver's perception of motion? Multisensory integration in speed perception

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    International audienceAcoustic feedback inside a car is composed of different sources, which give information on the drivers actions and the dynamic state of the car. This acoustic feedback influences the drivers perception of movement in a multisensory integration. The development of electric motorizations brings new balance between noise sources inside the car, due to the loss of engine sound that is present in traditional internal combustion engine cars. To study the influence of this modified noise source balance on driving, we focused on speed perception. A car simulator was used for this purpose. 24 participants were asked to accelerate up to a given target speed, while the speedometer was hidden. We studied the speed they actually reached with three acoustic feedbacks (engine, electric motor, no sound), in two visual conditions (night and day). We found out that acoustic feedback can alter the drivers speed perception

    A Real-time Synthesizer of Naturalistic Congruent Audio-Haptic Textures

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    International audienceThis demo paper presents a multi-modal device able to generate real-time audio-haptic signal as response to the users' motion and produce naturalistic sensation. The device consists in a touch screen with haptic feedback based on ultrasonic friction modulation and a sound synthesizer. The device will help investigate audio-haptic interaction. In particular the system is built to allow for an exploration of di↔erent strategy of mapping audio and haptic signal to explore the limits of congruence. Such interactions could be the key to more informative and user-friendly touchscreens for Human-Machine-Interfaces
