41 research outputs found
The Prevalence of Hepatosteatosis in Patients with Diabetes
Hepatosteatosis is common in patients with diabetes. Herein, we investigated the frequency of hepatosteatosis detected on sonography and role of associated metabolic factors. Fifty-eight patients with diabetes mellitus aged between 30 and 72 years were included. A sonographic examination was performed by same operator to diagnose hepatosteatosis.Means of age and duration of diabetes were 52.8 ± 11 and 8.7 ± 5.7 years, respectively. Hepatosteatosis was detected in 60% (35 patients). The rate was 59% in females and 65% in males. Although means of patient’s age, duration of diabetes, serum trigycerides, and cholesterol were higher in patiens with hepatosteatosis than remaining, this difference was not statistically significant.Hepatosteatosis is frequent in patients with diabetes. It must be kept in mind in diabetic patients
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State, citizenship and violence in the 'new' Kurdish question in Turkey
This dissertation aims to illuminate the changing nature of the Kurdish contention in Turkey since the 1990s as well as its ubiquitous dissemination among the Kurdish grassroots through examining the repercussions of political violence and the relocation of the grassroots from rural to urban centers. My understanding of the recent internal displacement of Kurdish citizens in Turkey in the late 1980s, but en masse in 1990s relates the issue to three overarching intertwined trajectories; 1) the end of the cold war, resulting in the changing nature of political violence and of identity politics; 2) the incursion of neoliberalism and the changing paradigms regarding the nature of state-society relations, resulting in a tendency for decentralization and a decline in the welfare functions of the state 3) the increasing salience of new international concerns--particularly international human rights rhetoric--and their influence domestically. Against this backdrop, I examine how the displacement of Kurdish citizens on a large scale has become part of the changing nature of the Kurdish Question, and in turn has started to redefine its contemporary face in Turkey in the 1990s. I argue that following the 1990s, the Kurdish question in Turkey has [re]surfaced as 1) a problem of political legitimacy between the state and (Kurdish) citizens affected by conflict and displacement 2) an ethno-nationalist claim, 3) a poverty and social citizenship problem. I analyze these three propositions in relation to three main processes. First, I propose that new dynamics have been introduced into the state/center-citizen/periphery relations, through which 'legitimate' Kurdish citizens and secure spaces/geographies are distinguished by the Turkish state in contrast to the 'illegitimate,' 'so-called', 'undeserving' and/or 'suspicious' ones. This process, in turn, brought in question the legitimacy of the state in the eyes of the displaced Kurdish citizens. Second, previously existing Kurdish contention has turned into an ethno-political issue, which is entrenched among the Kurdish masses mired in poverty in the urban centers of southeastern Turkey. Finally, the discontents of neoliberal restructuring in the form of poverty, unemployment and social exclusion have converged with the ethnicized discontent prevailing among the Kurdish masses in the city centers in southeastern Turkey.Sociolog
The UAE’s Humanitarian Diplomacy: Claiming State Sovereignty, Regional Leverage and International Recognition
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) became the world’s third-largest donor of humanitarian aid relative to Gross National Income in 2016. The country was among the top five humanitarian assistance state-donors in the world in terms of US dollars in 2018. There has been a constant growth of the share of humanitarian aid as part of the country’s overall foreign aid within the last few years, and humanitarian aid reached to 18 percent of the UAE’s overall foreign aid in 2018. The UAE has complied with international standards for transparency and accountability since 2010 and has reported its aid flows, including development aid and humanitarian aid, to OECD-DAC. In doing so, it is “the first country outside the DAC’s membership to report in such detail”.
The astounding amount of humanitarian and foreign aid delivered by the UAE has drawn attention to the grand geopolitical ambitions of this young Gulf monarchy, once called a “diminutive state”, a “micro state” and a “small state”. Both federal state consolidation and national unification are political projects in progress in the UAE and all parameters of its strategically and pragmatically crafted foreign aid policy, which is vigorously responsive to regional and global changes and challenges, aim at gaining international acknowledgement, leverage, recognition and relevance
The UAE’s Humanitarian Diplomacy: Claiming State Sovereignty, Regional Leverage and International Recognition
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) became the world’s third-largest donor of humanitarian aid relative to Gross National Income in 2016. The country was among the top five humanitarian assistance state-donors in the world in terms of US dollars in 2018. There has been a constant growth of the share of humanitarian aid as part of the country’s overall foreign aid within the last few years, and humanitarian aid reached to 18 percent of the UAE’s overall foreign aid in 2018. The UAE has complied with international standards for transparency and accountability since 2010 and has reported its aid flows, including development aid and humanitarian aid, to OECD-DAC. In doing so, it is “the first country outside the DAC’s membership to report in such detail”
Ectopic Neurohypophysis in Patient with Pituitary Dwarfism: A Case Report
Ectopic neurohypophysis is an anomaly of the Pituitary gland whichmay be associated with short stature due to Growth hormone deficiency.MRI is the modality of choice in diagnosing this condition. We present acase of pituitary dwarfism and ectopic neurohypophysis with clinical andradiological findings. 21 year-old male admitted with short stature. Allhormones, except prolactin, of anterior hypophysis were low. Bright spotwas ectopically located at level of median eminence on enhanced MRI ofhypophysis and stalk of hypophysis was not observed. Ectopicneurohypophysis may be present with pituitary dwarfism. Cranial MRI maybe useful to investigate related pathologies in such cases
Parathyroid Functions in Thalassemia Major Patients
Background: Hypoparathyroidism is well known to occur in thalassemia major patients, but it is thought to be uncommon and its incidence is considered to be decreasing with improvements in chelation therapy. The objective of this study was to assess the prevalence of parathyroid dysfunction in the first decade of life of the patients with thalassemia major.
Patients and Methods: Ninety children with beta-thalassemia major (55 males and 35 females) with a mean age of 7.17±3.78 years (1-13 years) and age and sex matched control group of 60 healthy children (36 males and 24 females) with a mean age 6.98±3.66 years (1-13) years. Serum parathyroid hormone (PTH), serum total Calcium (Ca), serum phosphorus (P), serum alkaline phosphatase (ALP), serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25-OHD) and serum ferritin levels were measured.
Result: PTH levels were higher than normal range in 23 (25.6%) patients with a mean value of 75.2±31.3 µg/mL compared to those having normal range level (35.3±15.2 µg/mL). Ca levels were found low in 11 patients (12.2%), and P levels were found high in 2 (2.22%) and low in 4 (4.44%) patients while high ALP levels were found in 6 (6.67%) patients. 25-OHD levels were low in all patients with a mean value of 24.95±5.82.
Conclusion: Reports in the literature indicate that parathyroid dysfunction due to iron overload generally occurs in 2nd or 3rd decade of patients with thalassemia major. However, our study shows that PTH due to iron overload may develop in a significant number of thalassemia major patients, therefore, all thalassemics should be carefully watched for endocrine organ function such as hyperparathyroidism might occur even in the first decade of the patients with thalassemia major
Assessment of Thyroid Function in Children Aged 1-13 Years with Beta-Thalassemia Major
Objective: Hypothyroidism usually appears in the second decade of
life and is thought to be associated with iron overload in patients
with thalassemia major. This study aimed to evaluate thyroid
dysfunctions in patients with beta-thalassemia major and to see if they
appear in the earlier period of life. Methods: Thyroid function and
iron load status were evaluated in 90 children with a mean age of
7.17±3.78 years with beta-thalassemia major by measuring serum
free thyroxin (FT4), serum free triiodothyronine (FT3), total thyroxin
(T3), serum total triiodothyronine (T4), thyroid-stimulating hormone
(TSH) and ferritin levels from serum of patients admitted to the
Pediatric Department, Faculty of Medicine University of Dicle between
March 2005 and July 2009. A control group formed from an age-sex
matched healthy children with a mean age of 6.98±3.66 years was
also included. A standard thyrotropin releasing hormone test was
applied to 3 patients who had high TSH levels and were classified as
subclinical primer hypothyroidism. The study was designed according to
the Declaration of Helsinki and informed consent was obtained from the
parents of all participants. Findings: All thyroid parameters in
patients were in the normal ranges compared with the controls except
three of them which had high TSH levels. Serum ferritin level
(2703±1649 ng/mL) in patients was significantly higher than in
controls (81.5±15.5 ng/mL). Conclusion: The work implies that
hypothyroidism could be even seen in the first decade of life in
patients with beta-thalassemia major in spite of improved hematological
Alt solunum yolu infeksiyonu olan çocukların nazotrakeal aspirat örneklerinde solunum sinsityal virüsün izolasyonu’
Tämän tutkielman tarkoitus on selvittää, miten väitettä ”eläinten syöminen on moraalisesti sallittua” on oikeutettu arkisessa ja filosofisessa kontekstissa, sekä arvioida näitä oikeutuksia kriittisesti.
Määritelmäni mukaan eettinen kanta on oikeutettu, jos se argumentoi jonkin normatiivisen väitteen puolesta ja pystyy esittämään väitteen tueksi riittävän hyvät perustelut. Tutkielman teoreettinen viitekehys rakentuu kolmen eettisen käsitteen varaan, jotka ovat moraalinen normatiivisuus, toimijuus ja merkityksellisyys. Moraalinen normatiivisuus määrittelee, millaisia toimintaa, ajattelua ja valintoja ohjaavia vaatimuksia moraaliin kuuluu, moraalinen toimijuus millaisten olentojen tulee noudattaa näitä vaatimuksia ja moraalinen merkityksellisuus mitä olentoja vaatimukset koskevat ja suojelevat. Näistä viimeinen on tutkielmani avainkäsitteitä, sillä monet lihansyönnin oikeuttavat argumentit perustuvat eläinten moraalisen merkityksellisyyden puutteeseen.
Tutkin aineistoani teoksessa Argumentti ja kritiikki selostetulla menetelmällä, jonka avulla voin: Esittää eri kantojen asiasisällön yksinkertaisen ja kokonaisen argumentin muodossa, tunnistaa ja nimetä argumentin rakenneosat sekä moraalisen argumentaation eri elementit ja arvioida argumentteja julkilausutuilla kriteereillä. Nämä kriteerit ovat (1) perustelujen ja taustaoletusten hyväksyttävyys, (2) perustelujen relevanssi väitteelle, (3) perustelujen ja väitteen välisen linkin vahvuus ja (4) suoja hyväksyttäviä vasta-argumentteja vastaan. Näiden lisäksi arviointiin vaikuttaa sortuvatko oikeutukset argumentaatiovirheisiin, kuten virhepäätelmiin tai käsitteelliseen epätarkkuuteen.
Tutkielman analyysiluvut käsittelevät eläinten syömisen oikeutuksia eri konteksteissa: luku 4 käsittelee arkista ja luku 5 filosofista kontekstia. Käsittelemäni aineiston mukaan arkisessa kontekstissa vedotaan pääsääntöisesti neljään pääkategoriaan – luonnollisuus, välttämättömyys, normaali ja nautinto – kuuluviin perusteluihin. Filosofisessa kontekstissa käsittelemäni argumentit vetoavat eläinten moraalisen merkityksellisyyden puutteeseen, ihmisten erityiseen moraaliseen asemaan ja ihmisten taipumukseen suosia omaa lajiaan.
Kriittisesti arvioituna arkisen kontekstin argumentit eivät tarjoa riittävää oikeutusta eläinten syömiselle. Filosofisessa kontekstissa esitetyt argumentit ovat vahvempia, mutta niihin liittyy monia kiistanalaisia ja vaikeasti todennettavia oletuksia