571 research outputs found

    Role of Russia in peaceful settlement of the conflict of North and South Korea: event analysis

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    This study analyzes the conflict between North Korea and South Korea. The Russian Federation has played an important role in the peaceful settlement of this conflict, which has an impact on the formation of the appearance of Russia in the international arena. The theoretical basis of the study was the theory of images, communication and international conflicts. Using the eventanalysis method, an event-based picture of the conflict was built, comparative assessments were made, conflicting parties, indirect participants and intermediaries were identified. An analysis of the current situation is given, groups of interests and the role of Russia in the peaceful settlement of this conflict are identified.Este estudio analiza el conflicto entre Corea del Norte y Corea del Sur. La Federación de Rusia ha desempeñado un papel importante en la solución pacífica de este conflicto, que tiene un impacto en la formación de la aparición de Rusia en la arena internacional. La base teórica del estudio fue la teoría de las imágenes, la comunicación y los conflictos internacionales. Utilizando el método de análisis de eventos, se construyó una imagen del conflicto basada en eventos, se realizaron evaluaciones comparativas, se identificaron las partes en conflicto, los participantes indirectos y los intermediarios. Se presenta un análisis de la situación actual, se identifican los grupos de intereses y el papel de Rusia en la solución pacífica de este conflicto.Este estudo analisa o conflito entre a Coréia do Norte e a Coréia do Sul. A Federação Russa tem desempenhado um papel importante na solução pacífica deste conflito, que tem um impacto sobre a formação da aparição da Rússia na arena internacional. A base teórica do estudo foi a teoria das imagens, comunicação e conflitos internacionais. Usando o método de análise de eventos, uma imagem baseada em eventos do conflito foi construída, avaliações comparativas foram feitas, partes conflitantes, participantes indiretos e intermediários foram identificados. Uma análise da situação atual é dada, grupos de interesses e o papel da Rússia na solução pacífica deste conflito são identificados

    Analytically solvable model of a driven system with quenched dichotomous disorder

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    We perform a time-dependent study of the driven dynamics of overdamped particles which are placed in a one-dimensional, piecewise linear random potential. This set-up of spatially quenched disorder then exerts a dichotomous varying random force on the particles. We derive the path integral representation of the resulting probability density function for the position of the particles and transform this quantity of interest into the form of a Fourier integral. In doing so, the evolution of the probability density can be investigated analytically for finite times. It is demonstrated that the probability density contains both a δ\delta-singular contribution and a regular part. While the former part plays a dominant role at short times, the latter rules the behavior at large evolution times. The slow approach of the probability density to a limiting Gaussian form as time tends to infinity is elucidated in detail.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Arrival time distribution for a driven system containing quenched dichotomous disorder

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    We study the arrival time distribution of overdamped particles driven by a constant force in a piecewise linear random potential which generates the dichotomous random force. Our approach is based on the path integral representation of the probability density of the arrival time. We explicitly calculate the path integral for a special case of dichotomous disorder and use the corresponding characteristic function to derive prominent properties of the arrival time probability density. Specifically, we establish the scaling properties of the central moments, analyze the behavior of the probability density for short, long, and intermediate distances. In order to quantify the deviation of the arrival time distribution from a Gaussian shape, we evaluate the skewness and the kurtosis.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Innovations and support for quality in agriculture : a case study

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    The aim of the article is to investigate the economic and legal aspects of integrating innovations in agriculture and supporting the quality of agricultural products in the context of modern Russia. Throughout the process of research, the authors analyzed the directions of agricultural sector development, mechanisms of quality and safety support, as well as customer rights protection. As a result the authors have agreed on, the need to integrate cluster models in the agricultural sector, notably in the bee-keeping, seed production (including financing of this activity), as well as legislative stimulus to shift towards «green» biotechnology in the domestic agriculture. Based on the research conducted, the authors have proposed mechanisms to improve the current Russian legislation in the spheres of innovation development and support for quality and safety of agricultural production.peer-reviewe

    New approaches to modernization of spatial and sectorial development of Russian and Greek regional economy

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    The purpose of the article is to develop new highly-effective organizational and managerial approaches to conduct of modernization of spatial and sectorial development of regional economy of Russia and Greece. During conduct of the research, the authors use such scientific methods as systemic structural and comparative analysis. The authors determine the level of differentiation of the level and structure of economic development of regions of Russia and Greece in 2012 through consideration of indicators of GRP per capita of regions and GDP, as well as gross added value for regions and sectors of production. During the research, the authors come to the conclusion that modern Russia and Greece are peculiar for presence of serious disproportions in the level of economic development of regions, which is a reason for unbalanced development of economic systems of these countries, slowdown of rates of national economic growth, and crisis. This situation is caused by orientation at the use of geographical approach. As alternative, the authors offer three new approaches to modernization of spatial and sectorial development of regional economy of Russia and Greece: cluster, client-oriented, and anti-crisis and substantiate expediency of transition to their application. These approaches allow overcoming the aforementioned drawbacks and ensure well-balanced development of regional economy in the long-term, as well as its high sustainability and quick overcoming of economic crises. For provision of high effectiveness of the process of selecting the optimal approach to modernization of spatial and sectorial development of regional economy by territorial authorities, it is offered to use the corresponding proprietary algorithm of modernization of spatial and sectorial development of regional economy.peer-reviewe

    Psychological Well-Being of People Who Have Experienced a Difficult Life Situation: Affective and Cognitive Aspects

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    Анализируются отношения между когнитивно-аффективной сферой и уровнем психологического благополучия людей, переживших трудные жизненные ситуации. Рассмотрены основные виды трудных жизненных ситуаций и частота их встречаемости в исследуемой выборке. Исследованы выраженность метакогнитивных убеждений в отношении стресса и интенсивность переживаемых эмоций. Проанализирована связь этих характеристик с уровнем психологического благополучия и его компонентами.The authors analyze the relationship between the cognitive-affective sphere and the level of psychological well-being of people who have experienced difficult life situations. The main types of difficult life situations and the frequency of their occurrence in the studied sample are described. The metacognitive beliefs about stress and the intensity of experienced emotions were investigated. Correlations are established between these characteristics and the level of psychological well-being and its components.Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке РНФ (проект № 21‑78‑00116)

    Efficiency of carotine-chlorophyllic complexes use in a-hypovitaminosis of poultry

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    The principal purpose of this study was to investigate the possibility of using chloroprenol as a vitamin supplement in diets of broiler chickens for the prevention of A-vitamin deficiencies and improve the commercial quality of poultry products. In accordance with desired goal we have estimated the clinical-biochemical status of the broiler chickens under production-line conditions, defined the optimal dosages of chloroprenol for the broiler chicken, determined the effect of the drug on the morphological and biochemical parameters of blood, studied their effect on the natural resistance parameters of the body, accumulation of biological active substances in the liver, viability and productivit

    The arions generation by magnetodipole waves of pulsars and magnetars in a constant magnetic field

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    The influence of the gravitational fields of pulsars and magnetars on the arion emission during the propagation of magnetodipole waves in a constant magnetic field has been evaluated. The solution of the equation was obtained and the flux of arions emitted by magnetodipole waves during their propagation in a constant magnetic field was found. It is shown that the amplitude of the born arion wave at a distance from the source of magnetodipole radiation of a pulsar or magnetar (r)(r\to\infty) in the considered case tends to a constant value. The intensity of the arion emission in the solid angle element and the amount of arion energy I\overline{I}, emitted in all directions per unit time grow quadratically with increasing distance, traveled by the magnetodipole radiation of a pulsar or magnetar in a constant magnetic field. Such growth of the energy of the born arion wave is due to the fact that in the considered problem constant magnetic field is defined in the whole space. In reality, the galactic and intergalactic magnetic fields can be represented in this form only in regions of space of finite dimensions, outside of which the force lines of their induction vector are curved. Therefore, it is possible to apply these results only in a region of space for which rLcoh<r\leq L_{coh}<\infty, where LcohL_{coh} is the coherence length, the distance at which the force lines of the induction vector can be considered as straight lines. An estimate for the value of the coupling constant of photons with arions is obtained

    Characterizing Complex Polysera Produced by Antigen-Specific Immunization through the Use of Affinity-Selected Mimotopes

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    BACKGROUND: Antigen-based (as opposed to whole organism) vaccines are actively being pursued for numerous indications. Even though different formulations may produce similar levels of total antigen-specific antibody, the composition of the antibody response can be quite distinct resulting in different levels of therapeutic activity. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Using plasmid-based immunization against the proto-oncogene HER-2 as a model, we have demonstrated that affinity-selected epitope mimetics (mimotopes) can provide a defined signature of a polyclonal antibody response. Further, using novel computer algorithms that we have developed, these mimotopes can be used to predict epitope targets. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: By combining our novel strategy with existing methods of epitope prediction based on physical properties of an individual protein, we believe that this method offers a robust method for characterizing the breadth of epitope-specificity within a specific polyserum. This strategy is useful as a tool for monitoring immunity following vaccination and can also be used to define relevant epitopes for the creation of novel vaccines