14 research outputs found

    The bimodality of the East Siberian fast ice extent: mechanisms and changes

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    Using operational sea-ice maps, we provide first insight into the seasonal evolution of fast ice in the East Siberian Sea for the period between 1999 and 2021. The fast ice season tends to start later by 4.7 d per decade and to end earlier by 9.7 d per decade. As a result, there is a trend towards a shorter length of fast ice season by 2 weeks per decade. The analysis of air temperatures indicates that onset and end of the fast ice season are largely driven by thermodynamic processes. Two spatial modes (large, L-mode and small, S-mode) of East Siberian fast ice cover which have significant areal differences were distinguished. The occurrence of L- and S-modes was linked to the polarity of the Arctic Oscillation (AO) index. Negative AO phase leads to increased sea-ice convergence in the region, which in turn favours sea-ice grounding and promotes the development of large fast ice extent (L-mode). Lower deformation rates in the region during positive AO phase does not allow the formation of grounded features which results in small fast ice extent (S-mode). An analysis of sea-ice divergence confirms that L-mode seasons are characterised by higher on-shore convergence compared with S-mode seasons

    The seasonal cycle and break-up of landfast sea ice along the northwest coast of Kotelny Island, East Siberian Sea

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    Arctic landfast sea ice (LFSI) represents an important quasi-stationary coastal zone. Its evolution is determined by the regional climate and bathymetry. This study investigated the seasonal cycle and interannual variations of LFSI along the northwest coast of Kotelny Island. Initial freezing, rapid ice formation, stable and decay stages were identified in the seasonal cycle based on application of the visual inspection approach (VIA) to MODIS/Envisat imagery and results from a thermodynamic snow/ice model. The modeled annual maximum ice thickness in 1995-2014 was 2.02 +/- 0.12 m showing a trend of -0.13 m decade(-1). Shortened ice season length (-22 d decade(-1)) from model results associated with substantial spring (2.3 degrees C decade(-1)) and fall (1.9 degrees C decade(-1)) warming. LFSI break-up resulted from combined fracturing and melting, and the local spatiotemporal patterns of break-up were associated with the irregular bathymetry. Melting dominated the LFSI break-up in the nearshore sheltered area, and the ice thickness decreased to an average of 0.50 m before the LFSI disappeared. For the LFSI adjacent to drift ice, fracturing was the dominant process and the average ice thickness was 1.56 m at the occurrence of the fracturing. The LFSI stages detected by VIA were supported by the model results.Peer reviewe

    Model simulations of the annual cycle of the landfast ice thickness in the East Siberian Sea

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    The annual cycle of the thickness and temperature of landfast sea ice in the East Siberian Sea has been examined using a one-dimensional thermodynamic model. The model was calibrated for the year August 2012–July 2013, forced using the data of the Russian weather station Kotel’ny Island and ECMWF reanalyses. Thermal growth and decay of ice were reproduced well, and the maximum annual ice thickness and breakup day became 1.64 m and the end of July. Oceanic heat flux was 2 W.m–2 in winter and raised to 25 W.m–2 in summer, albedo was 0.3–0.8 depending on the surface type (snow/ice and wet/dry). The model outcome showed sensitivity to the albedo, air temperature and oceanic heat flux. The modelled snow cover was less than 10 cm having a small influence on the ice thickness. In situ sea ice thickness in the East Siberian Sea is rarely available in publications. This study provides a method for quantitative ice thickness estimation by modelling. The result can be used as a proxy to understand the sea ice conditions on the Eurasian Arctic coast, which is important for shipping and high-resolution Arctic climate modelling

    Commercial Arctic shipping through the Northeast Passage:routes, resources, governance, technology, and infrastructure

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    The Russian and Norwegian Arctic are gaining notoriety as an alternative maritime route connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and as sources of natural resources. The renewed interest in the Northeast Passage or the Northern Sea Route is fueled by a recession of Arctic sea ice coupled with the discovery of new natural resources at a time when emerging and global markets are in growing demand for them. Driven by the expectation of potential future economic importance of the region, political interest and governance has been rapidly developing, mostly within the Arctic Council. However, this paper argues that optimism regarding the potential of Arctic routes as an alternative to the Suez Canal is overstated. The route involves many challenges: jurisdictional disputes create political uncertainties; shallow waters limit ship size; lack of modern deepwater ports and search and rescue (SAR) capabilities requires ships to have higher standards of autonomy and safety; harsh weather conditions and free-floating ice make navigation more difficult and schedules more variable; and more expensive ship construction and operation costs lessen the economic viability of the route. Technological advances and infrastructure investments may ameliorate navigational challenges, enabling increased shipping of natural resources from the Arctic to global markets.Albert Buixadé Farré, Scott R. Stephenson, Linling Chen, Michael Czub, Ying Dai, Denis Demchev, Yaroslav Efimov, Piotr Graczyk, Henrik Grythe, Kathrin Keil, Niku Kivekäs, Naresh Kumar, Nengye Liu, Igor Matelenok, Mari Myksvoll, Derek O'Leary, Julia Olsen, Sachin Pavithran.A.P., Edward Petersen, Andreas Raspotnik, Ivan Ryzhov, Jan Solski, Lingling Suo, Caroline Troein, Vilena Valeeva, Jaap van Rijckevorsel and Jonathan Wightin

    An Application of Sea Ice Tracking Algorithm for Fast Ice and Stamukhas Detection in the Arctic

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    For regional environmental studies it is important to know the location of the fast ice edge which affects the coastal processes in the Arctic. The aim of this study is to develop a new automated method for fast ice delineation from SAR imagery. The method is based on a fine resolution hybrid sea ice tracking algorithm utilizing advantages of feature tracking and cross-correlation approaches. The developed method consists of three main steps: drift field retrieval at sub-kilometer scale, selection of motionless features and edge delineation. The method was tested on a time series of C-band co-polarized (HH) ENVISAT ASAR and Sentinel-1 imagery in the Laptev and East Siberian Seas. The comparison of the retrieved edges with the operational ice charts produced by the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (Russia) showed a good agreement between the data sets with a mean distance between the edges of <15 km. Thanks to the high density of the ice drift product, the method allows for detailed fast ice edge delineation. In addition, large stamukhas with horizontal size of tens of kilometers can be detected. The proposed method can be applied for regional fast ice mapping and large stamukhas detection to aid coastal research. Additionally, the method can serve as a tool for operational sea ice mapping

    SAR image texture entropy analysis for applicability assessment of area-based and feature-based AEA ice tracking approaches

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    Precision tracking of sea ice is crucial for understanding ice dynamics and practical use in navigation through the deformation characteristics. Imaging remote sensing systems, particularly Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), make possible monitoring of sea ice under almost any weather conditions and independent of the illumination conditions. Two main family of approaches have been widely used so far – area-based and feature-based. We evaluate their performance using texture properties of sea ice images which are physically related to the radar signal backscattering within a SAR resolution cell. Here we use the local entropy as indicator determined by gray-level-co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) method describing how often different compositions of pixel brightness values occur in an image. A total of 120 satellite SAR sea ice images acquired over different Arctic seas from Sentinel-1 were processed and analysed. Based on the analysis, assessment criteria for choosing sea ice tracking algorithm is proposed

    Alignment of L-and C-Band SAR Images for Enhanced Observations of Sea Ice

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    This paper discusses the alignment of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) image pairs with one image acquired at L-and the other at C-band. For our study we used data from ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 and Sentinel-1 taken over sea ice in the Fram Strait. The use of multifrequency SAR data is beneficial for sea ice characterization and classification because it combines the advantages of the frequency dependence of signal penetration depths and backscattering characteristics due to small-scale ice properties. For drifting sea ice, however, an immediate combination of image pairs acquired with a time gap is usually not possible. Such cases require to consider the effects of ice drift. In this study we investigate the possibility to compensate for sea ice drift for separation in acquisition time ranging from a few hours to several days. The first results are promising and suggest that alignment of SAR image pairs obtained at different frequencies is possible even for larger time gaps between acquisitions if drift and deformation can be estimated reliably

    Evaluating Landfast Sea Ice Ridging near UtqiagVik Alaska Using TanDEM-X Interferometry

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    Seasonal landfast sea ice stretches along most Arctic coastlines and serves as a platform for community travel and subsistence, industry operations, and as a habitat for marine mammals. Landfast ice can feature smooth ice and areas of m-scale roughness in the form of pressure ridges. Such ridges can significantly hamper trafficability, but if grounded can also serve to stabilize the shoreward ice. We investigate the use of synthetic aperture radar interferometry (InSAR) to assess the formation and movement of ridges in the landfast sea ice near Utqiagvik, Alaska. The evaluation is based on the InSAR-derived surface elevation change between two TanDEM-X bistatic image pairs acquired during January 2012. We compare the results with backscatter intensity, coastal radar data, and SAR-derived ice drift and evaluate the utility of this approach and its relevance for evaluation of ridge properties, as well as landfast sea ice evolution, dynamics, and stability.Peer reviewe