8 research outputs found

    Fatores Correlacionados à Gestação de Risco e Parto Prematuro em Adolescentes

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    O presente artigo relata pesquisa sobre os fatores relacionados à gestação de risco e parto prematuro em adolescentes. Foram analisados os dados trazidos por oito gestantes de alto-risco, obtidos através de entrevista semidirigida, Inventário de Depressão de Beck (BDI) e Inventário de Sintomas de Stress para Adultos de Lipp (ISSL). Dentre os resultados, o BDI revelou que 62,5% das pacientes encontravam-se com sintomas mínimos de depressão e 37,5% leve. Os achados apontam uma prevalência de 100% de sintomas de depressão em graus mínimo e leve. No Inventário de Stress, 12,5% da amostra encontra-se na fase de Alerta; 62,5% de Resistência; 25% de Quase Exaustão. As evidências apontam para a prevalência de stress na fase de Resistência, que quando não tratado pode levar a um estado de Quase Exaustão, etapa mais avançada do stress que pode causar maior debilidade orgânica e psíquica na gestante. Concluí-se que o stress durante a gestação de alto risco é um dos fatores que incidem no parto prematuro, uma vez que a angústia presente nesse período é responsável por alterações psicossomáticas que afetam a saúde do indivíduo

    Psicossomática na Infância: uma abordagem psicodinâmica

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    As crianças que chegam para atendimento nas clínicas de psicoterapia atualmente são crianças com psicopatologias mais graves do que no passado e uma das patologias encontradas é a psicossomática, que é uma ausência de simbolização psíquica da conflitiva que aparece em forma de sintoma no corpo. Desta forma, o presente artigo é uma pesquisa bibliográfica constituída por um referencial psicanalítico. Sendo assim, pretende-se discorrer sobre o estudo da psicossomática, abordando especificadamente os sintomas que envolvem o comprometimento da pele de crianças na segunda infância, bem como refletir sobre estratégias de prevenção e intervenção e tratamento em crianças que apresentam tal sofrimento. Palavras-chave: Infância; Psicossomática; Pele; Psicanálise


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    O Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção/Hiperatividade (TDAH) tem grande importância nos dias atuais, em decorrência do grande número de casos diagnosticados e medicados. Do mesmo modo, isso apresenta-se nas escolas com o agravante da socialização, que, muitas vezes, não atende às expectativas dessa fase do desenvolvimento. Neste momento, a socialização passa do núcleo familiar para um ambiente mais amplo – o escolar, com professores e colegas. O presente artigo tem por objetivo compreender o conhecimento que a escola tem sobre o TDAH, evidenciando qual o seu papel frente ao transtorno, bem como abordar de modo consistente a necessidade de distinguir o normal do patológico. O levantamento de dados referentes aos objetivos corrobora com a metodologia descritiva que se deu através da pesquisa bibliográfica. O estudo mostrou a importância de os professores estarem capacitados para enfrentar a subjetividade, visando considerar emoções, sentimentos e comportamentos inerentes a cada indivíduo e também acentuar a relevância dos consultores inseridos no âmbito escolar

    Childhood and Death: a Study on Children’s Perception of the End of Life

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    This article discusses children’s perception of death, stressing the responsibility of parents and school to address the issue. It is a qualitative exploratory research carried out in a private school in the inner State of Rio Grande do Sul. Girls and boys aged nine to ten years old participated in the research. Data was collected using the projective Fairy Tales Test, mainly the F4A slide that refers to the theme of death, and also a drawing showing what it represented to each participant. The most relevant results, interpreted in the light of psychoanalytical theory, were divided into four categories: ways of dying (diseases and violence); death associated to older people; concepts of irreversibility, non-functionality, and universality; and personal experience. Therefore, it was found that the experience of loss is a remarkable fact in children’s lives. The drawings showed the theme of death associated to sorrowful situations, such as images of burials, funerals, and coffins, indicating that these children understand it as finite, universal, and irreversible. As interventional proposal it is suggested that schools adopt solid strategies to address this issue, therefore providing time and trained professionals (psychologists and educational psychologists)

    Psicossomática na Infância: uma abordagem psicodinâmica

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    As crianças que chegam para atendimento nas clínicas de psicoterapia atualmente são crianças com psicopatologias mais graves do que no passado e uma das patologias encontradas é a psicossomática, que é uma ausência de simbolização psíquica da conflitiva que aparece em forma de sintoma no corpo. Desta forma, o presente artigo é uma pesquisa bibliográfica constituída por um referencial psicanalítico. Sendo assim, pretende-se discorrer sobre o estudo da psicossomática, abordando especificadamente os sintomas que envolvem o comprometimento da pele de crianças na segunda infância, bem como refletir sobre estratégias de prevenção e intervenção e tratamento em crianças que apresentam tal sofrimento.Palavras-chave: Infância; Psicossomática; Pele; Psicanálise

    Childhood and Death: a Study on Children’s Perception of the End of Life

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    This article discusses children’s perception of death, stressing the responsibility of parents and school to address the issue. It is a qualitative exploratory research carried out in a private school in the inner State of Rio Grande do Sul. Girls and boys aged nine to ten years old participated in the research. Data was collected using the projective Fairy Tales Test, mainly the F4A slide that refers to the theme of death, and also a drawing showing what it represented to each participant. The most relevant results, interpreted in the light of psychoanalytical theory, were divided into four categories: ways of dying (diseases and violence); death associated to older people; concepts of irreversibility, non-functionality, and universality; and personal experience. Therefore, it was found that the experience of loss is a remarkable fact in children’s lives. The drawings showed the theme of death associated to sorrowful situations, such as images of burials, funerals, and coffins, indicating that these children understand it as finite, universal, and irreversible. As interventional proposal it is suggested that schools adopt solid strategies to address this issue, therefore providing time and trained professionals (psychologists and educational psychologists)

    Deprivation of Affection and its Consequences: Psychodynamic Analysis from the Movie “We Need to Talk About Kevin”

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     e way parents interact with their children in uence in the psychic constitution of these and con- sequently focus on how the individual relates with themselves and others. To be a relevant issue for professionals, who work with psychoanalysis, needs to be deepened. e aim of this study is to deepen the movie “We need to talk about Kevin”, focusing on the character Kevin and his childhood, from a psychodynamic understanding. It`s a qualitative research with a case study design. It tells the story of Eva and Franklin that are waiting for a son, Kevin, but he was unplanned. He was a rejected child since the pregnancy, deprived of a ection for the mother and received no limits of his father. In this way, during his childhood he grows into a troubled, hostile and confrontational atmosphere that intensi es since the birth of his sister, Celia. It was observed that Eva was not able to be a ‘good-enough mother’ and Franklin denied the di culty that had to relate to the child, not by imposing limits. us, it`s nec- essary an early psychoanalytic intervention parent-infant at the beginning of his life, where the couple can learn to deal with their di culties and develop a healthy relationship.

    Deprivation of Affection and its Consequences: Psychodynamic Analysis from the Movie “We Need to Talk About Kevin”

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    e way parents interact with their children in uence in the psychic constitution of these and con- sequently focus on how the individual relates with themselves and others. To be a relevant issue for professionals, who work with psychoanalysis, needs to be deepened. e aim of this study is to deepen the movie “We need to talk about Kevin”, focusing on the character Kevin and his childhood, from a psychodynamic understanding. It`s a qualitative research with a case study design. It tells the story of Eva and Franklin that are waiting for a son, Kevin, but he was unplanned. He was a rejected child since the pregnancy, deprived of a ection for the mother and received no limits of his father. In this way, during his childhood he grows into a troubled, hostile and confrontational atmosphere that intensi es since the birth of his sister, Celia. It was observed that Eva was not able to be a ‘good-enough mother’ and Franklin denied the di culty that had to relate to the child, not by imposing limits. us, it`s nec- essary an early psychoanalytic intervention parent-infant at the beginning of his life, where the couple can learn to deal with their di culties and develop a healthy relationship