157 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Disiplin Kerja Dan Prestasi Kerja Karyawan Bagian Produksi Di Ud Karya Jati Peterongan Jombang

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    This study aims to determine the effect of motivation and employees’ diciplines on work performance in UD Karya Jati Peterongan Jombang. The sample in this reserach was 60 employees in production, methods of sampling using purposive sampling. The data processing for this study using structural equation models (SEM) techniques and web-based software GesCa (General Structured Component Analysis). The conclusions from this research are : (1) The employee motivation positive and significant effect on employees’ diciplines, (2) employees’ diciplines  positive and significant effect on work performance (3) motivation has no effect on job performanc

    Rancang Bangun Alat Deteksi Kehadiran Orang

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    Currently criminality condition has been greatly improved. This is due to lack of employment and the high prices of daily necessities that impact on increasing crime rate. Crime is not just happening on the streets, but also in housing. Many homes are visited by people who are not responsible, who then takes the valuables. This situation requires us to be more careful so as reduce the level of crime that occurs in housing projects. The solution is that we can create a tool that can detect the presence of people who do not want. How the tool works based microcontroller are as follows: 1) If there is a presence of people, then the sensor the presence of people going to work, 2) the sensor will send writing (text) to mobile phones via Bluetooth, 3) the sensor will also enable the system alarms. Keywords: Microkontroller, Sensor, Presenc

    Differences Of Cube Mapping and Dynamic Cube Mapping

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    Growth of animation’s 3D caused by progressing in computer graph especially technic in environment mapping. This way is very useful in creating an animation becoming real. This technic generally is implementation using application OpenGl. In Environment Mapping has divided into 3 parts which are Paraboloid Mapping, Sphere Mapping, and Cube Mapping. From all this technic which is very interested the progress by scientist is Cube Mapping. Because of that, this paper will present the differences between Cube Mapping and Dynamic Cube. In this paper will focus on the explanation about the beginning of Cube Mapping including the development which is done by Cube Mapping up to have characteristic and it is dynamic which is well known as Dynamic Cube Mapping. Beside that, there will be explanation about superiority Cube Mapping and Dynamic Cube Mapping, differences between Cube Mapping and Dynamic Cube Mapping, and the development of Cube Mapping becoming Dynamic Cube Mapping which is generally using application from OpenGl and conclusion from Cube Mapping and Dynamic Cube Mapping. With this paper, hope for we know about ways of environment mapping especially Dynamic Cube Mapping and then we can implement this ways into all of objects to create the high art’s creation

    Inventarisation and Identification of Fish in the Tangun River, Pekanbaru, Riau Province

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    Tangun River is one of the Kampar Kanan River tributaries. During the rainy season, however, the water level of the Kampar River increase, flow to the Tangun River and enable fish to enter that river. As the information of fish present in that fish is rare, a study aims to inventarize and identify fish that inhabit that river was conducted in Februari-April 2016. Samplings were conducted weekly and the captured fishes were then identified based on Kottelat et al (1993) dan (2013). There were 707 fish sampled and they were belonged to 17 species (6 Ordos, 13 Families). The common fish in the river were Esomus metallicus, Pterygoplichthys pardalis, Poecilia reticula, and Trichogaster trichopterus, while the rare fishes were Trichopsis vittata, Ompok hypophthalmus and Helostoma temminckii

    Behavior of Ompok Hypophthalmus Reared Under Different Photoperiod

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    Fish behavior is affected by environmental condition, including photoperiod. Tounderstand the effects of different photoperiod toward O. hypophthalmus behavior, astudy has been conducted in Oktober 2015. The fish was reared in fiber tanks size100cm X 50cm dan height 40cm with water circulation system. The tanks were placedunder plastic tents that were completed with light bulb and timer to adjust the time.There were 5 treatments applied, namely Control (natural photoperiod), 24 hours dark(24D), 16 dark and 8 hours light (16D8L), 8 dark and 16 hours light (8D16L) and 24hours light (24L). Fish behavior was monitored hourly for a 72 hours periodcontinuously. Swimming and schooling activities, fish position and respons to light andfood were noted. Results shown that the photoperiod clearly affects the behavior offish. During the dark, fish tend to be in the surface, swimming actively, do not form agroup, sensitive to light and very agresive to take food provided. In contrast, during thelight period, fish less active, tend to form a group in the bottom of the tank, lesssensitive to light and less aggresive in taking food. Based on data obtained, it can beconcluded that photoperiod is affect the behavior of fish in general

    Kemampuan Ikan Sepat Siam (Trichogaster Pectoralis) Dalam Mengendalikan Populasi Kiapu (Pistia Stratiotes)

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    Trichogaster pectoralis is a root grazer fish and it may be used to control the population of aquatic weeds such as Pistia stratiotes. To understand the ability of the fish in controlling the weed, a laboratory scaled research has been conducted from May-June 2016. There were 5 treatments applied, namely ±25 (Bm25), ±50 (Bm50), ±75 grams fish (Bm75) that were reared in 16 liter tank completed with ±50 grams P. stratiotes. As controls, ±50 grams weed was reared in tank without any fish (Kk50) and ±50 grams fish (Ki50) was reared in tank without weed. Results shown that T. pectoralis was able to control P. stratiotes population. Each treatment speed up the decrement of P. stratiotes population, but the best result was shown by Bm75. In this treatment, the population of P. stratiotes reduced into 2.7 grams by the 28th day
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