147 research outputs found

    Estimasi Signal to Interference Ratio Dan Daerah Cakupan Untuk Single Frequency Network Pada Siaran TV Digital (DVB-T)

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    Digital TV broadcasting one frequency canal can carry on more than 10 TV station broadcast. In this paper describe how SFN(Single Frequency Network) system work with spread receiver node where determine power level that received node toward a few transmitter. The method that applied power level receiver be compared to incoming interference in receiver called S/I ratio (Signal to Interference Ratio). This estimate method also determine by some standard ETSI DVB-T comparation factor to reach QEF(Quasi Error Free) condition, comparator for transmitter signal good or bad. Determination of the maximum distance between transmitter 8.4 km derived from the specification of DVB-T 8K mode with guard interval 1/32. The results obtained in the test area of 20 Km x 20 Km at QEF 22.8dB covered 39%, QEF factor 19.3dB covered 53% and QEF 16.7 dB covered 82%. SFN design method the range of recipients who reach QEF area increased.Keywords: Digital TV, SFN, QEF, Interference, S/I Ratio Pada siaran TV Digital 1 kanal frekuensi dapat membawa lebih dari 10 siaran stasiun TV. Paper ini membahas bagaimana sistem SFN (Single Frequency Network) bekerja menyebarkan titik penerima menentukan level daya yang diterima satu penerima terhadap beberapa pemancar. Metode yang diterapkan estimasi S/I ratio (Signal to Interference Ratio) yaitu level daya Signal suatu penerima dibandingkan dengan Interference yang masuk pada penerima. Metode estimasi ini ditentukan juga dengan standard DVB-T ETSI yaitu faktor pembanding untuk mencapai kondisi QEF(Quasi Error Free) pembanding untuk sinyal penerima baik atau buruk. Penentuan jarak maksimum antar pemancar 8,4Km didapat dari spesifikasi mode 8K DVB-T dengan guard interval 1/32. Hasil yang didapatkan di area uji 20Km x 20Km pada QEF 22,8dB sebesar 39%, pada QEF 19,3dB tercakup 53% dan QEF 16,7 dB sebesar 82% tercakup. Perancangan dengan metode SFN ini hasil jangkauan area penerima yang mencapai QEF akan meningkat

    Analisis penerapan psak 102 tentang akuntansi murabahah

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    This research is a research entitled Analysis of the Application of PSAK 102 Regarding Murabahah Accounting. This research is motivated by the growing development of financial institutions accompanied by development progress in Indonesia and in line with the increasing public need for financial institution services, especially strong and healthy Islamic financial institutions. The purpose of this is to provide an overview of how the application of PSAK 102 Regarding Murabahah Accounting at PT Bank Brisyariah Tbk in 2019, whether the recognition and measurement, presentation, and effectiveness of murabahah financing transactions have been prepared and presented in accordance with PSAK 102. run murabahah financing. The data used in this study is secondary data, data collection with documentation and literature review and data analysis in this study is descriptive qualitative. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of murabahah financing at PT Bank Brisyariah Tbk in 2019 has been prepared and presented in accordance with PSAK 102 regarding murabahah financing, but PT Bank Brisyariah Tbk in 2019 only runs murabahah by order. There are still obstacles in the application of murabahah financing, namely not knowing many third parties or suppliers in fulfilling the goods that customers want

    Efisiensi Beberapa Substrat Dalam Pengujian Viabilitas Benih Berukuran Besar Dan Kecil (Efficiency of Several Substrates for Seed Viability Testing of Large and Small Seeds)

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    The quality of paper substrate for seed viability testing is determined mainly by the variety and amount of the papers. A study was conducted to find alternative paper and the optimum amount of paper for testing the viability of large and small seed with the rolled paper method. Two experiments were carried out at the Seed Science and Technology Laboratory, Bogor Agricultural University during April-September 2004 and July-December 2007. First experiment: large and small seeds represented by 5 plants (angled loofah, pumpkin, garden pea, bitter gourd, yam bean) and 7 plants (sorghum, cucumber, mungbean, soybean, horenzo, radish and wheat), respectively, were tested on 4 different paper substrates (straw, stencil, CD, and HVS) following the rolled paper method. Second experiment: large seeds of maize and ground nut, and small seeds of rice and mungbean were tested on paper substrates selected from the first experiment, straw, stencil, and CD, with different number of sheet, i.e. 2, 3, 4, and 5 sheets. Each plant seed was considered as an experiment and a randomized block design was applied to all experiments. The result indicated that for the large seeds, stencil and CD papers had equal and high similarity with the reference straw paper substrate, 100% and 80% for germination percentage and dry weight of normal seedlings, respectively. For the small seeds, only stencil paper showed high similarity for germination percentage variable, 86%, with the reference paper, whereas the other paper showed lower similarity, 57% for both CD and HVS papers. The second experiment showed that 2 sheets of straw, stencil or CD papers were enough for testing viability of large and small seeds to obtain germination percentage, but ground nut needs 4 sheets of straw paper. For vigor index variable, efficiency of substrate paper on large and small seeds varied from 2 to 4 sheets

    Risiko Infeksi Cacing Usus pada Anak Sekolah Dasar Berdasarkan Ekosistem yang Berbeda di Kabupaten Tanah Bumbu Tahun 2009

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    Kecacingan umumnya masih menjadi permasalahan bagi negara berkembang terutama di daerah tropis seperti Indonesia karena prevalensinya yang cukup tinggi. Penularan cacing usus sangat erat kaitannya dengan kondisi higiene dan sanitasi lingkungan yang belum baik. Penelitian dengan desain cross sectional bertujuan untuk mendapatkan data kejadian infeksi cacing usus pada anak-anak di daerah perkotaan dan pedesaan di Kabupaten Tanah Bumbu melalui survei kecacingan pada anak usia Sekolah Dasar (SD). Pengumpulan sampel feses secara purposive sampling dilakukan di lima SD, tiga SD di Kecamatan Simpang Empat yang mewakili daerah perkotaan dan dua SD di Kecamatan Sungai Loban yang mewakili daerah pedesaan. Pemeriksaan sampel menggunakan metode pemeriksaan langsung dengan mikroskop untuk mengetahui sampel yang positif mengandung telur cacing. Data persentase infeksi cacing dan ekosistem disajikan dengan tabel 2x2 kemudian menggunakan uji Pearson Chi-Square serta mencantumkan Prevalence Ratio untuk mengetahui besaran risiko suatu pajanan berdasarkan ekosistem. Hasil menunjukkan dari 593 anak terdapat 49 orang yang terinfeksi cacing usus dari spesies Ascaris lumbricoides, dan merupakan kasus terbanyak baik di pedesaan maupun di perkotaan dibanding dengan kasus kecacingan lainnya. Risiko terinfeksi cacing pada anak pedesaan 1,2 kali lebih besar dibandingkan anak diwilayah perkotaan (PR=1,2; CI=0,415-1,340)

    Alergi Dan Kecacingan Pada Anak Sekolah Dasar Negeri Kampung Baru Kecamatan Kusan Hilir Kabupaten Tanah Bumbu, Kalimantan Selatan

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    Allergy and helminthiasis are having a unique relationship and more need to be studied. Helminthiasis canhave' no, positive, or negative relation with allergy. Objective of the study is to identify the relationshipbetween helminthiasis and atopic by determining human total IgE serum and identify historical recall ofallergy in childhood. This is a cross sectional study conducted on March-April 2011. The sample were 3-5grade elementary school children in Sekolah Dasar Negeri Kampung Baru sub district of Kusan Hilirdistrict of Tanah Bumbu, South Kalimantan. Stool and blood serum specimen were collected from thesamples. International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISSAC) questionaires wereinterviewed to their parent. Stools were checked-out through microscope by using Kato technique to foundthe worm eggs the Human total IgE serum was measured by ELISA. Results of the interview were used todetermine allergic status in children. Result showed the percentage of atopic with helminthiasis (30%) lessthan atopic without helminthiasis (48,2%). The study showed that there is a relationship between helminthinfection and allergy. It is recomended to conduct future research with larger sample and using IgE specificto explore more the relationship between helminthiasis and allergy


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    One of the cases handled by the Central Sulawesi Regional Police Investigators was the language crimes case in cyberspace, namely insult and/or defamation cases. In handling defamation cases on social media, such as: Facebook and WhatsApp, the Central Sulawesi Police investigators involved linguists or expert witnesses to reveal the meaning of language through forensic linguistic studies. Forensic linguistics was a linguistics branch which analyzed and researches language used as a tool of evidence in courts and the legal field. The linguistic methods application to legal issues was one of the forensic linguistics functions as an applied science where various linguistic theories could be applied in the linguistic samples analysis on the investigative process. The results study showed that it’s stated in the criminal procedure evidence form (BAP). Furthermore, in determining the articles to be charged by the language crimes perpetrators, the police investigators were guided by Law Number 19 of 2016 amendments to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning ITE (as the old paradigm). Furthermore, a joint decree (SKB) by the Communication and Information Minister, the National Police Chief, and the Attorney General would serve as a guideline for the implementation criteria for the 2021 Electronic Information and Transaction Law (as a new paradigm). The study purpose was to reveal the results of the comparative analysis of linguists who still use the old paradigm with the new paradigm for handling cases of insults and/or defamation through social media at the Central Sulawesi Regional Police. The method used was descriptive qualitative method. The data collection technique used was a documentary study. The four copies form data of the BAP results from the forensic linguistic study would be compared or compared based on the old paradigm and the new paradigm. The BAP four copies which included five cases insult and/or defamation through Facebook as referred to in Article 27 paragraph (3) in conjunction with Article 45 paragraph (3) of the Republic of Indonesia Law no. 16 of 2016 amendments to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning electronic information and transactions, (a) Cases reported to the Central Sulawesi Regional Police based on police report number: LP/129/III/2017/SPKT, dated March 12 2017, (b) Cases reported to Central Sulawesi Regional Police based on police report number: LP/247/IV/2017/SPKT, dated May 08 2017, (c) Cases reported to Central Sulawesi Police based on police report number, LP/478/X/2017/SPKT, 28 October 2017, (d) Cases reported to Central Sulawesi Regional Police based on police report number LP/109/IV/2019/SPKT, 08 April 2019. The study results indicated that there were differences between the old paradigm and the new paradigm in determining legal policies (articles determination) on insult and/or defamation cases handling of five cases which had been handled by Central Sulawesi Regional Police investigators

    Menentukan Pemenang Konvensi Quality Improvement Circle dengan Metode Weighted Product dan Simple Additive Weighting

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    Pengambilan keputusan untuk menentukan pemenang dalam suatu konvensi atau kompetisi merupakan suatu hal yang cukup sulit dilakukan secara konvensional. Kesulitan akan semakin terasa dengan bertambahnya alternatif dan kriteria yang dimasukkan. Sistem Pendukung Keputusan (SPK) merupakan salah satu solusi dalam mengatasi kesulitan tersebut. SPK adalah sekumpulan prosedur berbasis model untuk data pemrosesan dan penilaian guna membantu para manager mengambil keputusan. SPK akan melakukan perhitungan dan menampilkan hasil berupa rekomendasi siapa pemenang dalam konvensi tersebut. Ada 2 metode yang diusulkan dalam penelitian kali ini yaitu Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) dan Weighted Product (WP). Dari metode-metode tersebut akan dilakukan perbandingan metode mana yang lebih baik untuk diterapkan dalam SPK menentukan pemenang konvensi Quality Improvement Circle (QIC) yang dilaksanakan di sebuah Perusahaan. Dalam pengembngan SPK digunakan metode pengembangan sistem atau System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)Waterfall. Metode SAP dan WP dapat digunakan dalam SPK konvensi QIC dan hasil SAW bernilai tetap sedangkan metode WP memiliki nilai akhir yang berubah sesuai banyaknya alternatif
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