25 research outputs found

    The Design of Reference Service System in Cordova-based Hybrid Frameworks

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    With the rise of mobile technology, the library reference service has dramatically changed. Targeting the new requirements, this paper aims to design a new library reference service system in Cordova-based hybrid frameworks, which caters to the web service embedded in two major mobile platforms, iOS and Android, as well as the PC platform. The new system adopts the WebSocket based technology to realize the function of independent online reference, which improves the quality of the normal digital reference service. The newly designed system also applies the ECS cloud server technology, thereby significantly slashing the hardware setup cost, extending the basic reference service, and improving its fitness-for-use and convenience, and optimizing the allocation of local resources

    On the Road with GPT-4V(ision): Early Explorations of Visual-Language Model on Autonomous Driving

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    The pursuit of autonomous driving technology hinges on the sophisticated integration of perception, decision-making, and control systems. Traditional approaches, both data-driven and rule-based, have been hindered by their inability to grasp the nuance of complex driving environments and the intentions of other road users. This has been a significant bottleneck, particularly in the development of common sense reasoning and nuanced scene understanding necessary for safe and reliable autonomous driving. The advent of Visual Language Models (VLM) represents a novel frontier in realizing fully autonomous vehicle driving. This report provides an exhaustive evaluation of the latest state-of-the-art VLM, GPT-4V(ision), and its application in autonomous driving scenarios. We explore the model's abilities to understand and reason about driving scenes, make decisions, and ultimately act in the capacity of a driver. Our comprehensive tests span from basic scene recognition to complex causal reasoning and real-time decision-making under varying conditions. Our findings reveal that GPT-4V demonstrates superior performance in scene understanding and causal reasoning compared to existing autonomous systems. It showcases the potential to handle out-of-distribution scenarios, recognize intentions, and make informed decisions in real driving contexts. However, challenges remain, particularly in direction discernment, traffic light recognition, vision grounding, and spatial reasoning tasks. These limitations underscore the need for further research and development. Project is now available on GitHub for interested parties to access and utilize: \url{https://github.com/PJLab-ADG/GPT4V-AD-Exploration

    Effects of monochromatic lights on the growth performance, carcass characteristics, eyeball development, oxidation resistance, and cecal bacteria of Pekin ducks

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    Objective: Light is a significant component of housing environment in commercial poultry industry. This study was conducted to investigate whether Pekin ducks perform better under monochromatic lights than under white light with respect to their growth performance, carcass quality, eyeball development, oxidation resistance, and cecal bacterial communities. Methods: A total of 320 one-day-old male Pekin ducklings were randomly distributed into five rooms with different light treatments, white, red, yellow, green, and blue light. Each room consisted of 4 replicated pens with 16 ducklings per pen. Results: Blue light significantly decreased fat deposition by decreasing abdominal fat. Long wavelength light, such as red, green, and yellow light, considerably increased the back-to-front eyeball diameter and the red light potentially enlarged the side-to-side eyeball diameter. Besides, the blue light had adverse effects on the oxidation resistance status in terms of increasing the product malonaldehyde of lipid oxidation and decreasing the plasma concentration of total superoxide dismutase. The phyla of Firmicutes had the greatest abundance in the green and blue treatments, while Bacteroidetes in blue treatment was the least. The genus of Faecalibacterium was significantly lower under the red light. Conclusion: The high risk of cecal health status and decreased anti-oxidation activity were observed under blue light. Red, yellow, and green light might increase the risk of oversized eyeball and cecal illness. Therefore, monochromatic lights compared to white light did not show advantages on the performance of housing ducks, it turns out that the white light is the best light condition for grow-out ducks.</p

    The conserved autoimmune-disease risk gene TMEM39A regulates lysosome dynamics

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    TMEM39A encodes an evolutionarily conserved transmembrane protein and carries single-nucleotide polymorphisms associated with increased risk of major human autoimmune diseases, including multiple sclerosis. The exact cellular function of TMEM39A remains not well understood. Here, we report that TMEM-39, the sole Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) ortholog of TMEM39A, regulates lysosome distribution and accumulation. Elimination of tmem-39 leads to lysosome tubularization and reduced lysosome mobility, as well as accumulation of the lysosome-associated membrane protein LMP-1. In mammalian cells, loss of TMEM39A leads to redistribution of lysosomes from the perinuclear region to cell periphery. Mechanistically, TMEM39A interacts with the dynein intermediate light chain DYNC1I2 to maintain proper lysosome distribution. Deficiency of tmem-39 or the DYNC1I2 homolog in C. elegans impairs mTOR signaling and activates the downstream TFEB-like transcription factor HLH-30. We propose evolutionarily conserved roles of TMEM39 family proteins in regulating lysosome distribution and lysosome-associated signaling, dysfunction of which in humans may underlie aspects of autoimmune diseases

    Fast and catalyst-free conversion of protein-rich biomass using plasma electrolysis

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    As a byproduct of daily life and many modern industries, protein-rich waste or biomass is increasingly produced worldwide and emerges as an environmental burden if not properly managed. Here, we demonstrate a sustainable plasma electrolysis (PE) process for high-performance cleaner energy production from protein-rich biomass (PRB). With rapid external electricity delivery to drive electrical discharges directly into liquid, a localized and intensified reacting environment can be created, well suited to waste conversion into higher-value products, thus enabling an electrified biorefinery. Using protein-rich foods (here, pork liver and soy protein) as examples, this study investigates the PE-enabled, catalyst-free conversion of PRB in polyethylene glycol 200 (PEG 200), aiming to understand the conversion process, product compositions and migration and transformation of organic elements and metal ions. Results show that the conversion of the pork liver reaches 95.1% at 10 min, generating a liquid product with a high heating value (HHV) of 26.88 MJ/kg. Highly reactive oxygen species generated during the discharge, such as O and OH radicals, lead to the precipitation of metal ions from the feedstock and the transfer of nitrogen to the gas phase. This study provides a novel and promising Power-to-X process for the valorization of protein-rich feedstock under mild conditions.</p

    Redesign of a novel d-allulose 3-epimerase from Staphylococcus aureus for thermostability and efficient biocatalytic production of d-allulose

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    Abstract Background A novel d-allulose 3-epimerase from Staphylococcus aureus (SaDAE) has been screened as a d-allulose 3-epimerase family enzyme based on its high specificity for d-allulose. It usually converts both d-fructose and d-tagatose to respectively d-allulose and d-sorbose. We targeted potential biocatalysts for the large-scale industrial production of rare sugars. Results SaDAE showed a high activity on d-allulose with an affinity of 41.5 mM and catalytic efficiency of 1.1 s−1 mM−1. Four residues, Glu146, Asp179, Gln205, and Glu240, constitute the catalytic tetrad of SaDAE. Glu146 and Glu240 formed unique interactions with substrates based on the structural model analysis. The redesigned SaDAE_V105A showed an improvement of relative activity toward d-fructose of 68%. The conversion rate of SaDAE_V105A reached 38.9% after 6 h. The triple mutant S191D/M193E/S213C showed higher thermostability than the wild-type enzyme, exhibiting a 50% loss of activity after incubation for 60 min at 74.2 °C compared with 67 °C for the wild type. Conclusions We redesigned SaDAE for thermostability and biocatalytic production of d-allulose. The research will aid the development of industrial biocatalysts for d-allulose